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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
军政[jūn zhèng, ㄐㄩㄣ ㄓㄥˋ,   /  ] army and government #17,694 [Add to Longdo]
军政[jūn zhèng fǔ, ㄐㄩㄣ ㄓㄥˋ ㄈㄨˇ,    /   ] military government #48,628 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The Junta is the second opportunity marriage of the Greek businessmen with the Nazi collaborators and the post-civil war state and parastate.[CN] 军政府是希腊商界人士第二次联姻的机会... 和纳粹和作者和后内战国家和半国营。
She used dental genetics to identify children of parents murdered by the junta in Argentina.[CN] 她用牙齿遗传学 找出孩子 由父母的谋杀 军政府在阿根廷。 Decoding Annie Parker (2013)
...a party that has had Junta supporters, anti-Semites and even politicians that danced to Nazist slogans, as its members.[CN] 一个政党以军政府支持者、反犹主义、 甚至随着纳粹口号跳舞的政客作为它的成员。
North Korea¡¯s military-first philosophy has its own peculiar logic.[CN] 朝鲜先军政治有它自己的逻辑。 North Korea Undercover (2013)
Personnel and military rights...[CN] 军政大权... The Fatal Encounter (2014)
In the beginning of 2013, descendants of the Nazi collaborators people who are missing the Junta and neo-Nazi MPs say farewell to someone they held dear.[CN] 2013年初,纳粹合作者们的后人... 那些想念军政府的新纳粹议员... 向他们所珍视的人说了再见。
A short period of time separates Occupation from the Junta.[CN] 一小段时期区别于军政府的占领。
Assistant Director of Policy and Plans for the Navy[CN] 在五角大楼的海军政策与计划部门 Kill the Messenger (2014)
But the military-first policy has a price.[CN] 但是先军政治是有代价的。 North Korea Undercover (2013)
In 1973, at Saint Demetrius church in Ambelokipoi a young model, Della Runik gets married with one of the most powerful men of the Junta the commander of the National Intelligence Service, Roufogalis.[CN] 1973年,在 Ambelokipoi的圣·德米特里教堂, 一个年轻模特,Della Runik, 和军政府最有权势的人结婚了,
The Junta needs glamour.[CN] 军政府需要魅力。
That is why when there is no progress for the promised but never achieved development of Greece the Junta comes to put things in order and allow the capital to function for a few years.[CN] 这就是为什么,当希腊发展的承诺... 从未有进展的时候.. 军政府谈到把事情整理清楚...


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