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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
满月[mǎn yuè, ㄇㄢˇ ㄩㄝˋ,   / 滿 ] full moon; whole month; baby's one-month old birthday #22,119 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I thought we'd have fun eating under the harvest moon.[CN] 我想我们在满月之下吃饭一定会很开心 Casper (1995)
Falling plum blossoms in the wind the full moon at early night the barley field turning yellow...[CN] 随风飘逝的梅花瓣 傍晚的满月 大片的麦田慢慢变黄... Plum Blossom (2000)
Just a month.[CN] 满月 Nuan (2003)
Werewolves only shed before the first full moon.[CN] 狼人只在第一次满月时变身 Van Helsing (2004)
When there's a full moon, he turns into a werewolf.[CN] 当有一个满月, 他变成狼人。 Bad Moon (1996)
Look up there and tell me what you see.[CN] 看看那然后告诉我你看到些什么 满月 In America (2002)
I promise I'll come to see you every month when the fullmoon day.[CN] 我答应你会在每个月 满月的时候来看你的. A Little Monk (2002)
Her face is bright like the full moon.[CN] 主安拉啊 她的脸就像皎洁的满月 Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... (2001)
And unite them before the full moon end.[CN] 得在满月到来前将它们合二为一 The Hot Chick (2002)
Qinglai, the baby will be one month old tomorrow[CN] 庆来,明天咱娃过满月 The Story of Qiu Ju (1992)
Werewolves are such a nuisance during their first full moon.[CN] 狼人在第一次满月时真是麻烦 Van Helsing (2004)
Full moon...[CN] 满月... ... Manitou's Shoe (2001)
And the story goes that every year under the strongest of the full moons, usually in summer the mermaid becomes human for roughly one night.[CN] 和故事,每年去... 根据... 的最强的 在满月,一般在夏季... Mermaid Chronicles Part 1: She Creature (2001)
No way, we should celebrate full moon ... to greet God, King Neptune.[CN] 没办法,我们应该庆祝一下 满月... 迎接神 国王海王星。 Psycho Beach Party (2000)
And there just so happens to be a full moon out tonight.[CN] 今天碰巧又是满月. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)
I won't be able to buy a birthday present for my kid ![CN] 以后你拿什么请我喝满月酒? Farewell My Concubine (1993)
That's one day short of a lunar month.[CN] 杀死立兹一家人 就在满月的前一天 Red Dragon (2002)
Had to be a full moon.[CN] 今晚会是满月 The Last Patrol (2001)
-My child will come in the full moon.[CN] 满月时孩子便会出世 The Red Violin (1998)
My day![CN] 是我满月那天 Eternity and a Day (1998)
Qiu Ju said I don't care about the others but I want the Chief at the celebration[CN] 秋菊说了,娃的满月酒谁不来都成 村长不来不成 The Story of Qiu Ju (1992)
We danced naked under the full moon![CN] 你绝对不会相信 我们在满月时赤裸的跳舞 Practical Magic (1998)
-Full Moon Underground.[CN] -满月舞厅有 The Glass House (2001)
Chief, the baby wouldn't be here without your help. We're so grateful![CN] 村长,咱娃能过上满月多亏你了 The Story of Qiu Ju (1992)
This freak killed the Jacobis in Birmingham on Saturday night, February 25.[CN] 这个神经病在二月二十五号满月那天... 杀死住在伯明翰的杰可比一家人 Red Dragon (2002)
Oh... Do you see the full moon?[CN] 噢,你看到那满月了吗? Manitou's Shoe (2001)
It is full moon.[CN] 今天是满月. The Rifleman of the Voroshilov Regiment (1999)
In movies, the guy only turns into a werewolf during a full moon.[CN] 在电影中,这个家伙只变成 变成狼人在满月 Bad Moon (1996)
The old ones were much spookier, they had castles and full moons.[CN] 那些老片其实更恐怖一些 有城堡和满月 Ed Wood (1994)
The second full moon of the month--always lucky.[CN] 本月的第二个满月... 一直运气不错 City of Ghosts (2002)
Not till tomorrow.[CN] 明天才是满月 Millennium Actress (2001)
The full moon...[CN] 满月 Millennium Actress (2001)
It's for the Festival of Sacrifice.[CN] 为了庆祝满月的结束 La Promesse (1996)
- Hunter's moon.[CN] 猎月「注: 收获月后的第一次满月 AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
A random somebody, a total stranger, with a full moon...[CN] 随便某个人 一个完全陌生的人 天上挂着一轮满月 Sex and Lucía (2001)
I promised to attend his son's birthday banquet after this[CN] 本来答应他做完这次之后 会去喝他儿子的满月 Breaking News (2004)
Anyway, according to the book you won't turn into a werewolf until the rising of your first full moon.[CN] 不管怎样,根据书上记载... 你要到第一个满月时才会变成狼人 Van Helsing (2004)
Why only the full moon?[CN] 为什么只有在满月 Bad Moon (1996)
I'm sorry, it's the full moon part.[CN] 对不起,它的满月的一部分。 Bad Moon (1996)
Chief, our baby without you, we'd have lost him He'll be one month old tomorrow[CN] 这次你替娃受了不少累 没你就没这娃了,明天娃过满月 The Story of Qiu Ju (1992)
After the full moon it starts to wane.[CN] 满月从下一天开始就会月缺 Millennium Actress (2001)
I prefer being a beggar, forget about me.[CN] 满月酒的时候要早点来 一定... Hail the Judge (1994)
I saw his son being born.[CN] 我还去喝了他儿子的满月 Empire of the Wolves (2005)
My men tell me the invasion will come before the next full moon, my lord.[CN] 我的人马告诉我 , 萨克逊人 在下次满月前会大举进攻 The Mists of Avalon (2001)
Marry Gabriela by the next full moon or I will strike at you in any way I can.[CN] 下个满月就跟格卜丽尔结婚 否则就别怪我不客气 Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
Well... first of all we had a moonlight stroll down the beach and a candle light dinner and then he told me what beautiful eyes I had.[CN] 我们在洒满月光的海边漫步 享用了烛光晚餐 然后他说我的眼睛很漂亮 In My Father's Den (2004)
I don't know. A full moon or something.[CN] 我也不知道,没准是满月的原因。 Sideways (2004)
The loveliest moonlit nights[CN] 那洒满月光的夜晚 The Man Without a Past (2002)
During the full moon, Abahachi and I would often go swimming, back in the day.[CN] 以前,阿帕哈奇和我经常在满月的时候去游泳 Manitou's Shoe (2001)


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