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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
子弹[zǐ dàn, ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ,   /  ] bullet #7,104 [Add to Longdo]
子弹[yuán zǐ dàn, ㄩㄢˊ ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ,    /   ] atom bomb #15,903 [Add to Longdo]
子弹[zhōng zǐ dàn, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ,    /   ] neutron bomb #116,907 [Add to Longdo]
内爆法原子弹[nèi bào fǎ yuán zǐ dàn, ㄋㄟˋ ㄅㄠˋ ㄈㄚˇ ㄩㄢˊ ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ,       /      ] implosion atomic bomb [Add to Longdo]
子弹火车[zǐ dàn huǒ chē, ㄗˇ ㄉㄢˋ ㄏㄨㄛˇ ㄔㄜ,     /    ] bullet train; Shinkansen 新幹線|新干线, Japanese high-speed train [Add to Longdo]
子弹[bō zǐ tán, ㄅㄛ ㄗˇ ㄊㄢˊ,    /   ] plectrum [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Ready for the counting game?[CN] 想尝子弹吗? Dogma (1999)
But this guy, he was killed... with bullets from gun "A" only... and this guy, gun "B" only.[CN] 同时被这两把枪处决 而这个人... 身上只有第一把枪的子弹 The Boondock Saints (1999)
Nine men, six bullets.[CN] 九个人 六发子弹 The Boondock Saints (1999)
- No, that is a suppository![CN] 不,那是散弹枪的子弹 Inferno (1999)
First person that comes out this door gets a lead salad! Understand?[CN] 谁先出这扇门 谁就吃子弹,明白吗? Fight Club (1999)
The rifling on the .38 slug they dug out ofthe victim... is consistent with a Webley, a very old, turn-of-the-century handgun.[CN] 被害者身上挖出来的点38子弹 证实是古老的韦伯利手枪的子弹 The Bone Collector (1999)
Here's to you, Danny, and keep your head low out there. Bill."[CN] "敬你一杯,小心子弹,比尔上" Ride with the Devil (1999)
I'd have knocked you off, put a bullet in your ass and be halfway to New York right now.[CN] 我会把你踢下来 然后放颗子弹在你屁股里... ...现在就在纽约的路上了 Life (1999)
Even if that gun was loaded, I didn't buy you as a shooter.[CN] 就算枪里有子弹 我也不信你会开枪 Chill Factor (1999)
You want us to bomb ourselves in order to kill it?[CN] 你为了杀它不惜动用原子弹 轰炸这个地方? The Iron Giant (1999)
The Nautilus isn't far offshore.[CN] 鹦鹉螺号配备有原子弹弹头 而且就离这里不远处 The Iron Giant (1999)
Two men with only three rifles.[CN] 有两个人帮我装三把枪的子弹 我就这样轰他们 Tarzan (1999)
He caught a bullet instead of the plane.[CN] 他吃了子弹, 来不成 The World Is Not Enough (1999)
That bullet's still there.[CN] 子弹至今还留在里面 The World Is Not Enough (1999)
- Just ran out of bullets.[CN] - 用光所有的子弹 The Boondock Saints (1999)
I was buried... with my commanding officer's... half-shot-off head in my face... his blood running down my throat.[CN] 我和我的同伴们 都被埋了 我眼前的是一张被子弹打掉半边的脑袋 Ravenous (1999)
One of my trusties will put a bullet in your head.[CN] 否则我的哥们就会 在你的脑袋里放颗子弹 Life (1999)
No more bullets.[CN] 子弹 Dogma (1999)
The bullets are human teeth.[CN] 子弹是牙齿 eXistenZ (1999)
But how does one survive an atomic attack?[CN] 发生了原子弹爆炸大浩劫 一旦发生原子弹爆炸 要如何才能生存呢? The Iron Giant (1999)
The two bullets went in here through the top of the skull... crisscrossed, and exited through the eyeballs.[CN] 两颗子弹从这里射入 穿过头骨 在中间交叉 最后从眼睛射出 The Boondock Saints (1999)
Chief, can you get ballistics down here... and tell 'em they have to dig a 50-caliber slug... out of a brick wall and locate another that's been fired through a Dumpster?[CN] 警长, 能派弹道专家过来吗? 告诉他们要挖出一颗. 50口径的子弹, 从这儿... The Boondock Saints (1999)
You're empty.[CN] 你没子弹 The Matrix (1999)
I think this belongs to you.[CN] 我相信这颗子弹是你的吧 Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999)
Where are you hit?[CN] 子弹打在什么地方了? Bringing Out the Dead (1999)
Look at these entry and exit wounds.[CN] 看看这些子弹进出造成的伤口 The Boondock Saints (1999)
Not everything, general. The bomb.[CN] 将军, 你忘了, 还有原子弹 The Iron Giant (1999)
The weapons were unloaded, but the clerk did not know.[CN] 没有子弹 但商家 不知道 Oxygen (1999)
It's moving through the medulla oblongata, killing off his senses.[CN] 子弹崁入脑髓 阻断他所有的感觉 The World Is Not Enough (1999)
Amy Wilson, married, 20 years old, shot in the chest with a .38 as she stood behind the counter at Pocum 's Grocery.[CN] 20岁 被点38口径的子弹击中胸膛 她当时站在泊肯店柜台后 True Crime (1999)
I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready you won't have to.[CN] 我是说当你准备好 就不必躲子弹 The Matrix (1999)
You loaded?[CN] 子弹上膛了没有 Ravenous (1999)
I pumped a bullet in the bastard.[CN] 于是我让它尝了一颗子弹 Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999)
The doctor who saved Renard couldn't get the bullet out so Renard killed him.[CN] 救了他的医生无法取出子弹 雷纳就杀了他 The World Is Not Enough (1999)
That, and a love for this country that no bayonet can pierce, no bullet shatter.[CN] 加上共同的爱国心,没有刺刀能拆开我们 没有子弹能粉碎我们 The General's Daughter (1999)
A bullet would be less cruel.[CN] 一颗子弹 会是很不 人道的 Oxygen (1999)
Atomic power makes me, Molly Howard... proud to be an Asian-American.[CN] 子弹的威力让我, 莫利・霍华德. 自豪的是一个亚裔美国人。 Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
You think I put the bullet in the mailbox myself?[CN] 你以为是我把子弹放进信箱 The Insider (1999)
What if I put two bullets in your brain?[CN] 如果放两颗子弹在你脑袋里怎么样? Analyze This (1999)
Quick, let's get some ammo![CN] 快去拿子弹 Inferno (1999)
If he tried to get away, it'd take a lot of bullets to stop him.[CN] 他要是想逃的话... 光是几颗子弹是阻止不了他的 The Green Mile (1999)
Yes, I get extremely emotional when assholes put bullets in my mailbox.[CN] 当有混蛋把子弹放进我家信箱 我的精神当然有问题 The Insider (1999)
If this were a bullet...[CN] 如果这是颗子弹 True Crime (1999)
Bullets weren't the problem, Ray.[CN] 子弹不是问题,Ray Life (1999)
Someone put a bullet in my mailbox.[CN] 我在信箱发现一颗子弹 The Insider (1999)
That bullet was for a .38 caliber. Do you own a .38?[CN] 这是颗点38子弹 你的枪是点三八吗? The Insider (1999)
Every warhead has a locator card.[CN] 子弹头都有定位晶片 The World Is Not Enough (1999)
The bullet will kill him but he'll grow stronger every day until the day he dies.[CN] 子弹还是会致命的 但在死前 他会越来越强壮 The World Is Not Enough (1999)
You sure of that? I'm here now loaded.[CN] 你确信吗 我这边已经子弹上膛了 Ride with the Devil (1999)
That I can dodge bullets?[CN] 我能闪躲子弹吗? The Matrix (1999)


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