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亲口[qīn kǒu, ㄑㄧㄣ ㄎㄡˇ,   /  ] to say sth personally #22,965 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- If you come over, I could tell you.[CN] -到我家来,我要亲口告诉你 Episode #1.5 (1990)
I wanted to say it all, to speak the words to him, to see the desolation leave his face.[CN] 我想要亲口对他说出这些话 希望他脸上不再有寂寞的神色 The End of the Affair (1955)
Your brother's own words.[CN] 这可是你大哥亲口说的 A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
I want you to tell me by yourself[CN] 我一定要你亲口 Days of Being Wild (1990)
Harry, uh, do you wanna tell the little lady yourself?[CN] 哈里,你想亲口 告诉那位小姐吗? Episode #2.5 (1990)
The French emperor has guaranteed it.[CN] 这是法国皇帝亲口许诺的 Senso (1954)
He told you this?[CN] - 他亲口告诉你的? Episode #2.7 (1990)
It's a personal exposé right from her own lips.[CN] 亲口说出的爆炸性隐私 Sex and the Single Girl (1964)
You went right down the line and told me that it proved that Sam and Mrs. Roat were connected.[CN] 亲口告诉我这证明了 山姆和罗特太太的确有关系 Wait Until Dark (1967)
I never thought I'd live to hear myself say that, but...[CN] 我还以为我不能亲口对你说 但是 Shane (1953)
My relative who works in a bank... told me this[CN] 我的远房亲戚在银行里做 他亲口告诉我的 Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
Who heard the answers from his own lips.[CN] 他会亲耳听到耶稣亲口回答群众 Quo Vadis (1951)
He told me himself. He said, [CN] 亲口对我说过 他说 Blood Simple (1984)
Sure, I thought it meant I didn't have to take a bath, but the doctors told me the truth.[CN] 当然,刚开始 我想可能搞错了 但后来医生亲口告诉我的 Episode #2.2 (1990)
"and that he even admitted to me that he'd killed her?"[CN] "并亲口向我承认 他杀了老太太。 Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
I'd rather be the one to tell her, and not have her read it in the paper somewhere.[CN] 此事我想亲口告诉她 而不是她从报纸上看到 Play Misty for Me (1971)
But since it was Tsuru who told me, [CN] 但慈露亲口告诉我后 Dear Summer Sister (1972)
I want to hear you say you'll be as mine as you're René's.[CN] 我要你亲口说你属于我 正如你属于瑞尼 The Story of O (1975)
I won't believe he's guilty until he tells me so .[CN] 我相信他无罪 除非他亲口向我承认 The Confession (1970)
I got it from the captain himself that we ain't gonna be gone no time at all.[CN] 罗林太太 是上校亲口告诉我的... 我们短时间不可能会撤退的 How the West Was Won (1962)
You told me yourself about some tourists camped here when The Zone originated.[CN] 你自己亲口跟我说, 自从"区"出现之后, 一些来访者就到这里扎营 Stalker (1979)
But, your boyfriend told me he slept with Chako[CN] 这可是他亲口对我说的 说你跟他睡过觉 The Yellow Handkerchief (1977)
I think she should be permitted to speak for herself.[CN] 我想她应该亲口说出来 Separate Tables (1958)
Did she really say she was pregnant?[CN] 她真的亲口跟你说她怀孕了 Wild at Heart (1990)
They told me themselves.[CN] 他们亲口告诉我的 Nightmare (1964)
But you're gonna have to tell her this yourself.[CN] 但是你必须要亲口告诉她 Underworld U.S.A. (1961)
Will Graham, you will learn how much you have to dread, because I lied.[CN] 威尔,格雷厄姆,听我亲口讲述, 你亦将感到恐惧... 因为我说谎是被迫的, 他将更严厉地审判你 Manhunter (1986)
She told me that she'd never let her get married, that Tita protected that girl like a fiend, and that the house became a battlefield.[CN] 亲口跟我说过她不想让她女儿结婚 但是蒂娜一直帮着这小姑娘 所以这个家就变得像战场一样 Like Water for Chocolate (1992)
From your own lips, Mademoiselle, three days ago.[CN] 是你亲口说的,小姐,三天前 Death on the Nile (1978)
I'd like to hear it from you.[CN] 我要听你亲口 Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
Come, she invited you herself.[CN] 来吧, 她亲口邀请你的 A Tale of Springtime (1990)
It was Shurik who told us this story.[CN] 这个故事是舒里克亲口告诉我们的. Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (1967)
You've been to Poughkeepsie? I wanna hear it![CN] 你去过波基普西 对吧 我要听到你亲口 The French Connection (1971)
You gave me personal assurance that[CN] 你曾经向我亲口保证过 Tiger Cage (1988)
Tommy and I decided that we better phone Uncle Charlie just to make sure he sent the telegram[CN] 你可以亲口问他 你说怎么样? -好的爸爸 The Window (1949)
Now, that's what I wanted Tony to hear you say.[CN] 我就是要东尼听你亲口 The Band Wagon (1953)
Because she told me.[CN] 亲口告诉我的 Episode #1.6 (1990)
You will have to tell me the truth some fine days[CN] 始终有日我要你亲口告诉我 是谁生我的 Days of Being Wild (1990)
I'm selfish. I wanna be told.[CN] 我很自私,我需要被亲口告知 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
I wanted to tell you myself what an inspiration you've been to us all at home.[CN] 我想亲口告诉你你上次造 访令我们家蓬荜生辉 The Night of the Generals (1967)
Only I'm not gonna ask him to.[CN] 但我才不会亲口去求他 The Tarnished Angels (1957)
He confessed to Doc Halston and the doc told me.[CN] 没有,他亲口对医生承认了 医生后来告诉了我 Part I (1988)
Right, they said it themselves[CN] 是啊,话是他们亲口说的 Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
You said yourself it's the only thing we got left.[CN] 亲口说 这是我们唯一的希望 Still Valley (1961)
This is my thinking, better hear from own sister.[CN] 我的想法是 最好由她妹妹亲口告诉她们 The Joy Luck Club (1993)
In order to obtain the position of the Head of Department.[CN] 亲口对我说的 Office Romance (1977)
who, by her own confession to me, killed my brother, killed her own unborn child...[CN] 亲口向我承认 她杀了我的弟弟 杀了 自己没有出生的孩子 Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
Where are you going? I don't know. I gotta get out of here.[CN] 你是想听我亲口说愿意和你结婚? Love with the Proper Stranger (1963)
I can assure you that contrary to what is supposed and to what he may himself have told you, that young man is certainly not one of his country's enemies.[CN] 我肯定他是判若两人 让他亲口对你们说吧 这年青人绝非自己国家的敌人 Saboteur (1942)
But I think I shall ask Mr. Merlas to tell his own very remarkable experiences in his own fashion.[CN] 嗯... 但我觉得该让莫莱斯先生 亲口讲讲那段 The Greek Interpreter (1985)


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