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CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
乾き[かわき, kawaki] (n) drying; dryness [Add to Longdo]
乾性[かんせい, kansei] (adj-na, n, adj-no) dry; dryness; dry (pleurisy) [Add to Longdo]
乾燥無味[かんそうむみ, kansoumumi] (adj-na, n) dryness; dullness [Add to Longdo]
煮染め;煮しめ[にしめ, nishime] (n) vegetables such as taros, carrots, konnyaku, etc. cooked almost to dryness in soy sauce and water [Add to Longdo]
田作り[たづくり, tadukuri] (n) (1) (See 古女・ごまめ) small dried sardines or anchovies (gomame) cooked almost to dryness in soy sauce and sugar; (2) tilling a rice field; person who tills a paddy field [Add to Longdo]
棒鱈[ぼうだら, boudara] (n) dried codfish soaked in water for few days, and cooked almost to dryness in soy sauce and water (Kyoto speciality) [Add to Longdo]
六淫[ろくいん, rokuin] (n) six external causes of illness in traditional Chinese medicine (wind, cold, fire; heat, dampness, dryness, heat of summer) [Add to Longdo]
六気[ろっき;りっき;りくき, rokki ; rikki ; rikuki] (n) (1) yin, yang, wind, rain, darkness, light; (2) cold, heat, dryness, dampness, wind, fire; (3) six emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, love, hate) [Add to Longdo]


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