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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -primely-, *primely*, prime
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา primely มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *prime*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

adv. 1. At first; primarily. [ Obs. ] South. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. In a prime manner; excellently. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. deprimens, p. pr. of deprimere. See Depress. ] Serving to depress. [ R. ] “Depriment muscles.” Derham. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. imprimerie, fr. imprimer to imprint. ] [ Obs. ] (a) A print; impression. (b) A printing establishment. (c) The art of printing. [ 1913 Webster ]

Long primer

pos>n. (Print.) A kind of type, in size between small pica and bourgeois. [ 1913 Webster ]

This line is printed in long primer. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. The first part; the earliest stage; the beginning or opening, as of the day, the year, etc.; hence, the dawn; the spring. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

In the very prime of the world. Hooker. [ 1913 Webster ]

Hope waits upon the flowery prime. Waller. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The spring of life; youth; hence, full health, strength, or beauty; perfection. “Cut off in their prime.” Eustace. “The prime of youth.” Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. That which is first in quantity; the most excellent portion; the best part. [ 1913 Webster ]

Give him always of the prime. Swift. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. [ F. prime, LL. prima (sc. hora). See Prime, a. ] The morning; specifically (R. C. Ch.), the first canonical hour, succeeding to lauds. [ 1913 Webster ]

Early and late it rung, at evening and at prime. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Originally, prime denoted the first quarter of the artificial day, reckoned from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. Afterwards, it denoted the end of the first quarter, that is, 9 a. m. Specifically, it denoted the first canonical hour, as now. Chaucer uses it in all these senses, and also in the sense of def. 1, above. [ 1913 Webster ]

They sleep till that it was pryme large. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. (Fencing) The first of the chief guards. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. (Chem.) Any number expressing the combining weight or equivalent of any particular element; -- so called because these numbers were respectively reduced to their lowest relative terms on the fixed standard of hydrogen as 1. [ Obs. or Archaic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

7. (Arith.) A prime number. See under Prime, a. [ 1913 Webster ]

8. An inch, as composed of twelve seconds in the duodecimal system; -- denoted by [ ′ ]. See 2d Inch, n., 1. [ 1913 Webster ]

Prime of the moon, the new moon at its first appearance.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ F., fr. L. primus first, a superl. corresponding to the compar. prior former. See Prior, a., Foremost, Former, and cf. Prim, a., Primary, Prince. ] 1. First in order of time; original; primeval; primitive; primary. “Prime forests.” Tennyson. [ 1913 Webster ]

She was not the prime cause, but I myself. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ In this sense the word is nearly superseded by primitive, except in the phrase prime cost. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. First in rank, degree, dignity, authority, or importance; as, prime minister. “Prime virtues.” Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. First in excellence; of highest quality; as, prime wheat; a prime quality of cloth. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Early; blooming; being in the first stage. [ Poetic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

His starry helm, unbuckled, showed him prime
In manhood where youth ended. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. Lecherous; lustful; lewd. [ Obs. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. Marked or distinguished by a mark (′) called a prime mark.
In this dictionary the same typographic mark is used to indicate a weak accent in headwords, and minutes of a degree in angle measurements. [ 1913 Webster ]

7. (Math.) (a) Divisible by no number except itself or unity; as, 7 is a prime number. (b) Having no common factor; -- used with to; as, 12 is prime to 25. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Prime and ultimate ratio. (Math.). See Ultimate. --
Prime conductor. (Elec.) See under Conductor. --
Prime factor (Arith.), a factor which is a prime number. --
Prime figure (Geom.), a figure which can not be divided into any other figure more simple than itself, as a triangle, a pyramid, etc. --
Prime meridian (Astron.), the meridian from which longitude is reckoned, as the meridian of Greenwich or Washington. --
Prime minister, the responsible head of a ministry or executive government; applied particularly to that of England. --
Prime mover. (Mech.) (a) A natural agency applied by man to the production of power. Especially: Muscular force; the weight and motion of fluids, as water and air; heat obtained by chemical combination, and applied to produce changes in the volume and pressure of steam, air, or other fluids; and electricity, obtained by chemical action, and applied to produce alternation of magnetic force. (b) An engine, or machine, the object of which is to receive and modify force and motion as supplied by some natural source, and apply them to drive other machines; as a water wheel, a water-pressure engine, a steam engine, a hot-air engine, etc. (c) Fig.: The original or the most effective force in any undertaking or work; as, Clarkson was the prime mover in English antislavery agitation. --
Prime number (Arith.), a number which is exactly divisible by no number except itself or unity, as 5, 7, 11. --
Prime vertical (Astron.), the vertical circle which passes through the east and west points of the horizon. --
Prime-vertical dial, a dial in which the shadow is projected on the plane of the prime vertical. --
Prime-vertical transit instrument, a transit instrument the telescope of which revolves in the plane of the prime vertical, -- used for observing the transit of stars over this circle.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Primed p. pr. & vb. n. Priming. ] [ From Prime, a. ] 1. To apply priming to, as a musket or a cannon; to apply a primer to, as a metallic cartridge. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To lay the first color, coating, or preparation upon (a surface), as in painting; as, to prime a canvas, a wall. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To prepare; to make ready; to instruct beforehand; to post; to coach; as, to prime a witness; the boys are primed for mischief. [ Colloq. ] Thackeray. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. To trim or prune, as trees. [ Obs. or Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

5. (Math.) To mark with a prime mark. [ 1913 Webster ]

To prime a pump, to charge a pump with water, in order to put it in working condition.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. 1. To be renewed, or as at first. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Night's bashful empress, though she often wane,
As oft repeats her darkness, primes again. Quarles. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To serve as priming for the charge of a gun. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To work so that foaming occurs from too violent ebullition, which causes water to become mixed with, and be carried along with, the steam that is formed; -- said of a steam boiler. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. The quality or state of being first. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The quality or state of being prime, or excellent. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who, or that which, primes; specifically, an instrument or device for priming; esp., a cap, tube, or water containing percussion powder or other compound for igniting a charge of gunpowder. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ OF. primer, primier, premier, F. premier. See Premier. ] First; original; primary. [ Obs. ] “The primer English kings.” Drayton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Primer fine (O. Eng. Law), a fine due to the king on the writ or commencement of a suit by fine. Blackstone. --
Primer seizin (Feudal Law), the right of the king, when a tenant in capite died seized of a knight's fee, to receive of the heir, if of full age, one year's profits of the land if in possession, and half a year's profits if the land was in reversion expectant on an estate for life; -- now abolished. Blackstone.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Originally, the book read at prime, the first canonical hour. LL. primae liber. See Prime, n., 4. ] 1. Originally, a small prayer book for church service, containing the little office of the Virgin Mary; also, a work of elementary religious instruction. [ 1913 Webster ]

The primer, or office of the Blessed Virgin. Bp. Stillingfleet. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A small elementary book for teaching children to read; a reading or spelling book for a beginner. [ 1913 Webster ]

As he sat in the school at his prymer. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Print.) A kind of type, of which there are two species; one, called long primer, intermediate in size between bourgeois and small pica [ see Long primer ]; the other, called great primer, larger than pica. [ 1913 Webster ]

Great primer type. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Sp. primera, fr. primero first, from L. primarius. See Premier. ] A game at cards, now unknown. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Bot.) See Primrose. [ Obs. ] “She was a primerole.” Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. primaevus; primus first + aevum age. See Prime, a., and Age. ] Belonging to the first ages; pristine; original; primitive; primary; as, the primeval innocence of man. “This is the forest primeval.” Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]

From chaos, and primeval darkness, came Light. Keats. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a primeval manner; in or from the earliest times; originally. Darwin. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Primeval. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Firearms) A machine or implement for applying fresh primers to spent cartridge shells, so that the shells be used again. [ 1913 Webster ]

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
prime(adj) ที่ดีที่สุด, See also: ที่ดีเลิศ
prime(adj) ที่สำคัญที่สุด, Syn. top, superior
prime(adj) ที่มาลำดับแรก, Syn. earliest, beginning
prime(adj) ที่เป็นจำนวนเฉพาะ
prime(n) ขั้นแรก, See also: ช่วงแรก
prime(n) ช่วงเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในชีวิต
prime(vt) เตรียมพร้อมไว้
prime(vi) เตรียมพร้อมไว้
prime(vt) อัดดินระเบิด (พร้อมที่จะยิง), See also: ใส่ดินระเบิด
primer(n) หนังสืออ่านเบื้องต้นสำหรับเด็ก
primer(n) สารที่ใช้เคลือบสีเนื้อไม้
primeval(adj) ที่มาจากยุคแรกๆ, Syn. ancient, primitive
primeval(adj) ที่เกิดขึ้นโดยสัญชาติญาณ
prime rate(n) อัตราดอกเบี้ย, Syn. prime interest rate, prime lending rate
prime time(n) ช่วงเวลาที่มีผู้ชมโทรทัศน์มากที่สุด
prime with(phrv) เตรียมให้พร้อม
prime with(phrv) เตรียมเสนอ
prime with(phrv) เติม (อาหาร, เครื่องดื่ม)
prime mover(idm) แรงผลักดันสำคัญ
prime number(n) จำนวนเฉพาะ, See also: เลขที่หารลงตัวได้ด้วยเลข 1 หรือตัวของมันเอง
prime meridian(n) เส้นแวงแรกที่พาดผ่านตำบล Greenwich ของอังกฤษ
prime minister(n) นายกรัฐมนตรี, Syn. PM, leader
in the prime of life(idm) ในช่วงที่ดีที่สุดของชีวิต
in one's or its prime(idm) ช่วงที่ดีที่สุด

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
prime(ไพรม) adj. สำคัญที่สุด, ดีเลิศ, ชั้นหนึ่ง, อันดับหนึ่ง, ขั้นพื้นฐาน, ขั้นมูลฐาน. n. ภาวะที่รุ่งโรจน์สุด, ส่วนที่ดีเลิศ, ระยะแรกเริ่ม, ฤดูใบไม้ผลิ, ชั่วโมงแรกของวัน, วันหนุ่มสาว, รุ่งอรุณ vt. ใส่ดินระเบิด, สั่งสอน, แจ้งข่าว, See also: primeness n. คำที่มีคว
primeval(ไพรมี'เวิล) adj. เกี่ยวกับยุคแรกเริ่ม, เกี่ยวกับยุคดึกดำบรรพ์., Syn. primaeval, primary

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
PRIME prime minister(n) นายกรัฐมนตรี, อัครมหาเสนาบดี
prime(adj) แรก, ยอดเยี่ยม, ดีเลิศ, เอกอุ, ชั้นหนึ่ง
prime(n) ต้นทุน, ดอกเบี้ย, วัยหนุ่มสาว, รุ่งอรุณ, ระยะเริ่มแรก
primer(n) แบบเรียนขั้นต้น, มูลบท, แบบสอนอ่าน
primeval(adj) ครั้งแรกเริ่ม, ในยุคแรก, แต่บรรพกาล

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
Premier; Prime Minister; Prime Ministerนายกรัฐมนตรี [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
Premier; Prime Ministerนายกรัฐมนตรี [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
Premier, Deputy; Prime Minister, Deputyรองนายกรัฐมนตรี [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
prime divisorตัวหารเฉพาะ [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
prime factorตัวประกอบเฉพาะ [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
prime fieldฟีลด์เฉพาะ [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
Prime Minister; Premierนายกรัฐมนตรี [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
Prime Minister; Premierนายกรัฐมนตรี [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
prime number; primeจำนวนเฉพาะ [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
prime polynomialพหุนามเฉพาะ [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
prime; prime numberจำนวนเฉพาะ [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
prime coatสีรองพื้น [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
relatively prime numbersจำนวนเฉพาะสัมพัทธ์ [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
Deputy Premier; Deputy Prime Ministerรองนายกรัฐมนตรี [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
Deputy Prime Minister; Deputy Premierรองนายกรัฐมนตรี [รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
welding primerสารรองพื้นก่อนเชื่อม [การเชื่อม ๒๐ ก.ย. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Women prime ministersนายกรัฐมนตรีสตรี [TU Subject Heading]
Prime ministersนายกรัฐมนตรี [TU Subject Heading]
Prime Tapioca Chipsมันเส้นสะอาด [การค้าระหว่างประเทศ]
Prime costต้นทุนขั้นต่ำ [การบัญชี]
Prime rateอัตราดอกเบี้ยพิเศษ, อัตราดอกเบี้ยขั้นต่ำสุด [การบัญชี]
prime numberจำนวนเฉพาะ, จำนวนเต็ม a ซึ่งไม่เท่ากับ 0 หรือ ±1 และต้องหารลงตัวด้วย ±1 และ ± a เท่านั้น เช่น ±3, ± 5, ± 7, ± 11 เป็นต้น (ส่วนมากมักจะกล่าวถึงจำนวนเฉพาะที่เป็นจำนวนจริงบวกเท่านั้น) [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.]
Primerดีเอ็นเอสายเดี่ยวสายสั้นๆ สามารถไปจับปลายของดีเอ็นเอตั้งต้นแต่ละสาย, Example: <p>primer ถูกประยุกต์ใช้ในการเพิ่มปริมาณดีเอ็นเอในหลอดทดลอง (Polymerase chain reaction, PCR) ในการทำ PCR ซึ่งปฏิกิริยาในหลอดทดลองประกอบด้วยดีเอ็นเอตั้งต้น (ดีเอ็นเอ 2 สายจับกัน) primer 2 สาย DNA polymerase (เอนไซม์ที่พบในเซลล์ของสิ่งมีชีวิตทำหน้าที่สร้างดีเอ็นเอสายใหม่ต่อจาก primer โดยการคัดลอกจากดีเอ็นเอตั้งต้น) dNTPs (deoxynucleotide triphosphates เป็นหน่วยย่อยของดีเอ็นเอนำไปต่อโดย DNA polymerase เพื่อสร้างดีเอ็นเอสายใหม่) หลังจากนั้นปฏิกิริยาถูกควบคุมอุณหภูมิและเวลาเป็นรอบๆ โดยใช้เครื่องควบคุมอัตโนมัติ โดยแต่ละรอบเริ่มจากควบคุมอุณหภูมิและเวลาให้ดีเอ็นเอ 2 สายที่จับกันแยกออกจากกันเป็นดีเอ็นเอสายเดี่ยว 2 สาย แล้วควบคุมอุณหภูมิและเวลาให้ primer แต่ละสายจับกับดีเอ็นเอสายเดี่ยว แล้วควบคุมอุณหภูมิและเวลาอีกครั้งให้ DNA polymerase สร้างดีเอ็นเอสายใหม่ต่อจาก primer ดังนั้นเมื่อผ่านรอบแรกดีเอ็นเอเพิ่มขึ้น 2 เท่า และเมื่อเข้ารอบสองดีเอ็นเอที่เพิ่มขึ้น 2 เท่าในรอบแรกจะกลายเป็นดีเอ็นเอตั้งต้นของรอบสอง ทำให้เมื่อควบคุมอุณหภูมิและเวลาหลายๆ รอบดีเอ็นเอจะเพิ่มขึ้น 2 ยกกำลัง n เท่า เมื่อ n คือ จำนวนรอบ เนื่องจากใช้เวลาเพียงไม่กี่นาทีในแต่ละรอบ ทำให้เมื่อผ่านไปเป็นชั่วโมง ดีเอ็นเอจะเพิ่มขึ้นมากมายเพียงพอต่อการนำไปศึกษา ดังนั้น primer ช่วยให้การเพิ่มปริมาณดีเอ็นเอประสบผลสำเร็จ <br> <br>แหล่งข้อมูล<br> สุรินทร์ ปิยะโชคณากุล. "เอนไซม์ที่ใช้ในการโคลนยีน" ในพันธุวิศวกรรมเบื้องต้น. หน้า 42-65. กรุงเทพฯ : สำนักพิมพ์มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, 2545. [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
sub-prime(n) ลูกหนี้คุณภาพต่ำ, ลูกหนี้ที่มีความน่าเชื่อถือทางการเงินต่ำ แต่ยังอยู่ในระดับที่ให้กู้เงินได้

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
primeThe suicide bomber fired towards former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, but missed.
primeHe had the ambition to be prime minister.
primeAfter taking a drink of water, the Prime Minister said, "Ask away!"
primeHe had an interview with the Prime Minister.
primeThe prime minister appoints the members of his cabinet.
primeThat's a matter of prime importance.
primeThe Prime Minister is feeling the heat over his statement.
primeThe Prime Minister's speech was calculated to anger the opposition parties.
primeHe is in the prime of life.
primeThe prime minister proposed administrative reforms.
primeThe clever doctor was able to cure the Prime Minister's illness.
primeThe prime minister appointed them to key Cabinet posts.
primeThe Prime Minister nominated him as Foreign Minister.
primeThe prime minister dissolved the Diet.
primeThe Prime Minister is to make a statement tomorrow.
primeThe Prime Minister will go on the air tomorrow.
primeShe is 35 years old and in the prime of life.
primeThe Prime Minister dwelt upon the financial crisis.
primeThe Prime Minister's explanation of the scandal just wouldn't wash with the public.
primeWhile welcoming the firming up of the present government policy to abandon the proposal of the reform bill to the Diet, at the same time some are worried that Prime Minister Koizumi won't clearly state the bill's withdrawal.
primeThe Abe Cabinet is the Cabinet inaugurated by Shinzo Abe, appointed as the Japan's 90th Prime Minister.
primeHis resignation as Prime Minister came as a surprise.
primeThe Prime Minister is invested with incredible powers.
primeOf course it's difficult to gain access to the Prime Minister.
primeThe prime means of communication for cats is body language.
primeThe prime minister's speech did not make for peace.
primeMr Suzuki, who is a former Prime Minister, will be chairman of the committee.
primeOur Prime Minister is scheduled to meet with the Chinese Prime Minister tomorrow.
primeThe Prime Minister was involved in a scandal.
primeMy goal in life is to be Prime Minister.
primeHe aspired to the position of Prime Minister.
primePrime Minister Koizumi said: "there are people who say that because it's unconstitutional, I should not pray at the Yasukuni Shrine".
primeThe prime minister directly confronted the challenges of his political opponents.
primeHe was forced to resign as prime minister.
primeHe is now in the prime of manhood.
primeThe news of the prime minister's resignation took us by surprise.
primeShe is now in the prime of womanhood.
primeThe present Prime minister was not present at the ceremony.
primeHe was cut down in his prime.
primeThe Prime Minister announced that he would resign within a few weeks.
primeThe Prime Minister held a press conference yesterday.
primeThe foreign minister will act for the Prime Minister in his absence.
primeIt is whispered that the Prime Minister is critically ill.
primeThe Prime Minister was obliged to resign from the Cabinet.
primeThe Prime Minister stated that he would not introduce a new tax without the consensus of public opinion.
primeThe Prime Minister has resigned.
primeThe Prime Minister holds a press conference tomorrow.
primeSafety is a matter of Prime importance.
primeIf I were prime minister I'd give Clinton a good talking to.
primeThe Prime Minister dissolved the Diet.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
นร(n) Office of the Prime Minister, Syn. สำนักนายกรัฐมนตรี
สปน.(n) Office of the Permanent Secretary, The Prime Minister's Office, Syn. สำนักงานปลัดสำนักนายกรัฐมนตรี
สลน(n) The Secretariat of the Prime Minister, Syn. สำนักเลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรี
รองนายกรัฐมนตรี(n) Deputy Prime Minister, See also: vice-premier, Syn. รองนายกฯ, Ant. นายกรัฐมนตรี, Example: ฯพณฯ มีชัย ฤชุพันธ์ เป็นรองนายกรัฐมนตรีผู้แตกฉานในด้านกฎหมาย, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: ผู้มีอำนาจหน้าที่รองมาจากนายกรัฐมนตรี
สมัยดึกดำบรรพ์(n) primitive age, See also: primeval age, Syn. สมัยพระเจ้าเหา, ครั้งพระเจ้าเหา, Ant. สมัยใหม่, Example: การสังเคราะห์แสงเป็นสิ่งแรกที่ทำให้เกิดออกซิเจนส่วนใหญ่ขึ้นในบรรยากาศโลกตั้งแต่สมัยดึกดำบรรพ์, Thai Definition: เวลานานมาแล้ว
เยี่ยม(adj) excellent, See also: top, first-rate, topmost, superb, best, prime, outstanding, supreme, Syn. ยิ่ง, เด่น, เลิศ, Ant. แย่, Example: เขาเป็นนักเล่นหมากรุกฝีมือเยี่ยมคนหนึ่งของเมืองไทย
มุขมนตรี(n) king's counselor, See also: prime minister, premier, chief councilor, adviser of senior government officials, Count Unit: คน, ท่าน, Thai Definition: ที่ปรึกษาราชการชั้นผู้ใหญ่
ลงพื้น(v) prime, Thai Definition: เอาวัตถุฉาบทาลงบนพื้น ก่อนที่จะเขียนลวดลายหรือทาน้ำมัน
อัครมหาเสนาบดี(n) prime minister, See also: chief of the minister, Example: ในการปกครองส่วนกลางสมัยสมเด็จพระบรมไตรโลกนาถมีอัครเสนาบดีฝ่ายทหารดูแลข้อราชการในกรมพระกลาโหม, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: หัวหน้าเสนาบดี
สำนักงานเลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรี(n) Secretariat of the Prime Minister, Syn. สลน., Example: สำนักงานเลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรี เป็นหน่วยงานราชการที่มีความพร้อมที่จะเข้าร่วมในโครงการนำร่อง IT Model Office
สำนักงานปลัดสำนักนายกรัฐมนตรี(n) Office of the Permanent Secretary; Prime Minister Office, Example: สำนักงานปลัดสำนักนายกรัฐมนตรีเป็นหน่วยงานกลางในการเร่งรัดติดตามส่วนราชการ รัฐวิสาหกิจกรณีเจ้าหน้าที่ทุจริตในทางการเงิน
สำนักนายกรัฐมนตรี(n) Office of the Prime Minister, Syn. นร
สำนักเลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรี(n) Secretariat of the Prime Minister, Syn. สลน
ตัวดี(n) culprit, See also: prime, principal, important one, chief instigator, ringleader, head a conspiracy, Syn. ตัวต้นเหตุ, ตัวการ, Example: ผู้ก่อการร้ายเป็นตัวดีในการวางระเบิดเส้นทางรถไฟชายแดนภาคใต้, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ผู้ก่อเหตุ, ผู้ที่เป็นต้นเหตุสำคัญ (มักใช้ในทางประชด)
ตัวดี(n) culprit, See also: prime, principal, important one, chief instigator, ringleader, head a conspiracy, Syn. ตัวต้นเหตุ, ตัวการ, Example: ผู้ก่อการร้ายเป็นตัวดีในการวางระเบิดเส้นทางรถไฟชายแดนภาคใต้, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ผู้ก่อเหตุ, ผู้ที่เป็นต้นเหตุสำคัญ (มักใช้ในทางประชด)
นายกรัฐมนตรี(n) prime minister, See also: PM, chancellor, Syn. นายกฯ, Example: วันนี้นายกรัฐมนตรีไปเปิดอนุสาวรีย์ทหารผ่านศึกอย่างเป็นทางการ, Count Unit: คน, ท่าน, Thai Definition: ตำแหน่งหัวหน้าคณะรัฐมนตรี, หัวหน้ารัฐบาล
นายกฯ(n) prime minister, See also: PM, chancellor, Syn. นายกรัฐมนตรี, Example: นายกฯ เดินทางไปเชื่อมสัมพันธ์ทางการค้าที่ประเทศมาเลเซีย, Count Unit: คน, ท่าน, Thai Definition: หัวหน้ารัฐบาล, ตำแหน่งหัวหน้าคณะรัฐมนตรี
ชั้นหนึ่ง(adj) prime, See also: first-rate, best, Syn. ดีที่สุด, ดีเยี่ยม, ดียอด, ดีเลิศ, Example: ข้าวชั้นหนึ่งของไทยก็คือข้าวหอมมะลิ
ซ้อมพยาน(v) prime a witness, See also: rehearse a witness in how to testify, Example: ทนายถูกกล่าวหาว่าซ้อมพยาน, Thai Definition: ซักซ้อมพยานว่าจะให้การต่อศาลอย่างใดจึงจะสอดคล้องต้องกันดี
ดงดิบ(n) dense forest, See also: primeval forest, Syn. ป่าดงดิบ, Example: เขาท่องเที่ยวเข้าไปในดงดิบ, Thai Definition: ดงในเขตอากาศร้อนบริเวณเส้นศูนย์สูตร ซึ่งมีฝนตกชุกเกือบตลอดปี มีป่าไม้สีเขียวไม่ผลัดใบ, ดงที่มีต้นไม้หนาแน่นเขียวชอุ่มอยู่ทั้งปี
ดงดิบ(n) dense forest, See also: primeval forest, Syn. ป่าดงดิบ, Example: เราเดินเลยทุ่งเข้าไปถึงในดงดิบ, Thai Definition: ดงในเขตอากาศร้อนบริเวณเส้นศูนย์สูตร ซึ่งมีฝนตกชุกเกือบตลอดปี มีป่าไม้สีเขียวไม่ผลัดใบ, ดงที่มีต้นไม้หนาแน่นเขียวชอุ่มอยู่ทั้งปี
ชนวน(n) fuse, See also: primer, Syn. ชนวนระเบิด, Example: แอมโนเนียเป็นสารชนิดหนึ่งที่สามารถใช้เป็นชนวนระเบิดได้
ธัญ(adj) good, See also: excellent, superb, superior, premium, best, top, prime, fine, wonderful, Syn. รุ่งเรือง, ดี, เลิศ, Notes: (บาลี, สันสกฤต)
ดึกดำบรรพ์(n) prehistory, See also: ancient time, primeval period, Syn. โบราณกาล, โบราณ, เก่าแก่, นมนาน, นานนม, Ant. สมัยใหม่, ปัจจุบัน, Example: มนุษย์มีความเชื่อถือผีกันมาแต่ดึกดำบรรพ์
พยานเอก(n) prime witness, Example: อัยการต้องเอาตัวพยานเอกไปซ่อนไว้เสียก่อน ทั้งนี้เพื่อความปลอดภัยของพยานเอง, Count Unit: ปาก, คน

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อดีตนายกรัฐมนตรี[adīt nāyok ratthamontrī] (n, exp) EN: former prime minister  FR: ancien Premier ministre [ m ]
อัด[at] (v) EN: press ; compress ; pack ; squeeze ; stuff ; congest ; sandwich  FR: comprimer ; compresser ; entasser
ใบปลิว[baipliū = baipliu] (n) EN: leaflet ; handbill  FR: imprimé [ m ] ; prospectus [ m ]
บำเหน็จ[bamnet] (n) EN: bonus ; premium ; reward ; gratuity ; benefit  FR: prime [ f ] ; rémunération [ f ] ; rétribution [ f ]
บรรพ-[ban- = banpha-] (pref) EN: [ prefix meaning ancient, prime, primary, primordial ]  FR: [ préfixe indiquant l'ancienneté ]
บรรพ~[bap-] (pref, (adj)) EN: ancient ; prime ; primary ; primordial ; primevall ; primitive  FR: ancien
เบี้ยประกัน[bīa prakan] (n, exp) EN: insurance premium  FR: prime d'assurance [ f ]
บีบ[bīp] (v) EN: oppress ; persecute  FR: opprimer
บีบรัด[bīp-rat] (v) EN: oppress ; persecute ; tyrannize  FR: opprimer ; tyranniser
บอก[bøk] (v) EN: tell ; say ; inform ; describe ; narrate; refer to ; advise ; suggest ; recommend ; teach  FR: dire ; exprimer ; raconter ; indiquer ; informer ; confesser ; énoncer
โบราณ[bōrān] (adj) EN: ancient ; antique ; archaic ; old-fashioned ; outdated ; outmoded ; dated ; out of date ; unfashionable ; ancient ; antiquated ; antique ; archaic ; primeval ; old ; traditional  FR: ancien ; antique ; archaïque ; primitif ; vieux ; démodé
บุพ[bup] (adj) EN: primitive ; primeval ; primordial  FR: primitif ; fondamental
ช่างพิมพ์[chang phim] (n) EN: printer  FR: imprimeur [ m ]
ชนวน[chanūan] (n) EN: fuse ; primer  FR: fusible [ m ]
ดึกดำบรรพ์[deukdamban] (n) EN: prehistory ; ancient time ; primeval period
หดหู่[hothū] (v) EN: depress ; deject ; be dispirit  FR: être déprimé ; être découragé
หัวคิด[hūakhit] (n) EN: wisdom ; brains ; head ; thought ; idea ; prime mover
หัวเรี่ยวหัวแรง[hūarīohūaraēng] (n, exp) EN: prime move ; chief architect (of a scheme) ; righthand man  FR: maître d'oeuvre [ m ]
จำนวนเฉพาะ[jamnūan chaphǿ] (n, exp) EN: prime number  FR: nombre premier [ m ]
กำจัด[kamjat] (v) EN: get rid of ; eliminate ; dispose of ; eradicate ; clear up ; exterminate ; remove ; drive away ; abolish  FR: éliminer ; supprimer ; éradiquer ; se débarasser de
ค่านายหน้า[khā nāinā] (n) EN: commission ; sales commission ; brokerage ; brokerage fees ; broker's fee ; compensation ; fee  FR: prime [ f ] ; commission [ f ] ; courtage [ m ]
ขยี้[khayī] (v) EN: crush ; squash ; quash ; trample  FR: écraser ; comprimer ; piétiner
ขอโทษ[khøthōt] (v) EN: apologize ; make an apology ; beg your pardon ; excuse ; pardon ; ask for forgiveness  FR: s'excuser ; présenter ses excuses ; demander pardon ; exprimer des regrets
ขุ่นมัว[khunmūa] (v) EN: depress ; be melancholy ; be gloomy  FR: déprimer
กลั้น[klan] (v) EN: restrain ; suppress ; hold back  FR: retenir ; réprimer
กลุ้มใจ[klumjai] (x) EN: be depressed ; be worried ; worry  FR: être inquiet ; être soucieux ; être ennuyé ; être tourmenté ; être déprimé
ละเหี่ย[lahīa] (adj) EN: tired out ; exhausted ; weary ; sick  FR: déprimé ; abattu ; las (litt.)
ลง[long] (v) EN: publish ; print  FR: imprimer
ลงคะแนน[longkhanaēn] (v) EN: vote ; ballot ; elect ; cast a ballot  FR: voter ; élire ; exprimer son suffrage
ลงพื้น[longpheūn] (v) EN: prime ; apply a primer  FR: appliquer un apprêt
ลบล้าง[loplāng] (v) EN: wipe out ; eradicate ; destroy ; blot out ; wash off ; be obliterated  FR: supprimer ; abolir
ลบออก[lop øk] (v) EN: delete ; erase  FR: supprimer ; effacer ; biffer
ไม่เลือกใคร[mai leūak khrai] (v, exp) EN: cast a blank vote  FR: voter blanc ; ne pas exprimer de vote
ไม่ลงคะแนน[mai long khanaēn] (v, exp) EN: cast a blank vote  FR: voter blanc ; ne pas exprimer de vote
มาก่อน[mā køn] (v, exp) EN: come first  FR: précéder ; venir avant ; venir en tête ; venir d'abord ; primer ; prévaloir
เม็ดยา[met yā] (n, exp) FR: cachet [ m ] ; comprimé [ m ]
โมทนาคุณ[mōthanākhun] (x) FR: exprimer de la gratitude
นายก[nāyok] (n) EN: Prime Minister ; Premier  FR: Premier ministre [ m ]
นายกรัฐมนตรี[nāyokratthamontrī] (n, exp) EN: Prime Minister ; Premier  FR: Premier ministre [ m ]
เหนื่อยใจ[neūay-jai] (v, exp) EN: be downhearted ; be depressed ; be disheartened ; be despondent ; be downcast ; be discouraged ; be dispirited ; be mentally tired  FR: être déprimé ; être découragé ; souffrir de fatigue mentale
เงินรางวัลพิเศษ[ngoen rāngwan phisēt] (n, exp) EN: bonus  FR: prime [ f ] ; bonus [ m ]
หงอย[ngøi] (v) EN: wither ; be depressed ; have the blues  FR: être déprimé ; être démoralisé
หงอย[ngøi] (adj) EN: downcast ; despondent  FR: déprimé ; démoralisé
ปืนลม[peūnlom] (n, exp) EN: air gun  FR: carabine à air comprimé [ f ]
ปืนไรเฟิลอัดลม[peūn raifoēl at lom] (n, exp) EN: air rifle  FR: carabine à air comprimé [ f ]
พยานเอก[phayān ēk] (n, exp) EN: principal witness ; prime witness ; key witness  FR: témoin principal [ m ] ; témoin-clé [ m ]
พิมพ์[phim] (v) EN: print ; press ; type  FR: imprimer ; mettre sous presse ; sortir
พิมพ์หนังสือ[phim nangseū] (v, exp) EN: print ; print a book ; publish  FR: imprimer ; publier
พิมพ์เป็นที่ระลึก[phim pen thī raleuk] (x) EN: printed in remembrance ; printed as a souvenir  FR: imprimé en souvenir ; imprimé en mémoire
พิมพ์ซ้ำ[phim sam] (v, exp) EN: reprint  FR: réimprimer

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
prime(n) a number that has no factor but itself and 1, Syn. prime quantity
prime(n) the second canonical hour; about 6 a.m.
prime(n) the time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest, Syn. prime of life
prime(v) insert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing
prime(v) cover with a primer; apply a primer to, Syn. undercoat, ground
prime(v) fill with priming liquid
prime(adj) used of the first or originating agent
prime(adj) of or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers
prime(adj) being at the best stage of development; - Robert Browning, Syn. meridian
primer(n) an introductory textbook
aboriginal(adj) having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state, Syn. primaeval, primordial, primal, primeval
chancellor(n) the person who is head of state (in several countries), Syn. prime minister, premier
choice(adj) of superior grade, Syn. quality, select, prize, prime
fit(adj) (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed, Syn. set, primed
flower(n) the period of greatest prosperity or productivity, Syn. flush, prime, efflorescence, bloom, heyday, peak, blossom
fuse(n) any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant, Syn. fuze, primer, priming, fusee, fuzee
premier(adj) first in rank or degree, Syn. prime

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ L. deprimens, p. pr. of deprimere. See Depress. ] Serving to depress. [ R. ] “Depriment muscles.” Derham. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. imprimerie, fr. imprimer to imprint. ] [ Obs. ] (a) A print; impression. (b) A printing establishment. (c) The art of printing. [ 1913 Webster ]

Long primer

pos>n. (Print.) A kind of type, in size between small pica and bourgeois. [ 1913 Webster ]

This line is printed in long primer. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. The first part; the earliest stage; the beginning or opening, as of the day, the year, etc.; hence, the dawn; the spring. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

In the very prime of the world. Hooker. [ 1913 Webster ]

Hope waits upon the flowery prime. Waller. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The spring of life; youth; hence, full health, strength, or beauty; perfection. “Cut off in their prime.” Eustace. “The prime of youth.” Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. That which is first in quantity; the most excellent portion; the best part. [ 1913 Webster ]

Give him always of the prime. Swift. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. [ F. prime, LL. prima (sc. hora). See Prime, a. ] The morning; specifically (R. C. Ch.), the first canonical hour, succeeding to lauds. [ 1913 Webster ]

Early and late it rung, at evening and at prime. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Originally, prime denoted the first quarter of the artificial day, reckoned from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. Afterwards, it denoted the end of the first quarter, that is, 9 a. m. Specifically, it denoted the first canonical hour, as now. Chaucer uses it in all these senses, and also in the sense of def. 1, above. [ 1913 Webster ]

They sleep till that it was pryme large. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. (Fencing) The first of the chief guards. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. (Chem.) Any number expressing the combining weight or equivalent of any particular element; -- so called because these numbers were respectively reduced to their lowest relative terms on the fixed standard of hydrogen as 1. [ Obs. or Archaic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

7. (Arith.) A prime number. See under Prime, a. [ 1913 Webster ]

8. An inch, as composed of twelve seconds in the duodecimal system; -- denoted by [ ′ ]. See 2d Inch, n., 1. [ 1913 Webster ]

Prime of the moon, the new moon at its first appearance.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ F., fr. L. primus first, a superl. corresponding to the compar. prior former. See Prior, a., Foremost, Former, and cf. Prim, a., Primary, Prince. ] 1. First in order of time; original; primeval; primitive; primary. “Prime forests.” Tennyson. [ 1913 Webster ]

She was not the prime cause, but I myself. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ In this sense the word is nearly superseded by primitive, except in the phrase prime cost. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. First in rank, degree, dignity, authority, or importance; as, prime minister. “Prime virtues.” Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. First in excellence; of highest quality; as, prime wheat; a prime quality of cloth. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Early; blooming; being in the first stage. [ Poetic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

His starry helm, unbuckled, showed him prime
In manhood where youth ended. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. Lecherous; lustful; lewd. [ Obs. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. Marked or distinguished by a mark (′) called a prime mark.
In this dictionary the same typographic mark is used to indicate a weak accent in headwords, and minutes of a degree in angle measurements. [ 1913 Webster ]

7. (Math.) (a) Divisible by no number except itself or unity; as, 7 is a prime number. (b) Having no common factor; -- used with to; as, 12 is prime to 25. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Prime and ultimate ratio. (Math.). See Ultimate. --
Prime conductor. (Elec.) See under Conductor. --
Prime factor (Arith.), a factor which is a prime number. --
Prime figure (Geom.), a figure which can not be divided into any other figure more simple than itself, as a triangle, a pyramid, etc. --
Prime meridian (Astron.), the meridian from which longitude is reckoned, as the meridian of Greenwich or Washington. --
Prime minister, the responsible head of a ministry or executive government; applied particularly to that of England. --
Prime mover. (Mech.) (a) A natural agency applied by man to the production of power. Especially: Muscular force; the weight and motion of fluids, as water and air; heat obtained by chemical combination, and applied to produce changes in the volume and pressure of steam, air, or other fluids; and electricity, obtained by chemical action, and applied to produce alternation of magnetic force. (b) An engine, or machine, the object of which is to receive and modify force and motion as supplied by some natural source, and apply them to drive other machines; as a water wheel, a water-pressure engine, a steam engine, a hot-air engine, etc. (c) Fig.: The original or the most effective force in any undertaking or work; as, Clarkson was the prime mover in English antislavery agitation. --
Prime number (Arith.), a number which is exactly divisible by no number except itself or unity, as 5, 7, 11. --
Prime vertical (Astron.), the vertical circle which passes through the east and west points of the horizon. --
Prime-vertical dial, a dial in which the shadow is projected on the plane of the prime vertical. --
Prime-vertical transit instrument, a transit instrument the telescope of which revolves in the plane of the prime vertical, -- used for observing the transit of stars over this circle.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Primed p. pr. & vb. n. Priming. ] [ From Prime, a. ] 1. To apply priming to, as a musket or a cannon; to apply a primer to, as a metallic cartridge. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To lay the first color, coating, or preparation upon (a surface), as in painting; as, to prime a canvas, a wall. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To prepare; to make ready; to instruct beforehand; to post; to coach; as, to prime a witness; the boys are primed for mischief. [ Colloq. ] Thackeray. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. To trim or prune, as trees. [ Obs. or Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

5. (Math.) To mark with a prime mark. [ 1913 Webster ]

To prime a pump, to charge a pump with water, in order to put it in working condition.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. 1. To be renewed, or as at first. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Night's bashful empress, though she often wane,
As oft repeats her darkness, primes again. Quarles. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To serve as priming for the charge of a gun. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. To work so that foaming occurs from too violent ebullition, which causes water to become mixed with, and be carried along with, the steam that is formed; -- said of a steam boiler. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. 1. At first; primarily. [ Obs. ] South. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. In a prime manner; excellently. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. The quality or state of being first. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The quality or state of being prime, or excellent. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who, or that which, primes; specifically, an instrument or device for priming; esp., a cap, tube, or water containing percussion powder or other compound for igniting a charge of gunpowder. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ OF. primer, primier, premier, F. premier. See Premier. ] First; original; primary. [ Obs. ] “The primer English kings.” Drayton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Primer fine (O. Eng. Law), a fine due to the king on the writ or commencement of a suit by fine. Blackstone. --
Primer seizin (Feudal Law), the right of the king, when a tenant in capite died seized of a knight's fee, to receive of the heir, if of full age, one year's profits of the land if in possession, and half a year's profits if the land was in reversion expectant on an estate for life; -- now abolished. Blackstone.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Originally, the book read at prime, the first canonical hour. LL. primae liber. See Prime, n., 4. ] 1. Originally, a small prayer book for church service, containing the little office of the Virgin Mary; also, a work of elementary religious instruction. [ 1913 Webster ]

The primer, or office of the Blessed Virgin. Bp. Stillingfleet. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A small elementary book for teaching children to read; a reading or spelling book for a beginner. [ 1913 Webster ]

As he sat in the school at his prymer. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Print.) A kind of type, of which there are two species; one, called long primer, intermediate in size between bourgeois and small pica [ see Long primer ]; the other, called great primer, larger than pica. [ 1913 Webster ]

Great primer type. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Sp. primera, fr. primero first, from L. primarius. See Premier. ] A game at cards, now unknown. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Bot.) See Primrose. [ Obs. ] “She was a primerole.” Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. primaevus; primus first + aevum age. See Prime, a., and Age. ] Belonging to the first ages; pristine; original; primitive; primary; as, the primeval innocence of man. “This is the forest primeval.” Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]

From chaos, and primeval darkness, came Light. Keats. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a primeval manner; in or from the earliest times; originally. Darwin. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Primeval. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Firearms) A machine or implement for applying fresh primers to spent cartridge shells, so that the shells be used again. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
总理[zǒng lǐ, ㄗㄨㄥˇ ㄌㄧˇ,   /  ] premier; prime minister #2,217 [Add to Longdo]
首相[shǒu xiàng, ㄕㄡˇ ㄒㄧㄤˋ,  ] prime minister (of Japan or UK etc) #5,537 [Add to Longdo]
温家宝[Wēn Jiā bǎo, ㄨㄣ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄅㄠˇ,    /   ] Wen Jiabao (1942-), Prime Minister of PRC from 2003 #5,811 [Add to Longdo]
周恩来[Zhōu Ēn lái, ㄓㄡ ㄣ ㄌㄞˊ,    /   ] Zhou Enlai (1898-1976), Chinese communist leader, Prime Minister 1949-1976 #7,594 [Add to Longdo]
副总理[fù zǒng lǐ, ㄈㄨˋ ㄗㄨㄥˇ ㄌㄧˇ,    /   ] vice-premier; vice prime minister; deputy prime minister #7,825 [Add to Longdo]
小泉[Xiǎo quán, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄑㄩㄢˊ,  ] Japanese surname Koizumi; Koizumi Jun'ichiro, Prime Minister of Japan 2001-2006 #8,368 [Add to Longdo]
布朗[Bù lǎng, ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄤˇ,  ] Brown (name); Gordon Brown (1951-), UK politician, prime minister from 2007 #10,516 [Add to Longdo]
李鹏[Lǐ Péng, ㄌㄧˇ ㄆㄥˊ,   /  ] Li Peng (1928-), leading PRC politician, prime minister 1987-1998, reportedly leader of the conservative faction advocating the June 1989 Tian'anmen clampdown #13,459 [Add to Longdo]
诸葛亮[Zhū gě Liàng, ㄓㄨ ㄍㄜˇ ㄌㄧㄤˋ,    /   ] Zhuge Liang (181-234), military leader and Prime Minister of Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉 during the Three Kingdoms period; the main hero of the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义, where he is portrayed as a sage and military genius #13,603 [Add to Longdo]
宰相[zǎi xiàng, ㄗㄞˇ ㄒㄧㄤˋ,  ] prime minister (in feudal China) #19,055 [Add to Longdo]
丞相[chéng xiàng, ㄔㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄤˋ,  ] the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles); prime minister #19,447 [Add to Longdo]
小泉纯一郎[Xiǎo quán Chún yī láng, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄑㄩㄢˊ ㄔㄨㄣˊ ㄧ ㄌㄤˊ,      /     ] Koizumi Jun'ichiro, Prime Minister of Japan 2001-2006 #21,802 [Add to Longdo]
青壮年[qīng zhuàng nián, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄓㄨㄤˋ ㄋㄧㄢˊ,    /   ] the prime of one's life #25,873 [Add to Longdo]
李斯[Lǐ Sī, ㄌㄧˇ ㄙ,  ] Li Si (c. 280-208 BC), Legalist philosopher, calligrapher and Prime minister of Qin kingdom and Qin dynasty from 246 to 208 BC #30,230 [Add to Longdo]
安倍晋三[Ān bèi Jìn sān, ㄢ ㄅㄟˋ ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄙㄢ,     /    ] ABE Shinzou, Japanese prime minister from 2006 #30,898 [Add to Longdo]
马利基[Mǎ lì jī, ㄇㄚˇ ㄌㄧˋ ㄐㄧ,    /   ] Maliki or Al-Maliki (name); Nouri Kamel al-Maliki (c.1950-) Prime Minister Iraq from 2006 #32,492 [Add to Longdo]
原动力[yuán dòng lì, ㄩㄢˊ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄌㄧˋ,    /   ] motive force; prime mover; first cause; agent #32,730 [Add to Longdo]
尼赫鲁[ní hè lǔ, ㄋㄧˊ ㄏㄜˋ ㄌㄨˇ,    /   ] (Jawaharlal) Nehru (first Prime Minister of India) #34,359 [Add to Longdo]
壮年[zhuàng nián, ㄓㄨㄤˋ ㄋㄧㄢˊ,   /  ] lit. robust years; prime of life; summer; able-bodied (fit for military service); mature (talent, garden etc) #38,343 [Add to Longdo]
三字经[Sān zì jīng, ㄙㄢ ㄗˋ ㄐㄧㄥ,    /   ] Three character classic, a reading primer consisting of doggerel in lines of 3 characters #41,553 [Add to Longdo]
曼德拉[Màn dé lā, ㄇㄢˋ ㄉㄜˊ ㄌㄚ,   ] Nelson Mandela (1918-), leader of South African ANC, prime minister of South Africa 1994-1999 #41,836 [Add to Longdo]
引子[yǐn zi, ㄧㄣˇ ㄗ˙,  ] primer #45,255 [Add to Longdo]
李光耀[Lǐ Guāng yào, ㄌㄧˇ ㄍㄨㄤ ㄧㄠˋ,   耀] Lee Kuan Yew (former Prime Minister of Singapore) #51,647 [Add to Longdo]
李显龙[Lǐ Xiǎn lóng, ㄌㄧˇ ㄒㄧㄢˇ ㄌㄨㄥˊ,    /   ] Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore (GM) #55,469 [Add to Longdo]
森喜朗[Sēn Xǐ lǎng, ㄙㄣ ㄒㄧˇ ㄌㄤˇ,   ] MORI Yoshirō (1937-), Japanese rugby player and politician, prime minister 2000-2001, famous for numerous gaffes #56,865 [Add to Longdo]
迟暮[chí mù, ㄔˊ ㄇㄨˋ,   /  ] past one's prime #60,577 [Add to Longdo]
百家姓[bǎi jiā xìng, ㄅㄞˇ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,   ] hundred family surnames (Song dynasty reading primer) #61,780 [Add to Longdo]
百家姓[Bǎi jiā xìng, ㄅㄞˇ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,   ] The Book of Family Names, anonymous Song dynasty reading primer listing 438 surnames, with four syllables to each phrase #61,780 [Add to Longdo]
桥本龙太郎[Qiáo běn Lóng tài láng, ㄑㄧㄠˊ ㄅㄣˇ ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄊㄞˋ ㄌㄤˊ,      /     ] HASHIMOTO Ryūtarō (1937-2006), Japanese politician, Prime Minister 1996-1998 #66,203 [Add to Longdo]
质数[zhì shù, ㄓˋ ㄕㄨˋ,   /  ] prime number #66,340 [Add to Longdo]
谢里夫[Xiè lǐ fū, ㄒㄧㄝˋ ㄌㄧˇ ㄈㄨ,    /   ] Sharif (name); Nawaz Sharif (1949-), Pakistani Muslim League politician, Prime Minister 1990-1993 and 1997-1999 #67,945 [Add to Longdo]
盛年[shèng nián, ㄕㄥˋ ㄋㄧㄢˊ,  ] the prime of one's life #68,000 [Add to Longdo]
萧万长[Xiāo Wàn cháng, ㄒㄧㄠ ㄨㄢˋ ㄔㄤˊ,    /   ] Vincent C. Siew (1939-), Taiwanese diplomat and Kuomintang politician, prime minister 1997-2000, vice-president from 2008 #70,624 [Add to Longdo]
拉法兰[Lā fǎ lán, ㄌㄚ ㄈㄚˇ ㄌㄢˊ,    /   ] Raffarin, prime minister of France under Jacques Chirac #79,374 [Add to Longdo]
埃尔多安[Āi ěr duō ān, ㄞ ㄦˇ ㄉㄨㄛ ㄢ,     /    ] Erdogan (name); Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1954-), Turkish politician, Prime Minister from 2003 #79,764 [Add to Longdo]
福田康夫[Fú tián Kāng fū, ㄈㄨˊ ㄊㄧㄢˊ ㄎㄤ ㄈㄨ,    ] FUKUDA Yasuo (1936-), Japanese LDP politician, prime minister from 2007 #80,607 [Add to Longdo]
素数[sù shù, ㄙㄨˋ ㄕㄨˋ,   /  ] prime number #82,306 [Add to Longdo]
村山富市[Cūn shān fù shì, ㄘㄨㄣ ㄕㄢ ㄈㄨˋ ㄕˋ,    ] Tomiichi Murayama (former prime minister of Japan) #83,389 [Add to Longdo]
吴作栋[Wú Zuò dòng, ㄨˊ ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ,    /   ] Goh Chok Tong (Prime Minister of Singapore) #87,103 [Add to Longdo]
宫泽喜一[Gōng zé xǐ yī, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄗㄜˊ ㄒㄧˇ ㄧ,     /    ] Kiichi Miyazawa (former Japanese prime minister) #109,313 [Add to Longdo]
巴尔克嫩德[Bā ěr kè nèn dé, ㄅㄚ ㄦˇ ㄎㄜˋ ㄋㄣˋ ㄉㄜˊ,      /     ] Jan Pieter Balkenende (1956-), Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 2002 #115,420 [Add to Longdo]
科什图尼察[Kē shí tú ní chá, ㄎㄜ ㄕˊ ㄊㄨˊ ㄋㄧˊ ㄔㄚˊ,      /     ] Kostunica; Vojislav Kostunica (1944-), Serbian politician, prime minister from 2004 #119,739 [Add to Longdo]
册府元龟[Cè fǔ yuán guī, ㄘㄜˋ ㄈㄨˇ ㄩㄢˊ ㄍㄨㄟ,     /    ] Prime tortoise of the record bureau, Song dynasty historical encyclopedia of political essays, autobiography, memorials and decrees, compiled 1005-1013 under Wang Qinruo 王欽若|王钦若 and Yang Yi 楊億|杨亿, 1000 scrolls #133,063 [Add to Longdo]
浅说[qiǎn shuō, ㄑㄧㄢˇ ㄕㄨㄛ,   /  ] simple introduction; primer #134,817 [Add to Longdo]
德乌帕[dé wū pà, ㄉㄜˊ ㄨ ㄆㄚˋ,    /   ] Sher Bahadur Deuba (former prime minister of Nepal) #142,834 [Add to Longdo]
陆克文[Lù Kè wén, ㄌㄨˋ ㄎㄜˋ ㄨㄣˊ,    /   ] Kevin Rudd (1957-), prime minister of Australia from 2007 #165,511 [Add to Longdo]
质因数[zhì yīn shù, ㄓˋ ㄧㄣ ㄕㄨˋ,    /   ] prime factor (in arithmetic) #208,842 [Add to Longdo]
春秋鼎盛[chūn qiū dǐng shèng, ㄔㄨㄣ ㄑㄧㄡ ㄉㄧㄥˇ ㄕㄥˋ,    ] the prime of one's life #231,165 [Add to Longdo]
古杰拉尔[Gǔ jié lā ěr, ㄍㄨˇ ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄌㄚ ㄦˇ,     /    ] Gujral (name); Inder Kumar Gujral (1919-), Indian Janata politician, prime minister 1997-1998 #291,559 [Add to Longdo]
互素[hù sù, ㄏㄨˋ ㄙㄨˋ,  ] coprime, relatively prime (math.) #315,313 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Ableitung { f } [ math. ] | Ableitungen { pl } | totale Ableitung { f } | partielle Ableitung { f } | Ableitung der Funktion f; f'; "f Strich" | Zeitableitung einer Funktionderivative | derivatives | total derivative | partial derivative | f'; "f-prime"; derivative of function f | time derivative of a function [Add to Longdo]
Anschaffungskosten { pl }prime cost [Add to Longdo]
Antriebsmaschine { f } [ techn. ]main engine; prime mover [Add to Longdo]
in der Blüte der Jahrein the prime of life [Add to Longdo]
Einführung { f }primer [Add to Longdo]
Fibel { f } (Schule)primer [Add to Longdo]
Generalunternehmer { m }prime contractor; general contractor [Add to Longdo]
Grundierung { f }; Grundanstrich { m } | Grundierungen { pl }primer | undercoats [Add to Longdo]
Jahr { n } | Jahre { pl } | praktisches Jahr | erfolgreiches Jahr | in den besten Jahren seinyear | years | practical year | banner year | be in the prime of life [Add to Longdo]
Ministerpräsident { m } [ pol. ]prime minister [Add to Longdo]
Prime { f }keynote; tone [Add to Longdo]
Primel { n } [ bot. ] | Primeln { pl }primula; primrose | primroses [Add to Longdo]
Primzahl { f } [ math. ]prime number [Add to Longdo]
Rostschutzanstrich { m }antirust coating; primer [Add to Longdo]
Selbstkosten { pl } [ econ. ]prime costs; primary costs; original costs [Add to Longdo]
Sendezeit { f } | zur besten Sendezeitbroadcasting time; airtime | at prime time [Add to Longdo]
Wichtigkeit { f }primeness [Add to Longdo]
Zündsatz { m }priming charge; primer [Add to Longdo]
besoffenprimed [Add to Longdo]
macht scharfprimes [Add to Longdo]
machte scharfprimed [Add to Longdo]
urzeitlich { adj }primeval; primaeval [Add to Longdo]
urzeitlich { adv }primevally [Add to Longdo]
von größter Bedeutungof prime importance [Add to Longdo]
wesentlichst { adv }primely [Add to Longdo]
am wichtigstenprime [Add to Longdo]
Er ist im besten Alter.He's in his prime. [Add to Longdo]
Sattelzugmaschine { f }prime mover; tractor unit; tractor-trailer [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
年(P);歳[とし, toshi] (n-adv, n) (1) (年 only) year; (n) (2) many years; (suf, n) (3) age; (n-adv, n) (4) past one's prime; old age; (P) #5 [Add to Longdo]
[はる, haru] (n-adv, n-t) (1) spring; springtime; (2) New Year; (3) prime (of one's life, etc.); (4) adolescence; puberty; (5) sexuality; (P) #1,037 [Add to Longdo]
首相[しゅしょう, shushou] (n) Prime Minister; Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc.); Premier; (P) #1,683 [Add to Longdo]
[さい, sai] (pref, adj-na) (1) the most; the extreme; (adj-t, adv-to) (2) (See 最たる) prime; conspicuous #1,986 [Add to Longdo]
入門[にゅうもん, nyuumon] (n, vs, adj-no) primer; manual; entering an institute; introduction to; (P) #3,638 [Add to Longdo]
総理[そうり, souri] (n, vs) prime minister; leader; overseer (of national affairs); president; (P) #3,790 [Add to Longdo]
[そ, so] (adj-na, n, adj-no) (1) plain, white silk; (2) { math } (See 互いに素) prime; (P) #4,837 [Add to Longdo]
プライム[puraimu] (n) prime #6,759 [Add to Longdo]
素数[そすう, sosuu] (n) prime number; prime numbers #8,988 [Add to Longdo]
[そう, sou] (n, adj-na) (1) vibrancy; strength; bravery; manliness; (2) (esp. of men) one's prime (approx. age 30) #9,928 [Add to Longdo]
原始[げんし, genshi] (n, adj-no) origin; primeval; (P) #10,071 [Add to Longdo]
宰相[さいしょう, saishou] (n) prime minister; (P) #11,502 [Add to Longdo]
盛り[もり, mori] (n, suf) (1) (ざかり when used as a suffix) peak (e.g. of cherry blossom season); height (e.g. of summer); (2) prime (of one's life); one's best days; (3) rutting; being in heat; (P) #19,350 [Add to Longdo]
ゴールデンアワー[go-ruden'awa-] (n) prime time television (wasei [Add to Longdo]
ゴールデンタイム[go-rudentaimu] (n) prime-time television (wasei [Add to Longdo]
サブプライム[sabupuraimu] (n) subprime [Add to Longdo]
サブプライムモーゲージ;サブプライム・モーゲージ[sabupuraimumo-ge-ji ; sabupuraimu . mo-ge-ji] (n) subprime mortgage [Add to Longdo]
サブプライムローン;サブプライム・ローン[sabupuraimuro-n ; sabupuraimu . ro-n] (n) subprime loan; subprime lending [Add to Longdo]
サブプライム融資[サブプライムゆうし, sabupuraimu yuushi] (n) subprime lending in housing mortage market; housing loans to low-income, high-risk consumers [Add to Longdo]
プライマー[puraima-] (n) primer [Add to Longdo]
プライムタイム[puraimutaimu] (n) prime time; (P) [Add to Longdo]
プライムレート[puraimure-to] (n) prime (lending) rate; (P) [Add to Longdo]
我が世の春[わがよのはる, wagayonoharu] (n) heyday; prime [Add to Longdo]
勤め盛り[つとめざかり, tsutomezakari] (n) the prime of one's career [Add to Longdo]
元を切って売る[もとをきってうる, motowokitteuru] (exp, v5r) to sell under prime cost; to sell at a loss [Add to Longdo]
元首相[もとしゅしょう, motoshushou] (n) (See 元・もと) former Prime Minister; former Chancellor [Add to Longdo]
元請け[もとうけ, motouke] (n) prime contract work or contractor [Add to Longdo]
原始林[げんしりん, genshirin] (n) primeval forest; virgin forest [Add to Longdo]
原生[げんせい, gensei] (n) spontaneous generation; primeval; primitive; (P) [Add to Longdo]
原生林[げんせいりん, genseirin] (n) primeval forest; virgin forest [Add to Longdo]
互いに素[たがいにそ, tagainiso] (adj-na, adj-no) (1) { math } coprime; relatively prime; (2) disjoint [Add to Longdo]
最たる[さいたる, saitaru] (adj-pn) prime; conspicuous [Add to Longdo]
宰相の器[さいしょうのき, saishounoki] (n) person qualified for prime minister [Add to Longdo]
若盛り[わかざかり, wakazakari] (n) prime of youth [Add to Longdo]
主レコードキー[しゅレコードキー, shu reko-doki-] (n) { comp } prime record key [Add to Longdo]
手引書(P);手引き書[てびきしょ, tebikisho] (n) handbook; manual; guide; primer; (P) [Add to Longdo]
首相官邸[しゅしょうかんてい, shushoukantei] (n) prime minister's official residence [Add to Longdo]
首相兼外相[しゅしょうけんがいしょう, shushoukengaishou] (n) Prime Minister also serving as Foreign Minister [Add to Longdo]
首相公選制[しゅしょうこうせんせい, shushoukousensei] (n) system allowing for election of the prime minister by popular vote [Add to Longdo]
首相指名[しゅしょうしめい, shushoushimei] (n) nomination to become prime minister [Add to Longdo]
首相指名選挙[しゅしょうしめいせんきょ, shushoushimeisenkyo] (exp, n) vote by the Diet to appoint the prime minister [Add to Longdo]
首相臨時代行[しゅしょうりんじだいこう, shushourinjidaikou] (n) acting prime minister [Add to Longdo]
首班[しゅはん, shuhan] (n) head; leader; Prime Minister; (P) [Add to Longdo]
丞相[じょうしょう, joushou] (n) prime minister (in ancient China) [Add to Longdo]
新首相[しんしゅしょう, shinshushou] (n) new prime minister [Add to Longdo]
人生の春[じんせいのはる, jinseinoharu] (n) the flower (prime) of youth; the spring of life [Add to Longdo]
盛時[せいじ, seiji] (n) prime of life; era of national prosperity [Add to Longdo]
盛年[せいねん, seinen] (n) prime of life [Add to Longdo]
先の総理大臣[さきのそうりだいじん, sakinosouridaijin] (n) former prime minister [Add to Longdo]
素イデアル[そイデアル, so idearu] (n) { math } prime ideal [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
主レコードキー[しゅレコードキー, shu reko-doki-] prime record key [Add to Longdo]


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