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English Phonetic Symbols

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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -posingly-, *posingly*, posing
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา posingly มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *posing*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

adv. So as to pose or puzzle. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Tending to compose or soothe. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Pertaining to, or used in, composition. [ 1913 Webster ]

Composing frame (Print.), a stand for holding cases of type when in use. --
Composing rule (Print.), a thin slip of brass or steel, against which the type is arranged in a composing stick, or by the aid of which stickfuls or handfuls or type are lifted; -- called also setting rule. --
Composing stick (Print.), an instrument usually of metal, which the compositor holds in his left hand, and in which he arranges the type in words and lines. It has one open side, and one adjustable end by means of which the length of the lines, and consequently the width of the page or column, may be determined.
[ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a manner to dispose. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Laying as a duty; enjoining. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Adapted to impress forcibly; impressive; commanding; as, an imposing air; an imposing spectacle. “Large and imposing edifices.” Bp. Hobart. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Deceiving; deluding; misleading. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Print.) The act of imposing the columns of a page, or the pages of a sheet. See Impose, v. t., 4. [ 1913 Webster ]

Imposing stone (Print.), the stone on which the pages or columns of types are imposed or made into forms; -- called also imposing table.
[ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In an imposing manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The quality of being imposing. [ 1913 Webster ]


/mhw> adj. 1. characterized by active opposition; as, two bitterly opposing schools of thought.
Syn. -- antagonistic, antipathetic, antipathetical, opponent. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. acting in opposition to; as, the opposing sector of the same muscle group. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Variants: opposed

See accommodating.
See aching.
See ailing.
See aiming.
See alarming.
See altering.
See appreciating.
See approving.
See aspiring.
See assisting.
See attempting.
See attending.
See bearing.
See befitting.
See beginning.
See believing.
See bleaching.
See bleeding.
See blemishing.
See blenching.
See blossoming.
See blushing.
See boding.
See branching.
See breathing.
See burning.
See calculating.
See ceasing.
See changing.
See charming.
See communicating.
See complaining.
See complying.
See conceiving.
See conducing.
See confessing.
See conniving.
See consenting.
See considering.
See conspiring.
See consulting.
See consuming.
See contending.
See contriving.
See conversing.
See convincing.
See dawning.
See decaying.
See delaying.
See depending.
See derogating.
See deserving.
See desiring.
See despairing.
See detesting.
See deviating.
See differencing.
See discerning.
See discording.
See discriminating.
See disobliging.
See dispensing.
See dissembling.
See dissolving.
See distinguishing.
See distracting.
See disturbing.
See doubting.
See dreading.
See drooping.
See ebbing.
See echoing.
See edifying.
See ending.
See enduring.
See engaging.
See enjoying.
See entering.
See enterprising.
See entertaining.
See envying.
See existing.
See fadging.
See fading.
See fainting.
See faltering.
See fearing.
See feigning.
See fighting.
See fitting.
See flagging.
See flattering.
See flinching.
See folding.
See forbearing.
See foreboding.
See foreseeing.
See forgiving.
See giving.
See grudging.
See harming.
See heeding.
See hesitating.
See hoping.
See hurting.
See importing.
See imposing.
See improving.
See interesting.
See intermitting.
See intoxicating.
See inviting.
See jarring.
See laboring.
See lingering.
See listening.
See loving.
See meddling.
See meriting.
See mistrusting.
See moving.
See murmuring.
See obliging.
See observing.
See offending.
See opening.
See pardoning.
See paying.
See perceiving.
See performing.
See perishing.
See pitying.
See pleasing.
See possessing.
See preaching.
See prepossessing.
See presuming.
See pretending.
See prevailing.
See prevaricating.
See profiting.
See promising.
See proving.
See quailing.
See questioning.
See reasoning.
See recalling.
See reclining.
See recurring.
See referring.
See reflecting.
See refunding.
See refusing.
See rejoicing.
See relaxing.
See relishing.
See remembering.
See repenting.
See repining.
See reproving.
See repulsing.
See resisting.
See resolving.
See resting.
See returning.
See rewarding.
See sanctifying.
See satisfying.
See searching.
See seeing.
See setting.
See shrinking.
See sinking.
See sleeping.
See slipping.
See slumbering.
See speaking.
See stinting.
See stirring.
See stooping.
See submitting.
See sufficing.
See suiting.
See surging.
See suspecting.
See sweating.
See swerving.
See sympathizing.
See tasting.
See thriving.
See tiring.
See toiling.
See trading.
See trembling.
See trespassing.
See trifling.
See vacillating.
See varying.
See walking.
See wandering.
See waning.
See wasting.
See wavering.
See weeping.
See winking.
See winning.
See withdrawing.
See withering.
See wondering.
See working.
See writing.
See yielding.
----- and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

The above classes of words are unlimited in extent, and such compounds may be formed by any writer or speaker at will from almost all the adjectives or participles in the language, excepting those which have a recognized and usual negative correspondent with the prefix -in. No attempt will be made, therefore, to define them all in this Dictionary; many will be omitted from its Vocabulary which are negations of the simple word, and are readily explained by prefixing a not to the latter. Derivatives of these words in -ly and -ness will also, for the most part, be omitted for the same or similar reasons. [ 1913 Webster ]

There will be inserted as separate articles with definitions, the following: -- [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Those which have acquired an opposed or contrary, instead of a merely negative, meaning; as, unfriendly, ungraceful, unpalatable, unquiet, and the like; or else an intensive sense more than a prefixed not would express; as, unending, unparalleled, undisciplined, undoubted, unsafe, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; or inasmuch as they are so frequently and familiarly used that they are hardly felt to be of negative origin; as, uncertain, uneven, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Those which are anomalous, provincial, or, for some other reason, not desirable to be used, and are so indicated; as, unpure for impure, unsatisfaction for dissatisfaction, unexpressible for inexpressible, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

II. Un- is prefixed to nouns to express the absence of, or the contrary of, that which the noun signifies; as, unbelief, unfaith, unhealth, unrest, untruth, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Compounds of this last class are given in full in their proper order in the Vocabulary. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unwriting, Unworking, Unwondering, Unwithering, Unwithdrawing, Unwinning, Unwinking, Unweeping, Unwavering, Unwasting, Unwaning, Unwandering, Unwalking, Unvarying, Unvacillating, Untrifling, Untrespassing, Untrembling, Untrading, Untoiling, Untiring, Unthriving, Untasting, Unsympathizing, Unswerving, Unsweating, Unsuspecting, Unsurging, Unsuiting, Unsufficing, Unsubmitting, Unstooping, Unstirring, Unstinting, Unspeaking, Unslumbering, Unslipping, Unsleeping, Unsinking, Unshrinking, Unsetting, Unseeing, Unsearching, Unsatisfying, Unsanctifying, Unrewarding, Unreturning, Unresting, Unresolving, Unresisting, Unrepulsing, Unreproving, Unrepining, Unrepenting, Unremembering, Unrelishing, Unrelaxing, Unrejoicing, Unrefusing, Unrefunding, Unreflecting, Unreferring, Unrecurring, Unreclining, Unrecalling, Unreasoning, Unquestioning, Unquailing, Unproving, Unpromising, Unprofiting, Unprevaricating, Unprevailing, Unpretending, Unpresuming, Unprepossessing, Unpreaching, Unpossessing, Unpleasing, Unpitying, Unperishing, Unperforming, Unperceiving, Unpaying, Unpardoning, Unopening, Unoffending, Unobserving, Unobliging, Unmurmuring, Unmoving, Unmistrusting, Unmeriting, Unmeddling, Unloving, Unlistening, Unlingering, Unlaboring, Unjarring, Uninviting, Unintoxicating, Unintermitting, Uninteresting, Unimproving, Unimposing, Unimporting, Unhurting, Unhoping, Unhesitating, Unheeding, Unharming, Ungrudging, Ungiving, Unforgiving, Unforeseeing, Unforeboding, Unforbearing, Unfolding, Unflinching, Unflattering, Unflagging, Unfitting, Unfighting, Unfeigning, Unfearing, Unfaltering, Unfainting, Unfading, Unfadging, Unexisting, Unenvying, Unentertaining, Unenterprising, Unentering, Unenjoying, Unengaging, Unenduring, Unending, Unedifying, Unechoing, Unebbing, Undrooping, Undreading, Undoubting, Undisturbing, Undistracting, Undistinguishing, Undissolving, Undissembling, Undispensing, Undisobliging, Undiscriminating, Undiscording, Undiscerning, Undifferencing, Undeviating, Undetesting, Undespairing, Undesiring, Undeserving, Underogating, Undepending, Undelaying, Undecaying, Undawning, Unconvincing, Unconversing, Uncontriving, Uncontending, Unconsuming, Unconsulting, Unconspiring, Unconsidering, Unconsenting, Unconniving, Unconfessing, Unconducing, Unconceiving, Uncomplying, Uncomplaining, Uncommunicating, Uncharming, Unchanging, Unceasing, Uncalculating, Unburning, Unbreathing, Unbranching, Unboding, Unblushing, Unblossoming, Unblenching, Unblemishing, Unbleeding, Unbleaching, Unbelieving, Unbeginning, Unbefitting, Unbearing, Unattending, Unattempting, Unassisting, Unaspiring, Unapproving, Unappreciating, Unaltering, Unalarming, Unaiming, Unailing, Unaching, Unaccommodating

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
でんと[dento] (adv) imposingly; heavily; conspicuously; in a dignified manner [Add to Longdo]
設定[せってい, settei] (n, vs) (1) establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene; (2) { comp } options or preference settings (in computer software); configuration; assignment; setup; (P) #765 [Add to Longdo]
分解[ぶんかい, bunkai] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) disassembly; dismantling; disaggregating; analysis; disintegrating; decomposing; degrading; (2) { math } factorization; (3) { chem } decomposition; resolution; (4) { comp } deblocking; (P) #5,291 [Add to Longdo]
対面[たいめん(P);たいめ(ok), taimen (P); taime (ok)] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) interview; meeting; (2) opposing (traffic, etc.); facing; confronting; (P) #11,380 [Add to Longdo]
立派[りっぱ, rippa] (adj-na, n) splendid; fine; handsome; elegant; imposing; prominent; legal; legitimate; (P) #12,938 [Add to Longdo]
堂々(P);堂堂[どうどう, doudou] (adj-t, adv-to) (1) magnificent; grand; impressive; dignified; majestic; imposing; stately; (2) fair; square; open; (adv-to) (3) grandly; boldly; confidently; (4) fairly; squarely; (5) unreservedly; without apology; without hesitation; (P) #14,371 [Add to Longdo]
ご立派;御立派[ごりっぱ, gorippa] (adj-na) (pol) (See 立派) splendid; fine; handsome; elegant; imposing; prominent; legal; legitimate [Add to Longdo]
と仮定して[とかていして, tokateishite] (exp) assuming that ...; supposing that ... [Add to Longdo]
威風堂堂;威風堂々[いふうどうどう, ifuudoudou] (adj-no, adj-t, adv-to) being majestic; with great pomp and circumstance; with an imposing air [Add to Longdo]
威風凛々;威風凛凛[いふうりんりん, ifuurinrin] (adj-t, adv-to) (arch) awe-inspiring; majestic; commanding; stately; with an imposing air; in a stately (dignified) manner [Add to Longdo]
移着[いちゃく, ichaku] (n, vs) adhering or embedding of wear debris in the opposing surface [Add to Longdo]
陰爻[いんこう, inkou] (n) (See 爻) yin yao (broken line composing one third of a trigram) [Add to Longdo]
歌心[うたごころ, utagokoro] (n) (waka) poetic sentiment; waka-composing mood; solid grounding in waka; meaning of a waka poem [Add to Longdo]
花鳥諷詠[かちょうふうえい, kachoufuuei] (exp) (See 花鳥風月) the beauties of nature as the key poetic theme; the central theme in composing poetry (haiku) must be the beauties of nature and the harmony that exist between nature and man. (The slogan of the Hototogisu School of modern Japanese haiku) [Add to Longdo]
苛斂誅求[かれんちゅうきゅう, karenchuukyuu] (n) imposing exacting (crushing, oppressive) taxes [Add to Longdo]
観護措置[かんごそち, kangosochi] (n) placing a minor under protective detention; imposing a care and custody order [Add to Longdo]
句作[くさく, kusaku] (n, vs) composing haiku poems [Add to Longdo]
句法[くほう, kuhou] (n) (1) (See 句形・1) conventions to be followed in composing Japanese poetry; phraseology; diction; (2) (See 句形・2) rules of grammar and syntax when reading kanbun in Japanese [Add to Longdo]
源平[げんぺい, genpei] (n) Genji and Heike clans; two opposing sides [Add to Longdo]
護摩の灰;胡麻の蝿[ごまのはい, gomanohai] (n) thief posing as fellow traveller (traveler) [Add to Longdo]
宏壮;広壮[こうそう, kousou] (adj-na) grand; imposing; magnificent [Add to Longdo]
婚文[よばいぶみ, yobaibumi] (n) (arch) loveletter; letter proposing marriage [Add to Longdo]
再提案[さいていあん, saiteian] (n) proposing again [Add to Longdo]
作文[さくもん, sakumon] (n) (arch) (See 作文・さくぶん) writing (poetry); composing [Add to Longdo]
三者鼎立[さんしゃていりつ, sanshateiritsu] (n) three parties (forces) opposing one another; three-cornered contest [Add to Longdo]
思い入れ;思いいれ;想い入れ;思入れ(io);想入れ(io)[おもいいれ, omoiire] (n, vs) (1) emotional attachment; (2) attitude (expressing emotion); meditative pose (e.g. an actor); posing for effect [Add to Longdo]
詩心[ししん, shishin] (n) poetic sentiment or inspiration; poetic inclination or taste; poem-composing mood; ability to appreciate poetry [Add to Longdo]
若し[もし, moshi] (adv) (uk) if; in case; supposing; (P) [Add to Longdo]
縦しや[よしや, yoshiya] (adv) (uk) (See 縦んば) supposing that; even if [Add to Longdo]
仁王立ち[におうだち, nioudachi] (n) imposing stance; daunting pose [Add to Longdo]
設問[せつもん, setsumon] (n, vs) (1) posing a question; (2) question; (P) [Add to Longdo]
相手方当事者[あいてがたとうじしゃ, aitegatatoujisha] (n) adversary party; opposing party [Add to Longdo]
相手役[あいてやく, aiteyaku] (n) opposing role; partner [Add to Longdo]
像主[ぞうしゅ, zoushu] (n) (1) (obsc) subject (of a portrait or bust); a person posing for a portrait or bust; (2) (historically) patron; someone who commissions a Buddhist temple or work of art [Add to Longdo]
対語[ついご;たいご, tsuigo ; taigo] (n) (1) (See 大小, 男女・だんじょ) kanji compound formed of opposing elements; (2) (See 対義語) antonym; (3) (たいご only) conversation (face-to-face) [Add to Longdo]
対抗部隊[たいこうぶたい, taikoubutai] (n) opposing forces [Add to Longdo]
対生[たいせい, taisei] (n, vs, adj-no) opposing pairs (of leaves) [Add to Longdo]
対置[たいち, taichi] (n, vs, adj-no) opposing (a thing) to (another); contrast [Add to Longdo]
対立候補[たいりつこうほ, tairitsukouho] (n) rival candidate; opposing candidate [Add to Longdo]
探題[たんだい, tandai] (n) local commissioner (Kamakura or Muromachi eras); composing poetry by lot [Add to Longdo]
追い落とし;追い落し;追落とし;追落し[おいおとし, oiotoshi] (n) (1) chasing down; pushing down; deposing; ousting; (2) sacrificing to create a shortage of liberties, then capturing (in the game of go) [Add to Longdo]
摘出[てきしゅつ, tekishutsu] (n, vs) picking out; exposing; taking out; -ectomy (suf) (surgical removal); (P) [Add to Longdo]
摘発[てきはつ, tekihatsu] (n, vs) exposing; unmasking; laying bare; (P) [Add to Longdo]
敵失[てきしつ, tekishitsu] (n) error made by the enemy or opposing team; (P) [Add to Longdo]
点検商法[てんけんしょうほう, tenkenshouhou] (n) an unscrupulous business practice of making sales by posing as an inspector and declaring the need for replacing items [Add to Longdo]
半ケツ[はんケツ, han ketsu] (n) jeans worn low, exposing part of buttocks [Add to Longdo]
反対陣営[はんたいじんえい, hantaijin'ei] (n) opposing side; opposite camp; opposition [Add to Longdo]
反対勢力[はんたいせいりょく, hantaiseiryoku] (n) forces of opposition; opposing forces; counterforce [Add to Longdo]
反対票[はんたいひょう, hantaihyou] (n) opposing voice [Add to Longdo]
反対弁論[はんたいべんろん, hantaibenron] (n) opposing speech; rebuttal (in debate) [Add to Longdo]

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
imposing(adj) สง่า, See also: โอ่โถง, โอ่อ่า, Syn. grand, majestic
opposing(adj) ซึ่งต่อต้าน, Syn. conflicting, combating
supposing(conj) สมมุติว่า, See also: ในกรณีที่ว่า, Syn. if, in case that, granting that, presuming
presupposing(adj) ซึ่งเชื่อว่าเป็นไปได้, Syn. prejudiced, prepossessed

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
composing(คัมโพ'ซิง) n. การเรียงพิมพ์, การแต่ง, การเรียง, Syn. composition
imposing(อิมโพ'ซิง) adj. ประทับใจมาก, ซาบซึ้งใจมาก, เด่น, โอ่อ่า., See also: imposingly adv. imposingness n. very impressive

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
composing(n) การเรียงพิมพ์
imposing(adj) สง่างาม, ภูมิฐาน, โอ่อ่า, น่าประทับใจ

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
procatarctic; predisposing-โน้มเอียงเกิดโรค [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
predisposing; procatarctic-โน้มเอียงเกิดโรค [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
predisposingชักนำให้เกิดโรค [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
predisposing causeเหตุโน้ม [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ cause, remote ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
predisposing factorปัจจัยโน้มรับโรค [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
pressure imposing elementอุปกรณ์เพิ่มความดัน [ปรับอากาศ ๗ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
sound and disposing mind and memoryสติสัมปชัญญะดี [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
cause, predisposingเหตุโน้ม [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ cause, remote ๒ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
factor, predisposingปัจจัยโน้มรับโรค [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Causes, Predisposingสาเหตุช่วย, สาเหตุนำ [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
posingAfter the second innings, the opposing pitcher recovered too, and it turned into a pitching duel.
posingAre you proposing, knowing that this won't be my first marriage?
posingEven the most graceful and imposing existing buildings may now be so sadly diminished as to seem slightly ridiculous beside the monster.
posingExposing skin excessively to the sun causes sunburn, sometimes blisters.
posingGood points: The pleasure of disposing of enemies with a variety of combos.
posingHe is taking of disposing his house.
posingHe is thinking of disposing of his house.
posingHe joined the opposing team.
posingI am willing to go on record as opposing nuclear tests.
posingI can't help opposing the marriage.
posingI'm afraid I'm imposing on your hospitality.
posingI think it is about time we changed our ways of disposing of waste.
posingIt would demoralize the opposing team to give it the razz from the spectators' side.
posingPlanning the wedding before proposing is putting the cart before the horse.
posingSupposing it rains tomorrow, will you still go on a picnic?
posingSupposing war broke out, what would you do?
posingSupposing you had one million yen, what would you do with it?
posingThe opposing team did not put up much of a fight, so we won hands down.
posingThe worth of a state, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it.
posingThey are strongly opposing my proposal.
posingWe should try to avoid imposing our own beliefs on others.
posingWhat would happen supposing the earth stopped spinning.
posingYou got served a sukiyaki dinner, then spent the night and had breakfast. Don't you think you were imposing?
posingYou must be creative in composing a piece of music.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ถ้าหาก(conj) if, See also: providing (that), provided (that), supposing, in case, Syn. แม้ว่า, หากว่า, ถ้าหากว่า, Example: ชาติบ้านเมืองจะสลายลงถ้าหากเราไม่สามัคคีกัน
โอ่อ่า(adj) luxurious, See also: magnificent, imposing, grand, stately, majestic, dignified and pretty, Example: ร้านอาหารริมน้ำแห่งนี้เป็นร้านอาหารที่หรูหรา โอ่อ่า และขายแพง, Thai Definition: สะสวยอย่างมีสง่า
หากว่า(conj) if, See also: in the event of, in case of, provided that, supposing that, Syn. ถ้าว่า, แม้ว่า, Example: สิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นกับเศรษฐกิจของเกาหลีใต้ต้องติดตามอย่างใกล้ชิดเพราะหากว่าเศรษฐกิจของเกาหลีใต้ไม่ได้รับการเยียวยาเสถียรภาพของค่าเงินบาทย่อมจะไม่ดีขึ้น
ผ่าเผย(adj) dignified, See also: imposing, stately, majestic, grand, Syn. สง่า, สง่าผ่าเผย, Example: มิสไทยแลนด์เวิลด์รูปร่างของเธอสมส่วนผ่าเผยทีเดียว, Thai Definition: ที่งามสง่า, ที่องอาจผึ่งผาย
เครื่องผูก(n) a house composing parts tied together with rattan, Example: เรือนพื้นบ้านแบบชั่วคราวชนิดเรือนเครื่องผูกจะใช้วัสดุท้องถิ่นที่หามาได้ง่ายๆ ในบริเวณใกล้เคียง, Thai Definition: เรียกเรือนที่มีลักษณะคุมเข้าด้วยกันด้วยวิธีผูกด้วยหวายเป็นต้นว่า เรือนเครื่องผูก, คู่กับ เรือนเครื่องสับ
เผื่อว่า(conj) if, See also: supposing, in case, Syn. ถ้า, หากว่า, สมมติว่า, ถ้าว่า, เผื่อ, Example: หนูนั่งคอยไปอย่างนั้นเอง เผื่อว่าเขาจะเรียก, Thai Definition: เป็นคำเชื่อมแสดงความคิดที่สำรองไว้หรือเพิ่มเติมไว้
สมมต(conj) if, See also: suppose, supposing, Syn. สมมติ, สมมุติ, ถ้า, หาก, ต่างว่า, Example: กฎระเบียบอันนี้ทำให้การกู้ยืมเงินลำบากมาก สมมตผมอยากไปกู้ ผมก็ต้องชำระที่กู้ไปแล้วให้หมดก่อน
โอฬาร(adj) grand, See also: magnificent, imposing, stately, majestic, august, splendid, Syn. อุฬาร, เอาฬาร, โอ่โถง, ภูมิฐาน, Example: มัคคุเทศก์นำชมเทวสถานอันโอฬาร และน่าตื่นตาในอินเดีย, Notes: (บาลี)
โอ่โถง(adj) grand, See also: magnificent, imposing, stately, majestic, august, splendid, Syn. ภูมิฐาน, Example: เขาพาผมลงไปยังห้องใต้ดินอันโอ่โถงและกว้างใหญ่, Thai Definition: ภาคภูมิมีสง่า
ต่างว่า(conj) supposing that, See also: if, as if, in case, like, Syn. สมมุติว่า, หากว่า, แม้ว่า, Example: เธอจะทำอย่างไรต่างว่าหนีเสือแล้วไปปะจระเข้, Thai Definition: เป็นคำเชื่อมแสดงเงื่อนไข
ถ้าว่า(conj) if, See also: in case, provided that, supposing (that), Syn. ผิว่า, แม้ว่า, หากว่า, ถ้าหากว่า, Example: เราคงสบายมากกว่านี้ ถ้าว่าพ่อไม่ตาย, Thai Definition: คำที่ใช้นำหน้าประโยค แสดงเหตุการณ์ที่สมมติขึ้นและเป็นเงื่อนไขให้บังเกิดผล
ถ้าหากว่า(conj) if, See also: supposing (that), in case, providing that, Syn. ผิว่า, แม้ว่า, หากว่า, ถ้าว่า, Example: ถ้าหากว่าฝนไม่ตก เราจะไปดูหนังกัน, Thai Definition: คำที่ใช้นำหน้าประโยค แสดงเหตุการณ์ที่สมมติขึ้นและเป็นเงื่อนไขให้บังเกิดผล
การแต่งเพลง(n) composing a song, See also: writing a music, Example: เขาเรียนการแต่งเพลงจากนักร้องชื่อดัง
น่าเกรงขาม(adj) imposing (e.g. personage), See also: dignified, prestigious, Syn. น่ายำเกรง, น่าคร้ามเกรง, Example: พ่อมีลักษณะน่าเกรงขาม ใครๆ เห็นก็เกรงกันไปหมด, Thai Definition: ที่มีลักษณะชวนให้กลัวเกรงเพราะความใหญ่โตหรือความสง่า

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
หากว่า[hāk wā] (conj) EN: if ; in the event of ; in case of ; provided that ; supposing that  FR: pourvu que ; à condition que
การแต่งเพลง[kān taeng phlēng] (n, exp) EN: composing a song ; writing a music ; composition  FR: composition musicale [ f ]
ข้อโต้แย้ง[khøtōyaēng] (n) EN: argument ; counter-argument ; objection ; point in opposition ; opposing view ; dispute ; disagreement ; contention
โอ่อ่า[ō-ā] (adj) EN: luxurious ; magnificent ; imposing ; grand ; stately ; majestic ; dignified and pretty  FR: imposant ; grandiose ; majestueux
เผื่อ[pheūa] (x) EN: as ; if ; supposing ; in case  FR: si ; au cas où
เผื่อว่า[pheūa wā] (conj) EN: if ; supposing ; in case
ถ้าหาก[thāhāk] (conj) EN: if ; providing (that) ; provided (that) ; supposing ; in case
ถ้าหากว่า[thāhāk wā] (conj) EN: if ; supposing (that) ; in case ; providing that  FR: pourvu que ; à condition de
ถ้าว่า[thā wā] (conj) EN: if ; in case ; provided that ; supposing (that)  FR: en cas de

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
composing(n) musical creation, Syn. composition
unimposing(adj) lacking in impressiveness
baronial(adj) impressive in appearance, Syn. noble, imposing, stately
composition(n) the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole, Syn. composing
impressively(adv) in an impressive manner, Syn. imposingly, Ant. unimpressively
opponent(adj) characterized by active hostility, Syn. opposing
sitting(n) (photography) the act of assuming a certain position (as for a photograph or portrait), Syn. posing

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. 1. Tending to compose or soothe. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Pertaining to, or used in, composition. [ 1913 Webster ]

Composing frame (Print.), a stand for holding cases of type when in use. --
Composing rule (Print.), a thin slip of brass or steel, against which the type is arranged in a composing stick, or by the aid of which stickfuls or handfuls or type are lifted; -- called also setting rule. --
Composing stick (Print.), an instrument usually of metal, which the compositor holds in his left hand, and in which he arranges the type in words and lines. It has one open side, and one adjustable end by means of which the length of the lines, and consequently the width of the page or column, may be determined.
[ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a manner to dispose. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Laying as a duty; enjoining. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Adapted to impress forcibly; impressive; commanding; as, an imposing air; an imposing spectacle. “Large and imposing edifices.” Bp. Hobart. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Deceiving; deluding; misleading. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Print.) The act of imposing the columns of a page, or the pages of a sheet. See Impose, v. t., 4. [ 1913 Webster ]

Imposing stone (Print.), the stone on which the pages or columns of types are imposed or made into forms; -- called also imposing table.
[ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In an imposing manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The quality of being imposing. [ 1913 Webster ]


/mhw> adj. 1. characterized by active opposition; as, two bitterly opposing schools of thought.
Syn. -- antagonistic, antipathetic, antipathetical, opponent. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. acting in opposition to; as, the opposing sector of the same muscle group. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Variants: opposed

adv. So as to pose or puzzle. [ 1913 Webster ]


See accommodating.
See aching.
See ailing.
See aiming.
See alarming.
See altering.
See appreciating.
See approving.
See aspiring.
See assisting.
See attempting.
See attending.
See bearing.
See befitting.
See beginning.
See believing.
See bleaching.
See bleeding.
See blemishing.
See blenching.
See blossoming.
See blushing.
See boding.
See branching.
See breathing.
See burning.
See calculating.
See ceasing.
See changing.
See charming.
See communicating.
See complaining.
See complying.
See conceiving.
See conducing.
See confessing.
See conniving.
See consenting.
See considering.
See conspiring.
See consulting.
See consuming.
See contending.
See contriving.
See conversing.
See convincing.
See dawning.
See decaying.
See delaying.
See depending.
See derogating.
See deserving.
See desiring.
See despairing.
See detesting.
See deviating.
See differencing.
See discerning.
See discording.
See discriminating.
See disobliging.
See dispensing.
See dissembling.
See dissolving.
See distinguishing.
See distracting.
See disturbing.
See doubting.
See dreading.
See drooping.
See ebbing.
See echoing.
See edifying.
See ending.
See enduring.
See engaging.
See enjoying.
See entering.
See enterprising.
See entertaining.
See envying.
See existing.
See fadging.
See fading.
See fainting.
See faltering.
See fearing.
See feigning.
See fighting.
See fitting.
See flagging.
See flattering.
See flinching.
See folding.
See forbearing.
See foreboding.
See foreseeing.
See forgiving.
See giving.
See grudging.
See harming.
See heeding.
See hesitating.
See hoping.
See hurting.
See importing.
See imposing.
See improving.
See interesting.
See intermitting.
See intoxicating.
See inviting.
See jarring.
See laboring.
See lingering.
See listening.
See loving.
See meddling.
See meriting.
See mistrusting.
See moving.
See murmuring.
See obliging.
See observing.
See offending.
See opening.
See pardoning.
See paying.
See perceiving.
See performing.
See perishing.
See pitying.
See pleasing.
See possessing.
See preaching.
See prepossessing.
See presuming.
See pretending.
See prevailing.
See prevaricating.
See profiting.
See promising.
See proving.
See quailing.
See questioning.
See reasoning.
See recalling.
See reclining.
See recurring.
See referring.
See reflecting.
See refunding.
See refusing.
See rejoicing.
See relaxing.
See relishing.
See remembering.
See repenting.
See repining.
See reproving.
See repulsing.
See resisting.
See resolving.
See resting.
See returning.
See rewarding.
See sanctifying.
See satisfying.
See searching.
See seeing.
See setting.
See shrinking.
See sinking.
See sleeping.
See slipping.
See slumbering.
See speaking.
See stinting.
See stirring.
See stooping.
See submitting.
See sufficing.
See suiting.
See surging.
See suspecting.
See sweating.
See swerving.
See sympathizing.
See tasting.
See thriving.
See tiring.
See toiling.
See trading.
See trembling.
See trespassing.
See trifling.
See vacillating.
See varying.
See walking.
See wandering.
See waning.
See wasting.
See wavering.
See weeping.
See winking.
See winning.
See withdrawing.
See withering.
See wondering.
See working.
See writing.
See yielding.
----- and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

The above classes of words are unlimited in extent, and such compounds may be formed by any writer or speaker at will from almost all the adjectives or participles in the language, excepting those which have a recognized and usual negative correspondent with the prefix -in. No attempt will be made, therefore, to define them all in this Dictionary; many will be omitted from its Vocabulary which are negations of the simple word, and are readily explained by prefixing a not to the latter. Derivatives of these words in -ly and -ness will also, for the most part, be omitted for the same or similar reasons. [ 1913 Webster ]

There will be inserted as separate articles with definitions, the following: -- [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Those which have acquired an opposed or contrary, instead of a merely negative, meaning; as, unfriendly, ungraceful, unpalatable, unquiet, and the like; or else an intensive sense more than a prefixed not would express; as, unending, unparalleled, undisciplined, undoubted, unsafe, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; or inasmuch as they are so frequently and familiarly used that they are hardly felt to be of negative origin; as, uncertain, uneven, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Those which are anomalous, provincial, or, for some other reason, not desirable to be used, and are so indicated; as, unpure for impure, unsatisfaction for dissatisfaction, unexpressible for inexpressible, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

II. Un- is prefixed to nouns to express the absence of, or the contrary of, that which the noun signifies; as, unbelief, unfaith, unhealth, unrest, untruth, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Compounds of this last class are given in full in their proper order in the Vocabulary. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unwriting, Unworking, Unwondering, Unwithering, Unwithdrawing, Unwinning, Unwinking, Unweeping, Unwavering, Unwasting, Unwaning, Unwandering, Unwalking, Unvarying, Unvacillating, Untrifling, Untrespassing, Untrembling, Untrading, Untoiling, Untiring, Unthriving, Untasting, Unsympathizing, Unswerving, Unsweating, Unsuspecting, Unsurging, Unsuiting, Unsufficing, Unsubmitting, Unstooping, Unstirring, Unstinting, Unspeaking, Unslumbering, Unslipping, Unsleeping, Unsinking, Unshrinking, Unsetting, Unseeing, Unsearching, Unsatisfying, Unsanctifying, Unrewarding, Unreturning, Unresting, Unresolving, Unresisting, Unrepulsing, Unreproving, Unrepining, Unrepenting, Unremembering, Unrelishing, Unrelaxing, Unrejoicing, Unrefusing, Unrefunding, Unreflecting, Unreferring, Unrecurring, Unreclining, Unrecalling, Unreasoning, Unquestioning, Unquailing, Unproving, Unpromising, Unprofiting, Unprevaricating, Unprevailing, Unpretending, Unpresuming, Unprepossessing, Unpreaching, Unpossessing, Unpleasing, Unpitying, Unperishing, Unperforming, Unperceiving, Unpaying, Unpardoning, Unopening, Unoffending, Unobserving, Unobliging, Unmurmuring, Unmoving, Unmistrusting, Unmeriting, Unmeddling, Unloving, Unlistening, Unlingering, Unlaboring, Unjarring, Uninviting, Unintoxicating, Unintermitting, Uninteresting, Unimproving, Unimposing, Unimporting, Unhurting, Unhoping, Unhesitating, Unheeding, Unharming, Ungrudging, Ungiving, Unforgiving, Unforeseeing, Unforeboding, Unforbearing, Unfolding, Unflinching, Unflattering, Unflagging, Unfitting, Unfighting, Unfeigning, Unfearing, Unfaltering, Unfainting, Unfading, Unfadging, Unexisting, Unenvying, Unentertaining, Unenterprising, Unentering, Unenjoying, Unengaging, Unenduring, Unending, Unedifying, Unechoing, Unebbing, Undrooping, Undreading, Undoubting, Undisturbing, Undistracting, Undistinguishing, Undissolving, Undissembling, Undispensing, Undisobliging, Undiscriminating, Undiscording, Undiscerning, Undifferencing, Undeviating, Undetesting, Undespairing, Undesiring, Undeserving, Underogating, Undepending, Undelaying, Undecaying, Undawning, Unconvincing, Unconversing, Uncontriving, Uncontending, Unconsuming, Unconsulting, Unconspiring, Unconsidering, Unconsenting, Unconniving, Unconfessing, Unconducing, Unconceiving, Uncomplying, Uncomplaining, Uncommunicating, Uncharming, Unchanging, Unceasing, Uncalculating, Unburning, Unbreathing, Unbranching, Unboding, Unblushing, Unblossoming, Unblenching, Unblemishing, Unbleeding, Unbleaching, Unbelieving, Unbeginning, Unbefitting, Unbearing, Unattending, Unattempting, Unassisting, Unaspiring, Unapproving, Unappreciating, Unaltering, Unalarming, Unaiming, Unailing, Unaching, Unaccommodating

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
会不会[huì bù huì, ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄏㄨㄟˋ,    /   ] (posing a question: whether sb, something) can or cannot?; is able to or not #2,877 [Add to Longdo]
冲突[chōng tū, ㄔㄨㄥ ㄊㄨ,   /  ] conflict; to conflict; clash of opposing forces; collision (of interests); contention #2,925 [Add to Longdo]
气势[qì shì, ㄑㄧˋ ㄕˋ,   /  ] momentum; manner; energy; look of great force or imposing manner; powerful #6,806 [Add to Longdo]
对立[duì lì, ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄌㄧˋ,   /  ] oppose; set sth against; be antagonistic to; antithetical; relative opposite; opposing; diametrical #9,008 [Add to Longdo]
倘若[tǎng ruò, ㄊㄤˇ ㄖㄨㄛˋ,  ] provided that; supposing that; if #10,259 [Add to Longdo]
宏伟[hóng wěi, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄨㄟˇ,   /  ] grand; imposing; magnificent #11,325 [Add to Longdo]
威严[wēi yán, ㄨㄟ ㄧㄢˊ,   /  ] dignified; imposing; august; awe-inspiring; awe; prestige; dignity #18,686 [Add to Longdo]
气魄[qì pò, ㄑㄧˋ ㄆㄛˋ,   /  ] spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude #23,224 [Add to Longdo]
干杯[gān bēi, ㄍㄢ ㄅㄟ,   /  ] to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast); Here's to you!; Bottoms up!; lit. dry cup #26,276 [Add to Longdo]
假若[jiǎ ruò, ㄐㄧㄚˇ ㄖㄨㄛˋ,  ] if; supposing; in case #29,478 [Add to Longdo]
对局[duì jú, ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄐㄩˊ,   /  ] opposing sides (in chess etc); position (of opposing forces) #31,613 [Add to Longdo]
唱反调[chàng fǎn diào, ㄔㄤˋ ㄈㄢˇ ㄉㄧㄠˋ,    /   調] to sing an opposite tune; to contradict; to express an opposing view; to strike a discordant note #48,840 [Add to Longdo]
堂皇[táng huáng, ㄊㄤˊ ㄏㄨㄤˊ,  ] imposing; grand #53,568 [Add to Longdo]
御敌[yù dí, ㄩˋ ㄉㄧˊ,   /  ] armed enemy of the nation; enemy of the Emperor; fig. championship challenger; contender opposing champion in sporting contest #66,379 [Add to Longdo]
张志新[Zhāng Zhì xīn, ㄓㄤ ㄓˋ ㄒㄧㄣ,    /   ] Zhang Zhixin (1930-1975) female revolutionary and martyr, who followed the true Marxist-Leninist line as a party member, and was arrested in 1969, murdered in 1975 after opposing the counter-revolutionary party-usurping conspiracies of Lin Biao and the Ga #68,341 [Add to Longdo]
冤家路窄[yuān jiā lù zhǎi, ㄩㄢ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄌㄨˋ ㄓㄞˇ,    ] lit. enemies on a narrow road (成语 saw); fig. an inevitable clash between opposing factions #73,933 [Add to Longdo]
假令[jiǎ lìng, ㄐㄧㄚˇ ㄌㄧㄥˋ,  ] if; supposing that; acting county magistrate #140,498 [Add to Longdo]
[sào, ㄙㄠˋ, ] high; imposing; eminent #637,667 [Add to Longdo]
反袁[fǎn Yuán, ㄈㄢˇ ㄩㄢˊ,  ] opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 in War of national protection 1915-1916; same as 反袁鬥爭|反袁斗争 [Add to Longdo]
反袁运动[fǎn Yuán yùn dòng, ㄈㄢˇ ㄩㄢˊ ㄩㄣˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ,     /    ] opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 in War of national protection 護國爭|护国争 1915-1916; same as 反袁鬥爭|反袁斗争 [Add to Longdo]
[cǎn, ㄘㄢˇ, ] if, supposing, nevertheless [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Achtung gebietend; achtunggebietend [ alt ]imposing [Add to Longdo]
in der Annahme, dass ...; gesetzt den Fall, dass ...assuming that; supposing that [Add to Longdo]
Fragestellung { f }posing of a question; formulation of a question [Add to Longdo]
Gegenkandidat { m }; Gegenkandidatin { f } | Gegenkandidat sein | ohne Gegenkandidatrival candidate; opposing candidate | to run against; to be a candidate against | uncontested [Add to Longdo]
Gegenkraft { f }opposing force; counterforce [Add to Longdo]
Lichtsatzanlage { f }photocomposing equipment [Add to Longdo]
Prahlerei { f }; Angeberei { f }; Angabe { f } (mit)showing-off; posing (about) [Add to Longdo]
Schriftsetzen { n }typesetting; composing [Add to Longdo]
Setzerei { f }composing-room [Add to Longdo]
Winkelhaken { m }composing stick [Add to Longdo]
abfassen; zusammensetzen | abfassend; zusammensetzendto compose | composing [Add to Longdo]
jdm. etw. aufdrängen; andrehen; aufzwängen; aufbürden; auferlegen; oktroyieren <aufoktroyieren> | aufdrängend; andrehend; aufzwängend; aufbürdend; auferlegend; oktroyierend | aufgedrängt; angedrehtM aufgezwängt; aufgebürdet; auferlegt; oktroyiertto impose sth. on someone | imposing | imposed | aufdrängend; andrehend; aufzwängend; aufbürdend; auferlegend; oktroyierend | aufgedrängt; angedrehtM aufgezwängt; aufgebürdet; auferlegt; oktroyiert>[Add to Longdo]
nicht aufdränglichunimposing [Add to Longdo]
aufregen | aufregendto discompose | discomposing [Add to Longdo]
aufwerfen | aufwerfendto pose | posing [Add to Longdo]
beabsichtigendpurposing [Add to Longdo]
belichten | belichtend | belichtetto expose | exposing | exposed [Add to Longdo]
dazwischenstellen | dazwischenstellendto interpose | interposing [Add to Longdo]
einwerfendinterposing [Add to Longdo]
empfehlendproposing [Add to Longdo]
entgegensetzendopposing [Add to Longdo]
entheben; absetzen; entthronen | enthebend | enthebtto depose | deposing | deposes [Add to Longdo]
gegenüberstellen; entgegensetzen | gegenüberstellend; entgegensetzendto oppose | opposing [Add to Longdo]
herausstellen | herausstellendto expose | exposing [Add to Longdo]
imponierend { adv }imposingly [Add to Longdo]
lagerndsuperposing [Add to Longdo]
nebeneinander stellen; nebeneinanderstellen [ alt ] | nebeneinander stellend; nebeneinanderstellend [ alt ]to juxtapose | juxtaposing [Add to Longdo]
gegen etw. opponieren | opponierend | opponiertto oppose sth.; to offer opposition to sth. | opposing; offering opposition | opposed; offered opposition [Add to Longdo]
posen; posieren | posend; posierendto pose | posing [Add to Longdo]
prädisponieren | prädisponierend | prädisponiert | prädisponiertto predispose | predisposing | predisposes | predisposed [Add to Longdo]
repräsentabel { adj }imposing [Add to Longdo]
repräsentabel { adv }imposingly [Add to Longdo]
ruhen | ruhend | ruht | ruhteto repose | reposing | reposes | reposed [Add to Longdo]
stattlich; eindrucksvoll; beeindruckend { adj }imposing [Add to Longdo]
transponieren [ mus. ] | transponierend | transponiertto transpose | transposing | transposed [Add to Longdo]
überbelichten | überbelichtend | überbelichtet | überbelichtete | überbelichteteto overexpose | overexposing | overexposed | overexposes | overexposed [Add to Longdo]
überlagern | überlagerndto superimpose | superimposing [Add to Longdo]
umstellendtransposing [Add to Longdo]
unterbelichten | unterbelichtend | unterbelichtet | unterbelichtet | unterbelichteteto underexpose | underexposing | underexposed | underexposes | underexposed [Add to Longdo]
veranlassen; anordnen; verfügen | veranlassend; anordnend; verfügend | veranlasst; angeordnet; verfügtto dispose | disposing | disposed [Add to Longdo]
über etw. verfügen | verfügend | verfügt | verfügteto have sth. at one's disposal; to dispose of sth. | disposing | disposes | disposed [Add to Longdo]
vermuten; annehmen; mutmaßen | vermutend; annehmend; mutmaßend | vermutet; angenommen; mutgemaßt | er/sie vermutet | ich/er/sie vermutet | er/sie hat/hatte vermutetto suppose | supposing | supposed | he/she supposes | I/he/she supposed | he/she has/had supposed [Add to Longdo]
versetzendtransposing [Add to Longdo]
voraussetzen | voraussetzendto presuppose | presupposing [Add to Longdo]
vorschlagendproposing [Add to Longdo]
wieder zusammensetzen | wieder zusammensetzendto recompose | recomposing [Add to Longdo]
zerlegen; spalten; zersetzen | zerlegend; spaltend; zersetzend | zerlegt; gespalten; zersetztto decompose | decomposing | decomposed [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
設定[せってい, settei] (n, vs) (1) establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene; (2) { comp } options or preference settings (in computer software); configuration; assignment; setup; (P) #765 [Add to Longdo]
分解[ぶんかい, bunkai] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) disassembly; dismantling; disaggregating; analysis; disintegrating; decomposing; degrading; (2) { math } factorization; (3) { chem } decomposition; resolution; (4) { comp } deblocking; (P) #5,291 [Add to Longdo]
対面[たいめん(P);たいめ(ok), taimen (P); taime (ok)] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) interview; meeting; (2) opposing (traffic, etc.); facing; confronting; (P) #11,380 [Add to Longdo]
立派[りっぱ, rippa] (adj-na, n) splendid; fine; handsome; elegant; imposing; prominent; legal; legitimate; (P) #12,938 [Add to Longdo]
堂々(P);堂堂[どうどう, doudou] (adj-t, adv-to) (1) magnificent; grand; impressive; dignified; majestic; imposing; stately; (2) fair; square; open; (adv-to) (3) grandly; boldly; confidently; (4) fairly; squarely; (5) unreservedly; without apology; without hesitation; (P) #14,371 [Add to Longdo]
ご立派;御立派[ごりっぱ, gorippa] (adj-na) (pol) (See 立派) splendid; fine; handsome; elegant; imposing; prominent; legal; legitimate [Add to Longdo]
でんと[dento] (adv) imposingly; heavily; conspicuously; in a dignified manner [Add to Longdo]
と仮定して[とかていして, tokateishite] (exp) assuming that ...; supposing that ... [Add to Longdo]
威風堂堂;威風堂々[いふうどうどう, ifuudoudou] (adj-no, adj-t, adv-to) being majestic; with great pomp and circumstance; with an imposing air [Add to Longdo]
威風凛々;威風凛凛[いふうりんりん, ifuurinrin] (adj-t, adv-to) (arch) awe-inspiring; majestic; commanding; stately; with an imposing air; in a stately (dignified) manner [Add to Longdo]
移着[いちゃく, ichaku] (n, vs) adhering or embedding of wear debris in the opposing surface [Add to Longdo]
陰爻[いんこう, inkou] (n) (See 爻) yin yao (broken line composing one third of a trigram) [Add to Longdo]
歌心[うたごころ, utagokoro] (n) (waka) poetic sentiment; waka-composing mood; solid grounding in waka; meaning of a waka poem [Add to Longdo]
花鳥諷詠[かちょうふうえい, kachoufuuei] (exp) (See 花鳥風月) the beauties of nature as the key poetic theme; the central theme in composing poetry (haiku) must be the beauties of nature and the harmony that exist between nature and man. (The slogan of the Hototogisu School of modern Japanese haiku) [Add to Longdo]
苛斂誅求[かれんちゅうきゅう, karenchuukyuu] (n) imposing exacting (crushing, oppressive) taxes [Add to Longdo]
観護措置[かんごそち, kangosochi] (n) placing a minor under protective detention; imposing a care and custody order [Add to Longdo]
句作[くさく, kusaku] (n, vs) composing haiku poems [Add to Longdo]
句法[くほう, kuhou] (n) (1) (See 句形・1) conventions to be followed in composing Japanese poetry; phraseology; diction; (2) (See 句形・2) rules of grammar and syntax when reading kanbun in Japanese [Add to Longdo]
源平[げんぺい, genpei] (n) Genji and Heike clans; two opposing sides [Add to Longdo]
護摩の灰;胡麻の蝿[ごまのはい, gomanohai] (n) thief posing as fellow traveller (traveler) [Add to Longdo]
宏壮;広壮[こうそう, kousou] (adj-na) grand; imposing; magnificent [Add to Longdo]
婚文[よばいぶみ, yobaibumi] (n) (arch) loveletter; letter proposing marriage [Add to Longdo]
再提案[さいていあん, saiteian] (n) proposing again [Add to Longdo]
作文[さくもん, sakumon] (n) (arch) (See 作文・さくぶん) writing (poetry); composing [Add to Longdo]
三者鼎立[さんしゃていりつ, sanshateiritsu] (n) three parties (forces) opposing one another; three-cornered contest [Add to Longdo]
思い入れ;思いいれ;想い入れ;思入れ(io);想入れ(io)[おもいいれ, omoiire] (n, vs) (1) emotional attachment; (2) attitude (expressing emotion); meditative pose (e.g. an actor); posing for effect [Add to Longdo]
詩心[ししん, shishin] (n) poetic sentiment or inspiration; poetic inclination or taste; poem-composing mood; ability to appreciate poetry [Add to Longdo]
若し[もし, moshi] (adv) (uk) if; in case; supposing; (P) [Add to Longdo]
縦しや[よしや, yoshiya] (adv) (uk) (See 縦んば) supposing that; even if [Add to Longdo]
仁王立ち[におうだち, nioudachi] (n) imposing stance; daunting pose [Add to Longdo]
設問[せつもん, setsumon] (n, vs) (1) posing a question; (2) question; (P) [Add to Longdo]
相手方当事者[あいてがたとうじしゃ, aitegatatoujisha] (n) adversary party; opposing party [Add to Longdo]
相手役[あいてやく, aiteyaku] (n) opposing role; partner [Add to Longdo]
像主[ぞうしゅ, zoushu] (n) (1) (obsc) subject (of a portrait or bust); a person posing for a portrait or bust; (2) (historically) patron; someone who commissions a Buddhist temple or work of art [Add to Longdo]
対語[ついご;たいご, tsuigo ; taigo] (n) (1) (See 大小, 男女・だんじょ) kanji compound formed of opposing elements; (2) (See 対義語) antonym; (3) (たいご only) conversation (face-to-face) [Add to Longdo]
対抗部隊[たいこうぶたい, taikoubutai] (n) opposing forces [Add to Longdo]
対生[たいせい, taisei] (n, vs, adj-no) opposing pairs (of leaves) [Add to Longdo]
対置[たいち, taichi] (n, vs, adj-no) opposing (a thing) to (another); contrast [Add to Longdo]
対立候補[たいりつこうほ, tairitsukouho] (n) rival candidate; opposing candidate [Add to Longdo]
探題[たんだい, tandai] (n) local commissioner (Kamakura or Muromachi eras); composing poetry by lot [Add to Longdo]
追い落とし;追い落し;追落とし;追落し[おいおとし, oiotoshi] (n) (1) chasing down; pushing down; deposing; ousting; (2) sacrificing to create a shortage of liberties, then capturing (in the game of go) [Add to Longdo]
摘出[てきしゅつ, tekishutsu] (n, vs) picking out; exposing; taking out; -ectomy (suf) (surgical removal); (P) [Add to Longdo]
摘発[てきはつ, tekihatsu] (n, vs) exposing; unmasking; laying bare; (P) [Add to Longdo]
敵失[てきしつ, tekishitsu] (n) error made by the enemy or opposing team; (P) [Add to Longdo]
点検商法[てんけんしょうほう, tenkenshouhou] (n) an unscrupulous business practice of making sales by posing as an inspector and declaring the need for replacing items [Add to Longdo]
半ケツ[はんケツ, han ketsu] (n) jeans worn low, exposing part of buttocks [Add to Longdo]
反対陣営[はんたいじんえい, hantaijin'ei] (n) opposing side; opposite camp; opposition [Add to Longdo]
反対勢力[はんたいせいりょく, hantaiseiryoku] (n) forces of opposition; opposing forces; counterforce [Add to Longdo]
反対票[はんたいひょう, hantaihyou] (n) opposing voice [Add to Longdo]
反対弁論[はんたいべんろん, hantaibenron] (n) opposing speech; rebuttal (in debate) [Add to Longdo]


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