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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -paracelsus-, *paracelsus*, paracelsu
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา paracelsus มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *paracelsu*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

WordNet (3.0)
Paracelsus(n) Swiss physician who introduced treatments of particular illnesses based on his observation and experience; he saw illness as having an external cause (rather than an imbalance of humors) and replaced traditional remedies with chemical remedies (1493-1541), Syn. Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

prop. n. Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus (originally Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, also called Theophrastus Paracelsus and Theophrastus von Hohenheim). Born at Maria-Einsiedeln, in the Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland, Dec. 17 (or 10 Nov.), 1493: died at Salzburg, Sept. 23 (or 24), 1541. A celebrated German-Swiss physician, reformer of therapeutics, iatrochemist, and alchemist. He attended school in a small lead-mining district where his father, William Bombast von Hohenheim, was a physician and teacher of alchemy. The family originally came from Würtemberg, where the noble family of Bombastus was in possession of the ancestral castle of Hohenheim near Stuttgart until 1409. He entered the University of Basel at the age of sixteen, where he adopted the name Paracelsus, after Celsius, a noted Roman physician. But he left without a degree, first going to Wurtzburg to study under Joannes Trithemius, Abbot of Sponheim (1462-1516), a famous astrologer and alchemist, who initiated him into the mysteries of alchemy. He then spent many years in travel and intercourse with distinguished scholars, studied and practiced medicine and surgery, and at one point attended the Diet of Worms. He was appointed to the office of city physician of Basel, which also made him a lecturer on medicine at Basel about 1526, where, through the publisher Johan Frobenius he made friends with the scholar Erasmus; and there he fulminated against the medical pseudo-science of his day, and against the blind adherence to ancient medical authorities such as Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna, which was still the prevalent philosophy of medicine in the sixteenth century. But soon, in 1528, he was driven from the city by the medical corporations, whose methods he had severely criticized. He found refuge with friends, and traveled and practiced medicine, but could not find a publisher willing to print his books. He preached frequently the need for experimentation in medicine. He is important in the history of medicine chiefly on account of the impetus which he gave to the development of pharmaceutical chemistry. He was also the author of a visionary and theosophic system of philosophy. The first collective edition of his works appeared at Basel in 1589-91. Among the many legends concerning him is that concerning his long sword, which he obtained while serving as barber-surgeon during the Neapolitan wars. It was rumored that in the hilt of the sword he kept a familiar or small demon; some thought he carried the elixer of life in the sword. He is buried in the cemetary of the Hospital of St. Sebastian in Salzburg. For more detailed information about Paracelsus, there is a special project, the Zurich Paracelsus Project available on the Web. Century Dict., 1906; Bernard Jaffe (Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry, Revised Edition, 1948). [ PJC ]

The apothecaries, too, were enraged against this iconoclast [ Paracelsus ]. For had he not, as official town physician, demanded the right to inspect their stocks and rule over their prescriptions which he denounced as "foul broths"? These apothecaries had grown fat on the barbarous prescriptions of the local doctors. "The physician's duty is to heal the sick, not to enrich the apothecaries," he had warned them, and refused to send his patients to them to have the prescriptions compounded. He made his own medicines instead, and gave them free to his patients.
. . .
Then they hatched a plot and before long Basel had lost Paracelsus, ostensibly because of the meanness of a wealthy citizen. Paracelsus had sued Canon Lichtenfels for failure to pay him one hundred guldens promised for a cure. The patient had offered only six guldens, and the fiery Paracelsus, when the court deliberately handed in a verdict against him, rebuked it in such terms that his life was in imminent danger. In the dead of night, he was persuaded by his friends to leave secretly the city where he had hurled defiance at the pseudo-medicos of the world. Bernard Jaffe (Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry, Revised Edition, 1948) [ PJC ]

Although the theories of Paracelsus as contrasted with the Galeno-Arabic system indicate no advance, inasmuch as they ignore entirely the study of anatomy, still his reputation as a reformer of therapeutics is justified in that he broke new paths in the science. He may be taken as the founder of modern materia medica, and pioneer of scientific chemistry, since before his time medical science received no assistance from alchemy. To Paracelsus is due the use of mercury for syphilis as well as a number of other metallic remedies, probably a result of his studies in Schwaz, and partly his acquaintance with the quicksilver works in Idria. Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911 [ PJC ]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Thank Paracelsus.Oh, Paracelsus sei Dank. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
It was from the divine Paracelsus.Er hat den göttlichen Paracelsus gehört. Fellini's Casanova (1976)
Lauldalnulm, the elixir of life accordilng to Paracelsuls.Laudanum, laut Paracelsus das Lebenselixier. Gothic (1986)
Those of the imagination "and" the intellect, as in Paracelsus.Dinge, die die Phantasie anregen, wie bei Paracelsus. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)
Paracelsus?Paracelsus? Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)
Paracelus was an alchemist who lived and worked in the 16th century, and it is proven that he could make gold.Paracelsus war ein Alchemist, der im 16. Jahrhundert gelebt hat, und erwiesenermaßen Gold herstellen konnte. Gauragangur (2010)
Paracelsus was Caretaker.Paracelsus war Verwalter. The Truth Hurts (2013)
Paracelsus has to be taken alive.Wir brauchen Paracelsus lebendig. The Truth Hurts (2013)
Paracelsus just takes over?Paracelsus nimmt einfach ihren Platz ein? The Truth Hurts (2013)
Look, can we please focus on stopping Paracelsus, getting Mrs. Frederic better.Hey, können wir uns darauf konzentrieren Paracelsus aufzuhalten und Mrs. Frederic zu helfen. The Truth Hurts (2013)
Pete, you and Myka go and dig through whatever we've got on Paracelsus.Pete, du und Myka geht und wühlt euch durch alles was wir über Paracelsus haben. The Truth Hurts (2013)
I'm gonna find away to sever Paracelsus from the Warehouse.Ich finde einen Weg, Paracelsus' Verbindung zum Warehouse zu trennen. The Truth Hurts (2013)
I mean, is Paracelsus racking up his death count like before?Ich meine, versucht Paracelsus schon wieder seine Mordrate zu verbessern? The Truth Hurts (2013)
Paracelsus should have killed me, not her.Paracelsus hätte mich erschossen, nicht sie. The Truth Hurts (2013)
I mean, is Paracelsus...Ich meine, ist Paracelsus... The Truth Hurts (2013)
So maybe use it to disconnect Paracelsus, but he's not here.Wir könnten es verwenden, um Paracelsus' Verbindung zu trennen, aber er ist nicht hier. The Truth Hurts (2013)
If Paracelsus needed sick people why not get them in Istanbul?Wenn Paracelsus Kranke braucht, warum findet er die nicht in Istanbul? The Truth Hurts (2013)
This is the last place that Paracelsus was spotted, so...Das ist der letzte Ort, an dem Paracelsus gesehen wurde, also... The Truth Hurts (2013)
Who knows, you might find yourself surprised at what I'm going to do for mankind.PARACELSUS: Wer weiß, ihr könntet überrascht sein, wenn ihr erfahrt was ich vorhabe für die Menschheit zu tun. The Truth Hurts (2013)
I need to ask him some Paracelsus questions.Ich muss ihm ein paar Paracelsus Fragen stellen. The Truth Hurts (2013)
- Paracelsus...- Paracelsus... The Truth Hurts (2013)
- Paracelsus needs petrified wood for the immortalization process.- Paracelsus braucht versteinertes Holz für den Verewigungsprozess. The Truth Hurts (2013)
So we gotta get there before Paracelsus does.Wir müssen da hin bevor Paracelsus es schafft. The Truth Hurts (2013)
What we're gonna do is, we're gonna use a Tesla to blast the energy of this ribbon through our Farnsworth and transmit it to your Farnsworth, directly at Paracelsus...Was wir tun werden ist, wir benutzen einen Tesla um die Energie des Bandes durch unseren Farnsworth zu schießen und durch euren Farnsworth direkt auf Paracelsus zu übertragen... The Truth Hurts (2013)
Why don't we just capture Paracelsus, bring him back to the Warehouse...Warum schnappen wir nicht einfach Paracelsus, und bringen ihn zurück ins Warehouse... The Truth Hurts (2013)
I'm Paracelsus.Ich bin Paracelsus. The Truth Hurts (2013)
I let Paracelsus out, and if it wasn't for me then...Ich habe Paracelsus freigelassen und wenn ich nicht gewären wäre... The Truth Hurts (2013)
Paracelsus is the only one that knows anything about this.Paracelsus ist der einzige, der überhaupt etwas hierüber weiß. The Truth Hurts (2013)
Paracelsus...Paracelsus... The Truth Hurts (2013)
The ribbon wasn't strong enough to disconnect Paracelsus.Das Band war nicht stark genug, um Paracelsus' Verbindung zu trennen. The Truth Hurts (2013)
Paracelsus is more than just the Caretaker now.Paracelsus ist mehr als nur der Verwalter jetzt. The Truth Hurts (2013)
It's Paracelsus.Es ist Paracelsus. The Truth Hurts (2013)
I have to stay and fight Paracelsus.Ich muss bleiben und Paracelsus bekämpfen. The Truth Hurts (2013)
Paracelsus has the Warehouse.Paracelsus hat das Warehouse. The Truth Hurts (2013)
I may have glued a wig to Paracelsus's bust but even I wouldn't pull something like this.Ja, ich hab die Paracelsus-Büste etwas verschönert, aber selbst ich würde so etwas nicht tun. The Blood of Juana the Mad (2013)

WordNet (3.0)
Paracelsus(n) Swiss physician who introduced treatments of particular illnesses based on his observation and experience; he saw illness as having an external cause (rather than an imbalance of humors) and replaced traditional remedies with chemical remedies (1493-1541), Syn. Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

prop. n. Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus (originally Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, also called Theophrastus Paracelsus and Theophrastus von Hohenheim). Born at Maria-Einsiedeln, in the Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland, Dec. 17 (or 10 Nov.), 1493: died at Salzburg, Sept. 23 (or 24), 1541. A celebrated German-Swiss physician, reformer of therapeutics, iatrochemist, and alchemist. He attended school in a small lead-mining district where his father, William Bombast von Hohenheim, was a physician and teacher of alchemy. The family originally came from Würtemberg, where the noble family of Bombastus was in possession of the ancestral castle of Hohenheim near Stuttgart until 1409. He entered the University of Basel at the age of sixteen, where he adopted the name Paracelsus, after Celsius, a noted Roman physician. But he left without a degree, first going to Wurtzburg to study under Joannes Trithemius, Abbot of Sponheim (1462-1516), a famous astrologer and alchemist, who initiated him into the mysteries of alchemy. He then spent many years in travel and intercourse with distinguished scholars, studied and practiced medicine and surgery, and at one point attended the Diet of Worms. He was appointed to the office of city physician of Basel, which also made him a lecturer on medicine at Basel about 1526, where, through the publisher Johan Frobenius he made friends with the scholar Erasmus; and there he fulminated against the medical pseudo-science of his day, and against the blind adherence to ancient medical authorities such as Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna, which was still the prevalent philosophy of medicine in the sixteenth century. But soon, in 1528, he was driven from the city by the medical corporations, whose methods he had severely criticized. He found refuge with friends, and traveled and practiced medicine, but could not find a publisher willing to print his books. He preached frequently the need for experimentation in medicine. He is important in the history of medicine chiefly on account of the impetus which he gave to the development of pharmaceutical chemistry. He was also the author of a visionary and theosophic system of philosophy. The first collective edition of his works appeared at Basel in 1589-91. Among the many legends concerning him is that concerning his long sword, which he obtained while serving as barber-surgeon during the Neapolitan wars. It was rumored that in the hilt of the sword he kept a familiar or small demon; some thought he carried the elixer of life in the sword. He is buried in the cemetary of the Hospital of St. Sebastian in Salzburg. For more detailed information about Paracelsus, there is a special project, the Zurich Paracelsus Project available on the Web. Century Dict., 1906; Bernard Jaffe (Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry, Revised Edition, 1948). [ PJC ]

The apothecaries, too, were enraged against this iconoclast [ Paracelsus ]. For had he not, as official town physician, demanded the right to inspect their stocks and rule over their prescriptions which he denounced as "foul broths"? These apothecaries had grown fat on the barbarous prescriptions of the local doctors. "The physician's duty is to heal the sick, not to enrich the apothecaries," he had warned them, and refused to send his patients to them to have the prescriptions compounded. He made his own medicines instead, and gave them free to his patients.
. . .
Then they hatched a plot and before long Basel had lost Paracelsus, ostensibly because of the meanness of a wealthy citizen. Paracelsus had sued Canon Lichtenfels for failure to pay him one hundred guldens promised for a cure. The patient had offered only six guldens, and the fiery Paracelsus, when the court deliberately handed in a verdict against him, rebuked it in such terms that his life was in imminent danger. In the dead of night, he was persuaded by his friends to leave secretly the city where he had hurled defiance at the pseudo-medicos of the world. Bernard Jaffe (Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry, Revised Edition, 1948) [ PJC ]

Although the theories of Paracelsus as contrasted with the Galeno-Arabic system indicate no advance, inasmuch as they ignore entirely the study of anatomy, still his reputation as a reformer of therapeutics is justified in that he broke new paths in the science. He may be taken as the founder of modern materia medica, and pioneer of scientific chemistry, since before his time medical science received no assistance from alchemy. To Paracelsus is due the use of mercury for syphilis as well as a number of other metallic remedies, probably a result of his studies in Schwaz, and partly his acquaintance with the quicksilver works in Idria. Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911 [ PJC ]


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