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English Phonetic Symbols

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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -evangely-, *evangely*, evange
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา evangely มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *evange*)
Dictionaries languages

English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. Evangel. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The sacred pledge of Christ's evangely. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. évangile, L. evangelium, Gr. e'yagge`lion good news, glad tidings, gospel, fr. e'ya`ggelos bringing good news; e'y^ well + 'a`ggelein to bear a message. See Eu-, and Angel and cf. Evangely. ] Good news; announcement of glad tidings; especially, the gospel, or a gospel. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Her funeral anthem is a glad evangel. Whittier. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Rendering thanks for favors. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. evangelicus, Gr. e'yaggeliko`s: cf. F. évangélique. See Evangel. ] Belonging to, or contained in, the gospel; evangelical. “Evangelic truth.” J. Foster. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the evangelical history. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in, the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as, evangelical religion. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in interpreting Christian doctrine; preëminently orthodox; -- technically applied to that party in the Church of England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which holds the doctrine of “Justification by Faith alone;” the Low Church party. The term is also applied to other religious bodies not regarded as orthodox. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Having or characterized by a zealous, crusading enthusiasm for a cause. [ PJC ]

5. Adhering to a form of Christianity characterized by a conservative interpretation of the bible, but disavowing the label 'bdfundamentalist`'b8. [ PJC ]

Evangelical Alliance, an alliance for mutual strengthening and common work, comprising Christians of different denominations and countries, organized in Liverpool, England, in 1845. --
Evangelical Church. (a) The Protestant Church in Germany. (b) A church founded by a fusion of Lutherans and Calvinists in Germany in 1817. --
Evangelical Union, a religious sect founded in Scotland in 1843 by the Rev. James Morison; -- called also Morisonians.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. One of evangelical principles. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Adherence to evangelical doctrines; evangelism. G. Eliot. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In an evangelical manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. State of being evangelical. [ 1913 Webster ]


pos>n. Evangelical principles; evangelism. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Evangelicism. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. & i. Same as evangelize. [ Chiefly Brit. ] [ PJC ]


n. The preaching or promulgation of the gospel. Bacon. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. évangéliste, L. evangelista, fr. Gr. e'yaggelisth`s. ] A bringer of the glad tidings of Church and his doctrines. Specifically: (a) A missionary preacher sent forth to prepare the way for a resident pastor; an itinerant missionary preacher. (b) A writer of one of the four Gospels (With the definite article); as, the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. (c) A traveling preacher whose efforts are chiefly directed to arouse to immediate repentance. [ 1913 Webster ]

The Apostles, so far as they evangelized, might claim the title though there were many evangelists who were not Apostles. Plumptre. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ LL. evangelistarium. ] A selection of passages from the Gospels, as a lesson in divine service. Porson. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Pertaining to the four evangelists; designed or fitted to evangelize; evangelical; as, evangelistic efforts. [ 1913 Webster ]


pos>n. The act of evangelizing; the state of being evangelized. [ 1913 Webster ]

The work of Christ's ministers is evangelization. Hobbes. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To preach the gospel. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. evangelized p. pr. & vb. n. evangelizing . [ F. évangélisre, LL. evangelizare, fr. Gr. e'yaggeli`zesqai. ] 1. To instruct in the gospel; to preach the gospel to; to convert to Christianity; as, to evangelize the world. [ 1913 Webster ]

His apostles whom he sends
To evangelize the nations. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Hence: [ metaphorical ] To preach and attempt to convert (people) to one's firmly held belief. [ PJC ]


See drainable.
See dramatic.
See drinkable.
See durable.
See duteous.
See dutiful.
See earnest.
See eatable.
See ecclesiastical.
See edible.
See elaborate.
See elective.
See elusive.
See emotional.
See emphatic. See employable.
See employable.
See endurable.
See -English.
See entire.
See enviable.
See envious.
See episcopal.
See equable.
See errable.
See escapable.
See evangelical.
See eventful.
See evident.
See exact.
See examinable.
See exceptionable.
See exclusive.
See exemplary.
See exempt.
See exhaustible.
See existent.
See expectable.
See expectant.
See explainable.
See express.
See expressible.
See expugnable.
See extinct.
See factious.
See fadable.
See fain.
See familiar.
See famous.
See fashionable.
See fast.
See fatherly.
See fathomable.
See faulty.
See fearful.
See feasible.
See felicitous.
See felt.
See feminine.
See fermentable.
See festival.
See fine.
See fleshy.
See fluent.
See forcible.
See fordable.
See foreknowable.
See foreseeable.
See forgetful.
See forgivable.
See formal.
See framable.
See fraternal.
See friable.
See frightful.
See frustrable.
See full.
See gainable.
See gainful.
See gallant.
See genial.
See genteel.
See gentle.
See gentlemanlike.
See gentlemanly.
See geometrical.
See ghostly.
See glad.
See godlike.
See good.
See goodly.
See gorgeous.
See grammatical.
See grave.
See guidable.
See guilty.
See habile.
See habitable.
See hale.
See handy.
See hardy.
See harmful.
See hasty.
See hazardous.
See healable.
See healthful.
See healthy.
See heavenly.
See heedful.
See helpful.
See heritable.
[ 1913 Webster ]

[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unhelpful, Unheedful, Unheavenly, Unhealthy, Unhealthful, Unhealable, Unhazardous, Unhasty, Unharmful, Unhardy, Unhandy, Unhale, Unhabitable, Unhabile, Unguilty, Unguidable, Ungrave, Ungrammatical, Ungorgeous, Ungoodly, Ungood, Ungodlike, Unglad, Unghostly, Ungeometrical, Ungentlemanly, Ungentlemanlike, Ungentle, Ungenteel, Ungenial, Ungallant, Ungainful, Ungainable, Unfull, Unfrustrable, Unfrightful, Unfriable, Unfraternal, Unframable, Unformal, Unforgivable, Unforgetful, Unforeseeable, Unforeknowable, Unfordable, Unforcible, Unfluent, Unfleshy, Unfine, Unfestival, Unfermentable, Unfeminine, Unfelt, Unfelicitous, Unfeasible, Unfearful, Unfaulty, Unfathomable, Unfatherly, Unfast, Unfashionable, Unfamous, Unfamiliar, Unfain, Unfadable, Unfactious, Unextinct, Unexpugnable, Unexpressible, Unexpress, Unexplainable, Unexpectant, Unexpectable, Unexistent, Unexhaustible, Unexempt, Unexemplary, Unexclusive, Unexceptionable, Unexaminable, Unexact, Unevident, Uneventful, Unevangelical, Unescapable, Unerrable, Unequable, Unepiscopal, Unenvious, Unenviable, Unentire, Un-English, Unendurable, Unemployable, Unemphatic, Unemotional, Unelusive, Unelective, Unelaborate, Unedible, Unecclesiastical, Uneatable, Unearnest, Undutiful, Unduteous, Undurable, Undrinkable, Undramatic, Undrainable

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
evangel(n) เรื่องราวชีวิตและคำสั่งสอนของพระเยซูทั้ง 4 ชุดในคัมภีร์ไบเบิล (ได้แก่ แมทธิว, มาร์ค, ลุค และจอห์น), Syn. gospel
evangel(n) เรื่องราวชีวิตและคำสั่งสอนของพระเยซูในคัมภีร์ไบเบิล, Syn. gospel
evangel(n) หลักคำสอนเบื้องต้น, See also: หลักการเบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับศีลธรรมหรือการเมือง
evangelic(adj) เกี่ยวกับความเชื่อของศาสนิกชนนิกายโปรแตสแตนท์ที่เชื่อถือในคัมภีร์ไบเบิลและการช่วยให้พ้นจากบาปโดยการศรัทธาในพระเยซู, Syn. evangelical
evangelic(adj) เกี่ยวกับเรื่องราวชีวิตและคำสั่งสอนของพระเยซูทั้ง 4 ชุด ในคัมภีร์ไบเบิล )ได้แก่ แมทธิว, มาร์ค, ลุคและจอห์น), Syn. evangelical
evangelic(adj) ซึ่งกระตือรือร้นที่จะสนับสนุนในเรื่องใดเรื่องหนึ่งและต้องการให้คนอื่นเชื่อเหมือนกับตัวเอง, Syn. evangelical
evangelism(n) การเผยแผ่ศาสนาคริสต์ (โดยเฉพาะโดยคริสตศาสนิกชนที่พยายามชักชวนให้คนอื่นหันมานับถือศาสนาคริสต์)
evangelism(n) ความกระตือรือร้นอย่างมากในเรื่องใดเรื่องหนึ่ง, Syn. enthusiasm, fervor, zeal
evangelist(n) ผู้ที่สอนศาสนาคริสต์, See also: ผู้ที่พยายามชักชวนให้ผู้อื่นมานับถือคริสต์, Syn. missionary
evangelize(vi) เปลี่ยนคนอื่นให้หันมานับถือศาสนาคริสต์ โดยเฉพาะด้วยการเทศน์หรืองานของมิชชันนารี, Syn. convert, proselytize
evangelize(vt) เปลี่ยนคนอื่นให้หันมานับถือศาสนาคริสต์ โดยเฉพาะด้วยการเทศน์หรืองานของมิชชันนารี, Syn. convert, proselytize
evangelize(vi) พยายามชักชวนให้คนอื่นกระตือรือร้นในความคิดความเชื่อในเรื่องใดเรื่องหนึ่งเหมือนกับตัวเอง
evangelize(vt) พยายามชักชวนให้คนอื่นกระตือรือร้นในความคิดความเชื่อในเรื่องใดเรื่องหนึ่งเหมือนกับตัวเอง
evangelical(adj) เกี่ยวกับเรื่องราวชีวิตและคำสั่งสอนของพระเยซูทั้ง 4 ชุดในคัมภีร์ไบเบิล (ได้แก่ แมทธิว, มาร์ค, ลุค และจอห์น), Syn. evangelic
evangelical(adj) เกี่ยวกับศาสนาคริสต์นิกายโปรแตสแตนท์ที่ศาสนิกชนของนิกายนี้เชื่อถือในคัมภีร์ไบเบิลและการช่วยให้รอดจากบาปโดยการศรัทธาในพระเยซู, Syn. evangelic
evangelical(adj) ซึ่งกระตือรือร้นที่จะสนับสนุนในเรื่องใดเรื่องหนึ่งและต้องการให้คนอื่นเชื่อเหมือนกับตัวเอง, Syn. evangelic
evangelical(n) ศาสนิกชนของศาสนาคริสต์อีแวนเจลิค (ซึ่งเป็นสายหนึ่งในนิกายโปรแตสแตนท์)

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
evangelist(อีแวน'จะลิสทฺ) n. ผู้สอนคำสอนของพระเยซูและชีวประวัติของพระเยซู, ผู้มีความกระตือรือร้น

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
evangelical(adj) เกี่ยวกับคำสอนของพระเยซู
evangelism(n) การสอนศาสนา, การเผยแพร่คำสอน, การเผยแพร่ศาสนา
evangelist(n) ผู้เผยแพร่ศาสนา, ผู้สอนศาสนา, ผู้เขียนคัมภีร์คริสต์ศาสนา

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Evangelist(n) ศาสดาพยากรณ์

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
evangeLittle as we know about her origins, we can at least be sure that she is a pilot of Evangelion.

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
evangelical(adj) relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the 4 Gospels
evangelical(adj) of or pertaining to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament
evangelical(adj) marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause, Syn. evangelistic
evangelicalism(n) stresses the importance of personal conversion and faith as the means of salvation
evangelism(n) zealous preaching and advocacy of the gospel
Evangelist(n) (when capitalized) any of the spiritual leaders who are assumed to be authors of the Gospels in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
evangelist(n) a preacher of the Christian gospel, Syn. gospeler, revivalist, gospeller
evangelistic(adj) relating to or promoting the preaching and dissemination of the Christian gospel
evangelize(v) preach the gospel (to), Syn. evangelise
evangelize(v) convert to Christianity, Syn. evangelise
televangelism(n) evangelism at a distance by the use of television
televangelist(n) an evangelist who conducts services on television
Gospel(n) the four books in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings, Syn. evangel, Gospels
John(n) (New Testament) disciple of Jesus; traditionally said to be the author of the 4th Gospel and three epistles and the book of Revelation, Syn. John the Divine, John the Evangelist, Saint John the Apostle, St. John the Apostle, St. John, Saint John
Purkinje(n) Bohemian physiologist remembered for his discovery of Purkinje cells and the Purkinje network (1787-1869), Syn. Jan Evangelista Purkinje, Johannes Evangelista Purkinje
Torricelli(n) Italian physicist who invented the mercury barometer (1608-1647), Syn. Evangelista Torricelli

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ F. évangile, L. evangelium, Gr. e'yagge`lion good news, glad tidings, gospel, fr. e'ya`ggelos bringing good news; e'y^ well + 'a`ggelein to bear a message. See Eu-, and Angel and cf. Evangely. ] Good news; announcement of glad tidings; especially, the gospel, or a gospel. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Her funeral anthem is a glad evangel. Whittier. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Rendering thanks for favors. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. evangelicus, Gr. e'yaggeliko`s: cf. F. évangélique. See Evangel. ] Belonging to, or contained in, the gospel; evangelical. “Evangelic truth.” J. Foster. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the evangelical history. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in, the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as, evangelical religion. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in interpreting Christian doctrine; preëminently orthodox; -- technically applied to that party in the Church of England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which holds the doctrine of “Justification by Faith alone;” the Low Church party. The term is also applied to other religious bodies not regarded as orthodox. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Having or characterized by a zealous, crusading enthusiasm for a cause. [ PJC ]

5. Adhering to a form of Christianity characterized by a conservative interpretation of the bible, but disavowing the label 'bdfundamentalist`'b8. [ PJC ]

Evangelical Alliance, an alliance for mutual strengthening and common work, comprising Christians of different denominations and countries, organized in Liverpool, England, in 1845. --
Evangelical Church. (a) The Protestant Church in Germany. (b) A church founded by a fusion of Lutherans and Calvinists in Germany in 1817. --
Evangelical Union, a religious sect founded in Scotland in 1843 by the Rev. James Morison; -- called also Morisonians.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. One of evangelical principles. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Adherence to evangelical doctrines; evangelism. G. Eliot. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In an evangelical manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. State of being evangelical. [ 1913 Webster ]


pos>n. Evangelical principles; evangelism. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Evangelicism. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. & i. Same as evangelize. [ Chiefly Brit. ] [ PJC ]


n. The preaching or promulgation of the gospel. Bacon. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. évangéliste, L. evangelista, fr. Gr. e'yaggelisth`s. ] A bringer of the glad tidings of Church and his doctrines. Specifically: (a) A missionary preacher sent forth to prepare the way for a resident pastor; an itinerant missionary preacher. (b) A writer of one of the four Gospels (With the definite article); as, the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. (c) A traveling preacher whose efforts are chiefly directed to arouse to immediate repentance. [ 1913 Webster ]

The Apostles, so far as they evangelized, might claim the title though there were many evangelists who were not Apostles. Plumptre. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ LL. evangelistarium. ] A selection of passages from the Gospels, as a lesson in divine service. Porson. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Pertaining to the four evangelists; designed or fitted to evangelize; evangelical; as, evangelistic efforts. [ 1913 Webster ]


pos>n. The act of evangelizing; the state of being evangelized. [ 1913 Webster ]

The work of Christ's ministers is evangelization. Hobbes. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To preach the gospel. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. evangelized p. pr. & vb. n. evangelizing . [ F. évangélisre, LL. evangelizare, fr. Gr. e'yaggeli`zesqai. ] 1. To instruct in the gospel; to preach the gospel to; to convert to Christianity; as, to evangelize the world. [ 1913 Webster ]

His apostles whom he sends
To evangelize the nations. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Hence: [ metaphorical ] To preach and attempt to convert (people) to one's firmly held belief. [ PJC ]


n. Evangel. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The sacred pledge of Christ's evangely. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]


See drainable.
See dramatic.
See drinkable.
See durable.
See duteous.
See dutiful.
See earnest.
See eatable.
See ecclesiastical.
See edible.
See elaborate.
See elective.
See elusive.
See emotional.
See emphatic. See employable.
See employable.
See endurable.
See -English.
See entire.
See enviable.
See envious.
See episcopal.
See equable.
See errable.
See escapable.
See evangelical.
See eventful.
See evident.
See exact.
See examinable.
See exceptionable.
See exclusive.
See exemplary.
See exempt.
See exhaustible.
See existent.
See expectable.
See expectant.
See explainable.
See express.
See expressible.
See expugnable.
See extinct.
See factious.
See fadable.
See fain.
See familiar.
See famous.
See fashionable.
See fast.
See fatherly.
See fathomable.
See faulty.
See fearful.
See feasible.
See felicitous.
See felt.
See feminine.
See fermentable.
See festival.
See fine.
See fleshy.
See fluent.
See forcible.
See fordable.
See foreknowable.
See foreseeable.
See forgetful.
See forgivable.
See formal.
See framable.
See fraternal.
See friable.
See frightful.
See frustrable.
See full.
See gainable.
See gainful.
See gallant.
See genial.
See genteel.
See gentle.
See gentlemanlike.
See gentlemanly.
See geometrical.
See ghostly.
See glad.
See godlike.
See good.
See goodly.
See gorgeous.
See grammatical.
See grave.
See guidable.
See guilty.
See habile.
See habitable.
See hale.
See handy.
See hardy.
See harmful.
See hasty.
See hazardous.
See healable.
See healthful.
See healthy.
See heavenly.
See heedful.
See helpful.
See heritable.
[ 1913 Webster ]

[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unhelpful, Unheedful, Unheavenly, Unhealthy, Unhealthful, Unhealable, Unhazardous, Unhasty, Unharmful, Unhardy, Unhandy, Unhale, Unhabitable, Unhabile, Unguilty, Unguidable, Ungrave, Ungrammatical, Ungorgeous, Ungoodly, Ungood, Ungodlike, Unglad, Unghostly, Ungeometrical, Ungentlemanly, Ungentlemanlike, Ungentle, Ungenteel, Ungenial, Ungallant, Ungainful, Ungainable, Unfull, Unfrustrable, Unfrightful, Unfriable, Unfraternal, Unframable, Unformal, Unforgivable, Unforgetful, Unforeseeable, Unforeknowable, Unfordable, Unforcible, Unfluent, Unfleshy, Unfine, Unfestival, Unfermentable, Unfeminine, Unfelt, Unfelicitous, Unfeasible, Unfearful, Unfaulty, Unfathomable, Unfatherly, Unfast, Unfashionable, Unfamous, Unfamiliar, Unfain, Unfadable, Unfactious, Unextinct, Unexpugnable, Unexpressible, Unexpress, Unexplainable, Unexpectant, Unexpectable, Unexistent, Unexhaustible, Unexempt, Unexemplary, Unexclusive, Unexceptionable, Unexaminable, Unexact, Unevident, Uneventful, Unevangelical, Unescapable, Unerrable, Unequable, Unepiscopal, Unenvious, Unenviable, Unentire, Un-English, Unendurable, Unemployable, Unemphatic, Unemotional, Unelusive, Unelective, Unelaborate, Unedible, Unecclesiastical, Uneatable, Unearnest, Undutiful, Unduteous, Undurable, Undrinkable, Undramatic, Undrainable

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
路加[Lù jiā, ㄌㄨˋ ㄐㄧㄚ,  ] Luke; St Luke the evangelist #199,804 [Add to Longdo]
玛窦[Mǎ dòu, ㄇㄚˇ ㄉㄡˋ,   /  ] Matthew; St Matthew the evangelist; less common variant of 馬太|马太 (preferred by the Catholic church) [Add to Longdo]
莱旺厄尔[Lái wàng è ěr, ㄌㄞˊ ㄨㄤˋ ㄜˋ ㄦˇ,     /    ] Levanger (city in Trøndelag, Norway) [Add to Longdo]
马尔谷[Mǎ ér gǔ, ㄇㄚˇ ㄦˊ ㄍㄨˇ,    /   ] Mark; St Mark the evangelist; less common variant of 馬克|马克 preferred by the Catholic church [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Evangelium { n }; Evangelien { pl }; Evangelienbuch { n } [ relig. ]Gospel [Add to Longdo]
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD)Protestant Church in Germany [Add to Longdo]
Evangelischen { pl }evangelicals [Add to Longdo]
Evangelismus { m }evangelism [Add to Longdo]
Evangelist { m } | Evangelisten { pl }evangelist | evangelists [Add to Longdo]
Pfarrer { m } (katholisch; evangelisch)parish priest; priest [Add to Longdo]
Prediger { m }; Wanderprediger { m }evangelist [Add to Longdo]
evangelisch { adj }evangelic [Add to Longdo]
evangelisch { adj }Protestant [Add to Longdo]
evangelisch denkento have Protestant beliefs [Add to Longdo]
evangelisch beeinflusstinfluenced by Protestantism [Add to Longdo]
evangelisch { adj }evangelical [Add to Longdo]
evangelisch { adv }evangelically [Add to Longdo]
evangelisch { adv }evangelistically [Add to Longdo]
evangelisieren | evangelisierend | evangelisiert | evangelisiert | evangelisierteto evangelize | evangelizing | evangelized | evangelizes | evangelized [Add to Longdo]
EKD : Evangelische Kirche in DeutschlandProtestant Church in Germany [Add to Longdo]
ev. : evangelischProt. : Protestant [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
伝道[でんどう, dendou] (n, vs) proselytizing; evangelism; missionary work; (P) #10,060 [Add to Longdo]
エバンジェリスト[ebanjierisuto] (n) evangelist [Add to Longdo]
公衆伝動[こうしゅうでんどう, koushuudendou] (n) public evangelism [Add to Longdo]
信徒伝動[しんとでんどう, shintodendou] (n) lay evangelism [Add to Longdo]
伝道師[でんどうし, dendoushi] (n) evangelist [Add to Longdo]
伝道者[でんどうしゃ, dendousha] (n) evangelist; evangelistic worker [Add to Longdo]
伝道集会[でんどうしゅうかい, dendoushuukai] (n) evangelistic meeting [Add to Longdo]
布教者[ふきょうしゃ, fukyousha] (n) missionary; evangelist; propagandist [Add to Longdo]
福音教会[ふくいんきょうかい, fukuinkyoukai] (n) Evangelical Church [Add to Longdo]
福音史家[ふくいんしか, fukuinshika] (n) evangelist (i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) [Add to Longdo]
福音主義[ふくいんしゅぎ, fukuinshugi] (n, adj-no) (1) evangelicalism; (2) evangelism [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
福音[ふくいん, fukuin] Evangelium [Add to Longdo]


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