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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -coraled-, *coraled*, coral, corale
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา coraled มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *coral*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

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The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. Having coral; covered with coral. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Of. coral, F, corail, L. corallum, coralium, fr. Gr. kora`llion. ] 1. (Zool.) The hard parts or skeleton of various Anthozoa, and of a few Hydrozoa. Similar structures are also formed by some Bryozoa. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The large stony corals forming coral reefs belong to various genera of Madreporaria, and to the hydroid genus, Millepora. The red coral, used in jewelry, is the stony axis of the stem of a gorgonian (Corallium rubrum) found chiefly in the Mediterranean. The fan corals, plume corals, and sea feathers are species of Gorgoniacea, in which the axis is horny. Organ-pipe coral is formed by the genus Tubipora, an Alcyonarian, and black coral is in part the axis of species of the genus Antipathes. See Anthozoa, Madrepora. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The ovaries of a cooked lobster; -- so called from their color. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A piece of coral, usually fitted with small bells and other appurtenances, used by children as a plaything. [ 1913 Webster ]

Brain coral, or
Brain stone coral
. See under Brain. --
Chain coral. See under Chain. --
Coral animal (Zool.), one of the polyps by which corals are formed. They are often very erroneously called coral insects. --
Coral fish. See in the Vocabulary. --
Coral reefs (Phys. Geog.), reefs, often of great extent, made up chiefly of fragments of corals, coral sands, and the solid limestone resulting from their consolidation. They are classed as fringing reefs, when they border the land; barrier reefs, when separated from the shore by a broad belt of water; atolls, when they constitute separate islands, usually inclosing a lagoon. See Atoll. --
Coral root (Bot.), a genus (Corallorhiza) of orchideous plants, of a yellowish or brownish red color, parasitic on roots of other plants, and having curious jointed or knotted roots not unlike some kinds of coral. See Illust. under Coralloid. --
Coral snake. (Zo) (a) A small, venomous, Brazilian snake (Elaps corallinus), coral-red, with black bands. (b) A small, harmless, South American snake (Tortrix scytale). --
Coral tree (Bot.), a tropical, leguminous plant, of several species, with showy, scarlet blossoms and coral-red seeds. The best known is Erythrina Corallodendron. --
Coral wood, a hard, red cabinet wood. McElrath.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. a North American deciduous shrub (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) cultivated for its abundant clusters of coral-red berrylike fruits.
Syn. -- Indian currant, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. shrub (Ardisia crenata) with coral-red berries; it is found from Japan to northern India.
Syn. -- spiceberry, Ardisia crenata. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Coral fish

(Zool.) Any bright-colored fish of the genera Chætodon, Pomacentrus, Apogon, and related genera, which live among reef corals. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Like coral, or partaking of its qualities. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Geol.) A deposit of coralliferous limestone forming a portion of the middle division of the oolite; -- called also coral-rag. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. corallum coral + -ferous. ] Containing or producing coral. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. corallum coral + -form. ] resembling coral in form. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. L. corallum coral + root of gignere to produce. ] (Zool.) Same as Anthozoa. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. producing coral; coralligerous; coralliferous. Humble. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. corallum coral + -gerous. ] Producing coral; coralliferous. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ So named in allusion to the color of red corallin, fr. L. corallum coral. ] (Chem.) A yellow coal-tar dyestuff which probably consists chiefly of rosolic acid. See Aurin, and Rosolic acid under Rosolic. [ 1913 Webster ]

Red corallin, a red dyestuff which is obtained by treating aurin or rosolic acid with ammonia; -- called also pæonin. --
Yellow corallin. See Aurin.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Cf. L. corallinus coralred. ] Composed of corallines; as, coralline limestone. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. coralline. ] 1. (Bot.) A submarine, semicalcareous or calcareous plant, consisting of many jointed branches. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) Formerly any slender coral-like animal; -- sometimes applied more particulary to bryozoan corals. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Paleon.) A fossil coralline. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. corallum coral. ] 1. (Min.) A mineral substance or petrifaction, in the form of coral. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) One of the individual members of a compound coral; or that part formed by a single coral animal. [ Written also corallet. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. corallum coral + -oid: cf. F. coralloïde. ] Having the form of coral; branching like coral. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. resembling coral; coralloid. Sir T. browne. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. a genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; it is widely distributed in temperate regions.
Syn. -- genus Corallorhiza. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ L. ] (Zool.) The coral or skeleton of a zoophyte, whether calcareous of horny, simple or compound. See Coral. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (geol.) Same as Corallian. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. a European bittercress (Dentaria bulbifera) having a knotted white rootstock.
Syn. -- coral-root bittercress, coralwort, Cardamine bulbifera, Dentaria bulbifera. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. an East Indian tree (Adenanthera pavonina) with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental.
Syn. -- red sandalwood, Barbados pride, peacock flower fence, Adenanthera pavonina. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. (Bot.) A cruciferous herb of certain species of Dentaria; -- called also toothwort, tooth violet, or pepper root. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL. See Hydra, and Coral. ] (Zool.) A division of Hydroidea, including those genera that secrete a stony coral, as Millepora and Stylaster. Two forms of zooids in life project from small pores in the coral and resemble those of other hydroids. See Millepora. [ 1913 Webster ]

madriporian coral

n. A madrepore . [ PJC ]


prop. n. An order of mostly saprophytic fungi.
Syn. -- order Mucorales. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Stag-horn fern

{ etc. } See under Stag. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Stag-horn coral

‖n. pl. [ NL. See Tetra-, and Corallum. ] (Paleon.) Same as Rugosa. [ 1913 Webster ]

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
coral(n) ของซึ่งทำด้วยหินปะการัง
coral(adj) ซึ่งมีสีแสดเข้ม
coral(n) สีแสดเข้ม
coral(n) หินปะการัง
coral reef(n) แนวปะการัง

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
coral(คอ'เริล) n. หินปะการัง, สิ่งหรือของประดับที่ทำด้วยหินปะการัง, สีหินปะการัง (สีแดงอมเหลืองหรือชมพู) , กลุ่มไข่กุ้ง. adj. ซึ่งทำด้วยหรือประกอบด้วยหินปะการัง, คล้ายหินปะการัง
coral ragn. หินปูนปะการัง
coral reefn. โขดหินปะการัง
coral sean. ทะเลหินปะการัง
coralli-Pref. "หินปะการัง"

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
coral(n) ปะการัง

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
stercoral ulcerแผลเปื่อย (ลำไส้ใหญ่) เหตุอุจจาระกด [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
solitary coral; cup coral; horn coralปะการังเดี่ยว [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
stercoraceous; stercoral๑. -มีอุจจาระปน, -เปื้อนอุจจาระ, -ปนคูถ๒. -อุจจาระ, -คูถ [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ faecal; fecal ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
stercoral; stercoraceous๑. -มีอุจจาระปน, -เปื้อนอุจจาระ, -ปนคูถ๒. -อุจจาระ, -คูถ [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ faecal; fecal ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
colonial coralปะการังกลุ่ม [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
cave coralตะกอนปูนถ้ำ [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
cup coral; horn coral; solitary coralปะการังเดี่ยว [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
chain coralปะการังลูกโซ่ [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
compound coralโครงปะการังกลุ่ม [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
coral reefพืดหินปะการัง [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
coral rockหินปะการัง [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
coralgalหินปะการังสาหร่าย [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
corallineคล้ายปะการัง [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
coralline algaeสาหร่ายปะการัง [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
coralliteเปลือกปะการัง [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
corallumเปลือกกลุ่มปะการัง [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
coralปะการัง [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
horn coral; cup coral; solitary coralปะการังเดี่ยว [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
ulcer, stercoralแผลเปื่อย (ลำไส้ใหญ่) เหตุอุจจาระกด [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Coralปะการัง [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]
Coral reefs and islandแนวปะการัง [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]
Coral reef conservationการอนุรักษ์แนวปะการัง [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]
Coral reef ecologyนิเวศวิทยาแนวปะการัง [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]
Coral reef animalsสัตว์ในแนวปะการัง [TU Subject Heading]
Coral reef conservationการอนุรักษ์แนวปะการัง [TU Subject Heading]
Coral reef ecologyนิเวศวิทยาแนวปะการัง [TU Subject Heading]
Coral reef plantsพืชในแนวปะการัง [TU Subject Heading]
Coral reefs and islandsแนวปะการังและเกาะ [TU Subject Heading]
Coralsปะการัง [TU Subject Heading]
Coralsปะการัง, Example: สัตว์ไม่มีกระดูกสันหลังที่มีอยู่เฉพาะน่านน้ำ เขตอบอุ่นของโลก อาศัยอยู่ ในโครงสร้างหินปูนโดยมีลักษณะการดำรงชีพอยู่ 2 แบบ คือ อยู่ตัวเดียว (Solitary) หรืออยู่ร่วมกันเป็นกลุ่ม เรียก colony ปะการังจะเติบโตได้ดี เฉพาะบริเวณที่น้ำทะเลมีอุณหภูมิตั้งแต่ 18-27 องศาเซลเซียล มีแสงแดดพอประมาณไม่ใช่แดดจัด น้ำไม่ขุ่น และมีความลึกของน้ำไม่เกิน 50 เมตร ปะการังที่เจรญในเขตน้ำตื้นจนถึงเขตน้ำลึก 50 เมตร จะมีการเจริญเติบโตแบบรวมกลุ่มหรือ colony ซึ่งจะเกิดเป็นแนวปะการังขนาดใหญ่ ส่วนปะการังที่เจริญเติบโตในน้ำลึกจะมีลักษณะเป็นก้อนขนาดไม่ใหญ่ ไม่มีการเจริญเป็นแนวปะการัง ปะการังส่วนมากจะอาศัยอยู่ร่วมกันกับสาหร่ายเซลล์เดียวสีเขียวที่เรียกว่า Zooxanthellae โดยต่างฝ่ายต่างได้รับประโยชน์ซึ่งกันและกัน แนวปะการังส่วนใหญ่มักเกิดในเขตน้ำตื้น ตั้งแต่ชายฝั่งทะเลลงไปจนถึงระดับความลึก 10-60 เมตร โดยทั่วไปอาจแบ่งแนวปะการัง ตามลักษณะกว้าง ๆ ได้ คือ Fringing Reef, Barrier Reef และ Atoll [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
Coralปะการัง [การแพทย์]
Coral, Elk Hornปะการังหินเขากวางอย่างแบน [การแพทย์]
Coral, Fireปะการังไฟ [การแพทย์]

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ภุมรัตน์(n) coral, Syn. หินปะการัง, Notes: (บาลี)
ปะการัง(n) coral, See also: coral reef, coral colony, Syn. ต้นปะการัง, Example: ปลาหลากสีสันกรูเข้ามารายล้อมเกรียวกราว และรีบผละหนีเข้าซุกตามพุ่มปะการังด้วยท่าทางตื่นตระหนก, Count Unit: กิ่ง, ต้น, Thai Definition: ชื่อสัตว์ทะเลไม่มีกระดูกสันหลัง จำพวกเดียวกับดอกไม้ทะเล มีรูปร่างแบบต่างๆ อาศัยและเจริญเติบโตในทะเลตื้นเขตร้อน
กะรัง(n) coral, Syn. ปะการัง, การัง, Example: ที่นี่กะรังถูกทำลายไปมาก, Thai Definition: ชื่อสัตว์ทะเลไม่มีกระดูกสันหลัง จำพวกเดียวกับดอกไม้ทะเล แต่ละตัวมีรูปร่างทรงกระบอก ส่วนใหญ่มีขนาดเล็กอยู่รวมกันเป็นกระจุก สร้างหินปูนออกมาพอกทับถมกันเป็นโครงรูปร่างต่างๆ อาศัยและเจริญเติบโตในทะเลตื้นเขตร้อน
กะละปังหา(n) coralline, See also: alcyonarian coral, Syn. กัลปังหา, Thai Definition: ชื่อสัตว์ทะเลไม่มีกระดูกสันหลัง แต่ละตัวเล็กมาก รูปร่างทรงกระบอกหรือรูปถ้วย สร้างเปลือกเป็นโครงร่างแข็งหุ้มลำตัว มีช่องเปิดให้ตัวโผล่ออกมา อยู่รวมกันเป็นกลุ่ม โครงซากทับถมกันจนมีรูปร่างคล้ายกิ่งไม้ มีสีต่างกันแล้วแต่ชนิด
กัลปังหา(n) sea fan, See also: coral, coralline, Syn. กะละปังหา, Example: นักดำน้ำจะได้เห็นกัลปังหาซึ่งมีรูปร่างคล้ายพืชมากกว่าจะเป็นสัตว์, Count Unit: กิ่ง, ต้น, Thai Definition: ชื่อสัตว์ทะเลไม่มีกระดูกสันหลัง

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ใบทองหลาง[bai thønglāng] (n, exp) EN: coral tree leaves
หินปะการัง[hin pakārang] (n, exp) EN: coral reef  FR: récif de corail [ m ]
กรรณิการ์[kannikā] (n) EN: Night-flowering Jasmine ; Night-blooming Jasmine ; Night Jasmine ; Coral Jasmine ; Sad tree ; Parijat
งูลูกสาวพระยานาค[ngū lūksāo phrayā nāk] (n, exp) EN: Blue Long-glanded Coral Snake ; Blue Malaysian Coral Snake
งูพริกสีน้ำตาล[ngū phrik sī nāmtān] (n, exp) EN: Brown Long-glanded Coral Snake
งูพริกท้องแดง[ngū phrik thøng daēng] (n, exp) EN: Blue Long-glanded Coral Snake ; Blue Malaysian Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายแดง[ngū plǿng wāi daēng] (n, exp) EN: Small-spotted Coral Snake ; Speckled Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายหางวงแหวน[ngū plǿng wāi hāng wongwaēn] (n, exp) EN: Ring-tailed Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายหัวดำ[ngū plǿng wāi hūa dam] (n, exp) EN: Small-spotted Coral Snake ; Speckled Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายข้อดำ[ngū plǿng wāi khø dam] (n, exp) EN: McClelland's Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายลายขวั้นดำ[ngū plǿng wāi lāi khwan dam] (n, exp) EN: McClelland's Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายหลังเส้น[ngū plǿng wāi lang sen] (n, exp) EN: Stripe-backed Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายเหลือง[ngū plǿng wāi leūang] (n, exp) EN: Stripe-backed Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายมลายู[ngū plǿng wāi Malāyū] (n, exp) EN: Gray Coral Snake ; Spotted Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายเทา[ngū plǿng wāi thao] (n, exp) EN: Gray Coral Snake ; Spotted Coral Snake
งูปล้องหวายเทาจุดดำ[ngū plǿng wāi thao jut dam] (n, exp) EN: Gray Coral Snake ; Spotted Coral Snake
งูสายธนูนายพราน[ngū sāi thanu nāiphrān] (n, exp) EN: Brown Long-glanded Coral Snake
งูศรนารายณ์[ngū sønnārāi] (n, exp) EN: Blue Long-glanded Coral Snake ; Blue Malaysian Coral Snake
งูธิดาพระอาทิตย์[ngū thidā phra āthit] (n, exp) EN: McClelland's Coral Snake
นกโกโรโกโส[nok kōrōkōsō] (n, exp) EN: Coral-billed Ground Cuckoo  FR: Calobate de l'Annam
นกระวังไพรปากแดงสั้น[nok rawang phrai pāk daēng san] (n, exp) EN: Coral-billed Scimitar-Babbler  FR: Pomatorhin à bec corail [ m ] ; Pomatorhin à bec rougeâtre [ m ] ; Pomatorhin ferrugineux [ m ]
ปะการัง[pakārang] (n) EN: coral ; coral reef ; coral colony  FR: corail [ m ]
พู่ระหงส์[phū rahong] (n, exp) EN: Coral Hibiscus ; Fringed Hibiscus ; Japanese Lantern ; Spider Gumamela
ประทัดจีน[prathat Jīn] (n, exp) EN: Coral plant ; Fountain plant ; Firecracker plant ; Bilter wood
สาหร่ายสีแดง[sārāi sī daēng] (n, exp) EN: red algae  FR: algues rouges [ fpl ] ; coralline [ f ]
ทองหลาง[thønglāng] (n) EN: Coral Tree

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
african coral snake(n) small widely distributed arboreal snake of southern Africa banded in black and orange, Syn. Aspidelaps lubricus
asian coral snake(n) of India
australian coral snake(n) small venomous but harmless snake marked with black-and-white on red, Syn. Rhynchoelaps australis
brain coral(n) massive reef-building coral having a convoluted and furrowed surface
coral(n) a variable color averaging a deep pink
coral(n) the hard stony skeleton of a Mediterranean coral that has a delicate red or pink color and is used for jewelry, Syn. precious coral, red coral
coral(n) unfertilized lobster roe; reddens in cooking; used as garnish or to color sauces
coral(n) marine colonial polyp characterized by a calcareous skeleton; masses in a variety of shapes often forming reefs
coral(adj) of a strong pink to yellowish-pink color
coral bean tree(n) deciduous shrub having racemes of deep red flowers and black-spotted red seeds, Syn. Erythrina corallodendrum
coralbells(n) perennial plant of the western United States having bright red flowers in feathery spikes; used as an ornamental, Syn. Heuchera sanguinea
coralberry(n) North American deciduous shrub cultivated for it abundant clusters of coral-red berrylike fruits, Syn. Indian currant, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
coralberry(n) shrub with coral-red berries; Japan to northern India, Syn. spiceberry, Ardisia crenata
coral bush(n) Australian shrub having simple obovate leaves and brilliant scarlet flowers, Syn. flame bush, Templetonia retusa
coral drops(n) half-hardy Mexican herb cultivated for its drooping terminal umbels of showy red-and-white flowers, Syn. Bessera elegans
coral fungus(n) any of numerous fungi of the family Clavariaceae often brightly colored that grow in often intricately branched clusters like coral
coral gem(n) low-growing much-branched perennial of Canary Islands having orange-red to scarlet or purple flowers; naturalized in United States, Syn. Lotus berthelotii
corallorhiza(n) genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; widely distributed in temperate regions, Syn. genus Corallorhiza
coral necklace(n) glabrous annual with slender taproot and clusters of white flowers; western Europe especially western Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal areas, Syn. Illecebrum verticullatum
coral pea(n) any of various Australian climbing plants of the genus Kennedia having scarlet flowers
coral-red(adj) of red tinged with coral
coral reef(n) a reef consisting of coral consolidated into limestone
coral root(n) a wildflower of the genus Corallorhiza growing from a hard mass of rhizomes associated with a fungus that aids in absorbing nutrients from the forest floor
coral-root bittercress(n) European bittercress having a knotted white rootstock, Syn. Dentaria bulbifera, Cardamine bulbifera, coralroot, coralwort
coral sea(n) an arm of the South Pacific to the northeast of Australia
coral sea(n) a Japanese defeat in World War II (May 1942); the first naval battle fought entirely by planes based on aircraft carriers, Syn. battle of the Coral Sea
coral snake(n) any of various venomous elapid snakes of Asia and Africa and Australia, Syn. Old World coral snake
coral snake(n) any of several venomous New World snakes brilliantly banded in red and black and either yellow or white; widely distributed in South America and Central America, Syn. New World coral snake, harlequin-snake
coral tree(n) any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; cultivated as an ornamental, Syn. erythrina
coral vine(n) prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers; Australia and Tasmania, Syn. Kennedia coccinea
coralwood(n) East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental, Syn. Barbados pride, peacock flower fence, coral-wood, Adenanthera pavonina, red sandalwood
crested coral root(n) orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins; southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States, Syn. Hexalectris spicata
early coral root(n) plant having clumps of nearly leafless pale yellowish to greenish stems bearing similarly colored flowers with white lower lips; northern New Mexico north through South Dakota and Washington to Alaska, Syn. pale coral root, Corallorhiza trifida
eastern coral snake(n) ranges from Central America to southeastern United States, Syn. Micrurus fulvius
indian coral tree(n) small to medium-sized thorny tree of tropical Asia and northern Australia having dense clusters of scarlet or crimson flowers and black seeds, Syn. Erythrina variegata, Erythrina Indica
mucorales(n) an order of mostly saprophytic fungi, Syn. order Mucorales
mushroom coral(n) flattened disk-shaped stony coral (usually solitary and unattached)
red coral(n) corals of especially the Mediterranean having pink or red color used for ornaments and jewelry
spotted coral root(n) common coral root having yellowish- or reddish- or purplish-brown leafless stems bearing loose racemes of similarly colored flowers with white purple-spotted lips; Guatemala to Canada, Syn. Corallorhiza maculata
staghorn coral(n) large branching coral resembling antlers, Syn. stag's-horn coral
stony coral(n) corals having calcareous skeletons aggregations of which form reefs and islands, Syn. madriporian coral, madrepore
striped coral root(n) nearly leafless wildflower with erect reddish-purple stems bearing racemes of pale pinkish and brownish-striped flowers; western Canada to Mexico, Syn. Corallorhiza striata
western australia coral pea(n) vigorous climber of the forests of western Australia; grown for their dense racemes of attractive bright rose-purple flowers, Syn. Hardenbergia comnptoniana
western coral snake(n) ranges from Central America to southwestern United States, Syn. Micruroides euryxanthus
ceibo(n) small South American spiny tree with dark crimson and scarlet flowers solitary or clustered, Syn. common coral tree, Erythrina crista-galli, crybaby tree, cry-baby tree
gorgonian(n) corals having a horny or calcareous branching skeleton, Syn. gorgonian coral
mescal bean(n) shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans, Syn. frijolillo, coral bean, Sophora secundiflora, frijolito
trumpet honeysuckle(n) evergreen North American honeysuckle vine having coral-red or orange flowers, Syn. trumpet flower, trumpet vine, Lonicera sempervirens, coral honeysuckle

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ Of. coral, F, corail, L. corallum, coralium, fr. Gr. kora`llion. ] 1. (Zool.) The hard parts or skeleton of various Anthozoa, and of a few Hydrozoa. Similar structures are also formed by some Bryozoa. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The large stony corals forming coral reefs belong to various genera of Madreporaria, and to the hydroid genus, Millepora. The red coral, used in jewelry, is the stony axis of the stem of a gorgonian (Corallium rubrum) found chiefly in the Mediterranean. The fan corals, plume corals, and sea feathers are species of Gorgoniacea, in which the axis is horny. Organ-pipe coral is formed by the genus Tubipora, an Alcyonarian, and black coral is in part the axis of species of the genus Antipathes. See Anthozoa, Madrepora. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The ovaries of a cooked lobster; -- so called from their color. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A piece of coral, usually fitted with small bells and other appurtenances, used by children as a plaything. [ 1913 Webster ]

Brain coral, or
Brain stone coral
. See under Brain. --
Chain coral. See under Chain. --
Coral animal (Zool.), one of the polyps by which corals are formed. They are often very erroneously called coral insects. --
Coral fish. See in the Vocabulary. --
Coral reefs (Phys. Geog.), reefs, often of great extent, made up chiefly of fragments of corals, coral sands, and the solid limestone resulting from their consolidation. They are classed as fringing reefs, when they border the land; barrier reefs, when separated from the shore by a broad belt of water; atolls, when they constitute separate islands, usually inclosing a lagoon. See Atoll. --
Coral root (Bot.), a genus (Corallorhiza) of orchideous plants, of a yellowish or brownish red color, parasitic on roots of other plants, and having curious jointed or knotted roots not unlike some kinds of coral. See Illust. under Coralloid. --
Coral snake. (Zo) (a) A small, venomous, Brazilian snake (Elaps corallinus), coral-red, with black bands. (b) A small, harmless, South American snake (Tortrix scytale). --
Coral tree (Bot.), a tropical, leguminous plant, of several species, with showy, scarlet blossoms and coral-red seeds. The best known is Erythrina Corallodendron. --
Coral wood, a hard, red cabinet wood. McElrath.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. a North American deciduous shrub (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) cultivated for its abundant clusters of coral-red berrylike fruits.
Syn. -- Indian currant, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. shrub (Ardisia crenata) with coral-red berries; it is found from Japan to northern India.
Syn. -- spiceberry, Ardisia crenata. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


a. Having coral; covered with coral. [ 1913 Webster ]

Coral fish

(Zool.) Any bright-colored fish of the genera Chætodon, Pomacentrus, Apogon, and related genera, which live among reef corals. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Like coral, or partaking of its qualities. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Geol.) A deposit of coralliferous limestone forming a portion of the middle division of the oolite; -- called also coral-rag. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. corallum coral + -ferous. ] Containing or producing coral. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. corallum coral + -form. ] resembling coral in form. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. L. corallum coral + root of gignere to produce. ] (Zool.) Same as Anthozoa. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. producing coral; coralligerous; coralliferous. Humble. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. corallum coral + -gerous. ] Producing coral; coralliferous. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ So named in allusion to the color of red corallin, fr. L. corallum coral. ] (Chem.) A yellow coal-tar dyestuff which probably consists chiefly of rosolic acid. See Aurin, and Rosolic acid under Rosolic. [ 1913 Webster ]

Red corallin, a red dyestuff which is obtained by treating aurin or rosolic acid with ammonia; -- called also pæonin. --
Yellow corallin. See Aurin.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Cf. L. corallinus coralred. ] Composed of corallines; as, coralline limestone. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. coralline. ] 1. (Bot.) A submarine, semicalcareous or calcareous plant, consisting of many jointed branches. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) Formerly any slender coral-like animal; -- sometimes applied more particulary to bryozoan corals. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Paleon.) A fossil coralline. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. corallum coral. ] 1. (Min.) A mineral substance or petrifaction, in the form of coral. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) One of the individual members of a compound coral; or that part formed by a single coral animal. [ Written also corallet. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. corallum coral + -oid: cf. F. coralloïde. ] Having the form of coral; branching like coral. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. resembling coral; coralloid. Sir T. browne. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. a genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; it is widely distributed in temperate regions.
Syn. -- genus Corallorhiza. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ L. ] (Zool.) The coral or skeleton of a zoophyte, whether calcareous of horny, simple or compound. See Coral. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (geol.) Same as Corallian. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. a European bittercress (Dentaria bulbifera) having a knotted white rootstock.
Syn. -- coral-root bittercress, coralwort, Cardamine bulbifera, Dentaria bulbifera. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. an East Indian tree (Adenanthera pavonina) with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental.
Syn. -- red sandalwood, Barbados pride, peacock flower fence, Adenanthera pavonina. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. (Bot.) A cruciferous herb of certain species of Dentaria; -- called also toothwort, tooth violet, or pepper root. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL. See Hydra, and Coral. ] (Zool.) A division of Hydroidea, including those genera that secrete a stony coral, as Millepora and Stylaster. Two forms of zooids in life project from small pores in the coral and resemble those of other hydroids. See Millepora. [ 1913 Webster ]

madriporian coral

n. A madrepore . [ PJC ]


prop. n. An order of mostly saprophytic fungi.
Syn. -- order Mucorales. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Stag-horn fern

{ etc. } See under Stag. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Stag-horn coral

‖n. pl. [ NL. See Tetra-, and Corallum. ] (Paleon.) Same as Rugosa. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[shān, ㄕㄢ, ] coral #12,781 [Add to Longdo]
珊瑚[shān hú, ㄕㄢ ㄏㄨˊ,  ] coral #15,441 [Add to Longdo]
珊瑚礁[shān hú jiāo, ㄕㄢ ㄏㄨˊ ㄐㄧㄠ,   ] coral reef #43,922 [Add to Longdo]
[hú, ㄏㄨˊ, ] coral #49,996 [Add to Longdo]
查戈斯群岛[Chá gē sī qún dǎo, ㄔㄚˊ ㄍㄜ ㄙ ㄑㄩㄣˊ ㄉㄠˇ,      /     ] Chagos Archipelago, coral archipelago in tropical Indian Ocean, with Diego Garcia 迪戈·加西亞島|迪戈·加西亚岛 as largest island #373,494 [Add to Longdo]
红珊瑚[hóng shān hú, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄕㄢ ㄏㄨˊ,    /   ] red coral [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Koralle { f } | Korallen { pl }coral | corals [Add to Longdo]
Korallenriff { n }; Korallenbank { f }coral reef; coralbank [Add to Longdo]
(Blastomussa spp.) [ zool. ]pipe coral [Add to Longdo]
Anemonen-Pilzkoralle { f } (Heliofungia actiniformis) [ zool. ]long tentacle plate coral [Add to Longdo]
Bäumchen-Weichkoralle { f } (Dendronephthya spp.) [ zool. ]flower coral [Add to Longdo]
Becherkoralle { f } (Turbinaria spp.) [ zool. ]cup coral [Add to Longdo]
Blasenkoralle { f } (Plerogyra spp.) [ zool. ]bubble coral [Add to Longdo]
Blauschwarzer Streifen-Zwergkaiserfisch { m }; Kennedys Zwergkaiserfisch { m }; Blauschwarzer Herzogfisch { m } (Centropyge bispinosa) [ zool. ]coral beauty [Add to Longdo]
Blumenkohlkoralle { f }; Broccolikoralle { f } (Cladiella spp.) [ zool. ]cauliflower coral [Add to Longdo]
Bohnenkoralle { f }; Hammerkoralle { f } (Euphyllia ancora) [ zool. ]hammer(head) coral [Add to Longdo]
Broccoli-Koralle { f }; Blumenkohl-Koralle { f } (Nephthea sp.) [ zool. ]tree coral [Add to Longdo]
(Euphyllia divisa) [ zool. ]frogspawn coral [Add to Longdo]
Fingerkoralle { f } (Caulastrea spp.) [ zool. ]branch coral [Add to Longdo]
Fingerkoralle { f } (Lobophytum spp.) [ zool. ]finger mushroom coral [Add to Longdo]
Gelappte Lederkoralle { f } (Sinularia dura) [ zool. ]cabbage coral [Add to Longdo]
Geweihkoralle { f } (Acropora spp.) [ zool. ]staghorn coral [Add to Longdo]
Goldschwanzmuräne { f } (Gymnothorax miliaris) [ zool. ]fire coral eel [Add to Longdo]
Hirnkoralle { f } (Favia spp.; Favites spp.) [ zool. ]closed brain coral [Add to Longdo]
Kelchkoralle { f } (Tubastrea spp.) [ zool. ]tube coral [Add to Longdo]
Kristallkoralle { f } (Galaxea fascicularis) [ zool. ]tooth coral [Add to Longdo]
(Nemenzophyllia turbida) [ zool. ]fox coral; jasmine coral [Add to Longdo]
(Nemenzophyllia turbida) [ zool. ]jasmine coral; fox coral [Add to Longdo]
Orgelkoralle { f } (Tubipora spp.) [ zool. ]pipe organ coral [Add to Longdo]
Pilzkoralle { f } (Fungia spp.) [ zool. ]short tentacle plate coral [Add to Longdo]
Pilzlederkoralle { f } (Sarcophyton spp.) [ zool. ]mushroom coral [Add to Longdo]
Pilzlederkoralle { f } (Sarcophyton spp.) [ zool. ]toadstool (leather) coral [Add to Longdo]
Porenkoralle { f } (Goniopora spp.) [ zool. ]flower pot coral [Add to Longdo]
Rosenkoralle { f } (Cynarina spp.); Solitärkoralle { f } (Scolymia) [ zool. ]button coral [Add to Longdo]
Rosenkoralle { f } (Trachyphyllia spp.); Doldenkoralle { f } (Lobophyllia spp.) [ zool. ]open brain coral [Add to Longdo]
Salatblatt-Koralle { f } (Pectinia paeonia) [ zool. ]lettuce coral [Add to Longdo]
Spitze Blasenkoralle { f }; Ballonkoralle { f } (Physogyra lichtensteini) [ zool. ]pearl coral [Add to Longdo]
Stachelkoralle { f }; Pickelkoralle { f } (Hydnophora spp.) [ zool. ]horn coral [Add to Longdo]
Steinkoralle { f } [ zool. ]hard coral [Add to Longdo]
Weichkoralle { f } [ zool. ]soft coral [Add to Longdo]
Weihnachtsbaumkoralle { f } (Studeriotes longiramosa) [ zool. ]Christmas tree coral [Add to Longdo]
Wunderkoralle { f } (Catalaphyllia spp.) [ zool. ]elegance coral; elegant coral [Add to Longdo]
(Xenia spp.) [ zool. ]starburst coral [Add to Longdo]
Zungenkoralle { f } (Herpolitha spp.; Polyphyllia spp.) [ zool. ]tongue coral [Add to Longdo]
Zungenkoralle { f } (Polyphyllia talpina) [ zool. ]slipper coral [Add to Longdo]
Kalkalgen { pl }coralline algae [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
環礁[かんしょう, kanshou] (n) atoll; circular coral reef; (P) #14,934 [Add to Longdo]
アメリカ梯沽[アメリカでいご;アメリカデイゴ, amerika deigo ; amerikadeigo] (n) (uk) cockspur coral tree (Erythrina crista-galli) [Add to Longdo]
イッテンチョウチョウウオ[ittenchouchouuo] (n) teardrop butterflyfish (Chaetodon unimaculatus); teardrop coralfish; one-spot butterfly [Add to Longdo]
オニハタタテダイ[onihatatatedai] (n) masked bannerfish (Heniochus monoceros); pennant coralfish [Add to Longdo]
キスジゲンロクダイ[kisujigenrokudai] (n) goldengirdled coralfish (Coradion chrysozonus); orangebanded coralfish [Add to Longdo]
コーラル[ko-raru] (n) (1) coral; (adj-f) (2) (See コラール) choral [Add to Longdo]
コーラルアイランド[ko-raruairando] (n) coral island [Add to Longdo]
コーラルシーグレゴリー[ko-rarushi-guregori-] (n) Coral Sea gregory (Stegastes gascoynei) [Add to Longdo]
コーラルリング[ko-raruringu] (n) coral ring [Add to Longdo]
サドルバックバタフライフィッシュ;インドスダレ[sadorubakkubatafuraifisshu ; indosudare] (n) blackwedged butterflyfish (Chaetodon falcula); saddled butterflyfish; pigface coralfish; sickle butterflyfish; Indian double-saddle butterflyfish [Add to Longdo]
サンゴアイゴ;ブルースポッティド・スパインフト;ブルースポッティドスパインフト[sangoaigo ; buru-supotteido . supainfuto ; buru-supotteidosupainfuto] (n) blue-spotted spinefoot (Siganus corallinus, species of Indo-West Pacific rabbitfish); coral rabbitfish; orange spinefoot [Add to Longdo]
サンゴトラザメ[sangotorazame] (n) coral catshark (Atelomycterus marmoratus, found in the Indo-West Pacific) [Add to Longdo]
ソフトコーラル[sofutoko-raru] (n) soft coral [Add to Longdo]
タキゲンロクダイ[takigenrokudai] (n) highfin butterflyfish (Coradion altivelis); highfin coralfish; altivelis butterfly [Add to Longdo]
ツーアイドコーラルフィッシュ[tsu-aidoko-rarufisshu] (n) twospot coralfish (Coradion melanopus); twoeye coralfish [Add to Longdo]
ツノハタタテダイ[tsunohatatatedai] (n) horned bannerfish (Heniochus varius); hunchbacked coralfish [Add to Longdo]
テンツキチョウチョウウオ[tentsukichouchouuo] (n) sixspine butterflyfish (Parachaetodon ocellatus); ocellate coralfish; eye-spot butterflyfish; ocellate butterflyfish [Add to Longdo]
ハクテンカタギ[hakutenkatagi] (n) mailed butterflyfish (Chaetodon reticulatus); mailed coralfish; reticulated butterflyfish; black butterflyfish [Add to Longdo]
ハシナガチョウチョウウオ[hashinagachouchouuo] (n) copperband butterflyfish (Chelmon rostratus); banded longsnout butterflyfish; beaked butterflyfish; beaked coralfish; longnose butterflyfish [Add to Longdo]
ハタタテダイ[hatatatedai] (n) pennant coralfish (Heniochus acuminatus); common bannerfish; feather-fin bullfish; featherfin coralfish; longfin bannerfish; reef bannerfish [Add to Longdo]
ブラックフィンコーラルフィッシュ[burakkufinko-rarufisshu] (n) blackfin coralfish (Chelmon muelleri); Muller's coralfish; Müller's coralfish [Add to Longdo]
ホワイトシンドローム;ホワイト・シンドローム[howaitoshindoro-mu ; howaito . shindoro-mu] (n) white syndrome (coral disease) [Add to Longdo]
ホワイトフィンサージョンフィッシュ;ホワイトフィンサージャンフィッシュ[howaitofinsa-jonfisshu ; howaitofinsa-janfisshu] (n) whitefin surgeonfish (Acanthurus albipectoralis, species of Western Pacific tang found on the Great Barrier Reef through the Coral Sea to Tonga) [Add to Longdo]
マージンドコーラルフィッシュ[ma-jindoko-rarufisshu] (n) margined coralfish (Chelmon marginalis); Western beaked butterflyfish; Willemawillum [Add to Longdo]
ミナミハタタテダイ[minamihatatatedai] (n) threeband pennantfish (Heniochus chrysostomus); pennant bannerfish; horned coralfish [Add to Longdo]
メロンバタフライフィッシュ;レッドフィンバタフライフィッシュ[meronbatafuraifisshu ; reddofinbatafuraifisshu] (n) Melon butterflyfish (Chaetodon trifasciatus); Redfin butterflyfish; three-banded coralfish; lineated butterflyfish [Add to Longdo]
ロードハウバタフライフィッシュ[ro-dohaubatafuraifisshu] (n) three-striped butterflyfish (Chaetodon tricinctus); three-band coralfish [Add to Longdo]
乙姫海老;乙姫蝦[おとひめえび;オトヒメエビ, otohimeebi ; otohimeebi] (n) (uk) banded coral shrimp (Stenopus hispidus); coral banded shrimp; banded boxer shrimp [Add to Longdo]
管珊瑚[くださんご, kudasango] (n) organ-pipe coral [Add to Longdo]
珊瑚[さんご, sango] (n) coral [Add to Longdo]
珊瑚海[さんごかい, sangokai] (n) Coral Sea [Add to Longdo]
珊瑚蛇[さんごへび;サンゴヘビ, sangohebi ; sangohebi] (n) (uk) coral snake [Add to Longdo]
珊瑚礁(P);サンゴ礁[さんごしょう(珊瑚礁)(P);サンゴしょう(サンゴ礁), sangoshou ( sangoshou )(P); sango shou ( sango shou )] (n) coral reef; (P) [Add to Longdo]
七宝[しっぽう, shippou] (n) (1) { Buddh } the 7 treasures (gold, silver, pearls, agate, crystal, coral, lapis lazuli); (n, adj-no) (2) (See 七宝焼き) cloisonne [Add to Longdo]
床板珊瑚[しょうばんさんご, shoubansango] (n) tabulate coral (extinct coral of the order Tabulata) [Add to Longdo]
床板珊瑚類[しょうばんさんごるい, shoubansangorui] (n) tabulate corals (extinct corals of the order Tabulata) [Add to Longdo]
青蔓藤[あおつづらふじ, aotsudurafuji] (n) queen coralbead (Cocculus orbiculatus) [Add to Longdo]
赤珊瑚[あかさんご;アカサンゴ, akasango ; akasango] (n) (uk) red coral (Corallium japonicum) [Add to Longdo]
梯梧;梯姑[でいご;でいこ;デイゴ;デイコ, deigo ; deiko ; deigo ; deiko] (n) (uk) Indian coral tree (Erythrina variegata) [Add to Longdo]
天竺鯛[てんじくだい;テンジクダイ, tenjikudai ; tenjikudai] (n) (uk) vertical-striped cardinalfish (Apogon lineatus); Indian perch; coral fish [Add to Longdo]
脳珊瑚[のうさんご, nousango] (n) brain coral [Add to Longdo]
白化現象[はっかげんしょう;はくかげんしょう, hakkagenshou ; hakukagenshou] (n) albinism; chlorosis; bleaching (of coral) [Add to Longdo]
万両[まんりょう, manryou] (n) Ardisia crenata; coralberry [Add to Longdo]


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