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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -continently-, *continently*, continent
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา continently มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *continent*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

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The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

adv. In a continent manner; chastely; moderately; temperately. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. continens, -entis, prop., p. pr. of continere to hold together, to repress: cf. F. continent. See Contain. ] 1. Serving to restrain or limit; restraining; opposing. [ Obs. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Exercising restraint as to the indulgence of desires or passions; temperate; moderate. [ 1913 Webster ]

Have a continent forbearance till the speed of his rage goes slower. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Abstaining from sexual intercourse; exercising restraint upon the sexual appetite; esp., abstaining from illicit sexual intercourse; chaste. [ 1913 Webster ]

My past life [ 1913 Webster ]

Hath been as continent, as chaste, as true, [ 1913 Webster ]

As I am now unhappy. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Not interrupted; connected; continuous; as, a continent fever. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The northeast part of Asia is, if not continent with the west side of America, yet certainly it is the least disoined by sea of all that coast. Berrewood. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. continens, prop., a holding together: cf. F. continent. See Continent, a. ] 1. That which contains anything; a receptacle. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The smaller continent which we call a pipkin. Bp. Kennet. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. One of the grand divisions of land on the globe; the main land; specifically (Phys. Geog.), a large body of land differing from an island, not merely in its size, but in its structure, which is that of a large basin bordered by mountain chains; as, the continent of North America. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The continents are now usually regarded as six in number: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. But other large bodies of land are also reffered to as continents; as, the Antarctic continent; the continent of Greenland. Europe, Asia, and Africa are often grouped together as the Eastern Continent, and North and South America as the Western Continent. [ 1913 Webster ]

The Continent, the main land of Europe, as distinguished from the islands, especially from England.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Of or pertaining to a continent. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Of or pertaining to the main land of Europe, in distinction from the adjacent islands, especially England; as, a continental tour; a continental coalition. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]

No former king had involved himself so frequently in the labyrinth of continental alliances. Hallam. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Amer. Hist.) Of or pertaining to the confederated colonies collectively, in the time of the Revolutionary War; as, Continental money. [ 1913 Webster ]

The army before Boston was designated as the Continental army, in contradistinction to that under General Gage, which was called the “Ministerial army.” W. Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]

Continental Congress. See under Congress. --
Continental system (Hist.), the blockade of Great Britain ordered by Napoleon by the decree of Berlin, Nov. 21, 1806; the object being to strike a blow at the maritime and commercial supremacy of Great Britain, by cutting her off from all intercourse with the continent of Europe.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. (Amer. Hist.) A soldier in the Continental army. See Continental, a., 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Amer. Hist.) a piece of the Continental currency, paper money issued under authority of the Continental Congress. See Continental, a., 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

"Not worth a continental." was said of Continental currency after the American revolution, when it was considered almost worthless. Eventually, under Alexander Hamilton's direction at the Treasury department, the currency was all redeemed at full value. [ PJC ]

Continental drift

. the movements of continents relative to each other across the Earth's surface; see plate tectonics. [ PJC ]

Continental drive

. (Automobiles) A transmission arrangement in which the longitudinal crank shaft drives the rear wheels through a clutch, change-speed gear, countershaft, and two parallel side chains, in order. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Continental glacier

. A broad ice sheet resting on a plain or plateau and spreading outward from a central névé, or region of accumulation. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Continental pronunciation

def>A method of pronouncing Latin and Greek in which the vowels have their more familiar Continental values, as in German and Italian, the consonants being pronounced mostly as in English. The stricter form of this method of pronouncing Latin approaches the Roman, the modified form the English, pronunciation. The Continental method of Greek pronunciation is often called Erasmian. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Continental system

. (Hist.) The system of commercial blockade aiming to exclude England from commerce with the Continent instituted by the
Berlin decree, which Napoleon I. issued from Berlin Nov. 21, 1806, declaring the British Isles to be in a state of blockade, and British subjects, property, and merchandise subject to capture, and excluding British ships from all parts of Europe under French dominion. The retaliatory measures of England were followed by the
Milan decree, issued by Napoleon from Milan Dec. 17, 1807, imposing further restrictions, and declaring every ship going to or from a port of England or her colonies to be lawful prize. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


adj. involving the entire continent. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


a. [ L. incontinens: cf. F. incontinent. See In- not, and Continent. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Not continent; uncontrolled; not restraining the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging unlawful lust; unchaste; lewd. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Med.) Unable to restrain natural evacuations, such as urination or defecation. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who is unchaste. B. Jonson. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. [ Cf. F. incontinent. ] Incontinently; instantly; immediately. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

He says he will return incontinent. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. 1. In an incontinent manner; without restraint, or without due restraint; -- used esp. of the passions or appetites. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Immediately; at once; forthwith. [ Archaic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Immediately he sent word to Athens that he would incontinently come hither with a host of men. Golding. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Between or among continents; subsisting or carried on between continents; as, intercontinental relations or commerce. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Passing between continents or capable of passing between continents; as, an intercontinental ballistic misile; an intercontinental airplane flight. [ PJC ]


a. [ Pref. trans- + continental. ] Extending or going across a continent; as, a transcontinental railroad or journey. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Not continent; incontinent. Wyclif (2 Tim. iii. 3). [ 1913 Webster ]

Longdo Dictionary ภาษา สเปน (ES) - ไทย (TH) (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
subcontinent(n) อนุทวีป

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
continent(n) ทวีป
continent(adj) ที่สามารถกลั้น (ปัสสาวะหรืออุจจาระ)
continental(adj) เกี่ยวกับทวีปยุโรป
continental(adj) เกี่ยวกับแผ่นดินใหญ่
continental(n) จำนวนที่เล็กน้อย, Syn. whit, jot
incontinent(adj) ซึ่งขาดการควบคุมพฤติกรรมทางเพศ
incontinent(adv) ทันที (คำโบราณ), See also: อย่างฉับพลัน, อย่างเร่งด่วน, Syn. abruptly, hastily, immediately
incontinent(adj) ที่กลั้นปัสสาวะไม่อยู่, Syn. enuretic
subcontinent(n) ทวีปย่อย
intercontinental(adj) ซึ่งเกี่ยวข้องระหว่างสองทวีป
continental shelf(n) ไหล่ทวีป

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
continent(คอน'ทะเนินทฺ) n. ทวีป, ผืนแผ่นดินใหญ่ (ซึ่งต่างจากเกาะหรือคาบสมุทร) , ส่วนที่ต่อเนื่องกัน, สิ่งที่เป็นที่บรรจุหรือพรมแดน -Phr. (the Continent ผืนแผ่นดินใหญ่ของยุโรป (ซึ่งต่างจากเกาะอังกฤษ) , adj. ซึ่งควบคุมตัวเอง, Syn. abstinent, Ant. le
continental(คอนทิเนน'เทิล) adj. เกี่ยวกับทวีป n. ผู้อาศัยอยู่บนผืนแผ่นดินใหญ่
continental shelf n.ส่วนของทวีปที่จมอยู่ในทะเลที่ค่อนข้างตื้น
intercontinental(อินเทอคอนทิเนน'เทิล) adj. ระหว่างทวีป
transcontinental(แทรนซฺคอน'ทิเนนเทิล) adj. ข้ามทวีป, อยู่อีกด้านของทวีป.

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
Continent(n) ภาคพื้นยุโรป
continent(adj) ไม่มักมาก, รู้จักละเว้น
continent(n) ทวีป, ผืนแผ่นดินใหญ่, ภาคพื้นทวีป
Continental(adj) เกี่ยวกับภาคพื้นยุโรป
continental(adj) เกี่ยวกับทวีป, เกี่ยวกับภาคพื้นทวีป
transcontinental(adj) ข้ามทวีป

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
shield; continental nucleus; continental shieldหินฐานทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental crustเปลือกโลกภาคพื้นทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental depositสิ่งทับถมภาคพื้นทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental displacement; continental driftทวีปเลื่อน [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental divideสันปันน้ำทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental drift; continental displacementทวีปเลื่อน [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental marginขอบทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental nucleus; continental shield; shieldหินฐานทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental platformลานทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental rise; continental apronลาดตีนทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental shelfไหล่ทวีป [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
continentทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continentalแห่งทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental apron; continental riseลาดตีนทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental basinแอ่งทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental borderlandชายขอบทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental shelfไหล่ทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental shield; continental nucleus; shieldหินฐานทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
continental slopeลาดทวีป [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Continental driftทวีปเลื่อน [วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี]
Continental shelfไหล่ทวีป [TU Subject Heading]
Continentsทวีป [TU Subject Heading]
Lost continentsทวีปที่สาบสูญ [TU Subject Heading]
Continental Islandเกาะริมทวีป, Example: เกาะที่ตั้งอยู่ตามชายฝั่งทะเล หรือไม่ไกลจากแผ่นดินมากนัก เกาะริมทวีป ส่วนใหญ่จะมีลักษณะทางธรณีวิทยาคล้ายคลึงกับแผ่นดินใหญ่ที่อยู่ใกล้เคียง เนื่องจากเดิมเคยเป็นแผ่นดินเดียวกัน ต่อมาภายหลังจึงถูกตัดขาดแยกออกไป เพราะการเคลื่อนไหวของเปลือกโลกหรือการกัดเซาะของคลื่นและกระแสน้ำ [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
continental shelfไหล่ทวีป ไหล่ทวีปของรัฐชายฝั่งประกอบด้วย พื้นดินท้องทะเลและดินใต้ผิวดินของบริเวณใต้ทะเล ซึ่งขยายเลยทะเลอาณาเขตของรัฐตลอดส่วนต่อออกไปตามธรรมชาติของดินแดนทางบกของ ตนจนถึงริมนอกของขอบทวีป หรือจนถึงระยะ 200 ไมล์ทะเลจากเส้นฐานซึ่งใช้วัดความกว้างของทะเลอาณาเขตในกรณีที่ริมนอกของ ขอบทวีปขยายไปไม่ถึงระยะนั้น [การทูต]
continental seacontinental sea, ทะเลภายใน [เทคนิคด้านการชลประทานและการระบายน้ำ]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
supercontinent(n) มหาทวีป

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
continentAfrica is a continent, but Greenland is not.
continentAfrica is a continent; Greenland is not.
continentAfrica was once called the Dark Continent.
continentAnd because Deal is very near continental Europe, it's always been one of the first areas of Britain to be invaded.
continentAn iron curtain has descended across the Continent.
continentAustralia is the smallest continent in the world.
continentBritain is separated from the Continent by the Channel.
continentColumbus sailed farther west to look for a new continent.
continentEurope is a continent of energetic peoples.
continentFar away across the Pacific lies the American Continent.
continentFlight across the continent was still a daring venture.
continentFossil fuels are abundant in that vast continent.
continentIf I was going to the African continent where would be the safest and most sanitary place?
continentIt isn't surprising that an Africans may think of English as one of their continent's languages.
continentJapanese companies have set up factories on every continent, and Japanese banks help finance many of the world's major economic programs.
continentMigrants crossed the Japan sea from the continent.
continentThe ancestors of Native Americans went to the continent from Asia by way of the Bering Straits.
continentThe continent is abundant in fossil fuels.
continentThe Japan Sea separates Japan from the Asian Continent.
continentThere are seven continents on the Earth.
continentThere are seven continents on the earth.
continentThe vast continent is abundant in fossil fuels.
continentThey crossed the vast continent on foot.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
เล็ด(v) leak out, See also: trickle, drop, be incontinent, Example: เขาบีบขนมจนไส้ของมันเล็ดออกมา, Thai Definition: ลอดออกแต่น้อย
ทะเลไหล่ทวีป(n) epicontinental sea, Example: พืชชนิดนี้พบมากในบริเวณทะเลไหล่ทวีป, Count Unit: แห่ง, Thai Definition: บริเวณทะเลตื้นที่อยู่เหนือไหล่ทวีป
ทวีป(n) continent, Example: ผมเคยไปทุกหนทุกแห่งที่อยากไป ตั้งแต่ขั้วโลกเหนือจดขั้วโลกใต้ ครบทุกทวีป, Count Unit: ทวีป, Thai Definition: เปลือกโลกส่วนที่เป็นพื้นดินซึ่งมีขนาดใหญ่โตกว้างขวาง มี 7 ทวีป คือ เอเชีย ยุโรป ออสเตรเลีย แอฟริกา อเมริกาเหนือ อเมริกาใต้ และแอนตาร์กติกา, Notes: (บาลี/สันสกฤต)
นอกใจ(v) be unfaithful, See also: be adulterous, be philandering, be incontinent, be disloyal, be infidel, Example: สามีของวรรณานอกใจเธอ จึงทำให้เธอเป็นโรคประสาท, Thai Definition: ประพฤติไม่ซื่อตรงต่อกันระหว่างคนที่เป็นคู่รักกัน
ไหล่ทวีป(n) continental shelf, Example: ทีมงานขุดเจาะสำรวจหาปริมาณน้ำมันในพื้นที่ทะเลในส่วนที่เป็นไหล่ทวีป, Count Unit: แห่ง, Thai Definition: บริเวณใต้น้ำทะเลรอบๆ ทวีป ซึ่งมีความลาดเอียงน้อยๆ แผ่ยื่นออกไปจากฝั่งทะเล นับจากแนวน้ำลงต่ำสุดลงไป

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ไหล่ทวีป[laithawīp] (n) EN: continental shelf
ลมว่าว[lomwao] (n) EN: wind that blows from north to south in winter  FR: vent hivernal du nord [ m ] ; vent continental [ m ]
นอกใจ[nøkjai] (v) EN: be unfaithful ; be adulterous ; be philandering ; be incontinent ; be disloyal ; be infidel  FR: être infidèle
ภาคพื้น[phākpheūn] (n) EN: ground ; mainland ; region  FR: continent [ m ]
สายการบินคอนติเนนตัลแอร์ไลน์ส[Sāikānbin Khøntinēntal Aēlai] (tm) EN: Continental Airlines  FR: Continental Airlines
ทะเลไหล่ทวีป[thalē laithawip] (n, exp) EN: epicontinental sea
ทวีป[thawīp] (n) EN: continent  FR: continent [ m ]
ทวีปแอฟริกา[Thawīp Aepfarikā = Tthawīp Aeffrikā] (n, prop) EN: Africa  FR: Afrique [ f ] ; continent africain [ m ]
ทวีปอเมริกาเหนือ[Thawīp Amērikā Neūa] (n, prop) EN: North America  FR: Amérique du Nord [ f ] ; continent nord-américain [ m ]
ทวีปอเมริกาใต้[Thawīp Amērikā Tāi] (n, prop) EN: South America  FR: Amérique du Sud [ f ] ; continent sud-américain [ m ]
ทวีปเอเซีย[Thawīp Ēsīa] (n, prop) EN: Asia  FR: Asie [ f ] ; continent asiatique [ m ]
ออสเตรเลีย[Thawīp Østrelīa] (n, prop) EN: Australia  FR: Australie [ f ] ; continent australien [ m ]
ทวีปยุโรป[Thawip Yurōp] (n, prop) EN: Europe  FR: Europe [ f ] ; continent européen [ m ]
ทฤษฎีทวีปจร[thritsadī thawīp jøn] (n, exp) EN: theory of continental drift

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Continent(n) the European mainland
continent(n) one of the large landmasses of the earth
continent(adj) having control over urination and defecation, Ant. incontinent
Continental(adj) of or pertaining to or typical of Europe
continental(adj) of or relating to or concerning the American colonies during and immediately after the American Revolutionary War
continental(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of a continent
continental(adj) being or concerning or limited to a continent especially the continents of North America or Europe, Ant. intercontinental
continent-wide(adj) involving the entire continent
incontinent(adj) not having control over urination and defecation, Ant. continent
intercontinental(adj) extending or taking place between or among continents, Ant. continental
subcontinent(n) a large and distinctive landmass (as India or Greenland) that is a distinct part of some continent
transcontinental(adj) spanning or crossing or on the farther side of a continent
Antarctica(n) an extremely cold continent at the south pole almost entirely below the Antarctic Circle; covered by an ice cap up to 13, 000 feet deep, Syn. Antarctic continent
celibate(adj) abstaining from sexual intercourse, Syn. continent
eiderdown(n) a soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider, Syn. duvet, continental quilt

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ L. continens, -entis, prop., p. pr. of continere to hold together, to repress: cf. F. continent. See Contain. ] 1. Serving to restrain or limit; restraining; opposing. [ Obs. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Exercising restraint as to the indulgence of desires or passions; temperate; moderate. [ 1913 Webster ]

Have a continent forbearance till the speed of his rage goes slower. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Abstaining from sexual intercourse; exercising restraint upon the sexual appetite; esp., abstaining from illicit sexual intercourse; chaste. [ 1913 Webster ]

My past life [ 1913 Webster ]

Hath been as continent, as chaste, as true, [ 1913 Webster ]

As I am now unhappy. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Not interrupted; connected; continuous; as, a continent fever. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The northeast part of Asia is, if not continent with the west side of America, yet certainly it is the least disoined by sea of all that coast. Berrewood. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. continens, prop., a holding together: cf. F. continent. See Continent, a. ] 1. That which contains anything; a receptacle. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

The smaller continent which we call a pipkin. Bp. Kennet. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. One of the grand divisions of land on the globe; the main land; specifically (Phys. Geog.), a large body of land differing from an island, not merely in its size, but in its structure, which is that of a large basin bordered by mountain chains; as, the continent of North America. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The continents are now usually regarded as six in number: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. But other large bodies of land are also reffered to as continents; as, the Antarctic continent; the continent of Greenland. Europe, Asia, and Africa are often grouped together as the Eastern Continent, and North and South America as the Western Continent. [ 1913 Webster ]

The Continent, the main land of Europe, as distinguished from the islands, especially from England.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Of or pertaining to a continent. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Of or pertaining to the main land of Europe, in distinction from the adjacent islands, especially England; as, a continental tour; a continental coalition. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]

No former king had involved himself so frequently in the labyrinth of continental alliances. Hallam. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Amer. Hist.) Of or pertaining to the confederated colonies collectively, in the time of the Revolutionary War; as, Continental money. [ 1913 Webster ]

The army before Boston was designated as the Continental army, in contradistinction to that under General Gage, which was called the “Ministerial army.” W. Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]

Continental Congress. See under Congress. --
Continental system (Hist.), the blockade of Great Britain ordered by Napoleon by the decree of Berlin, Nov. 21, 1806; the object being to strike a blow at the maritime and commercial supremacy of Great Britain, by cutting her off from all intercourse with the continent of Europe.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. (Amer. Hist.) A soldier in the Continental army. See Continental, a., 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Amer. Hist.) a piece of the Continental currency, paper money issued under authority of the Continental Congress. See Continental, a., 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

"Not worth a continental." was said of Continental currency after the American revolution, when it was considered almost worthless. Eventually, under Alexander Hamilton's direction at the Treasury department, the currency was all redeemed at full value. [ PJC ]

Continental drift

. the movements of continents relative to each other across the Earth's surface; see plate tectonics. [ PJC ]

Continental drive

. (Automobiles) A transmission arrangement in which the longitudinal crank shaft drives the rear wheels through a clutch, change-speed gear, countershaft, and two parallel side chains, in order. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Continental glacier

. A broad ice sheet resting on a plain or plateau and spreading outward from a central névé, or region of accumulation. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Continental pronunciation

def>A method of pronouncing Latin and Greek in which the vowels have their more familiar Continental values, as in German and Italian, the consonants being pronounced mostly as in English. The stricter form of this method of pronouncing Latin approaches the Roman, the modified form the English, pronunciation. The Continental method of Greek pronunciation is often called Erasmian. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Continental system

. (Hist.) The system of commercial blockade aiming to exclude England from commerce with the Continent instituted by the
Berlin decree, which Napoleon I. issued from Berlin Nov. 21, 1806, declaring the British Isles to be in a state of blockade, and British subjects, property, and merchandise subject to capture, and excluding British ships from all parts of Europe under French dominion. The retaliatory measures of England were followed by the
Milan decree, issued by Napoleon from Milan Dec. 17, 1807, imposing further restrictions, and declaring every ship going to or from a port of England or her colonies to be lawful prize. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


adv. In a continent manner; chastely; moderately; temperately. [ 1913 Webster ]


adj. involving the entire continent. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


a. [ L. incontinens: cf. F. incontinent. See In- not, and Continent. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Not continent; uncontrolled; not restraining the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging unlawful lust; unchaste; lewd. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Med.) Unable to restrain natural evacuations, such as urination or defecation. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who is unchaste. B. Jonson. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. [ Cf. F. incontinent. ] Incontinently; instantly; immediately. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

He says he will return incontinent. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. 1. In an incontinent manner; without restraint, or without due restraint; -- used esp. of the passions or appetites. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Immediately; at once; forthwith. [ Archaic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Immediately he sent word to Athens that he would incontinently come hither with a host of men. Golding. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Between or among continents; subsisting or carried on between continents; as, intercontinental relations or commerce. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Passing between continents or capable of passing between continents; as, an intercontinental ballistic misile; an intercontinental airplane flight. [ PJC ]


a. [ Pref. trans- + continental. ] Extending or going across a continent; as, a transcontinental railroad or journey. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Not continent; incontinent. Wyclif (2 Tim. iii. 3). [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
大陆[dà lù, ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ,   /  ] continent; mainland (esp. of China); mainland China; refers to People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國|中华人民共和国 #2,194 [Add to Longdo]
板块[bǎn kuài, ㄅㄢˇ ㄎㄨㄞˋ,   /  ] tectonic plate; continental plate #3,085 [Add to Longdo]
[lù, ㄌㄨˋ, / ] surname Lu; shore; land; continent #5,086 [Add to Longdo]
[zhōu, ㄓㄡ, ] continent; island #6,695 [Add to Longdo]
澳洲[Ào zhōu, ㄠˋ ㄓㄡ,  ] Australia (continent); abbr. for 澳大利亞|澳大利亚 #8,429 [Add to Longdo]
大洲[dà zhōu, ㄉㄚˋ ㄓㄡ,  ] continents #20,071 [Add to Longdo]
洲际[zhōu jì, ㄓㄡ ㄐㄧˋ,   /  ] intercontinental #20,701 [Add to Longdo]
欧亚[Ōu Yà, ㄡ ㄧㄚˋ,   /  ] Asia and Europe; Eurasian (continent); same as 歐亞|欧亚 #24,574 [Add to Longdo]
天竺[Tiān zhú, ㄊㄧㄢ ㄓㄨˊ,  ] the Indian subcontinent (esp. in Tang or Buddhist context) #33,862 [Add to Longdo]
亚欧[Yà Ōu, ㄧㄚˋ ㄡ,   /  ] Asia and Europe; Eurasian (continent); same as 歐亞|欧亚 #36,643 [Add to Longdo]
海陆[hǎi lù, ㄏㄞˇ ㄌㄨˋ,   /  ] sea and land; ocean and continent; army and navy #38,171 [Add to Longdo]
大陆架[dà lù jià, ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ ㄐㄧㄚˋ,    /   ] continental shelf #50,271 [Add to Longdo]
亚细亚[Yà xì yà, ㄧㄚˋ ㄒㄧˋ ㄧㄚˋ,    /   ] Asia; Asian continent #50,749 [Add to Longdo]
次大陆[cì dà lù, ㄘˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ,    /   ] subcontinent (e.g. the Indian subcontinent) #65,003 [Add to Longdo]
亚欧大陆[Yà ōu dà lù, ㄧㄚˋ ㄡ ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ,     /    ] Eurasian continent #89,695 [Add to Longdo]
坦噶尼喀[Tǎn gá ní kā, ㄊㄢˇ ㄍㄚˊ ㄋㄧˊ ㄎㄚ,    ] Tanganyika on continent of West Africa, one component of Tanzania #92,324 [Add to Longdo]
大陆漂移[dà lù piāo yí, ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ ㄆㄧㄠ ㄧˊ,     /    ] continental drift #101,338 [Add to Longdo]
魏格纳[Wèi gé nà, ㄨㄟˋ ㄍㄜˊ ㄋㄚˋ,    /   ] Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), German meteorologist and geophysicist, the originator of continental drift #158,682 [Add to Longdo]
泛大陆[fàn dà lù, ㄈㄢˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ,    /   ] Pangea (geol., a single continent around 500 million years ago) #240,600 [Add to Longdo]
韦格纳[Wéi gé nà, ㄨㄟˊ ㄍㄜˊ ㄋㄚˋ,    /   ] Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), German meteorologist and geophysicist, the originator of continental drift; also written 魏格納|魏格纳 #243,464 [Add to Longdo]
大陆坡[dà lù pō, ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ ㄆㄛ,    /   ] continental slope (boundary of continental shelf) #305,450 [Add to Longdo]
大陆块[dà lù kuài, ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ ㄎㄨㄞˋ,    /   ] continental plates (geol.) #306,652 [Add to Longdo]
亚细亚洲[yà xì yà zhōu, ㄧㄚˋ ㄒㄧˋ ㄧㄚˋ ㄓㄡ,     /    ] Asia; Asian continent #436,607 [Add to Longdo]
硅铝质[guī lǚ zhì, ㄍㄨㄟ ㄌㄩˇ ㄓˋ,    /   ] sial rock (containing silicon and aluminium, so comparatively light, making continental plates) [Add to Longdo]
碰撞造山[pèng zhuàng zào shān, ㄆㄥˋ ㄓㄨㄤˋ ㄗㄠˋ ㄕㄢ,    ] collisional orogeny; mountain building as a result of continents colliding [Add to Longdo]
联合古大陆[lián hé gǔ dà lù, ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄏㄜˊ ㄍㄨˇ ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ,      /     ] Pangea (geol., a single continent around 250 million years ago) [Add to Longdo]
跨洲[kuà zhōu, ㄎㄨㄚˋ ㄓㄡ,  ] intercontinental [Add to Longdo]
陆坡[lù pō, ㄌㄨˋ ㄆㄛ,   /  ] continental slope (boundary of continental shelf) [Add to Longdo]
陆架[lù jià, ㄌㄨˋ ㄐㄧㄚˋ,   /  ] continental shelf [Add to Longdo]
驻大陆[zhù dà lù, ㄓㄨˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ,    /   ] stationed on the continent (i.e. PRC) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Festland { n }continent [Add to Longdo]
Frühstück { n } | beim Frühstück | kleines Frühstückbreakfast | at breakfast | continental breakfast [Add to Longdo]
Interkontinentalrakete { f } [ mil. ]intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) [Add to Longdo]
Kontinent { m }; Erdteil { m } | Kontinente { pl }; Erdteile { pl }continent | continents [Add to Longdo]
Kontinentaldrift { f }continental drift [Add to Longdo]
Kontinentalhang { m }continental slope; bathyal zone [Add to Longdo]
Kontinentalschelf { m }; Kontinentalsockel { m }continental shelf; sublittoral zone [Add to Longdo]
Steppdecke { f } | Steppdecken { pl }quilt; continental quilt | quilts [Add to Longdo]
Subkontinent { m } | Subkontinente { pl }subcontinent | subcontinents [Add to Longdo]
europäisch { adj }; in Europacontinental [ Br. ] [Add to Longdo]
interkontinental { adj }intercontinental [Add to Longdo]
kontinental { adj }continental [Add to Longdo]
transkontinental { adj }transcontinental [Add to Longdo]
unenthaltsam { adj } | unenthaltsamer | am unenthaltsamstenincontinent | more incontinent | most incontinent [Add to Longdo]
unmäßigincontinent [Add to Longdo]
unmäßig { adv }incontinently [Add to Longdo]
zügellos; hemmungslos; unmäßig { adj }incontinent [Add to Longdo]
inkontinent { adj } [ med. ]incontinent [Add to Longdo]
Interkontinentalrakete { f }ICBM : intercontinental ballistic missile [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
州(P);洲[しゅう, shuu] (n) (1) state; province; county (UK); department (of ancient China); (2) continent; (suf) (3) (arch) (after someone's name) dear; (P) #129 [Add to Longdo]
大陸[たいりく, tairiku] (n, adj-no) continent; (P) #2,264 [Add to Longdo]
コンチネンタル[konchinentaru] (n) continental; (P) #12,608 [Add to Longdo]
アメリカ大陸[アメリカたいりく, amerika tairiku] (n) American continent; the Americas #13,348 [Add to Longdo]
ICBM[アイシービーエム, aishi-bi-emu] (n) (See 大陸間弾道ミサイル) intercontinental ballistic missile; ICBM [Add to Longdo]
アジア大陸[アジアたいりく, ajia tairiku] (n) Asian Continent [Add to Longdo]
アフリカ大陸[アフリカたいりく, afurika tairiku] (n) African Continent [Add to Longdo]
インターコンチネンタル[inta-konchinentaru] (n) intercontinental (e.g. hotel) [Add to Longdo]
インド亜大陸[インドあたいりく, indo atairiku] (n) Indian subcontinent [Add to Longdo]
オーストラリアンスウェルシャーク[o-sutorariansuuerusha-ku] (n) Australian swellshark (Cephaloscyllium laticeps, species of catshark which inhabits the continental shelf of southern Australia) [Add to Longdo]
コンチネンタルスタイル[konchinentarusutairu] (n) continental style [Add to Longdo]
コンチネンタルタンゴ[konchinentarutango] (n) continental tango [Add to Longdo]
コンチネンタルブレックファースト[konchinentaruburekkufa-suto] (n) continental breakfast [Add to Longdo]
コンチネンタルプラン[konchinentarupuran] (n) continental plan [Add to Longdo]
コンチネンタルルック[konchinentarurukku] (n) continental look [Add to Longdo]
ヒレトガリザメ科[ヒレトガリザメか, hiretogarizame ka] (n) (See ヘミガレウス科) Hemigaleidae (family of weasel sharks containing 8 known species in 4 genera found from the eastern Atlantic to the continental Indo-Pacific) [Add to Longdo]
ヘミガレウス科[ヘミガレウスか, hemigareusu ka] (n) (See ヒレトガリザメ科) Hemigaleidae (family of weasel sharks containing 8 known species in 4 genera found from the eastern Atlantic to the continental Indo-Pacific) [Add to Longdo]
亜大陸[あたいりく, atairiku] (n, adj-no) subcontinent [Add to Longdo]
暗黒大陸[あんこくたいりく, ankokutairiku] (n) Dark Continent (i.e. Africa) [Add to Longdo]
欧亜大陸[おうあたいりく, ouatairiku] (n) Eurasia; Eurasian Continent [Add to Longdo]
外省人[がいしょうじん, gaishoujin] (n) (1) (See 本省人) (China) someone from outside one's own province; (2) (Taiwan) someone who moved to Taiwan from the continent after WWII [Add to Longdo]
禁欲生活[きんよくせいかつ, kinyokuseikatsu] (n) an ascetic existence; (leading) a continent life; abstinence [Add to Longdo]
五大州;五大洲[ごだいしゅう, godaishuu] (n) the Five Continents [Add to Longdo]
大州;大洲[たいしゅう, taishuu] (n) (See 大陸・たいりく, 五大州・ごだいしゅう) continent [Add to Longdo]
大陸プレート[たいりくプレート, tairiku pure-to] (n) continental plate [Add to Longdo]
大陸プレート境界[たいりくプレートきょうかい, tairiku pure-to kyoukai] (n) continental plate boundary [Add to Longdo]
大陸ヨーロッパ[たいりくヨーロッパ, tairiku yo-roppa] (n) continental Europe [Add to Longdo]
大陸移動説[たいりくいどうせつ, tairikuidousetsu] (n) theory of continental drift [Add to Longdo]
大陸横断鉄道[たいりくおうだんてつどう, tairikuoudantetsudou] (n) transcontinental railroad [Add to Longdo]
大陸間弾道ミサイル[たいりくかんだんどうミサイル, tairikukandandou misairu] (n) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile; ICBM [Add to Longdo]
大陸国家[たいりくこっか, tairikukokka] (n) continental state (e.g. Australia) [Add to Longdo]
大陸性[たいりくせい, tairikusei] (adj-f, adj-no) (1) continental; (n) (2) continentality [Add to Longdo]
大陸性気候[たいりくせいきこう, tairikuseikikou] (n) continental climate [Add to Longdo]
大陸棚[たいりくだな, tairikudana] (n) continental shelf; (P) [Add to Longdo]
大陸哲学[たいりくてつがく, tairikutetsugaku] (n) continental philosophy [Add to Longdo]
大陸法[たいりくほう, tairikuhou] (n) (See 市民法) civil law; continental law [Add to Longdo]
中国大陸[ちゅうごくたいりく, chuugokutairiku] (n) continent of China [Add to Longdo]
渡来人[とらいじん, toraijin] (n) people from overseas, especially from China and Korea, who settled in early Japan and introduced Continental culture to the Japanese [Add to Longdo]
内陸性気候[ないりくせいきこう, nairikuseikikou] (n) continental or inland climate [Add to Longdo]
南米大陸[なんべいたいりく, nanbeitairiku] (n, adj-no) South American continent [Add to Longdo]
北米大陸[ほくべいたいりく, hokubeitairiku] (n, adj-no) North American continent [Add to Longdo]
陸棚[りくだな;りくほう, rikudana ; rikuhou] (n) continental shelf [Add to Longdo]
陸地面積[りくちめんせき, rikuchimenseki] (n) land area (of a country, continent, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
六大州[ろくだいしゅう, rokudaishuu] (n) the Six Continents [Add to Longdo]
閻浮提[えんぶだい, enbudai] (n) Jambudvipa (continent of the terrestrial world in Hindu cosmology) [Add to Longdo]


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