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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -chromatics-, *chromatics*, chromatic
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา chromatics มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *chromatic*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

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The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. The science of colors; that part of optics which treats of the properties of colors. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Gr. 'achrw`matos colorless; 'a priv. + chrw^ma, chrw`matos, color: cf. F. achromatique. ] 1. (Opt.) Free from color; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Biol.) Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue. [ 1913 Webster ]

Achromatic lens (Opt.), a lens composed usually of two separate lenses, a convex and concave, of substances having different refractive and dispersive powers, as crown and flint glass, with the curvatures so adjusted that the chromatic aberration produced by the one is corrected by other, and light emerges from the compound lens undecomposed. --
Achromatic prism. See Prism. --
Achromatic telescope, or
, one in which the chromatic aberration is corrected, usually by means of a compound or achromatic object glass, and which gives images free from extraneous color.
[ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In an achromatic manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Achromatism. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Pref. apo- + chromatic. ] (Optics) Free from chromatic and spherical aberration; -- said esp. of a lens in which rays of three or more colors are brought to the same focus, the degree of achromatism thus obtained being more complete than where two rays only are thus focused, as in the ordinary achromatic objective. -- Ap`o*chro"ma*tism n. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]


a. [ L. chromaticus, Gr. &unr_;, suited for color, fr. &unr_;, &unr_;, color; akin to &unr_; color, &unr_; skin, color of the skin. ] 1. Relating to color, or to colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Mus.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half steps or semitones) of the scale, instead of the regular intervals of the diatonic scale. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The intermediate tones were formerly written and printed in colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chromatic aberration. (Opt.) See Aberration, 4. --
Chromatic printing, printing from type or blocks covered with inks of various colors. --
Chromatic scale (Mus.), the scale consisting of thirteen tones, including the eight scale tones and the five intermediate tones.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. Chromatic. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a chromatic manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. the quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength.
Syn. -- hue. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


a. [ Pref. di- + chromatic: cf. Gr. &unr_;. ] 1. Having or exhibiting two colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) Having two color varieties, or two phases differing in color, independently of age or sex, as in certain birds and insects. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Iso- + chromatic. ] (Opt.) Having the same color; connecting parts having the same color, as lines drawn through certain points in experiments on the chromatic effects of polarized light in crystals. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See Lithochromics. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Cf. F. monochromatique. See Monochrome. ] Consisting of one color, or presenting rays of light of one color only. [ 1913 Webster ]

Monochromatic lamp (Opt.), a lamp whose flame yields rays of some one homogenous light. It is of great importance in optical experiments.
[ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. Of or pertaining to photochromy; produced by photochromy. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Photochromic

a. [ Photo- + tri- + chromatic. ] Designating a photomechanical process for making reproductions in natural colors by three printings. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. Pleochroic. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Poly- + chromatic. ] Showing a variety, or a change, of colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

Polychromatic acid (Old Chem.), a substance obtained by the action of nitric acid on aloes.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Pref. tri- + chromatic. ] (Zool.) Having or existing in three different phases of color; having three distinct color varieties; -- said of certain birds and insects. [ 1913 Webster ]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
chromatic aberration(n) อาการที่ปรากฏแถบสีที่ไม่ต้องการ(มักจะเป็นสีม่วง หรือแดง)ในภาพ ณ บริเวณที่มีความสว่างแตกต่างกันมาก เช่น รอยต่อระหว่างท้องฟ้ากับวัตถุด้านหน้า เกิดจากการที่แสงสีต่างๆมีดัชนีความหักเหของแสงต่างกัน เมื่อแสงสีขาวส่องผ่านเลนส์ จึงตกกระทบบนฟิล์มเป็นบริเวณกว้างกระจายเป็นสีรุ้ง เลนส์ถ่ายภาพคุณภาพสูง มักถูกออกแบบให้มีโครงสร้างชิ้นเลนส์ซับซ้อน เพื่อแก้ไขอาการนี้

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
achromatic(adj) ที่ไม่มีสี, Syn. colorless
apochromatic(adj) ไร้การเบี่ยงเบนของภาพหรือสี (เลนส์)
monochromatic(adj) ซึ่งมีสีเดียว, Syn. monochroic
orthochromatic(adj) ซึ่งให้สีธรรมชาติ

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
achromatic(แอคโครแม็ท' ทิค) adj. ซึ่งไม่แยกสี, ซึ่งไม่ถอดสี. -achromatism n.
apochromatic(แอพพะโครแมท'ทิค) adj. ไร้การบ่ายแบนของทรงกรมหรือสี -apochromatism n. (for spherical chromatic aberration)
chromaticadj. เกี่ยวกับสีหรือสารสี, เกี่ยวกับระดับเสียงผันแปร
chromaticism(โครแมท'ทิซิสซึม) n. การใช้ระดับเสียงที่ผันแปร
panchromaticadj. ไวต่อทุกสีที่มองเห็นได้., See also: panchromatism n.

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
achromatic(adj) ไม่มีสี
chromatic(adj) เกี่ยวกับสี, มีสี

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
polychromatic; polychromicหลายสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
polychromic; polychromaticหลายสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
stain, metachromaticสีย้อมติดได้หลากสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
orthochromatic-ติดสีปรกติ [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
acritochromacy; achromatism; achromatopsia; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
achromaticไม่ติดสี, -ย้อมไม่ติด, ไม่มีสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
achromatic colourสีอรงค์ [ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
achromatic vision; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatismการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
achromatopsia; achromatism; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
aberration, chromaticรงควิปลาส, ความพร่าสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
blindness, total color; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
blindness, total colour; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
blindness, complete color; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
blindness, complete colour; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
metachromatic stainสีย้อมติดได้หลากสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
monochromatic๑. -สีเดียว๒. -ย้อมติดสีเดียว [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
monochromatic characteristicsลักษณะเฉพาะเอกรงค์ [พลังงาน ๒๖ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
monochromatism; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
complete color blindness; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
complete colour blindness; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
chromatic colourสีรงค์ [ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
chromatic numberรงคเลข [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
chromatic vision; chromatopsia; vision, color; vision, colourการเห็นสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
chromatopsia; vision, chromatic; vision, color; vision, colourการเห็นสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
colour vision; chromatopsia; vision, chromatic; vision, colorการเห็นสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
color vision; chromatopsia; vision, chromatic; vision, colourการเห็นสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
chromatic aberrationรงควิปลาส, ความพร่าสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
xanthochromatic; xanthochromic-มีสีเหลือง [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
xanthochromic; xanthochromatic-มีสีเหลือง [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
vision, achromatic; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; blindness, total colour; monochromatismการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
vision, chromatic; chromatopsia; vision, color; vision, colourการเห็นสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
vision, color; chromatopsia; vision, chromatic; vision, colourการเห็นสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
vision, colour; chromatopsia; vision, chromatic; vision, colorการเห็นสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
total color blindness; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total colour; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
total colour blindness; achromatism; achromatopsia; acritochromacy; blindness, complete color; blindness, complete colour; blindness, total color; monochromatism; vision, achromaticการเห็นไร้สี, การบอดทุกสี [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
trachychromatic-ติดสีเข้ม [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
hyperchromatic-ติดสีเข้มเกิน [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
hypochromatic-ติดสีจาง [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Chromaticism (Music)ระบบครึ่งเสียง [TU Subject Heading]
Photography, Othochromaticการถ่ายภาพวัตถุมีสี [TU Subject Heading]
Emulsions, Chromaticอิมัลชั่นโครมาติก [การแพทย์]
Light, Monochromaticแสงที่มีความยาวคลื่นเดียว, แสงเอกรงค์ [การแพทย์]
Light, Polychromaticแสงหลายความยาวคลื่น [การแพทย์]
Metachromatic Granulesเมตาโครมาติคแกรนูล [การแพทย์]
Monochromaticความยาวคลื่นค่าเดียว [การแพทย์]
achromatic lensเลนส์รงค์ [ดาราศาสตร์]

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ความเพี้ยนสี[khwām phīen sī] (n, exp) EN: chromatic aberration   FR: aberration chromatique [ f ]
กล้องถ่ายภาพรายละเอียดสูง[klǿng thāi phāp rāi laīet sūng] (n, exp) EN: panchromatic telescope  FR: télescope panchromatique [ m ]
รงค์[rong] (adj) EN: chromatic  FR: chromatique

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
achromatic(adj) having no hue, Syn. neutral, Ant. chromatic
apochromatic(adj) corrected for both chromatic and spherical aberration
chromatic(adj) able to refract light without spectral color separation
chromatic(adj) based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones, Ant. diatonic
chromatic(adj) being or having or characterized by hue, Ant. achromatic
chromatically(adv) with respect to color
dichromatic(adj) of or relating to dichromatism
monochromatic(adj) of or relating to monochromatism
monochromatic(adj) (of light or other electromagnetic radiation) having only one wavelength, Syn. homochromatic, Ant. polychromatic
monochromatic(adj) having or appearing to have only one color, Syn. monochromous, monochrome, monochromic
polychromatic(adj) (of light or other electromagnetic radiation) composed of more than one wavelength, Ant. monochromatic
polychromatic(adj) having or exhibiting many colors, Syn. polychromic, polychrome
trichromatic(adj) having or involving three colors, Syn. trichrome, tricolor
bicolor(adj) having two colors, Syn. bichrome, bicolour, bicolored, dichromatic, bicoloured
colorlessness(n) the visual property of being without chromatic color, Syn. colourlessness, achromaticity, achromatism, Ant. color
hue(n) the quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength, Syn. chromaticity
monochromacy(n) complete color blindness; colors can be differentiated only on the basis of brightness, Syn. monochromia, monochromatic vision, monochromasy, monochromatism

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ Gr. 'achrw`matos colorless; 'a priv. + chrw^ma, chrw`matos, color: cf. F. achromatique. ] 1. (Opt.) Free from color; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Biol.) Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue. [ 1913 Webster ]

Achromatic lens (Opt.), a lens composed usually of two separate lenses, a convex and concave, of substances having different refractive and dispersive powers, as crown and flint glass, with the curvatures so adjusted that the chromatic aberration produced by the one is corrected by other, and light emerges from the compound lens undecomposed. --
Achromatic prism. See Prism. --
Achromatic telescope, or
, one in which the chromatic aberration is corrected, usually by means of a compound or achromatic object glass, and which gives images free from extraneous color.
[ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In an achromatic manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Achromatism. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Pref. apo- + chromatic. ] (Optics) Free from chromatic and spherical aberration; -- said esp. of a lens in which rays of three or more colors are brought to the same focus, the degree of achromatism thus obtained being more complete than where two rays only are thus focused, as in the ordinary achromatic objective. -- Ap`o*chro"ma*tism n. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]


a. [ L. chromaticus, Gr. &unr_;, suited for color, fr. &unr_;, &unr_;, color; akin to &unr_; color, &unr_; skin, color of the skin. ] 1. Relating to color, or to colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Mus.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half steps or semitones) of the scale, instead of the regular intervals of the diatonic scale. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The intermediate tones were formerly written and printed in colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chromatic aberration. (Opt.) See Aberration, 4. --
Chromatic printing, printing from type or blocks covered with inks of various colors. --
Chromatic scale (Mus.), the scale consisting of thirteen tones, including the eight scale tones and the five intermediate tones.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. Chromatic. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a chromatic manner. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. the quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength.
Syn. -- hue. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. The science of colors; that part of optics which treats of the properties of colors. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Pref. di- + chromatic: cf. Gr. &unr_;. ] 1. Having or exhibiting two colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) Having two color varieties, or two phases differing in color, independently of age or sex, as in certain birds and insects. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Iso- + chromatic. ] (Opt.) Having the same color; connecting parts having the same color, as lines drawn through certain points in experiments on the chromatic effects of polarized light in crystals. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See Lithochromics. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Cf. F. monochromatique. See Monochrome. ] Consisting of one color, or presenting rays of light of one color only. [ 1913 Webster ]

Monochromatic lamp (Opt.), a lamp whose flame yields rays of some one homogenous light. It is of great importance in optical experiments.
[ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. Of or pertaining to photochromy; produced by photochromy. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Photochromic

a. [ Photo- + tri- + chromatic. ] Designating a photomechanical process for making reproductions in natural colors by three printings. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. Pleochroic. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Poly- + chromatic. ] Showing a variety, or a change, of colors. [ 1913 Webster ]

Polychromatic acid (Old Chem.), a substance obtained by the action of nitric acid on aloes.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Pref. tri- + chromatic. ] (Zool.) Having or existing in three different phases of color; having three distinct color varieties; -- said of certain birds and insects. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
单色[dān sè, ㄉㄢ ㄙㄜˋ,   /  ] monochrome; monochromatic; black and white #37,794 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Abweichung { f }; Aberration { f } | chromatische Aberration { f }aberration | chromatic aberration [Add to Longdo]
Chromatizität { f }chromaticity [Add to Longdo]
Einfarbigkeit { f }monochromaticity [Add to Longdo]
Farbbildschirm { m }chromatic terminal [Add to Longdo]
Farbenlehre { f }chromatics [Add to Longdo]
achromatisch { adj }achromatic [Add to Longdo]
achromatisch { adv }achromatically [Add to Longdo]
chromatisch { adj }chromatic [Add to Longdo]
chromatisch { adv }chromatically [Add to Longdo]
einfarbig; monochrom { adj }monochromic; monochrome; monochromatic [Add to Longdo]
farbempfindlichpanchromatic [Add to Longdo]
farbempfindlichpanchromatical [Add to Longdo]
isochromatisch; isochrom { adj }isochromatic [Add to Longdo]
monochromatisch { adv }monochromatically [Add to Longdo]
tonwertrichtigorthochromatic [Add to Longdo]
tonwertrichtigorthochromatical [Add to Longdo]
vielfarbig { adj }multi-coloured; multi-colored; polychromatic [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[りょ, ryo] (n) (1) (abbr) (See 甲・かん) bass range (in Japanese music); (2) (See 十二律, 律) six even-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale; (3) (See 呂旋) Japanese seven-tone gagaku scaleimilar to Mixolydian mode (corresponding to #4,294 [Add to Longdo]
[りつ, ritsu] (n) (1) law (esp. ancient East Asian criminal code); regulation; (2) { Buddh } vinaya (rules for the monastic community); (3) (abbr) (See 律宗) Ritsu (school of Buddhism); (4) (abbr) (See 律詩) lushi (style of Chinese poem); (5) (also りち) (musical) pitch; (6) (See 十二律, 呂) six odd-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale; (7) (abbr) (See 律旋) Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale, similar to Dorian mode (corresponding to #6,911 [Add to Longdo]
無色[むしょく, mushoku] (n, adj-no) colourless; colorless; achromatic; (P) #19,605 [Add to Longdo]
すい賓;蕤賓(oK)[すいひん, suihin] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 鳧鐘) (in China) 7th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G sharp); (2) fifth lunar month [Add to Longdo]
アクロマチックレンズ[akuromachikkurenzu] (n) achromatic lens [Add to Longdo]
オルソクロマチック[orusokuromachikku] (adj-no) orthochromatic [Add to Longdo]
オルソパンクロマチック[orusopankuromachikku] (adj-no) orthopanchromatic [Add to Longdo]
クロマチック[kuromachikku] (adj-no, adj-na) chromatic [Add to Longdo]
パンクロ[pankuro] (n, adj-no) (abbr) panchromatic [Add to Longdo]
パンクロマチックフィルム[pankuromachikkufirumu] (n) panchromatic film [Add to Longdo]
夷則[いそく, isoku] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 鸞鏡) (in China) 9th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A sharp); (2) seventh lunar month [Add to Longdo]
壱越[いちこつ, ichikotsu] (n) (See 黄鐘・こうしょう, 十二律) (in Japan) 1st note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D) [Add to Longdo]
応鐘[おうしょう, oushou] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 上無) (in China) 12th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. C sharp); (2) tenth month of the lunar calendar [Add to Longdo]
黄鐘[こうしょう, koushou] (n) (See 十二律, 林鐘) (in Japan) 8th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A) [Add to Longdo]
黄鐘[こうしょう, koushou] (n) (1) (See 壱越, 十二律) (in China) 1st note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D); (2) eleventh lunar month [Add to Longdo]
下無[しもむ, shimomu] (n) (See 姑洗, 十二律) (in Japan) 5th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. F sharp) [Add to Longdo]
姑洗[こせん, kosen] (n) (1) (See 下無, 十二律) (in China) 5th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. F sharp); (2) third lunar month [Add to Longdo]
紅型[びんがた, bingata] (n) method of dyeing, developed in Okinawa, in which a single stencil is used to produce richly polychromatic designs; traditional dyed cloth from Okinawa [Add to Longdo]
三原色;三元色(iK)[さんげんしょく, sangenshoku] (n) three primary colors (colours); trichromatic [Add to Longdo]
十二律[じゅうにりつ, juuniritsu] (n) (See 雅楽) ancient Chinese chromatic scale (primarily used in Japan for gagaku, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
勝絶[しょうせつ;しょうぜつ, shousetsu ; shouzetsu] (n) (1) (arch) (See 十二律, 夾鐘) (in Japan) 4th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. F); (n, vs) (2) (usu. しょうぜつ) excellence (of scenery, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
上無[かみむ, kamimu] (n) (See 応鐘, 十二律) (in Japan) 12th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. C sharp) [Add to Longdo]
色収差[いろしゅうさ, iroshuusa] (n) chromatic aberration [Add to Longdo]
神仙;神僊[しんせん, shinsen] (n) (1) (See 仙人) immortal mountain wizard (in Taoism); Taoist immortal; supernatural being; (2) (See 十二律, 無射) (in Japan) 11th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. C) [Add to Longdo]
双調[そうじょう, soujou] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 仲呂) (in Japan) 6th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G); (2) (See 呂旋, 六調子) (in gagaku) scale similar to Mixolydian mode on G [Add to Longdo]
大呂[たいりょ;たいろ, tairyo ; tairo] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 断吟) (in China) 2nd note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D sharp); (2) twelfth lunar month [Add to Longdo]
大簇;太簇[たいそう;たいぞく, taisou ; taizoku] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 平調) (in China) 3rd note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. E); (2) first lunar month [Add to Longdo]
単色[たんしょく, tanshoku] (n, adj-no) monochromatic [Add to Longdo]
単色光[たんしょっこう;たんしょくこう, tanshokkou ; tanshokukou] (n) monochromatic light [Add to Longdo]
断金;断吟[たんぎん, tangin] (n) (See 十二律, 大呂) (in Japan) 2nd note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D sharp) [Add to Longdo]
仲呂;中呂[ちゅうりょ;ちゅうろ, chuuryo ; chuuro] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 双調) (in China) 6th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G); (2) fourth lunar month [Add to Longdo]
調光[ちょうこう, choukou] (n) (1) (abbr) variable light (e.g. with a dimmer); (adj-f) (2) photochromatic; (3) (See 調光器) dimmer; dimmer control [Add to Longdo]
調光レンズ[ちょうこうレンズ, choukou renzu] (n) photochromatic lens [Add to Longdo]
等色[とうしょく, toushoku] (adj-no) isochromatic [Add to Longdo]
南呂[なんりょ, nanryo] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 盤渉) (in China) 10th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. B); (2) eighth month of the lunar calendar [Add to Longdo]
二色[にしょく, nishoku] (adj-f) two-color; two-colour; dichromatic [Add to Longdo]
半音階[はんおんかい, han'onkai] (n, adj-no) chromatic (scale) (music) [Add to Longdo]
盤渉[ばんしき, banshiki] (n) (See 十二律, 南呂) (in Japan) 10th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. B) [Add to Longdo]
平調[ひょうじょう, hyoujou] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 太簇) (in Japan) 3rd note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. E); (2) (See 律旋, 六調子) (in gagaku) scale similar to the Dorian mode on E [Add to Longdo]
無彩色[むさいしょく, musaishoku] (n) (See 有彩色) neutral colour; neutral color; achromatic (colour, color) [Add to Longdo]
無射[ぶえき;むえき, bueki ; mueki] (n) (1) (See 十二律) (in China) 11th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. C); (2) ninth month of the lunar calendar [Add to Longdo]
有彩色[ゆうさいしょく, yuusaishoku] (n) (See 無彩色) chromatic color; chromatic colour [Add to Longdo]
律管[りっかん, rikkan] (n) (See 十二律) ancient Chinese pitch pipe (12 pipes corresponding to the ancient Chinese chromatic scale) [Add to Longdo]
林鐘[りんしょう, rinshou] (n) (1) (See 黄鐘・おうしき, 十二律) (in China) 8th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A); (2) sixth lunar month [Add to Longdo]
夾鐘[きょうしょう, kyoushou] (n) (1) (See 十二律, 勝絶) (in China) 4th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. F); (2) second lunar month [Add to Longdo]
鳧鐘[ふしょう, fushou] (n) (1) temple bell; (2) (See すい賓, 十二律) (in Japan) 7th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G sharp) [Add to Longdo]
鸞鏡[らんきょう;らんけい, rankyou ; rankei] (n) (1) (See 鸞鳥) mirror with a mythical Chinese bird carved into the back; (2) (らんけい only) (See 夷則, 十二律) (in Japan) 9th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A sharp) [Add to Longdo]


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