(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา chipps มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *chipp*) |
มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ |
| chippy | (n) โสเภณี (คำสแลง), Syn. prostitute | chippy | (sl) หญิงโสเภณี, See also: ผู้หญิงขายตัว, หญิงหากิน | chipper | (adj) ร่าเริง, Syn. cheerful, happy, lively | chipper | (sl) สดชื่น (ภาษาอังกฤษมาตรฐาน), See also: แจ่มใส, กระปรี้กระเปร่า | chippie | (sl) ผู้ใช้ยาเสพย์ติดเป็นครั้งคราว | chippie | (sl) หญิงโสเภณี, See also: ผู้หญิงขายตัว, หญิงหากิน |
| chipper | (ชิพ'เพอะ) { chippered, chippering, chippers } adj. ร่างเริง, อารมณ์ดี, เป็นสุข vi. พูดสอด, พูดแทรก, คุย, ส่งเสียงร้องจ๊อก ๆ , พูดจ้อ n. เครื่องตัด, เครื่องสกัดสว่าน | chippy | (ชิพ'พี) n. โสเภณี, หญิงสำส่อน, หญิงใจง่าย. adj. โมโหง่าย, แห้งแล้ง, ไม่สบาย (ร่างกาย), Syn. chippie |
| | | After a scoop of chunky monkey? | Nach einer Schippe Chunky Monkey? Like Hell: Part 1 (2014) | I'm not the only one he's fooling. | Er nimmt uns alle auf die Schippe. Kann ich ihn sehen? La mort et la belle vie (2014) | Not until I see how the rest of you step up your game. | Nicht bis der Rest von Ihnen eine Schippe drauflegt. Pilot (2014) | - Hmm? - Are you kidding me? | Nimmst du mich auf die Schippe? A Magic Christmas (2014) | Well, just got done shoveling the walk! | Ich bin mit dem Schneeschippen fertig. BoJack Horseman Christmas Special: Sabrina's Christmas Wish (2014) | What are you- - No. This is not a Chippendale's class. | Ihr seid hier nicht bei den Chippendales. November Rule (2015) | I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. | Ich wuchs dort auf, in der Nähe von Chippewa Falls. Titanic (1997) | - Girls, no running, please. Well, good for Chipper Harlington. | Schön für Chipper Harlington. F.U.B.A.R. (2015) | Chipper "The Dipper" Harlington. | Chipper der Dipper. F.U.B.A.R. (2015) | He's about seven miles up the coast. | Er ist in etwa sieben Meilen die Küste hochgeschippert. Episode #1.3 (2015) | He sailed 30 miles northwest. Then he sailed all the way back. | Er schipperte 30 Meilen nach Nordwest, dann fuhr er die ganze Strecke wieder zurück. Episode #1.3 (2015) | That I'm gonna have to shovel it. | Dass ich ihn wegschippen muss. I Can't Leave Her (2015) | Christ on a stick, would it kill you to shovel your walk? | Himmel Herrgott, könnt ihr nicht draußen schippen? Krampus (2015) | I'm just slagging you. | Ich nehme Sie nur auf die Schippe. Ten Knots (2015) | - No, I am one-sixteenth Chippewa, that makes me part eagle, that is not my nature. | - Ich bin zu einem Sechzehntel Chippewa. Dadurch bin ich zum Teil Adler. Also ist das nicht meine Natur. The Funeral (2015) | A fresh shovelful of narcissistic egomania onto the pile. | Noch 'ne frische Schippe narzisstische Egomanie obendrauf. Going South (2015) | In winter you do snow clearance or whatever. | Im Winter musst du Schneeschippen gehen. Episode #3.5 (2015) | - What's that ? | - Chippichawa heißt Würde. Shanghai Noon (2000) | which makes you the total-er package! | Leg eine Schippe drauf. Ich versage. Daddy Julien (2015) | Cyril and Bertha Chipper. How lovely to meet you. | Cyril und Bertha Chipper. The Light Between Oceans (2016) | Just dodged a bullet here, kid. | Gerade noch mal so von der Schippe gehüpft, Junge. The Beach (2016) | - Let's take this shit up a notch. | - Wir legen noch ne Schippe drauf. Don't Hang Up (2016) | No, no, no, Bernie, what Dave's tryin' to say, ya should just... motor around the harbor, say you tried to get out, and couldn't. | Nein, Bernie. Dave meint damit... du solltest im Hafen rumschippern und sagen du hättest es nicht geschafft. The Finest Hours (2016) | If you stay around long enough, you'll have something to shovel... don't you worry. | Wenn Sie lange genug bleiben, gibt's Schnee zu schippen. Nailed (2016) | You can shovel my drive if you're looking for more. | Sie können meine Auffahrt freischippen, wenn Sie wollen. Nailed (2016) | Guillermo, somebody carelessly left that snow shovel laying over there, okay? | Guillermo, jemand hat die Schneeschippe liegen lassen. Next Day (2016) | But it, like, really puts, like, Star Wars in its crosshairs. | Aber der nimmt Star Wars echt auf die Schippe. One Long Day (2016) | ♪ I ply my trade for the Union Jack ♪ Upon the seven seas | ♪ Unter englischer Flagge schippern wir mit Gesang, Geige und Schiffsklavier. The Wild Life (2016) | And we were just talking about, on the way here, cheating death. | Unser Thema auf dem Weg hierher: dem Tod von der Schippe springen. Ragnarok (2016) | Bear takes one scoop of kibble twice a day. | Bear bekommt zweimal am Tag eine Schippe Trockenfutter. A More Perfect Union (2016) | Which is why I felt the need to up our game. | Weswegen wir eine Schippe drauflegen werden. Lost in the Flood (2016) | Then we'll transfer the Master to a tugboat, sail out to the North Atlantic and sink him. | Dann schaffen wir den Meister auf einen Schlepper, schippern auf den Nordatlantik raus und versenken ihn dort. The Fall (2016) | ♪ I ply my trade from the Union Jack | ROBINSON: ♪ Unter englischer Flagge schippern wir The Wild Life (2016) | A.L.I.E.'s mission is to chip everyone. | A.L.I.E.s Mission besteht darin, jeden zu chippen. Demons (2016) | Ah, the one that you said you didn't need because you're one-sixteenth Chippewa and your word is your bond? | Das du erst nicht wolltest, weil du ein Sechzehntel Chippewa bist und dein Wort reicht. The Loophole (2016) | If we were sitting here before it all went to hell, maybe both of us would have skipped down to Rosarito. | Hätten wir hier gesessen, bevor alles vor die Hunde ging, wären wir jetzt vielleicht nach Rosarito geschippert. Los Muertos (2016) | The jump would be finished if you were shoveling, not filming nothing. | Würdest du schippen anstatt nichts zu filmen, wäre die Schanze fertig. The Fourth Phase (2016) | If Luna's chipped before she gets the A.I., A.L.I.E.'s gonna know everything. | Wenn Luna geschippt wurde, bevor sie die K.I. bekommt, wird A.L.I.E. alles wissen. Red Sky at Morning (2016) | Yeah, who's upping its game by impersonating dead people. | Ja, der noch eine Schippe drauflegt, indem er tote Menschen verkörpert. Love Hurts (2016) | Mechanical bull broke a month ago. Chippendales' night was a bust. | Der mechanische Bulle ging kaputt, die Chippendales-Nacht war eine Pleite. Purgatory (2016) | To cap it all, they've decided to charge themselves a special low rate of tax. | Um noch eine Schippe draufzulegen, haben sie beschlossen, sich einen besonders niedrigen Steuersatz zu belasten. Brexit: The Movie (2016) | I've, uh... I've cheated death more times than anyone should. | Ich bin dem Tod schon mehr als jeder andere von der Schippe gesprungen. Medusa (2016) | Katrina and I are taking the Chippendales public, so we're gonna meet with a few of their top dancers to go over some paperwork. | - Ich kann nicht. Katrina und ich bringen die Chippendales an die Börse, also werden wir uns mit ein paar von deren Top-Tänzern treffen, um ein paar Dokumente durchzugehen. Skin in the Game (2017) | Yeah, it was Mr. Chippendales over there. | Ja, für Mr. Chippendales hier. Litchfield's Got Talent (2017) | In the past, he typically moved from high-risk lifestyle victims to low-risk, so he may be about to up his game somehow. | In der Vergangenheit zog er normalerweise von Hochrisiko-Lebensstil-Opfern zu Niedrigrisiko, also legt er jetzt noch eine Schippe drauf. Profiling 202 (2017) | You can stop faking your death and running away and rescuing each other and making me ferry around this godforsaken lake searching for you. Parenting is exhausting. You're not our parent and you never will be. | Ihr braucht nicht mehr tot zu spielen und wegzulaufen und einander zu retten, damit ich auf diesem See rumschippern und euch suchen muss. The Wide Window: Part Two (2017) | I wouldn't be surprised if Captain Sham was no longer interested in serving as your guardian, even though I filled out these forms in triplicate while he boated around Lake Lachrymose looking for you on a hunch. | Ich habe den Rabatt verpasst und musste die Nacht in einer Pension verbringen, in der Eipulver benutzt wird! Ich wäre nicht überrascht, wenn Kapitän Talmi nicht länger euer Vormund sein will, obwohl ich alle Formulare dreifach ausfüllte, während er herumschipperte, bis er euch am Haken hatte. The Wide Window: Part Two (2017) | All the guests at the high-end resorts, they get ferried around. | Die Gäste in den Top-Resorts werden herumgeschippert. My Dripping Sleep (2017) | Okay, Chippendale stripper. | Ein Chippendale-Stripper. All-Nighter (2017) | She was quarter Chippewa. | Sie war ein Viertel Chippewa. One of Those Nights (2017) |
| | บิ่น | (adj) nicked, See also: chipped, Example: คนโบราณเขาถือกัน ไม่ให้ใช้ถ้วยชามบิ่น เพราะจะนำสิ่งที่ไม่ดีมาสู่ตัว, Thai Definition: ที่แตกลิไปเล็กน้อยที่คม ที่แง่ หรือที่ยอด | การถาก | (n) chipping, See also: whittling, chop, cutting, hewing (wood), trim, Syn. กาลอก, การขูด, การปลอก, การตัด, การเหลา, การเกลา, การเล็ม, Example: การถากเปลือกไม้ต้องทำอย่างเบามือ มิฉะนั้นเนื้อเยื่อบางส่วนอาจถูกทำลาย, Thai Definition: การฟันเอาเปลือกหรือส่วนนอกออก เช่น การถากเปลือกไม้ การถากเสา, การใช้จอบ เป็นต้น ดายให้เตียน เช่น การถากหญ้า การถากดิน | แหว่ง | (adj) indented, See also: dented, nicked, chipped, incomplete, Syn. วิ่น, เว้าแหว่ง, Example: บัตรประจำตัวของเขามีรอยแหว่งอยู่นิดหนึ่ง, Thai Definition: ไม่เต็มตามที่ควรมี, พร่องไปบางส่วน | แหว่ง | (v) be indented, See also: be nicked, be chipped, be incomplete, be dented, Syn. วิ่น, Example: หน้าปกหนังสือแหว่งไปนิดนึงเอาไปใส่ปกใหม่ดีกว่า, Thai Definition: วิ่นเข้าไป, ไม่เต็มตามที่ควรมี | บิ่น | (adj) nicked, See also: chipped, notched, Example: คนโบราณเขาถือกัน ไม่ให้ใช้ถ้วยบิ่น เพราะจะนำสิ่งที่ไม่ดีมาสู่ตัว, Thai Definition: ที่แตกไปเล็กน้อยที่คม ที่แง่ หรือที่ยอด | บิ่น | (v) be/get nicked, See also: be/get chipped, be notched, Example: ถ้วยน้ำชาเก่าๆ ที่วางอยู่บนโต๊ะปากบิ่นอยู่หลายแห่ง, Thai Definition: แตกไปเล็กน้อยที่คม ที่แง่ หรือที่ยอด |
| บิ่น | [bin] (v) EN: be nicked ; get nicked ; chip ; be chipped ; get chipped ; be notched FR: ébrécher | การตัด | [kān tat] (n) EN: cut ; chipping FR: coupe [ f ] ; amputation [ f ] | แหว่ง | [waeng] (adj) EN: indented ; dented ; nicked ; chipped ; incomplete FR: ébréché ; dentelé |
| | | chippendale | (n) a British cabinetmaker remembered for his graceful designs (especially of chairs) which influenced his contemporaries (1718-1779), Syn. Thomas Chippendale | chippendale | (adj) of or relating to an 18th-century style of furniture made by Thomas Chippendale; graceful outlines and Greek motifs and massive rococo carvings | chipper | (adj) having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air; - Frances G. Patton; - H.M.Reynolds, Syn. jaunty, debonair, debonaire | chipping sparrow | (n) small North American finch common in urban areas, Syn. Spizella passerina | schipperke | (n) breed of small stocky black dogs originally used as watchdogs on boats in the Netherlands and Belgium | chip | (n) the act of chipping something, Syn. splintering, chipping | chipewyan | (n) the language spoken by the Chipewyan, Syn. Chippewyan, Chippewaian | ojibwa | (n) a member of an Algonquian people who lived west of Lake Superior, Syn. Ojibway, Chippewa | ojibwa | (n) the Algonquian language spoken by the Ojibwa, Syn. Ojibway, Chippewa | viceroy | (n) showy American butterfly resembling the monarch but smaller, Syn. Limenitis archippus |
| chipped | adj. having a small piece broken off; as, a chipped tooth. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Chippendale | a. Designating furniture designed, or like that designed, by Thomas Chippendale, an English cabinetmaker of the 18th century. Chippendale furniture was generally of simple but graceful outline with delicately carved rococo ornamentation, sculptured either in the solid wood or, in the cheaper specimens, separately and glued on. In the more elaborate pieces three types are recognized: French Chippendale, having much detail, like Louis Quatorze and Louis Quinze; Chinese Chippendale, marked by latticework and pagodalike pediments; and Gothic Chippendale, attempting to adapt medieval details. The forms, as of the cabriole and chairbacks, often resemble Queen Anne. In chairs, the seat is widened at the front, and the back toward the top widened and bent backward, except in Chinese Chippendale, in which the backs are usually rectangular. -- Chip"pen*dal*ism n. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] It must be clearly and unmistakably understood, then, that, whenever painted (that is to say, decorated with painted enrichment) or inlaid furniture is described as Chippendale, no matter where or by whom, it is a million chances to one that the description is incorrect. R. D. Benn. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] | Chipper | v. i. [ Cf. Cheep, Chirp. ] To chirp or chirrup. [ Prov. Eng. ] Forby. [ 1913 Webster ] | Chipper | a. Lively; cheerful; talkative. [ U. S. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Chippeways | n. pl.; sing. Chippeway. (Ethnol.) A tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting the northern and western shores of Lake Superior; -- called also Objibways. [ 1913 Webster ] | Chipping | n. 1. A chip; a piece separated by a cutting or graving instrument; a fragment. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. The act or process of cutting or breaking off small pieces, as in dressing iron with a chisel, or reducing a timber or block of stone to shape. [ 1913 Webster ] 3. The breaking off in small pieces of the edges of potter's ware, porcelain, etc. [ 1913 Webster ] | Chipping bird | (Zool.) The chippy. [ 1913 Webster ] | Chipping squirrel | See Chipmunk. [ 1913 Webster ] | Chippy | a. Abounding in, or resembling, chips; dry and tasteless. [ 1913 Webster ] | Chippy | n. (Zool.) A small American sparrow (Spizella socialis), very common near dwelling; -- also called chipping bird and chipping sparrow, from its simple note. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| | | チップ | [chippu] (n) (1) gratuity; tip; (2) chip; (P) #7,709 [Add to Longdo] | 欠ける(P);缺ける;闕ける | [かける, kakeru] (v1, vi) (1) to be chipped; to be damaged; to be broken; (2) to be lacking; to be missing; (3) to be insufficient; to be short; to be deficient; to be negligent toward; (4) (also 虧ける) (of the moon) to wane; to go into eclipse; (P) #9,233 [Add to Longdo] | MODチップ | [モッドチップ, moddochippu] (n) mod chip [Add to Longdo] | がちんがちん | [gachingachin] (n) tick-tock; chipping (sound) [Add to Longdo] | ご機嫌;御機嫌 | [ごきげん, gokigen] (n) (1) (hon) (pol) (See 機嫌・1) humour; humor; temper; mood; spirits; (2) (hon) (pol) safety; health; well-being; one's situation; (adj-na) (3) in a good mood; in high spirits; happy; cheery; merry; chipper [Add to Longdo] | ちっぽけ | [chippoke] (adj-na, n) very small; tiny [Add to Longdo] | ウイングチップ | [uinguchippu] (n) wing tip [Add to Longdo] | ウッドチップ | [uddochippu] (n) woodchip [Add to Longdo] | ウッドチップコース | [uddochippuko-su] (n) woodchip course [Add to Longdo] | エバチップ | [ebachippu] (n) (abbr) special version of a product with features that allow it to be used for evaluation (wasei [Add to Longdo] | オンチップキャッシュ | [onchippukyasshu] (n) { comp } on-chip cache [Add to Longdo] | カスタムチップ | [kasutamuchippu] (n) { comp } custom IC; custom chip; ASIC [Add to Longdo] | クリッパーチップ | [kurippa-chippu] (n) { comp } Clipper Chip [Add to Longdo] | グラフィックスチップ | [gurafikkusuchippu] (n) { comp } graphics chip [Add to Longdo] | チップイン | [chippuin] (vs) to chip in [Add to Longdo] | チップショット | [chippushotto] (n) chip shot (golf) [Add to Longdo] | チップセット | [chippusetto] (n) { comp } chip set [Add to Longdo] | チップチューン | [chippuchu-n] (n) chiptune (music synthesized in realtime; e.g. in video games) [Add to Longdo] | チップボード | [chippubo-do] (n) chip board [Add to Longdo] | チップ抵抗 | [チップていこう, chippu teikou] (n) SMT resistor [Add to Longdo] | チョコチップ | [chokochippu] (n) chocolate chips; chocolate chip [Add to Longdo] | バイオチップ | [baiochippu] (n) biochip [Add to Longdo] | ファウルチップ | [fauruchippu] (n) foul tip [Add to Longdo] | フィッシュ&チップス | [フィッシュアンドチップス, fisshuandochippusu] (n) fish and chips [Add to Longdo] | ブルーチップ | [buru-chippu] (adj-no, n) blue-chip [Add to Longdo] | ホワイトチップリーフシャーク;ホワイトチップ・リーフ・シャーク | [howaitochippuri-fusha-ku ; howaitochippu . ri-fu . sha-ku] (n) whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus, species of Indo-Pacific requiem shark) [Add to Longdo] | ポテトチップ | [potetochippu] (n) potato chip [Add to Longdo] | ポテトチップス | [potetochippusu] (n) potato chips; potato crisps; (P) [Add to Longdo] | マイクロチップ | [maikurochippu] (n) microchip [Add to Longdo] | マルチチップ | [maruchichippu] (n) multi-chip [Add to Longdo] | メモリチップ | [memorichippu] (n) { comp } memory chip [Add to Longdo] | ワンチップコンピュータ | [wanchippukonpyu-ta] (n) { comp } one-chip computer [Add to Longdo] | ワンチップマイクロコンピュータ;ワンチップマイクロコンピューター | [wanchippumaikurokonpyu-ta ; wanchippumaikurokonpyu-ta-] (n) { comp } one-chip microcomputer [Add to Longdo] | 機嫌(P);譏嫌(oK);気嫌(iK) | [きげん, kigen] (n) (1) humour; humor; temper; mood; spirits; (2) safety; health; well-being; one's situation; (adj-na) (3) (usu. as ご機嫌) (See ご機嫌・ごきげん・3) in a good mood; in high spirits; happy; cheery; merry; chipper; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 欠けたコップ | [かけたコップ, kaketa koppu] (n) chipped cup [Add to Longdo] | 勝ちっ放し | [かちっぱなし, kachippanashi] (n) winning straight victories; making a clean score [Add to Longdo] | 勝ちっ放す | [かちっぱなす, kachippanasu] (v5s) to win consecutive; to have a long winning streak [Add to Longdo] | 打ちっぱなし;打ちっ放し | [うちっぱなし, uchippanashi] (n) (1) undressed concrete; unfaced concrete; (2) (golf) driving range [Add to Longdo] | 立ちっぱ | [たちっぱ, tachippa] (n) (abbr) (See 立ちっぱなし) stand on one's feet for a long time [Add to Longdo] | 立ちっぱなし | [たちっぱなし, tachippanashi] (exp) (See 立ちっぱ) stand on one's feet for a long time [Add to Longdo] | 毀れる | [こぼれる, koboreru] (v1, vt) to be chipped; to be nicked [Add to Longdo] | 蟄伏 | [ちっぷく, chippuku] (n, vs) hibernation; staying home or in place [Add to Longdo] |
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