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English Phonetic Symbols

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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -apodes-, *apodes*, apode
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา apodes มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *apod*)
Dictionaries languages

English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. pl. [ NL., masc. pl. See Apoda. ] (Zool.) (a) An order of fishes without ventral fins, including the eels. (b) A group of holothurians destitute of suckers. See Apneumona. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Gr. 'anapo`deiktos; 'an priv. + 'apodeikto`s. See Apodeictic. ] Not apodeictic; undemonstrable. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;. See Apod, n. ] (Zool.) (a) A group of cirripeds, destitute of footlike organs. (b) An order of Amphibia without feet. See Ophiomorpha. (c) A group of worms without appendages, as the leech. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. [ See Apod, n. ] 1. Without feet; footless. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) Destitute of the ventral fin, as the eels. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Apod

a. (Zool.) Apodal. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } n.; pl. Apods r Apodes [ Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, footless; 'a priv. + &unr_;, &unr_;, foot. ] (Zool.) One of certain animals that have no feet or footlike organs; esp. one of certain fabulous birds which were said to have no feet. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The bird of paradise formerly had the name Paradisea apoda, being supposed to have no feet, as these were wanting in the specimens first obtained from the East Indies. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Apod

n. [ Pref. apo- + Gr. &unr_; body. ] (Zool.) One of the processes of the shell which project inwards and unite with one another, in the thorax of many Crustacea. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Same as Apodeictic. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. [ L. apodicticus, Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to point out, to show by argument; &unr_; from + &unr_; to show. ] Self-evident; intuitively true; evident beyond contradiction. Brougham. Sir Wm. Hamilton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Apodeictical, Apodictic, Apodeictic

, adv. So as to be evident beyond contradiction. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Apodeictically

n. 1. 1 an oreer of birds including the swifts and hummingbirds.
Syn. -- order Apodiformes. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ L., fr. Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_;. ] Full demonstration. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ L., fr. Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to give back; &unr_; from, back again + &unr_; to give. ] (Gram.) The consequent clause or conclusion in a conditional sentence, expressing the result, and thus distinguished from the protasis or clause which expresses a condition. Thus, in the sentence, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him, ” the former clause is the protasis, and the latter the apodosis. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Some grammarians extend the terms protasis and apodosis to the introductory clause and the concluding clause, even when the sentence is not conditional. [ 1913 Webster ]


#), a. (Zool.) Apodal; apod. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ L., fr. Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to strip one's self. ] (Anc. Arch.) The apartment at the entrance of the baths, or in the palestra, where one stripped; a dressing room. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. décapode. ] (Zool.) A crustacean with ten feet or legs, as a crab; one of the Decapoda. Also used adjectively, as a decapod crustacean. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖prop. n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. de`ka ten + poy`s, podo`s, foot. ] 1. (Zool.) The order of Crustacea which includes the shrimps, lobsters, crabs, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ They have a carapace, covering and uniting the somites of the head and thorax and inclosing a gill chamber on each side, and usually have five (rarely six) pairs of legs. They are divided into two principal groups: Brachyura and Macrura. Some writers recognize a third (Anomura) intermediate between the others. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) A division of the dibranchiate cephalopods including the cuttlefishes and squids. See Decacera.


{ } a. (Zool.) Belonging to the decapods; having ten feet; ten-footed. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Decapodal

n. [ Haema + -pod. ] (Zool.) An haemapodous animal. G. Rolleston. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Anat.) Having the limbs on, or directed toward, the ventral or hemal side, as in vertebrates; -- opposed to neuropodous. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, sixfooted; "e`x six + &unr_;, &unr_;, foot: cf. F. hexapode.] Having six feet. -- n. (Zool.) An animal having six feet; one of the Hexapoda. [1913 Webster]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. "e`x six + -poda.] (Zool.) The true, or six-legged, insects; insects other than myriapods and arachnids. [1913 Webster]

☞ The Hexapoda have the head, thorax, and abdomen differentiated, and are mostly winged. They have three pairs of mouth organs, viz., mandibles, maxillæ, and the second maxillæ or labial palpi; three pairs of thoracic legs; and abdominal legs, which are present only in some of the lowest forms, and in the larval state of some of the higher ones. Many (the Metabola) undergo a complete metamorphosis, having larvæ (known as maggots, grubs, caterpillars) very unlike the adult, and pass through a quiescent pupa state in which no food is taken; others (the Hemimetabola) have larvæ much like the adult, expert in lacking wings, and an active pupa, in which rudimentary wings appear. See Insecta. The Hexapoda are divided into several orders. [1913 Webster]


a. (Zool.) Having six feet; belonging to the Hexapoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Mega- + Gr. poy`s, podo`s, foot. ] (Zool.) Any one of several species of large-footed, gallinaceous birds of the genera Megapodius and Leipoa, inhabiting Australia and other Pacific islands. Called also mound builder, scrub fowl, moundbird, and brush turkey. See Jungle fowl (b) under Jungle, and Leipoa. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ NL. metapodium, from Gr. &unr_; behind + &unr_;, dim. of poy`s, podo`s, foot. ] (Zool.) The posterior division of the foot in the Gastropoda and Pteropoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the metapodialia, or to the parts of the limbs to which they belong. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Metapodialia [ NL. See Metapode. ] (Anat.) One of the bones of either the metacarpus or metatarsus. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Metapodia [ NL. ] (Zool.) Same as Metapode. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. myriapode. ] (Zool.) One of the Myriapoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. &unr_; numberless + -poda. ] (Zool.) A class, or subclass, of arthropods, related to the hexapod insects, from which they differ in having the body made up of numerous similar segments, nearly all of which bear true jointed legs. They have one pair of antennae, three pairs of mouth organs, and numerous tracheae, similar to those of true insects. The larvae, when first hatched, often have but three pairs of legs. See Centiped, Galleyworm, Milliped. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The existing Myriapoda are divided into three orders: Chilopoda, Chilognatha or Diplopoda, and Pauropoda (see these words in the Vocabulary). Large fossil species (very different from any living forms) are found in the Carboniferous formation. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Parapodia [ NL., fr. Gr. para` beside + &unr_;, dim. of &unr_; foot. ] (Zool.) One of the lateral appendages of an annelid; -- called also foot tubercle. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ They may serve for locomotion, respiration, and sensation, and often contain spines or setæ. When well developed, a dorsal part, or notopodium, and a ventral part, or neuropodium, are distinguished. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Penta- + Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, foot. ] (Pros.) A measure or series consisting of five feet. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Sp. zapote, sapotillo, zapotillo, Mexican cochit-zapotl. Cf. Sapota. ] (Bot.) A tall, evergeen, tropical American tree (Achras Sapota); also, its edible fruit, the sapodilla plum. [ Written also sapadillo, sappadillo, sappodilla, and zapotilla. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Sapodilla plum (Bot.), the fruit of Achras Sapota. It is about the size of an ordinary quince, having a rough, brittle, dull brown rind, the flesh being of a dirty yellowish white color, very soft, and deliciously sweet. Called also naseberry. It is eatable only when it begins to be spotted, and is much used in desserts.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) One of the Stomapoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL. See Stoma, and -poda. ] (Zool.) An order of Crustacea including the squillas. The maxillipeds are leglike in form, and the large claws are comblike. They have a large and elongated abdomen, which contains a part of the stomach and heart; the abdominal appendages are large, and bear the gills. Called also Gastrula, Stomatopoda, and Squilloidea. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL. See Tetra-, and Decapoda. ] (Zool.) Same as Arthrostraca. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_; fourfooted; te`tra- (see Tetra-) + &unr_;, &unr_;, foot. ] (Zool.) An insect characterized by having but four perfect legs, as certain of the butterflies. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_;. ] A set of four feet; a measure or distance of four feet. [ 1913 Webster ]

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
apod(n) ที่ไม่มีขาหรือเท้า, Syn. apodal
apod(n) สัตว์ที่ไม่มีขาหรือเท้า
apodal(adj) ที่ไม่มีขาหรือเท้า, Syn. apod
hexapod(adj) ซึ่งมี 6 ขา, Syn. hexapodous
hexapod(n) แมลง
apodosis(n) อนุประโยคแสดงผลในประโยคเงื่อนไข
myriapod(n) สัตวประเภทตะขาบ
apodictic(adj) ไม่เป็นที่สงสัย, Syn. apodeictic
apodeictic(adj) ไม่เป็นที่สงสัย, Syn. apodictic

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
apodal(แอพ'พะดัล) adj. ไม่มีเท้าที่เด่นชัด, , Syn. apodous no distinct feet
apodeictic(แอพพะดิค'ทิค) adj. ไม่เป็นที่สงสัย, ยืนยันอย่างเด็ดขาด, ไม่สามารถโต้แย้งได้ (incontestable)
apodis(z) ation (แอพโพไดเซ'ชน) n. การตัดเท้าออก
apodosis(อะพอด'ดะซิส) n., (pl. -ses) อนุประโยคสรุปผลที่ตามมาในประโยคเงื่อนไข
hexapodn. แมลง

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Apodiaไม่มีเท้าแต่กำเนิด [การแพทย์]
Apodia, Bilateralเท้าหายไปทั้งสองข้าง [การแพทย์]
Apodia, Unilateralเท้าหายไปเพียงข้างเดียว [การแพทย์]
Class Hexapodaชั้นเฮกซาโปดา [การแพทย์]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Mysore pak, murukku, mirchi, omapodi.Mysore Pak, Murukku, Gemischtes, Omapodi? Parents (2015)
Here are some of the many things we don't know about heptapods.Es gibt so viel, was wir nicht über die "Heptapoden" wissen. Arrival (2016)
"Seven feet." Heptapod.Fuß. Sieben Füße. Heptapode. Arrival (2016)
Trying to answer this in any meaningful way is hampered by the fact that, outside being able to see them and hear them, the heptapods leave absolutely no footprint.Eine Antwort auf diese Frage zu finden, wird von der Tatsache erschwert, dass obwohl sie zwar sichtbar und hörbar sind, die Heptapoden keinerlei Spuren hinterlassen. Arrival (2016)
The first breakthrough was to discover that there's no correlation between what a heptapod says and what a heptapod writes.Der erste Durchbruch war die Entdeckung, dass es keinen Zusammenhang gibt, zwischen dem, was ein Heptapode sagt und dem, was ein Heptapode schreibt. Arrival (2016)
We have our friends in Pakistan to thank for their study of how heptapods write.Unsere pakistanischen Freunde haben herausgefunden, wie Heptapoden schreiben. Arrival (2016)
A heptapod can write a complex sentence in two seconds, effortlessly.Ein Heptapode schreibt einen kompletten Satz in 2 Sekunden. Mühelos. Arrival (2016)
God, are they... Are they using a game to converse with their heptapods?Kann es sein, dass sie, über ein Spiel, mit den Heptapoden kommunizieren? Arrival (2016)
Heptapod's purpose.Heptapode, mit welcher Absicht seid ihr hier? Arrival (2016)
Heptapod purpose. Earth.Heptapode, warum die Erde? Arrival (2016)
So we can learn Heptapod, if we survive.Wir können Heptapod lernen, falls wir überleben. Arrival (2016)
Genus Therapoda, from the Cartradontasaurfamily, I think.จีนัส เทราพาโด้ เป็นตระกูล คาร์ชาโรดอนโตซอรัส 100 Million BC (2008)
A Cretaceous era therapod dinosaur.นั่นมันไดโนเสาร์ยุคเทอราพ็อต Episode #2.1 (2008)
Here are some of the many things we don't know about heptapods.นี่คือบางส่วนของหลายสิ่งหลาย อย่างที่เราไม่ทราบเกี่ยวกับ เฮพทะพอดs Arrival (2016)
"Seven feet." Heptapod.เจ็ดฟุต เฮพทะพอด Arrival (2016)
Trying to answer this in any meaningful way is hampered by the fact that, outside being able to see them and hear them, the heptapods leave absolutely no footprint.พยายามที่จะตอบคำถามนี้ในทาง ความหมายใด ๆ ถูกขัดขวางโดยความจริงที่ว่า นอกความสามารถในการเห็นมัน และได้ยินมัน Arrival (2016)
The first breakthrough was to discover that there's no correlation between what a heptapod says and what a heptapod writes.การพัฒนาเป็นครั้งแรกที่พบว่าไม่ มีความสัมพันธ์ ระหว่างสิ่งที่ เฮพทะพอด กล่าว และสิ่งที่ เฮพทะพอด เขียน Arrival (2016)
We have our friends in Pakistan to thank for their study of how heptapods write.เรามีเพื่อนของเราในประเทศ ปากีสถาน จะขอขอบคุณสำหรับการศึกษา ของมันวิธี เฮพทะพอดs เขียน Arrival (2016)
A heptapod can write a complex sentence in two seconds, effortlessly.เฮพทะพอด สามารถเขียนเป็น ประโยคที่ซับซ้อน ในสองวินาทีได้อย่างง่ายดาย Arrival (2016)
Are they using a game to converse with their heptapods?มันจะใช้เกมที่จะพูดคุยกับ เฮพ ทะพอดs ของมัน? Arrival (2016)
Heptapod's purpose.วัตถุประสงค์ เฮพทะพอด Arrival (2016)
Heptapod purpose. Earth.วัตถุประสงค์ เฮพทะพอด โลก. Arrival (2016)
We need to help them with what they've gotten from the other heptapods.เราจำเป็นที่จะช่วยให้มันมีสิ่งที่ มันเคยจาก เฮพทะพอดs อื่น ๆ Arrival (2016)
So we can learn Heptapod, if we survive.ดังนั้นเราจึงสามารถเรียนรู้ เฮพ ทะพอด ถ้าเราอยู่รอด Arrival (2016)
To beat a decapod Look it upจะสู้สิบเท้าได้หรอก รู้ไว้ซะ Moana (2016)
Palm Apodaca.Palm Apodaca. Five Easy Pieces (1970)
Floor plankings for our tents, camera platforms, that sort of thing.Bodendielen für unsere Zelte, Kamerapodeste, so was. The Abdication (1975)
Did you hear what happened to Bobby Capodianco?Hast du das von Bobby Capodianco gehört? Fortunate Son (2001)
From the fossil records of Theropods Dinosaurs. At the late Cretaceous Age, 200 million years ago.Das sind die genannten Beweise der Existenz der Therapoda-Dinosaurier. Garuda (2004)
They lived until the Quaternary Age, or the age of Mankind when they underwent more evolution like Australopithecus or apes which are believed to be our ancestors of 2 million years ago.Sie haben bis ins Quartär überlebt, also bis in die Zeit der Primaten, unseren direkten Vorfahren. Der Therapoda machte eine ähnliche Entwicklung wie der Affenmensch, auch Austropetecus genannt durch. Garuda (2004)
It had a long and thin neck like other Dinosaur sauropods or Herbivore Dinosaur.Und ihre Nacken und Hälse waren lang und kräftig. So wie der Therapoda gehörten sie zu der friedlichen Sorte. Sie waren alle Pflanzenfresser. Garuda (2004)
- Collect call from - Will you pay for color?Airgespräch von Decapod 10. Werden sie den Anruf annehmen? Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs (2008)
A Cretaceous era therapod dinosaur.Ein Therapoda Dinosaurier aus der Kreidezeit. Episode #2.1 (2008)
It's like when Captain Ahab was chasing Moby Dick the whale died, all right, but the Peapod went down too.Wie bei Captain Ahab, als er Moby Dick jagte. Der Wal wurde zwar getötet, aber die Peapod ging auch unter. Flame Red (2008)
I have been granted permission by the Pope to travel to Capodimonte.Der Papst hat mir die Erlaubnis gewährt, nach Capodimonte zu reisen. Pentecost (2013)
The island of Capodimonte?Der Insel von Capodimonte? Pentecost (2013)
- I am going to Capodimonte.- Ich gehe nach Capodimonte. - Was? Pentecost (2013)
She has left, Holiness, with Alessandro Farnese for Capodimonte.Sie ist mit Alessandro Farnese nach Capodimonte abgereist. Pentecost (2013)
If you refuse to obey, I will come back, not as a messenger... but as the Captain-General, with the full force of my guard.Solltet Ihr Euch widersetzen, komme ich nicht als Bote nach Capodimonte zurück, sondern als General meiner Garde. The Blessed Trinity (2013)
While in Capodimonte, I devised a way to bolster Mother Church's finances.Als ich in Capodimonte war, habe ich überlegt, wie man die Finanzen der Kirche aufbessern könnte. The Blessed Trinity (2013)
Mama remains in Capodimonte to prepare his body for burial.Momma bleibt in Capodimonte, um den Leichnam für die Beerdigung vorzubereiten. The Blessed Trinity (2013)
Is she, like Saint Alexius, hiding under the stairs?Ist Eure Schwester zurück aus Capodimonte? A Morality Play (2013)
You could have bribed the cook or a servant.Ich habe Freunde angebettelt. Wir müssen Capodimonte veräußern. The Assumption (2013)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
กิ้งกือ[kingkeū] (n) EN: millipede  FR: iule [ m ] ; mille-pattes [ m ] ; myriapode [ m ]
ละมุด[lamut] (n) EN: sapodilla  FR: sapotille [ f ]
นกแอ่น[nok aen] (n) EN: Apodidae
ตะขาบ[takhāp] (n) EN: centipede  FR: scolopendre [ f ] ; mille-pattes [ m ] ; myriapode [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
apodal(adj) (of snakes and eels) naturally footless, Syn. apodous
apodeme(n) ridge-like ingrowth of the exoskeleton of an arthropod that supports internal organs and provides attachment points for muscles
Apodemus(n) Old World field mice, Syn. genus Apodemus
apodictic(adj) of a proposition; necessarily true or logically certain, Syn. apodeictic
Apodidae(n) swifts; in former classifications included in the order Coraciiformes, Syn. family Apodidae
Apodiformes(n) swifts; hummingbirds, Syn. order Apodiformes
decapod(n) cephalopods having eight short tentacles plus two long ones
Decapoda(n) lobsters; crayfish; crabs; shrimps; prawns, Syn. order Decapoda
Decapoda(n) squids and cuttlefishes, Syn. order Decapoda
hexapod(n) an animal having six feet
megapode(n) large-footed short-winged birds of Australasia; build mounds of decaying vegetation to incubate eggs, Syn. mound-bird, mound builder, mound bird, scrub fowl
Megapodiidae(n) megapodes, Syn. family Megapodiidae
Megapodius(n) type genus of the Megapodiidae, Syn. genus-Megapodius
myriapod(n) general term for any terrestrial arthropod having an elongated body composed of many similar segments: e.g. centipedes and millipedes
parapodium(n) one of a pair of fleshy appendages of a polychete annelid that functions in locomotion and breathing
sapodilla(n) large tropical American evergreen yielding chicle gum and edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Achras, Syn. Achras zapota, sapodilla tree, Manilkara zapota
sapodilla(n) tropical fruit with a rough brownish skin and very sweet brownish pulp, Syn. sapota, sapodilla plum
tetrapod(n) a vertebrate animal having four feet or legs or leglike appendages
Zapodidae(n) jumping mice, Syn. family Zapodidae
Anguilliformes(n) elongate fishes with pelvic fins and girdle absent or reduced, Syn. order Anguilliformes, order Apodes
Diplopoda(n) arthropods having the body composed of numerous double somites each with two pairs of legs: millipedes, Syn. Myriapoda, class Myriapoda, class Diplopoda
Insecta(n) insects; about five-sixths of all known animal species, Syn. class Hexapoda, Hexapoda, class Insecta
Sapotaceae(n) tropical trees or shrubs with milky juice and often edible fleshy fruit, Syn. sapodilla family, family Sapotaceae
schoolmaster(n) food fish of warm Caribbean and Atlantic waters, Syn. Lutjanus apodus

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ Gr. 'anapo`deiktos; 'an priv. + 'apodeikto`s. See Apodeictic. ] Not apodeictic; undemonstrable. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;. See Apod, n. ] (Zool.) (a) A group of cirripeds, destitute of footlike organs. (b) An order of Amphibia without feet. See Ophiomorpha. (c) A group of worms without appendages, as the leech. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. [ See Apod, n. ] 1. Without feet; footless. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) Destitute of the ventral fin, as the eels. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Apod

a. (Zool.) Apodal. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } n.; pl. Apods r Apodes [ Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, footless; 'a priv. + &unr_;, &unr_;, foot. ] (Zool.) One of certain animals that have no feet or footlike organs; esp. one of certain fabulous birds which were said to have no feet. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The bird of paradise formerly had the name Paradisea apoda, being supposed to have no feet, as these were wanting in the specimens first obtained from the East Indies. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Apod

n. [ Pref. apo- + Gr. &unr_; body. ] (Zool.) One of the processes of the shell which project inwards and unite with one another, in the thorax of many Crustacea. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., masc. pl. See Apoda. ] (Zool.) (a) An order of fishes without ventral fins, including the eels. (b) A group of holothurians destitute of suckers. See Apneumona. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Same as Apodeictic. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. [ L. apodicticus, Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to point out, to show by argument; &unr_; from + &unr_; to show. ] Self-evident; intuitively true; evident beyond contradiction. Brougham. Sir Wm. Hamilton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Apodeictical, Apodictic, Apodeictic

, adv. So as to be evident beyond contradiction. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Apodeictically

n. 1. 1 an oreer of birds including the swifts and hummingbirds.
Syn. -- order Apodiformes. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ L., fr. Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_;. ] Full demonstration. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ L., fr. Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to give back; &unr_; from, back again + &unr_; to give. ] (Gram.) The consequent clause or conclusion in a conditional sentence, expressing the result, and thus distinguished from the protasis or clause which expresses a condition. Thus, in the sentence, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him, ” the former clause is the protasis, and the latter the apodosis. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Some grammarians extend the terms protasis and apodosis to the introductory clause and the concluding clause, even when the sentence is not conditional. [ 1913 Webster ]


#), a. (Zool.) Apodal; apod. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ L., fr. Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to strip one's self. ] (Anc. Arch.) The apartment at the entrance of the baths, or in the palestra, where one stripped; a dressing room. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. décapode. ] (Zool.) A crustacean with ten feet or legs, as a crab; one of the Decapoda. Also used adjectively, as a decapod crustacean. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖prop. n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. de`ka ten + poy`s, podo`s, foot. ] 1. (Zool.) The order of Crustacea which includes the shrimps, lobsters, crabs, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ They have a carapace, covering and uniting the somites of the head and thorax and inclosing a gill chamber on each side, and usually have five (rarely six) pairs of legs. They are divided into two principal groups: Brachyura and Macrura. Some writers recognize a third (Anomura) intermediate between the others. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) A division of the dibranchiate cephalopods including the cuttlefishes and squids. See Decacera.


{ } a. (Zool.) Belonging to the decapods; having ten feet; ten-footed. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Decapodal

n. [ Haema + -pod. ] (Zool.) An haemapodous animal. G. Rolleston. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Anat.) Having the limbs on, or directed toward, the ventral or hemal side, as in vertebrates; -- opposed to neuropodous. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, sixfooted; "e`x six + &unr_;, &unr_;, foot: cf. F. hexapode.] Having six feet. -- n. (Zool.) An animal having six feet; one of the Hexapoda. [1913 Webster]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. "e`x six + -poda.] (Zool.) The true, or six-legged, insects; insects other than myriapods and arachnids. [1913 Webster]

☞ The Hexapoda have the head, thorax, and abdomen differentiated, and are mostly winged. They have three pairs of mouth organs, viz., mandibles, maxillæ, and the second maxillæ or labial palpi; three pairs of thoracic legs; and abdominal legs, which are present only in some of the lowest forms, and in the larval state of some of the higher ones. Many (the Metabola) undergo a complete metamorphosis, having larvæ (known as maggots, grubs, caterpillars) very unlike the adult, and pass through a quiescent pupa state in which no food is taken; others (the Hemimetabola) have larvæ much like the adult, expert in lacking wings, and an active pupa, in which rudimentary wings appear. See Insecta. The Hexapoda are divided into several orders. [1913 Webster]


a. (Zool.) Having six feet; belonging to the Hexapoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Mega- + Gr. poy`s, podo`s, foot. ] (Zool.) Any one of several species of large-footed, gallinaceous birds of the genera Megapodius and Leipoa, inhabiting Australia and other Pacific islands. Called also mound builder, scrub fowl, moundbird, and brush turkey. See Jungle fowl (b) under Jungle, and Leipoa. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ NL. metapodium, from Gr. &unr_; behind + &unr_;, dim. of poy`s, podo`s, foot. ] (Zool.) The posterior division of the foot in the Gastropoda and Pteropoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the metapodialia, or to the parts of the limbs to which they belong. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Metapodialia [ NL. See Metapode. ] (Anat.) One of the bones of either the metacarpus or metatarsus. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Metapodia [ NL. ] (Zool.) Same as Metapode. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. myriapode. ] (Zool.) One of the Myriapoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. Gr. &unr_; numberless + -poda. ] (Zool.) A class, or subclass, of arthropods, related to the hexapod insects, from which they differ in having the body made up of numerous similar segments, nearly all of which bear true jointed legs. They have one pair of antennae, three pairs of mouth organs, and numerous tracheae, similar to those of true insects. The larvae, when first hatched, often have but three pairs of legs. See Centiped, Galleyworm, Milliped. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The existing Myriapoda are divided into three orders: Chilopoda, Chilognatha or Diplopoda, and Pauropoda (see these words in the Vocabulary). Large fossil species (very different from any living forms) are found in the Carboniferous formation. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Parapodia [ NL., fr. Gr. para` beside + &unr_;, dim. of &unr_; foot. ] (Zool.) One of the lateral appendages of an annelid; -- called also foot tubercle. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ They may serve for locomotion, respiration, and sensation, and often contain spines or setæ. When well developed, a dorsal part, or notopodium, and a ventral part, or neuropodium, are distinguished. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Penta- + Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, foot. ] (Pros.) A measure or series consisting of five feet. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Sp. zapote, sapotillo, zapotillo, Mexican cochit-zapotl. Cf. Sapota. ] (Bot.) A tall, evergeen, tropical American tree (Achras Sapota); also, its edible fruit, the sapodilla plum. [ Written also sapadillo, sappadillo, sappodilla, and zapotilla. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Sapodilla plum (Bot.), the fruit of Achras Sapota. It is about the size of an ordinary quince, having a rough, brittle, dull brown rind, the flesh being of a dirty yellowish white color, very soft, and deliciously sweet. Called also naseberry. It is eatable only when it begins to be spotted, and is much used in desserts.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) One of the Stomapoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL. See Stoma, and -poda. ] (Zool.) An order of Crustacea including the squillas. The maxillipeds are leglike in form, and the large claws are comblike. They have a large and elongated abdomen, which contains a part of the stomach and heart; the abdominal appendages are large, and bear the gills. Called also Gastrula, Stomatopoda, and Squilloidea. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL. See Tetra-, and Decapoda. ] (Zool.) Same as Arthrostraca. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_; fourfooted; te`tra- (see Tetra-) + &unr_;, &unr_;, foot. ] (Zool.) An insect characterized by having but four perfect legs, as certain of the butterflies. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_;. ] A set of four feet; a measure or distance of four feet. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[yuán, ㄩㄢˊ, ] Protura (soil dwelling primitive hexapod); variant of 螈, salamander; newt; triton #388,748 [Add to Longdo]
多足动物[duō zú dòng wù, ㄉㄨㄛ ㄗㄨˊ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄨˋ,     /    ] myriapod; centipedes and millipedes [Add to Longdo]
蚖虫[yuán chóng, ㄩㄢˊ ㄔㄨㄥˊ,   /  ] Protura (soil dwelling primitive hexapod) [Add to Longdo]
雨燕[yǔ yàn, ㄩˇ ㄧㄢˋ,  ] swift; Apodidae (the swift family) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Aussage { f } | Aussagen { pl }; Meinungsäußerungen { pl } | unwiderlegliche Aussagestatement | statements | apodictic statement [Add to Longdo]
Hintersatz { m }; Nachsatz { m }apodosis [Add to Longdo]
Sechsbein { n }; Sechsfüßer { m }hexapod [Add to Longdo]
Vierfußgang { m }tetrapod gait [Add to Longdo]
Vierfüßer { m }tetrapod [Add to Longdo]
apodiktisch; unwiderleglich { adj }apodictic [Add to Longdo]
Napodegenflügel { m } [ ornith. ]Napo Sabrewing [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
サポジラ[sapojira] (n) sapodilla [Add to Longdo]
テトラポッド[tetorapoddo] (n) Tetrapod [Add to Longdo]
雨燕[あまつばめ;アマツバメ, amatsubame ; amatsubame] (n) (1) (uk) swift (any bird of family Apodidae); (2) fork-tailed swift (Apus pacificus) [Add to Longdo]
蟹瞞;蟹瞞し[かにだまし;カニダマシ, kanidamashi ; kanidamashi] (n) (uk) porcelain crab (any decapod crustacean of family Porcellanidae) [Add to Longdo]
四足動物[しそくどうぶつ, shisokudoubutsu] (n) tetrapod [Add to Longdo]
十腕類[じゅうわんるい, juuwanrui] (n) (See 八腕類) decapods [Add to Longdo]
消波ブロック[しょうはブロック, shouha burokku] (n) (obsc) breakwater designed to dissipate waves, made out of tetrapods [Add to Longdo]
赤鼠[あかねずみ;アカネズミ, akanezumi ; akanezumi] (n) (uk) large Japanese field mouse (Apodemus speciosus) [Add to Longdo]
多足類[たそくるい, tasokurui] (n) myriapod; many-legged [Add to Longdo]
塚造[つかつくり;ツカツクリ, tsukatsukuri ; tsukatsukuri] (n) (uk) megapode (any bird of family Megapodiidae, inc. brush turkeys and mallee fowl); mound builder [Add to Longdo]
背筋鼠[せすじねずみ;セスジネズミ, sesujinezumi ; sesujinezumi] (n) (uk) striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) [Add to Longdo]
姫鼠[ひめねずみ;ヒメネズミ, himenezumi ; himenezumi] (n) (uk) small Japanese field mouse (Apodemus argenteus) [Add to Longdo]
疣足[いぼあし, iboashi] (n) parapodium [Add to Longdo]


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