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English Phonetic Symbols

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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -wheely-, *wheely*, whee
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา wheely มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *whee*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. Circular; suitable to rotation. [ 1913 Webster ]

Archibald wheel

A metal-hubbed wheel of great strength and elasticity, esp. adapted for artillery carriages and motor cars. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Artillery wheel

. A kind of heavily built dished wheel with a long axle box, used on gun carriages, usually having 14 spokes and 7 felloes; hence, a wheel of similar construction for use on automobiles, etc. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Balance wheel

1. (Horology) (a) A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock; -- often called simply a balance. (b) A ratchet-shaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance). [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Mach.) A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine; a fly wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A water wheel, on which the stream of water strikes neither so high as in the overshot wheel, nor so low as in the undershot, but generally at about half the height of the wheel, being kept in contact with it by the breasting. The water acts on the float boards partly by impulse, partly by its weight. [ 1913 Webster ]

Brush wheel

1. A wheel without teeth, used to turn a similar one by the friction of bristles or something brushlike or soft attached to the circumference. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A circular revolving brush used by turners, lapidaries, silversmiths, etc., for polishing. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. the type of wheel used on a cart; it typically has wooden spokes and a metal rim. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. an acrobatic maneuver in which the arms and legs are outstretched like the spokes of a wheel, and the body is turned sideways through one or more revolutions, by first touching the hands and then the feet to the ground, in rapid succession so as to mimic the rolling of a wheel; in the course of this feat, the person performing it is alternately upright and upside-down. [ WordNet 1.5 +PJC ]

3. a silver dollar; a dollar made of silver. [ Colloq. ] [ WordNet 1.5 ]


v. i. 1 to perform a cartwheel{ 2 }.
Syn. -- do cartwheels. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Car wheel

A flanged wheel of a railway car or truck. [ 1913 Webster ]

Catharine wheel

See catherine wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]

Catherine wheel

[ So called from St. Catherine of Alexandria, who is represented with a wheel, in allusion to her martyrdom. ] 1. (Geoth.Arth.) Same as Rose window and Wheel window. Called also Catherine-wheel window. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Pyrotechny) A revolving piece of fireworks resembling in form the window of the same name. [ Written also Catharine wheel. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Chain wheel

1. A chain pulley, or sprocket wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. An inversion of the chain pump, by which it becomes a motor driven by water. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A wheel with cogs or teeth; a gear wheel. See Illust. of Gearing. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. (Mil.) To cause to wheel or turn in an opposite direction. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The wheel in a clock which regulates the number of strokes. [ 1913 Webster ]

Crown wheel

[ Named from its resemblance to a crown. ] (Mach.) A wheel with cogs or teeth set at right angles to its plane; -- called also a contrate wheel or face wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. To encircle. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

escape wheel

n. The rotating wheel in an escapement mechanism which has notches that are periodically engaged and disengaged by the anchor. [ PJC ]

Ferris wheel

An amusement device consisting of a giant power-driven vertically oriented steel wheel, revolvable on its horizontal stationary axle, and carrying a number of balanced passenger cars or open seats around its rim; the seats are suspended so as to remain horizontal as the wheel rotates, and, depending on the size of the wheel, the passengers when they reach the top may have a grand vista of the surrounding area; -- so called after G. W. G. Ferris, American engineer, who erected the first of its kind for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. Ferris wheels are often found at traveling fairs and at permanent amusement parks. The Reisenrad in Vienna is one of the world's largest and most famous Ferris wheels. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC ]


n. An annual of the central U. S. (Gaillardia pulchella) having showy long-stalked yellow flower heads marked with scarlet or purple in the center.
Syn. -- blanket flower, Indian blanket, Gaillardia pulchella. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. A heavy wheel or disk which stores kinetic energy by rotating on a shaft, and by its momentum smoothes the operation of a reciprocating engine by reducing fluctuations of speed. It is used in certain types of machinery, such as automobiles. [ WordNet 1.5 +PJC ]

☞ Flywheels rotating at high speed have also been proposed as a means to store kinetic energy for use as a low-polluting source of energy in vehicles. [ PJC ]


a. Having four wheels. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A vehicle having four wheels; specifically, a hackney carriage with four weels. [ Colloq. ] [ 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5 ]


n. (Mach.) A clutch fitted in the rear hub of a cycle, which engages the rear sprocket with the rear wheel when the pedals are rotated forwards, but permits the rear wheel to run on free from the rear sprocket when the pedals are stopped or rotated backwards. Freewheelcycles are usually fitted with hub brakes or rim brakes, operated by back pedaling. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


v. i. 1. (a) Of a freewheel cycle, to run on while the pedals are held still. (b) Of a person, to ride a cycle of this manner; to coast in a vehicle having a freewheel. To ride a freewheel cycle. [ wns=2 ] [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

2. (Mach.) To operate like a freewheel, so that one part moves freely over another which normally moves with it; -- said of a clutch. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

3. To act without controls, external or internal; to live freely, independently, and without concern; -- of people. [ wns=1 ] [ PJC ]


n. Someone acting freely or even irresponsibly.
Syn. -- free agent, free spirit. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


adj. Acting heedless of consequences; acting without controls, external or internal; as, freewheeling foolishness.
Syn. -- careless, irresponsible, reckless. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Fudge wheel

(Shoemaking) A tool for ornamenting the edge of a sole. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Mach.) Any wheel worked by hand; esp., one the rim of which serves as the handle by which a valve, car brake, or other part is adjusted. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. To encircle. [ R. ] Beau. & Fl. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A program that delivers hot meals to persons, such as the elderly or disabled, who are confined to their homes and unable to cook for themselves; also, the meals thus delivered. Such programs are usually conducted by governmental or charitable organizations. [ PJC ]

Variants: meals on wheels

n. a waterwheel that is used to drive machinery in a mill. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Pelton wheel

(Mech.) A form of impulse turbine or water wheel, consisting of a row of double cup-shaped buckets arranged round the rim of a wheel and actuated by one or more jets of water playing into the cups at high velocity. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Pilot wheel

. (Mach.) A wheel, usually with radial handles projecting from the rim, for traversing the saddle of a machine tool, esp. an automatic machine tool, by hand. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. (Horol.) The wheel in an escapement (as of a clock or a watch) into the teeth of which the pallets play. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Having a paddle wheel on each side; -- said of steam vessels; as, a side-wheel steamer. [ 1913 Webster ]

Split wheel

. same as Split pulley. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Sprocket wheel

[ Etymology of sprocket is uncertain. ] (Mach.) Same as Chain wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Having a paddle wheel at the stern; as, a stern-wheel steamer. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A steamboat having a stern wheel instead of side wheels. [ Colloq. U.S. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Stream wheel

. A wheel used for measuring, by its motion when submerged, the velocity of flowing water; a current wheel. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Tangent wheel

. (a) A worm or worm wheel; a tangent screw. (b) A wheel with tangent spokes. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. (Zool.) The chewink. [ 1913 Webster ]

Traction wheel

. (Mach.) (a) A locomotive driving wheel which acts by friction adhesion to a smooth track. (b) A smooth-rimmed friction wheel for giving motion to an endless link belt or the like. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Training wheels

a pair of small wheels attached to the rear of a bicycle to keep the bicycle upright; -- used to assist those, especially small children, learning how to ride a bicycle. [ PJC ]

Trammel wheel

. (Mach.) A circular plate or a cross, with two or more cross grooves intersecting at the center, used on the end of a shaft to transmit motion to another shaft not in line with the first. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. A wheel turned by persons or animals, by treading, climbing, or pushing with the feet, upon its periphery or face. See Treadmill. [ 1913 Webster ]

Water wheel

1. Any wheel for propelling machinery or for other purposes, that is made to rotate by the direct action of water; -- called an overshot wheel when the water is applied at the top, an undershot wheel when at the bottom, a breast wheel when at an intermediate point; other forms are called reaction wheel, vortex wheel, turbine wheel, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The paddle wheel of a steam vessel. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A wheel for raising water; a noria, or the like. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Wheedled p. pr. & vb. n. Wheedling ] [ Cf. G. wedeln to wag with the tail, as a dog, wedel a fan, tail, brush, OHG. wadal; akin to G. wehen to blow, and E. wind, n. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. To entice by soft words; to cajole; to flatter; to coax. [ 1913 Webster ]

The unlucky art of wheedling fools. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

And wheedle a world that loves him not. Tennyson. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To grain, or get away, by flattery. [ 1913 Webster ]

A deed of settlement of the best part of her estate, which I wheedled out of her. Congreve. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To flatter; to coax; to cajole. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OE. wheel, hweol, AS. hweól, hweogul, hweowol; akin to D. wiel, Icel. hvēl, Gr. ky`klos, Skr. cakra; cf. Icel. hjōl, Dan. hiul, Sw. hjul. √218. Cf. Cycle, Cyclopedia. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A circular frame turning about an axis; a rotating disk, whether solid, or a frame composed of an outer rim, spokes or radii, and a central hub or nave, in which is inserted the axle, -- used for supporting and conveying vehicles, in machinery, and for various purposes; as, the wheel of a wagon, of a locomotive, of a mill, of a watch, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]

The gasping charioteer beneath the wheel
Of his own car. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Any instrument having the form of, or chiefly consisting of, a wheel. Specifically: -- [ 1913 Webster ]

(a) A spinning wheel. See under Spinning. [ 1913 Webster ]

(b) An instrument of torture formerly used. [ 1913 Webster ]

His examination is like that which is made by the rack and wheel. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ This mode of torture is said to have been first employed in Germany, in the fourteenth century. The criminal was laid on a cart wheel with his legs and arms extended, and his limbs in that posture were fractured with an iron bar. In France, where its use was restricted to the most atrocious crimes, the criminal was first laid on a frame of wood in the form of a St. Andrew's cross, with grooves cut transversely in it above and below the knees and elbows, and the executioner struck eight blows with an iron bar, so as to break the limbs in those places, sometimes finishing by two or three blows on the chest or stomach, which usually put an end to the life of the criminal, and were hence called coups-de-grace -- blows of mercy. The criminal was then unbound, and laid on a small wheel, with his face upward, and his arms and legs doubled under him, there to expire, if he had survived the previous treatment. Brande. [ 1913 Webster ]

(c) (Naut.) A circular frame having handles on the periphery, and an axle which is so connected with the tiller as to form a means of controlling the rudder for the purpose of steering. [ 1913 Webster ]

(d) (Pottery) A potter's wheel. See under Potter. [ 1913 Webster ]

Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. Jer. xviii. 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

Turn, turn, my wheel! This earthen jar
A touch can make, a touch can mar. Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]

(e) (Pyrotechny) A firework which, while burning, is caused to revolve on an axis by the reaction of the escaping gases. [ 1913 Webster ]

(f) (Poetry) The burden or refrain of a song. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ “This meaning has a low degree of authority, but is supposed from the context in the few cases where the word is found.” Nares. [ 1913 Webster ]

You must sing a-down a-down,
An you call him a-down-a.
O, how the wheel becomes it! Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

[ 1913 Webster ]

3. A bicycle or a tricycle; a velocipede. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. A rolling or revolving body; anything of a circular form; a disk; an orb. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. A turn revolution; rotation; compass. [ 1913 Webster ]

According to the common vicissitude and wheel of things, the proud and the insolent, after long trampling upon others, come at length to be trampled upon themselves. South. [ 1913 Webster ]

[ He ] throws his steep flight in many an aery wheel. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

A wheel within a wheel, or
Wheels within wheels
, a complication of circumstances, motives, etc. --
Balance wheel. See in the Vocab. --
Bevel wheel,
Brake wheel,
Cam wheel,
Fifth wheel,
Overshot wheel,
Spinning wheel, etc.
See under Bevel, Brake, etc. --
Core wheel. (Mach.) (a) A mortise gear. (b) A wheel having a rim perforated to receive wooden cogs; the skeleton of a mortise gear. --
Measuring wheel, an odometer, or perambulator. --
Wheel and axle (Mech.), one of the elementary machines or mechanical powers, consisting of a wheel fixed to an axle, and used for raising great weights, by applying the power to the circumference of the wheel, and attaching the weight, by a rope or chain, to that of the axle. Called also axis in peritrochio, and perpetual lever, -- the principle of equilibrium involved being the same as in the lever, while its action is continuous. See Mechanical powers, under Mechanical. --
Wheel animal, or
Wheel animalcule
(Zool.), any one of numerous species of rotifers having a ciliated disk at the anterior end. --
Wheel barometer. (Physics) See under Barometer. --
Wheel boat, a boat with wheels, to be used either on water or upon inclined planes or railways. --
Wheel bug (Zool.), a large North American hemipterous insect (Prionidus cristatus) which sucks the blood of other insects. So named from the curious shape of the prothorax. --
Wheel carriage, a carriage moving on wheels. --
Wheel chains, or
Wheel ropes
(Naut.), the chains or ropes connecting the wheel and rudder. --
Wheel cutter, a machine for shaping the cogs of gear wheels; a gear cutter. --
Wheel horse, one of the horses nearest to the wheels, as opposed to a leader, or forward horse; -- called also wheeler. --
Wheel lathe, a lathe for turning railway-car wheels. --
Wheel lock. (a) A letter lock. See under Letter. (b) A kind of gunlock in which sparks were struck from a flint, or piece of iron pyrites, by a revolving wheel. (c) A kind of brake a carriage. --
Wheel ore (Min.), a variety of bournonite so named from the shape of its twin crystals. See Bournonite. --
Wheel pit (Steam Engine), a pit in the ground, in which the lower part of the fly wheel runs. --
Wheel plow, or
Wheel plough
, a plow having one or two wheels attached, to render it more steady, and to regulate the depth of the furrow. --
Wheel press, a press by which railway-car wheels are forced on, or off, their axles. --
Wheel race, the place in which a water wheel is set. --
Wheel rope (Naut.), a tiller rope. See under Tiller. --
Wheel stitch (Needlework), a stitch resembling a spider's web, worked into the material, and not over an open space. Caulfeild & S. (Dict. of Needlework). --
Wheel tree (Bot.), a tree (Aspidosperma excelsum) of Guiana, which has a trunk so curiously fluted that a transverse section resembles the hub and spokes of a coarsely made wheel. See Paddlewood. --
Wheel urchin (Zool.), any sea urchin of the genus Rotula having a round, flat shell. --
Wheel window (Arch.), a circular window having radiating mullions arranged like the spokes of a wheel. Cf. Rose window, under Rose.
[ 1913 Webster ]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
nosewheel(n) ล้อหน้าของเครื่องบิน เช่น Left and right main gear wheel speed signals are processed by a circuit which is a model of aircraft rigid body motion to provide a synthesized nose wheel.

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
whee(int) คำอุทานแสดงถึงความดีใจ ตื่นเต้น หรือสนุกสนาน
wheel(n) ล้อ, See also: ล้อรถ, Syn. ratchet, ring, hoop, roller
wheel(n) พวงมาลัย (คำไม่เป็นทางการ), Syn. steering wheel
wheel(n) ที่กรอด้าย (คำไม่เป็นทางการ), Syn. spinning wheel
wheel(n) ล้อเลื่อนที่ติดไว้ทำให้เคลื่อนที่ได้ง่าย, Syn. caster
wheel(n) เครื่องทรมานมีลักษณะเป็นวงกลมซึ่งเหยื่อจะถูกมัดกางแขนกางขาบนวงกลม
wheel(n) กงล้อแห่งโชคชะตา
wheel(n) สิ่งที่มีลักษณะเป็นวงกลมหรือทรงกลม
wheel(n) การเคลื่อนที่เป็นวงกลม
wheel(n) ผู้ที่สำคัญและมีอำนาจ (คำสแลง)
wheel(n) รถจักรยาน (คำไม่เป็นทางการ)
wheel(vi) เคลื่อนไปบนล้อ, Syn. roll, trundle
wheel(vt) เข็น, See also: ทำให้เคลื่อนไปบนล้อ
wheel(vi) หมุนรอบอย่างรวดเร็ว, See also: หันรอบอย่างรวดเร็ว, Syn. reel, spin, whirl
wheeze(vi) หายใจลำบากและมีเสียงฟืดฟาดหรือฮืดฮาด, Syn. gasp, pant, snort
wheeze(vt) พูดโดยมีเสียงดังฟืดฟาดหรือฮืดฮาด, See also: แสดงถึงการหายใจลำบาก
wheeze(n) การหายใจโดยมีเสียงดังฟืดฟาดหรือฮืดฮาด
wheeze(n) มุขตลกที่เก่าและใช้บ่อย (คำไม่เป็นทางการ)
wheezy(adj) ซึ่งหายใจลำบากและมีเสียงดัง
wheedle(vi) โน้มน้าว, Syn. cajole, coax
wheedle(vt) โน้มน้าวให้ทำสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่ง, Syn. cajole, coax
wheedle(vt) ซึ่งได้มาด้วยการออดอ้อน (จุดมุ่งหมายเพื่อโน้มน้าวให้ทำโดยอ้อม)
wheeled(adj) ซึ่งมีล้อ, See also: ใช้ล้อ, ติดตั้งล้อ
wheeler(n) สิ่งที่มีล้อ
pinwheel(n) ประทัดชนิดหนึ่ง
pinwheel(n) รถลมสำหรับเด็กเล่น
wheedler(n) ผู้โน้มน้าว
wheel in(phrv) เข็นเข้าไป, See also: ้หมุนเข้าไป, กลิ้งเข้าไป, Syn. send in, take in
wheelman(n) คนขับรถหรือพาหนะชนิดอื่น, See also: โดยเฉพาะที่เกี่ยวข้องกับอาชญากรรม
wheelman(n) คนขับขี่รถจักรยานหรือรถจักรยานยนต์
wheelman(n) คนขับเรือ, Syn. helmsman, steersman
wheezily(adv) อย่างหายใจลำบากและมีเสียงดัง
cartwheel(vt) กลิ้ง, Syn. roll
cartwheel(n) การตีลังกาล้อเกวียน
cartwheel(n) ล้อเกวียน
cartwheel(n) เหรียญขนาดใหญ่ (คำสแลง), Syn. silver dollar
freewheel(n) ล้ออิสระของจักรยานที่หมุนได้แม้ว่าคนขี่จะหยุดถีบรถ
freewheel(vi) กระทำอย่างอิสระเสรี, See also: อยู่อย่างอิสระเสรี
gearwheel(n) เฟืองล้อจักรยาน
wheedling(adj) ซึ่งชักจูง, See also: ซึ่งโน้มน้าว, Syn. persuasive, flattery
wheel out(phrv) เข็นออกไป, See also: ถีบวงล้อไป, หมุนออกไป, กลิ้นออกไป
wheelbase(n) ระยะห่างระหว่างล้อหน้ากับล้อหลัง ซึ่งมักจะวัดเป็นนิ้ว
wheelsman(n) คนขับเรือ, Syn. helmsman, steersman
wheelwork(n) ์การจัดระบบฟันเฟืองในเครื่องจักร
wormwheel(n) ล้อตัวหนอน, Syn. wormgear
sternwheel(n) พวงมาลัยเรือ
wheel away(phrv) เข็นออกไปจาก (สถานที่), See also: หมุนจาก, กลิ้งจาก
wheelchair(n) เก้าอี้รถเข็นสำหรับคนป่วยหรือคนพิการ
wheelhouse(n) ห้องควบคุมบนเรือ, Syn. pilothouse
wheeze out(phrv) พูดหรือร้องเพลงด้วยเสียงแหบแห้ง (หรือเสียงแตก), See also: มีเสียงแตกพร่า

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
balance wheeln. กงจักรดุลยภาพของนาฬิกาข้อมือ
bevel wheeln. เฟืองเอียง
breast wheeln. กังหันทดน้ำแบบหนึ่ง
cogwheeln. ล้อเฟือง
daisey wheel printerเครื่องพิมพ์แบบจานอักขระหมายถึงเครื่องพิมพ์แบบกระทบ (impact printer) ชนิดหนึ่ง ที่ใช้วิธีพิมพ์ด้วยการมีจานอักขระหรือจานกลม ๆ ที่มีลักษณะเหมือนวงล้อ มีตัวอักขระต่าง ๆ ติดอยู่ที่ปลายก้านแต่ละก้านที่กางออกไปจากศูนย์ตรงกลาง) เวลาพิมพ์ จานนี้ก็จะหมุนไปรอบ ๆ เมื่ออักษรตัวใดกระทบกับกระดาษ ก็จะเกิดเป็นอักษรตัวนั้นบนกระดาษดู daisy wheel ประกอบ
daisy wheelจานอักขระหมายถึง จานกลม ๆ มีลักษณะเหมือนวงล้อ มีตัวอักขระต่าง ๆ ติดอยู่ที่ปลายก้านแต่ละก้านที่กางออกไปจากศูนย์ตรงกลาง ใช้กับเครื่องพิมพ์แบบกระทบ (impact printer) เวลาพิมพ์ จานนี้ก็จะหมุนไปรอบ ๆ เมื่ออักษรตัวใดกระทบกับกระดาษ ก็จะเกิดเป็นอักษรตัวนั้นบนกระดาษ
gear wheeln. (เกียร์'วีล) n. ล้อเฟื่อง, ล้อฟันเฟือง, Syn. . cogwheel
gearwheeln. (เกียร์'วีล) n. ล้อเฟื่อง, ล้อฟันเฟือง, Syn. . cogwheel
grinding wheelล้อฝน
jagging wheeln. ที่ครูดให้เป็นรอย
paddle wheeln. ล้อใบจักรของเรือกลไฟสมัยก่อน.
prayer wheeln. ธรรมจักรที่ใช้ในลัทธิมหายานในธิเบต (พระลามะใช้ในการอธิษฐาน)
steering wheeln. พวงมาลัยขับขี่
sternwheel(สเทอน'วีล) n. พวงมาลัยเรือ, See also: stern-wheel adj.
water wheeln. ระหัดน้ำ, ล้อน้ำ
wheedle(วีด'เดิล) vi. vt. โอ้โลม, ชักชวน, หลอกเอา, ปลอบโยน, ป้อยอ, See also: wheedler n. wheedlingly adv., Syn. coax, cajole
wheel(วีล) n. ล้อ, ล้อรถ, บุคคลที่กระฉับกระเฉงและมีอิทธิพล, at the wheel ถือพวงมาลัยควบคุม บังคับบัญชา vi. vt. (ทำใหั) หมุน, หมุนรอบ, หัน, วนเวียน, หันกลับ, แล่นไปอย่างราบรื่น, กลิ้งบนล้อ, wheel and deal กระทำอยู่อย่างอิสระหรือโดยพลการ รับผิดชอบ, See also: wheel
wheel boxn. กล่องล้อ
wheelbarrow(วีลแบ'โร) n. รถเข็นล้อเดียวสำหรับขนดิน, รถเล็กล้อเดียว, See also: wheelbarrower n.
wheelbase(วีล'เบส) n. ระยะห่างระหว่างล้อหน้ากับล้อหลัง }
wheelchair(วีล'แชร์) เก้าอี้ล้อเข็นของคนไข้
wheeled(วีลดฺ) adj. มีล้อ, ใช้ล้อ, ติดตั้งล้อ
wheeler(วีล'เลอะ) n. สิ่งที่มีล้อ, ผู้กลิ้ง, ผู้ทำล้อ, ช่างทำล้อ, ผู้หมุนรอบ, สิ่งที่หมุนรอบ
wheeler-dealer(วีล'เลอะ ดีล'เลอะ) n. ผู้ที่ปฏิบัติการโดยอิสระ, ผู้ที่กระทำการหลายอย่าง, ผู้ที่คล่องแคล่ว, Syn. wheeler and dealer
wheelman(วีล'เมิน) n., (pl. -men) คนถือท้ายเรือ, คนถือพวงมาลัย, คนขี่รถจักรยาน, คนขับรถยนต์
wheelsman(วีลสฺ'เมิน) n. คนถือท้ายเรือ, คนถือพวงมาลัย, คนที่ขี่รถจักรยาน, คนขับรถยนต์ , pl.wheelsmen, Syn. wheelman
wheelwright(วีล'ไรทฺ) n. ผู้มีอาชีพทำหรือซ่อมล้อหรือรถ
wheeze(วีซ) vi., n. (การ) หายใจด้วยความลำบาก, หายใจหอบ, หายใจเสียงดังฮืด ๆ , เสียงดังกล่าว, คำตลกเก่า ๆ , คติพจน์เก่า ๆ, See also: wheezer n. wheezingly adv., Syn. pant, gasp, puff

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
wheedle(vt) รบเร้า, โอ้โลม, ปลอบโยน, ป้อยอ
wheel(n) ล้อรถ, ยวดยาน, กงจักร, กังหัน, พวงมาลัย
wheel(vi, vt) จูง, หัน, กลับ, หมุนเวียน, กลิ้ง, หมุน, วกเวียน
wheelbarrow(n) รถเข็นล้อเดียว, รถสาลี่, ระแทะมือ
wheeze(n) การหายใจลำบาก, การหายใจหอบ
wheeze(vi) หายใจลำบาก, หายใจหอบ

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
locking; locking of wheelsล้อตาย [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
respiration, cogwheel; respiration, interruptedการหายใจกุกกัก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
rotate; wheel-shaped-รูปกงล้อ [พฤกษศาสตร์ ๑๘ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
respiration, interrupted; respiration, cogwheelการหายใจกุกกัก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
rear-wheel driveระบบขับเคลื่อนล้อหลัง [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
roller guide; wheel guideล้อนำหัวตัด [การเชื่อม ๒๐ ก.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
slave cylinder; brake cylinder; brake wheel cylinder; wheel cylinderชุดกระบอกเบรก [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
steering wheelพวงมาลัย [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
overrun clutch; free-wheel; one-way clutch;คลัตช์ทางเดียว [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
overrunning coupling; free-wheelingการส่งกำลังทางเดียว [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
one-way clutch; free-wheel; free-wheel one-way clutch; overrun clutch; overrunning clutchคลัตช์ทางเดียว [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
jockey wheelล้อปรับสายพาน [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
blower wheelล้อเครื่องเป่าลม [ปรับอากาศ ๗ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
brake wheel cylinder; brake cylinder; slave cylinder; wheel cylinderชุดกระบอกเบรก [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
brake cylinder; brake wheel cylinder; slave cylinder; wheel cylinderชุดกระบอกเบรก [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
mag wheelล้อแม็ก [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
crown wheelเฟืองบายศรี [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
cogwheel respiration; respiration, interruptedการหายใจกุกกัก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
daisy wheelจานอักขระ [คอมพิวเตอร์ ๑๙ มิ.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
daisy-wheel printerเครื่องพิมพ์แบบจานอักขระ [คอมพิวเตอร์ ๑๙ มิ.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
drop-center wheelกระทะล้อร่องกลาง [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
fluid flywheelล้อตุนกำลังแบบของไหล [พลังงาน ๒๖ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
fluid flywheelล้อตุนกำลังแบบของไหล [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
flywheelล้อตุนกำลัง [พลังงาน ๒๖ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
flywheelล้อตุนกำลัง [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
flywheel markingsเครื่องหมายที่ล้อตุนกำลัง [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
flywheel ring gearเฟืองวงแหวนล้อตุนกำลัง [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
four-way wheel nut wrenchประแจล้อแบบกากบาท [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
four-wheel driveการขับสี่ล้อ [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
four-wheel steeringระบบบังคับเลี้ยวสี่ล้อ [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
fan wheelล้อพัดลม [ปรับอากาศ ๗ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
front-wheel drive; front-end driveระบบขับเคลื่อนล้อหน้า [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
front-end drive; front-wheel driveระบบขับเคลื่อนล้อหน้า [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
fifth wheelจานที่ห้า [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
free-wheel; one-way clutch; overrun clutch; overrunning clutchคลัตช์ทางเดียว [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
free-wheeling; overrunning couplingการส่งกำลังทางเดียว [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
electrode wheelขั้วเชื่อมแบบล้อ [การเชื่อม ๒๐ ก.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
electrode wheel headหัวจับขั้วเชื่อมแบบล้อ [การเชื่อม ๒๐ ก.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
interrupted respiration; respiration, cogwheelการหายใจกุกกัก [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
tilt steering wheelพวงมาลัยปรับมุม [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
knock-on wheelล้อน็อตเดียว [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
wheeze๑. เสียงหวีด๒. เสียงหายใจหวีดหวือ [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
wheel alignment๑. การตั้งศูนย์ล้อ๒. ศูนย์ล้อ [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
wheel balancerเครื่องถ่วงล้อ [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
wheel cylinder; brake cylinder; brake wheel cylinder; slave cylinderชุดกระบอกเบรก [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
wheel guide; roller guideล้อนำหัวตัด [การเชื่อม ๒๐ ก.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
wheel printerเครื่องพิมพ์แบบจาน [คอมพิวเตอร์ ๑๙ มิ.ย. ๒๕๔๔]
wheel wobbleล้อส่าย [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
wheel-shaped; rotate-รูปกงล้อ [พฤกษศาสตร์ ๑๘ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
wheel-slip; wheel-spinล้อหมุนฟรี [ยานยนต์ ๑๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Motorized Wheelchairรถเข็นคนพิการที่ติดตั้งมอเตอร์, รถเข็นคนพิการที่ติดตั้งมอเตอร์และชุดควบคุมการเคลื่อนที่ใช้พลังงานจากไฟฟ้าที่เก็บไว้ในแบตเตอรี [Assistive Technology]
Electric wheelchairsเก้าอี้คนพิการแบบล้อหมุนด้วยไฟฟ้า [TU Subject Heading]
Grinding wheelsหินเจีย [TU Subject Heading]
Water-wheelsระหัดวิดน้ำ [TU Subject Heading]
Wheelchairsเก้าอี้คนพิการแบบล้อหมุน [TU Subject Heading]
Wheelsวงล้อ [TU Subject Heading]
Wheeled Binถังขยะมีล้อ [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
Bronchitis, Wheezingการหอบเกิดขึ้นหลังจากเป็นหวัด [การแพทย์]
fixed wheel gatefixed wheel gate, บานชนิดล้อเลื่อน [เทคนิคด้านการชลประทานและการระบายน้ำ]
water wheelwater wheel, หลุก, ล้อหมุนน้ำ [เทคนิคด้านการชลประทานและการระบายน้ำ]
flywheelล้อตุนกำลัง, แผ่นโลหะกลมที่ยึดติดอยู่กับเพลาของเครื่องกล  ช่วยทำให้การหมุนของเครื่องกลเป็นไปอย่างสม่ำเสมอไม่กระตุก [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.]
wheel and axleล้อกับเพลา, เครื่องกลอย่างง่ายชนิดหนึ่ง  ประกอบด้วยวัตถุรูปทรงกระบอกขนาดต่างกัน 2 อันติดกันอยู่และหมุนรอบแกนเดียวกัน [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
wheel loaderรถตักล้อยาง

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
wheeBy the way, it also works with the wheel of a wheel mouse.
wheeHe is a real wheeler-dealer.
wheeIf you whip the steering wheel around like that on a snowy road the car is going to go into a slide.
wheeAn automobile has four wheels.
wheeThe Kawagoe festival float has the shape of what's called a hoko (halberd) float. It has three, or four, wheels attached.
wheeHe fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident.
wheeA young girl was at the steering wheel.
wheeSo they jacked up the Little House and put her on the wheels.
wheeHe held the wheel with one hand and waved to me with the other.
wheeThe wheel began to roll slowly.
wheeThe driver turned the wheel to the right.
wheeThe front wheel plays an important role in two-wheeled vehicles moving without falling over.
wheeI took over the wheel at Nagoya.
wheeThey stood idle, instead of putting their shoulder to the wheel.
wheeHe had a little piano on wheels, and a poor thin monkey which sat on top of it.
wheeShe tries so hard, but she's just spinning her wheels.
wheeThe wheel began to turn.
wheeI'd still be spinning my wheels if I hadn't gotten that scholarship.
wheeThey developed a special computer system and fixed it to his wheelchair.
wheeThe wheels turned around.
wheeHe turned the steering wheel the other way about.
wheeYou are not to speak to the man at the wheel.
wheeI caught a glimpse of the phantom sitting behind the wheel.
wheeA unicycle has only one wheel.
wheeWheels turn on axles.
wheeShort-term effects of smoking include unfitness, wheezing, a general vulnerability to illness, bad breath, bad skin and so on.
wheeI'd rather go by train. I have a license, but no real driving experience, so I'm not very sure of myself behind the wheel.
wheeA car has one steering wheel.
wheeSome find it easier to grasp the short-term effects of smoking, which include unfitness, wheezing, a general vulnerability to illness (smokers take twice as many days off sick as non-smokers), bad breath, bad skin and so on.
wheeA wheelbarrow fills the bill for moving concrete blocks.
wheeOnly turning the wheel of time with a rope around your neck.
wheeI don't know how to operate a spinning wheel.
wheeRiding in a Ferris wheel is my favorite thing.
wheeI'm wheezing.
wheeBritish and Japanese cars have steering wheels on the right side.
wheeRigid wheels give sufficient stability to a low-speed vehicle steered by outside forces.
wheeGear an engine to the front wheels.
wheeJack explained to me how to change the wheel of the car.
wheeHe was so used to that kind of back-room wheeling and dealing that he didn't feel guilty.
wheeWhen the frame is finished, the spider fixes lines of silk across it, just like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
wheeI took the wheel while he slept.
wheeEach time you step on the pedal, the wheel turns once.
wheeIn the end, because of the disease, he became unable to walk and had to use a motorized wheelchair to get around.
wheeHe did a cartwheel.
wheeThere are wheels within wheels. [ Proverb ]
wheeThe cog-wheels are in gear.
wheeSteering wheels of American cars are on the left side.
wheeWho's at the wheel?
wheeI've just oiled the wheels.
wheeShe coaxed and wheedled her unwilling child into going to the dentist with her

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ขี้ฉ้อตอแหล(v) deceive, See also: be deceitful, wheedle, bluff, Syn. ปลิ้นปล้อน, ตลบตะแลง, Ant. ซื่อตรง, Example: เธอขี้ฉ้อตอแหลเอาเงินเขาไปจนเขาเกือบหมดตัว, Thai Definition: พลิกแพลงด้วยเล่ห์เหลี่ยมให้หลงเชื่อ
รถ(n) car, See also: vehicle, carriage, automobile, motor car, wheels, Syn. รถยนต์, Example: ถนนสุขุมวิทในช่วงเลิกงานมีปริมาณรถมากที่สุดกว่าถนนสายอื่นๆ, Thai Definition: ยานพาหนะทุกชนิดที่ใช้ในการขนส่งทางบกซึ่งเดินด้วยกำลังเครื่องยนต์ กำลังไฟฟ้า หรือพลังงานอื่น และหมายความรวมตลอดถึงรถพ่วงของรถนั้นด้วย
ล้อรถ(n) wheel, Syn. ล้อ, ลูกล้อ, Example: ล้อรถหมุนทะยานแต่ไม่เร็วจนเกินไป เพราะคนขับขับรถอย่างระมัดระวัง, Count Unit: ล้อ, Thai Definition: ส่วนประกอบของรถซึ่งเป็นวงกลมทำหน้าที่หมุนเคลื่อนเพื่อให้รถเคลื่อนตัวไป
กังหันน้ำ(n) water turbine, See also: water vane, water wheel, Example: กังหันน้ำ ที่ชาวบ้านทำขึ้นเป็นสิ่งประดิษฐ์จากไม้ไผ่ ถือเป็นภูมิปัญญาแบบชาวบ้าน, Count Unit: ตัว
รถเข็น(n) wheelbarrow, See also: pushcart, Count Unit: คัน, Thai Definition: รถสำหรับขนของมีที่จับให้เข็นไปได้
รถเข็น(n) wheelchair, Example: อุบัติเหตุในครั้งนี้ ถึงเขาจะไม่ตายก็กลายเป็นอัมพาต ต้องนั่งบนรถเข็น เดินเหินไปไหนมาไหนไม่ได้, Thai Definition: เก้าอี้มีล้อสำหรับคนพิการ
ล้อ(n) wheel, See also: roller, caster, Syn. ลูกล้อ, ล้อรถ, Example: รถคันนี้วิ่งไม่ได้เพราะล้อพัง, Thai Definition: ส่วนของรถซึ่งเป็นวงกลมสำหรับหมุนเคลื่อนพารถไป
ล้อเลื่อน(n) wheeled vehicle, Syn. ยานพาหนะ, Example: ประโยชน์ของรถไฟที่เห็นเด่นชัดกว่าล้อเลื่อนประเภทอื่นก็คือสามารถรับน้ำหนักบรรทุกได้สูง, Thai Definition: คำรวมเรียกรถต่างๆ
ล้อหน้า(n) front wheel, Example: ล้อหน้าจักรยานชนก้อนหินแล้วส่ายไปข้างทาง, Count Unit: ล้อ
ล้อหลัง(n) rear wheel, Example: ล้อหลังของรถถูกตะปูตำทำให้ยางแบน, Count Unit: ล้อ
เลี้ยว(v) turn, See also: make a turn, wheel, change course, veer, swerve, Example: เขาหักพวงมาลัยเลี้ยวขวาเต็มแรงจนรถแทบเสียหลัก, Thai Definition: หักแยก โค้ง หรือคดเคี้ยวไปจากแนวตรง
ออดอ้อนออเซาะ(v) talk sweetly, See also: butter up, wheedle, flatter, plead with sweet words, Syn. ฉอเลาะ, ประจบประแจง, Example: เธอออดอ้อนออเซาะแฟนให้พาเธอไปเต้นรำ
กงล้อ(n) wheel, Syn. วงล้อ, Example: ช่างตรึงยางนอกไว้กับกงล้ออีกชั้นด้วยลวดเพื่อจะได้ไม่ร่อนหลุดออกมา, Thai Definition: ส่วนรอบของล้อรถหรือเกวียน
คะยั้นคะยอ(v) urge, See also: exhort, coax, cajole, wheedle, Syn. รบเร้า, เซ้าซี้, Example: แม่เฒ่าคะยั้นคะยอให้ลูกชายกินข้าวให้มากๆ โดยเฉพาะไก่ต้มใส่ใบยา, Thai Definition: หนุนให้ทำ, ชักชวนให้ตกลงใจทำด้วยการรบเร้า
ปะเหลาะ(v) flatter, See also: fawn on, wheedle, cajole, fool, trick, Syn. ประจบ, ฉอเลาะ, Example: หนูมาปะเหลาะฉันเพราะอยากขนมใช่ไหม, Thai Definition: หลอกด้วยการหว่านล้อมหรือพูดหวาน
ฝักมะขาม(n) segment of a cart-wheel, See also: a piece stuck to the cart wheel, Count Unit: อัน, Thai Definition: ส่วนย่อยที่ต่อกันเป็นกงเกวียน
ฝักมะขาม(n) segment of a cart-wheel, See also: a piece of tamarind pod stuck to the cart wheel, Count Unit: อัน, Thai Definition: ส่วนย่อยที่ต่อกันเป็นกงเกวียน
พวงมาลัย(n) steering wheel (car), See also: helm (boat), Example: คนขับรถหมุนพวงมาลัยบังคับให้รถเลี้ยวไปทางขวา, Count Unit: อัน, Thai Definition: เครื่องสำหรับบังคับเรือไฟ หรือเรือยนต์ รถยนต์ ให้ไปตามทางที่ต้องการ
พะเน้าพะนอ(v) pamper spoil coddle, See also: coax, cajole, flatter, wheedle, Syn. เอาใจ, ตามใจ, พะนอ, Example: พอเขามาพะเน้าพะนอเดี่ยวเดียว เธอก็หายโกรธเป็นปลิดทิ้ง, Thai Definition: พร่ำพูดเอาใจ
แป้น(n) round board, See also: potter's wheel, platform, Syn. แท่น, Example: ช่างฝีมือปั้นหม้อโดยใช้แป้นหมุนเป็นเครื่องมือ, Count Unit: อัน, Thai Definition: กระดานที่มักมีรูปกลมแบน, ไม้ฐานสำหรับปั้นหม้อ, ไม้กระดานที่ติดไว้บนหัวเสา
มือสี(n) handle of a rice-husking wheel, See also: plank extending from the rice mill to be hooked, Count Unit: อัน, Thai Definition: ไม้ที่ยื่นออกมาจากเครื่องสีข้าวสำหรับเอาขอสับ
แป้น(n) round board, See also: potter's wheel, Syn. แท่น, Example: ช่างฝีมือปั้นหม้อต้องมีแป้นเป็นเครื่องมือสำคัญในการขึ้นรูป, Count Unit: แป้น, อัน, Thai Definition: กระดานที่มักมีรูปกลมแบน, ไม้ฐานสำหรับปั้นหม้อ, ไม้กระดานที่ติดไว้บนหัวเสา
ล้อฟันเฟือง(n) gearwheel, Syn. เฟือง, ฟันเฟือง, Count Unit: ตัว
เล้าโลม(v) wheedle, See also: console, soothe, appease, coax, cajole, Syn. โลมเล้า, โลม, โอ้โลม, Example: เขาค่อยๆ เล้าโลมทั้งคำพูดและการคลอเคลียใกล้ชิด เพื่อให้เธอยกโทษให้
แว้ง(v) turn suddenly, See also: swerve, wheel back, Syn. เหลียว, หัน, Example: จระเข้แว้งหางฟาดจนเรือล่ม, Thai Definition: อาการที่เอี้ยวหัวหรืออวัยวะบางส่วนโดยเร็วเพื่อกัดหรือทำร้ายเป็นต้น
แว้งกัด(v) turn to bite, See also: wheel back and bite, Syn. เหลียวกัด, Example: เราต้องรู้วิธีการจับงูที่ถูกต้อง เพราะมันอาจจะแว้งกัดได้, Thai Definition: กิริยาที่เอี้ยวตัวหรือคอไปกัดโดยเร็ว
ออเซาะ(v) cajole, See also: wheedle, woo, Syn. อ้อน, ฉอเลาะ, ประจบประแจง, Example: เธอออเซาะสามีให้พาไปภูเก็ต
ตะเฆ่(n) barrow, See also: trolley, two-wheeled handcart, luggage barrow, two or four-wheeled truck for hauling logs, Syn. รถสาลี่, รถลากเข็น, Example: เขาใช้ตะเฆ่ขนของ, Count Unit: คัน, Thai Definition: เครื่องลากเข็นของหนัก รูปเตี้ยๆ มีล้อ
ตีคอ(v) cajole, See also: flatter for a favour, wheedle, Syn. พูดประจบ, Thai Definition: พูดให้ต้องใจหรือให้ถูกอกถูกใจเพื่อหวังผลอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง
ถ่วงล้อ(v) balance a wheel, Thai Definition: ทำให้จุดศูนย์ถ่วงของล้อเท่ากัน
ถอยหลังเข้าคลอง(v) be retrogressive, See also: move backwards, be decadent, turn back the wheel of, Syn. ตกต่ำ, หวนกลับ, เสื่อมลง, Example: หากเรายังไม่เปลี่ยนแปลงพฤติกรรมเหล่านี้ก็จะทำให้ประเทศถอยหลังเข้าคลอง, Thai Definition: หวนกลับไปหาแบบเดิม
จูง(v) lead, See also: induce, persuade, wheel, influence, take, Syn. ลาก, ดึง, Example: เพื่อนบ้านย่านใกล้เคียงที่ยกโขยงหอบลูกจูงหลานออกมาฟังดนตรี, Thai Definition: นำหน้าพาไปด้วยอาการคล้ายดึงหรือฉุด
ฉวัดเฉวียน(v) circle, See also: hover, wheel, circumrotate, swoop about, buzz, Syn. โฉบ, วนเวียน, วกวน, เวียน, วน, Example: เครื่องบินสตูก้ากับเครื่องบินดำทิ้งระเบิดเมดเชอร์ชมิดท์ก็ฉวัดเฉวียนทำความพินาศวอดวายให้แก่สัมพันธมิตร, Thai Definition: อาการที่บินวนเวียนไปมาอย่างผาดโผน, แล่นเร็วอย่างผาดโผน
ฉอเลาะ(v) wheedle, See also: cajole, flatter, blandish, endear oneself to, fawn on, toady, curry favour with, Syn. ประจบ, ฉะอ้อน, ออดอ้อน, Example: เธอฉอเลาะคุณน้าเพราะอยากได้แหวนวงนั้น, Thai Definition: พูดออดอ้อนหรือแสดงกิริยาทำนองนั้นเพื่อให้เขาเอ็นดูเป็นต้น (มักใช้เฉพาะเด็กหรือผู้หญิง)
ฉะอ้อน(v) implore, See also: beseech, entreat, wheedle, cajole, coax, talk amorously, Syn. อ้อน, Example: เธอฉะอ้อนให้เขาหายโกรธเธอ, Thai Definition: แสดงกิริยาวาจาเพื่อให้เขาเมตตา
นายท้าย(n) steersman, See also: helmsman, wheelsman, Example: เรือลำนี้ใช้ฝีพายทั้งหมด 50 คนและนายท้ายเพียง 2 คน, Count Unit: คน, Thai Definition: ผู้ถือท้ายเรือ มีหน้าที่ควบคุมเรือให้แล่นไปตามทิศทาง โดยเฉพาะตามแม่น้ำลำคลอง
ระวิง(n) reel, See also: spool, spinning wheel, Syn. เครื่องปั่นด้าย, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: เครื่องสำหรับเอาเข็ดด้ายหรือไหมสวม เมื่อเวลาสาวเส้นด้ายจะได้ออกเป็นเส้นๆ ไม่ขาดไม่ยุ่ง
รถสิบล้อ(n) ten - wheeled truck, See also: ten wheeler, truck, Syn. รถบรรทุก, Example: ภารกิจประจำวันของเขาไม่มีอะไรมาก นอกจากการคุมคิวรถสิบล้อ, Count Unit: คัน
ประเล้าประโลม(v) comfort, See also: fondle, solace, console, soothe, cajole, coax, wheedle, Syn. เอาใจ, เล้าโลม, ปลอบโยน, เอาอกเอาใจ, Example: เขามักจะประเล้าประโลมเธออยู่เสมอๆ
ฉะอ้อน(v) wheedle, See also: cajole, coax, Syn. อ้อน, Thai Definition: แสดงกิริยาวาจาเพื่อให้เขาเมตตา
ชิงช้าสวรรค์(n) Ferris wheel, See also: Big Wheel, Syn. กระเช้าสวรรค์, Example: งานวัดส่วนใหญ่จะมีชิงช้าสวรรค์ทุกงาน, Thai Definition: อุปกรณ์เพื่อความเพลิดเพลินชนิดหนึ่ง มักมีตามสวนสนุกและในงานเทศกาลต่างๆ
กง(n) wheel, See also: rim, circle, Syn. กงล้อ, Example: เขาตรึงยางนอกไว้กับกงล้ออีกชั้นด้วยลวดเพื่อจะได้ไม่ร่อนหลุดออกมา, Count Unit: กง, วง, Thai Definition: ส่วนรอบของล้อรถหรือเกวียน
กงเกวียน(n) wheels of a cart, Syn. ล้อเกวียน
กงจักร(n) gear wheel, See also: toothed wheel, disk-shape weapon, Example: เทพเจ้าบางองค์ถือสายฟ้า บางองค์ถือกงจักร บางองค์ถือหอก ไม่มีเทพยดาองค์ใดถือความเมตตาอยู่ในมือขวา และความยุติธรรมอยู่ในมือซ้าย, Thai Definition: สิ่งที่มีรูปเป็นวงกลม มีริมเป็นแฉกๆ โดยรอบ
กระเช้าสวรรค์(n) Ferris wheel, Syn. ชิงช้าสวรรค์, Example: เด็กๆ ชอบนั่งกระเช้าสวรรค์เวลามีงานวัด, Count Unit: เครื่อง
กำ(n) spokes of a wheel, Count Unit: ซี่, Thai Definition: ซี่ล้อรถหรือเกวียน
กังหัน(n) pin wheel, Example: เด็กๆ ซื้อกังหันที่ขายตามงานวัดมาหมุนเล่น, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ของเล่นเด็ก
กังหัน(n) windmill, See also: wind-wheel, waterwheel, turbine, Syn. จังหัน, Example: พอลมพัดกังหันกลางทุ่งนาก็หมุน, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: สิ่งที่ประกอบด้วยใบพัดหมุนได้ด้วยกำลังลม
กังหันลม(n) wind wheel, See also: wind turbine, Example: ร้านอาหารร้านนี้มีกังหันลมเป็นสัญลักษณ์, Count Unit: ตัว
จักร(n) wheel, See also: toothed gear wheel, Example: ในเรือมีเครื่องยนต์ที่มีจักรประกอบอยู่ด้วย, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: สิ่งที่มีรูปเป็นวงกลม มีฟันเฟืองหมุนด้วยพลังงานต่างๆ

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ใบจาน[baijān] (n) EN: chainwheel
ใช่ลูกล่อลูกชน[chai lūk lø lūk chon] (xp) EN: wheeling and dealing
ฉะอ้อน[cha-øn] (v) EN: implore ; beseech ; entreat ; wheedle ; cajole ; coax ; talk amorously
ชิงช้าสวรรค์[chingchāsawan] (n, exp) EN: Ferris wheel ; Big Wheel  FR: grande roue [ f ]
ฉอเลาะ[chølǿ] (v) EN: wheedle ; cajole ; flatter ; blandish ; endear oneself to ; fawn on ; toady ; curry favour with  FR: flatter ; enjôler
ดุม[dum] (n) EN: hub ; hub of a wheel ; nave of an ox-cart ; nave box ; axle-nut of a whee  FR: moyeu [ m ]
ฝักมะขาม[fakmakhām] (n) EN: segment of a cart-wheel
เฟือง[feūang] (n) EN: cog ; gear wheel ; cogwheel  FR: engrenage [ m ] ; roue dentée [ f ] ; pignon [ m ]
จักร[jak] (n) EN: wheel ; disk = dis (Am.) ; discus  FR: roue [ f ] ; disque [ m ]
จักร[jak] (n) EN: toothed gear wheel ; cogwheel
จูง[jūng] (v) EN: lead ; wheel ; take  FR: mener ; conduire ; tenir
กังหัน[kanghan] (n) EN: wind wheel ; sail of a windmill ; waterwheel ; pinwheel ; turbine  FR: turbine [ f ] ; aube [ f ]
กังหันลม[kanghan lom] (n, exp) EN: wind wheel ; wind turbine ; wind propeller ; air turbine  FR: éolienne [ f ]
กังหันน้ำ[kanghan nām] (n, exp) EN: water turbine ; water vane ; water wheel
เก้าอี้เข็นคนไข้[kao-ī khēn khon khai] (n, exp) EN: wheel chair  FR: chaise roulante [ f ]
คะยั้นคะยอ[khayankhayø] (v) EN: urge; exhort ; coax ; cajole ; wheedle  FR: insister ; presser
ขี้ฉ้อตอแหล[khīchø tølaē] (v, exp) EN: deceive ; be deceitfu l; wheedle ; bluff
กง[kong] (n) EN: wheel ; ring ; rim ; circle ; circumference  FR: cercle [ m ] ; circonférence [ f ] ; roue [ f ] ; jante [ f ]
กงเกวียน[kong kwīen] (n, exp) EN: wheel of an oxcart  FR: roue de char à boeufs [ m ]
กงเกวียนกำเกวียน[kong kwīen kam kwīen] (n, exp) EN: law of universal causation ; fortune's wheel ; karma ; retribution  FR: loi universelle de causalité [ f ] ; roue de la fortune [ f ] ; karma [ m ] ; rétribution des actes [ f ]
กระเช้าสวรรค์[krachaosawan] (n) EN: Ferris wheel
กระทะล้อ[kratha lø] (n, exp) EN: wheel drum
เล่ม[lem] (n) EN: [ classifier : books, magazines ; knives, forks, spoons ; oxcarts ; wheels ; barrows ]  FR: [ classificateur : livres, magazines ; couteaux, fourchettes, cuillères ; charrettes à boeufs ; roues ; brouettes, charrettes à bras ]
เลี้ยว[līo] (v) EN: turn ; take a bend ; change course ; wheel ; veer ; swerve  FR: tourner ; virer
ล้อ[lø] (n) EN: wheel ; caster ; roller  FR: roue [ f ] ; roulette [ f ]
ล้อฟันเฟือง[lø fanfeūang] (n, exp) EN: gear wheel
ล้อกันล้ม[lø kan lom] (n, exp) EN: training wheel  FR: roue de sécurité [ f ]
ล้อขวา[lø khwā] (n, exp) EN: right wheel  FR: roue droite [ f ]
ล้อหลัง[lø lang] (n, exp) EN: rear wheel  FR: roue arrière [ f ]
ล้อเลื่อน[løleūoen] (n) EN: wheeled vehicle  FR: véhicule sur roues [ m ] ; matériel roulant [ m ]
ล้อแม็ก[lø maēk] (n, exp) EN: aluminium alloy wheel  FR: jante en allge [ f ]
ล้อหน้า[lø nā] (n, exp) EN: front wheel  FR: roue avant [ f ]
ล้อรถ[lø rot] (n) EN: wheel   FR: roue [ f ]
ล้อซ้าย[lø sāi] (n, exp) EN: left wheel  FR: roue gauche [ f ]
มือสี[meūsī] (n) EN: handle of a rice-husking wheel
หมุนเวียน[munwīen] (v) EN: circulate ; turn ; rotate ; revolve ; spin ; whirl ; wheel ; change hands  FR: circuler ; tourner ; changer de main
ออดอ้อนออเซาะ[øt-øn øsǿ] (v, exp) EN: talk sweetly ; butter up ; wheedle ; flatter ; plead with sweet words
แป้น[paen] (n, exp) EN: potter's wheel  FR: tour de potier [ m ]
พวงมาลัย[phūangmālai] (n, exp) EN: steering wheel ; helm  FR: volant [ m ] ; barre (d'un bateau) [ f ]
ระหัด[rahat] (n) EN: waterwheel  FR: noria [ f ] ; roue hydraulique [ f ]
รถ[rot] (n) EN: vehicle ; car ; automobile ; motor car ; wheeled vehicle ; carriage ; wagon ; cart  FR: véhicule [ m ] ; voiture [ f ] ; automobile [ f ] ; wagon [ m ] ; charrette [ f ] ; char [ m ] ; chariot [ m ]
รถหกล้อ[rot hok-lø] (n, exp) EN: six-wheeled truck ; six wheeler   FR: camion 6 roues [ m ]
รถเข็น[rotkhen] (n) EN: wheelbarrow ; handcart  FR: brouette [ f ]
รถเข็น[rotkhen] (n) EN: wheelchair ; wheel-chair ; stroller ; baby carriage  FR: fauteuil roulant [ m ] ; poussette [ f ]
รถเข็นสำหรับคนพิการ[rotkhen samrap khon phikān] (n, exp) EN: wheelchair  FR: fauteuil roulant [ f ]
รถสามล้อ[rot sāmlø] (n) EN: tricycle ; trishaw ; pedicab ; samlor ; three-wheeled vehicle ; motor-tricycle  FR: tricycle [ m ] ; triporteur [ m ] ; cyclo-pousse [ m ]
รถสิบล้อ[rot sip-lø] (n, exp) EN: ten-wheeled truck ; ten wheeler ; heavy lorry  FR: camion 10 roues [ m ] ; camion à triple essieu [ m ]
สามล้อ[sāmlø] (n) EN: tricycle ; trishaw ; rickshaw ;pedicab ; samlor ; three-wheeled pedicab ; three-wheeled vehicle  FR: cyclopousse = cyclo-pousse [ m ] ; rickshaw [ m ] ; vélopousse = vélo-pousse [ m ] ; tricycle [ m ] ; triporteur [ m ]
ธรรมจักร[thammajak] (n) EN: the Wheel of the Law  FR: la roue de la loi [ f ]
ถือพวงมาลัย[theū phūangmālai] (v, exp) EN: have one's hands on the wheel

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
awheel(adj) traveling by wheeled vehicle such as bicycle or automobile e.g.
balance wheel(n) a wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine; especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat, Syn. balance
bicycle wheel(n) the wheel of a bicycle
buffing wheel(n) a wheel that is covered with soft material
cartwheel(n) a wheel that has wooden spokes and a metal rim
cartwheel(n) acrobatic revolutions with the body turned sideways and the arms and legs outstretched like the spokes of a wheel
cartwheel(v) do cartwheels: perform an acrobatic movement using both hands and feet
car wheel(n) a wheel that has a tire and rim and hubcap; used to propel the car
catherine wheel(n) a circular firework that spins round and round emitting colored fire, Syn. pinwheel
daisy print wheel(n) a wheel around which is a set of print characters that make a typing impression on paper, Syn. daisy wheel
daisywheel printer(n) a printer that uses a daisy print wheel
driving wheel(n) a wheel that drives a motor vehicle (transforms torque into a tractive force)
escape wheel(n) gear that engages a rocking lever
ferris wheel(n) a vertical rotating mechanism consisting of a large wheel with suspended seats that remain upright as the wheel rotates; provides a ride at an amusement park
fifth wheel(n) someone or something that is unwanted and unneeded, Syn. deadwood
fifth wheel(n) an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle, Syn. spare
fifth wheel(n) a steering bearing that enables the front axle of a horse-drawn wagon to rotate
fluid flywheel(n) a kind of fluid coupling in which the flywheel is the driving rotor
flywheel(n) regulator consisting of a heavy wheel that stores kinetic energy and smooths the operation of a reciprocating engine
four-wheel(adj) of or relating to vehicles with four wheels, Syn. four-wheeled
four-wheel drive(n) a motor vehicle with a four-wheel drive transmission system, Syn. 4WD
four-wheel drive(n) a transmission that provides power directly to all four wheels of a motor vehicle, Syn. 4WD
four-wheeler(n) a hackney carriage with four wheels
freewheel(n) a clutch (as on the rear wheel of a bicycle) that allows wheels to turn freely (as in coasting)
freewheel(v) live unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely, Syn. drift
freewheel(v) coast in a vehicle using the freewheel
green-tailed towhee(n) towhee of the Rocky Mountains, Syn. Chlorura chlorura
grinding wheel(n) a wheel composed of abrasive material; used for grinding, Syn. emery wheel
handwheel(n) a wheel worked by hand
handwheel(n) control consisting of a wheel whose rim serves as the handle by which a part is operated
millwheel(n) water wheel that is used to drive machinery in a mill, Syn. mill wheel
motorized wheelchair(n) a wheelchair propelled by a motor
nosewheel(n) a wheel located under the nose of an airplane that is part of the plane's landing gear
paddlewheel(n) a large wheel fitted with paddles and driven by an engine in order to propel a boat, Syn. paddle wheel
pinwheel(n) perennial subshrub of Tenerife having leaves in rosettes resembling pinwheels, Syn. Aeonium haworthii
pinwheel(n) a wheel that has numerous pins that are set at right angles to its rim
pinwheel(n) a toy consisting of vanes of colored paper or plastic that is pinned to a stick and spins when it is pointed into the wind, Syn. pinwheel wind collector
pinwheel roll(n) pinwheel-shaped rolls spread with cinnamon and sugar and filled with e.g. jam before baking
pinwheel-shaped(adj) having the round shape of a pinwheel
potter's wheel(n) a horizontal rotating wheel holding the clay being shaped by a potter
prayer wheel(n) a cylinder with prayers written on it; each revolution counts as uttering the prayers; used especially by Buddhists in Tibet
ratchet wheel(n) toothed wheel held in place by a pawl or detent and turned by a lever
roulette wheel(n) game equipment consisting of a wheel with slots that is used for gambling; the wheel rotates horizontally and players bet on which slot the roulette ball will stop in, Syn. wheel
side-wheeler(n) a paddle steamer having a paddle wheel on each side
spinning wheel(n) a small domestic spinning machine with a single spindle that is driven by hand or foot
steering wheel(n) a handwheel that is used for steering, Syn. wheel
sternwheeler(n) a paddle steamer having the paddle wheel in the stern
three-wheel(adj) of or relating to vehicles having three wheels, Syn. three-wheeled
towhee(n) any of numerous long-tailed American finches
two-wheel(adj) of or relating to vehicles with two wheels, Syn. two-wheeled

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53
Archibald wheel

A metal-hubbed wheel of great strength and elasticity, esp. adapted for artillery carriages and motor cars. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Artillery wheel

. A kind of heavily built dished wheel with a long axle box, used on gun carriages, usually having 14 spokes and 7 felloes; hence, a wheel of similar construction for use on automobiles, etc. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Balance wheel

1. (Horology) (a) A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock; -- often called simply a balance. (b) A ratchet-shaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance). [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Mach.) A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine; a fly wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A water wheel, on which the stream of water strikes neither so high as in the overshot wheel, nor so low as in the undershot, but generally at about half the height of the wheel, being kept in contact with it by the breasting. The water acts on the float boards partly by impulse, partly by its weight. [ 1913 Webster ]

Brush wheel

1. A wheel without teeth, used to turn a similar one by the friction of bristles or something brushlike or soft attached to the circumference. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A circular revolving brush used by turners, lapidaries, silversmiths, etc., for polishing. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. the type of wheel used on a cart; it typically has wooden spokes and a metal rim. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. an acrobatic maneuver in which the arms and legs are outstretched like the spokes of a wheel, and the body is turned sideways through one or more revolutions, by first touching the hands and then the feet to the ground, in rapid succession so as to mimic the rolling of a wheel; in the course of this feat, the person performing it is alternately upright and upside-down. [ WordNet 1.5 +PJC ]

3. a silver dollar; a dollar made of silver. [ Colloq. ] [ WordNet 1.5 ]


v. i. 1 to perform a cartwheel{ 2 }.
Syn. -- do cartwheels. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Car wheel

A flanged wheel of a railway car or truck. [ 1913 Webster ]

Catharine wheel

See catherine wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]

Catherine wheel

[ So called from St. Catherine of Alexandria, who is represented with a wheel, in allusion to her martyrdom. ] 1. (Geoth.Arth.) Same as Rose window and Wheel window. Called also Catherine-wheel window. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Pyrotechny) A revolving piece of fireworks resembling in form the window of the same name. [ Written also Catharine wheel. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Chain wheel

1. A chain pulley, or sprocket wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. An inversion of the chain pump, by which it becomes a motor driven by water. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A wheel with cogs or teeth; a gear wheel. See Illust. of Gearing. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. (Mil.) To cause to wheel or turn in an opposite direction. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The wheel in a clock which regulates the number of strokes. [ 1913 Webster ]

Crown wheel

[ Named from its resemblance to a crown. ] (Mach.) A wheel with cogs or teeth set at right angles to its plane; -- called also a contrate wheel or face wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. To encircle. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

escape wheel

n. The rotating wheel in an escapement mechanism which has notches that are periodically engaged and disengaged by the anchor. [ PJC ]

Ferris wheel

An amusement device consisting of a giant power-driven vertically oriented steel wheel, revolvable on its horizontal stationary axle, and carrying a number of balanced passenger cars or open seats around its rim; the seats are suspended so as to remain horizontal as the wheel rotates, and, depending on the size of the wheel, the passengers when they reach the top may have a grand vista of the surrounding area; -- so called after G. W. G. Ferris, American engineer, who erected the first of its kind for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. Ferris wheels are often found at traveling fairs and at permanent amusement parks. The Reisenrad in Vienna is one of the world's largest and most famous Ferris wheels. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC ]


n. An annual of the central U. S. (Gaillardia pulchella) having showy long-stalked yellow flower heads marked with scarlet or purple in the center.
Syn. -- blanket flower, Indian blanket, Gaillardia pulchella. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. A heavy wheel or disk which stores kinetic energy by rotating on a shaft, and by its momentum smoothes the operation of a reciprocating engine by reducing fluctuations of speed. It is used in certain types of machinery, such as automobiles. [ WordNet 1.5 +PJC ]

☞ Flywheels rotating at high speed have also been proposed as a means to store kinetic energy for use as a low-polluting source of energy in vehicles. [ PJC ]


a. Having four wheels. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A vehicle having four wheels; specifically, a hackney carriage with four weels. [ Colloq. ] [ 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5 ]


n. (Mach.) A clutch fitted in the rear hub of a cycle, which engages the rear sprocket with the rear wheel when the pedals are rotated forwards, but permits the rear wheel to run on free from the rear sprocket when the pedals are stopped or rotated backwards. Freewheelcycles are usually fitted with hub brakes or rim brakes, operated by back pedaling. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


v. i. 1. (a) Of a freewheel cycle, to run on while the pedals are held still. (b) Of a person, to ride a cycle of this manner; to coast in a vehicle having a freewheel. To ride a freewheel cycle. [ wns=2 ] [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

2. (Mach.) To operate like a freewheel, so that one part moves freely over another which normally moves with it; -- said of a clutch. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

3. To act without controls, external or internal; to live freely, independently, and without concern; -- of people. [ wns=1 ] [ PJC ]


n. Someone acting freely or even irresponsibly.
Syn. -- free agent, free spirit. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


adj. Acting heedless of consequences; acting without controls, external or internal; as, freewheeling foolishness.
Syn. -- careless, irresponsible, reckless. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Fudge wheel

(Shoemaking) A tool for ornamenting the edge of a sole. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Mach.) Any wheel worked by hand; esp., one the rim of which serves as the handle by which a valve, car brake, or other part is adjusted. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. To encircle. [ R. ] Beau. & Fl. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A program that delivers hot meals to persons, such as the elderly or disabled, who are confined to their homes and unable to cook for themselves; also, the meals thus delivered. Such programs are usually conducted by governmental or charitable organizations. [ PJC ]

Variants: meals on wheels

n. a waterwheel that is used to drive machinery in a mill. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Pelton wheel

(Mech.) A form of impulse turbine or water wheel, consisting of a row of double cup-shaped buckets arranged round the rim of a wheel and actuated by one or more jets of water playing into the cups at high velocity. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Pilot wheel

. (Mach.) A wheel, usually with radial handles projecting from the rim, for traversing the saddle of a machine tool, esp. an automatic machine tool, by hand. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. (Horol.) The wheel in an escapement (as of a clock or a watch) into the teeth of which the pallets play. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Having a paddle wheel on each side; -- said of steam vessels; as, a side-wheel steamer. [ 1913 Webster ]

Split wheel

. same as Split pulley. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Sprocket wheel

[ Etymology of sprocket is uncertain. ] (Mach.) Same as Chain wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Having a paddle wheel at the stern; as, a stern-wheel steamer. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A steamboat having a stern wheel instead of side wheels. [ Colloq. U.S. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Stream wheel

. A wheel used for measuring, by its motion when submerged, the velocity of flowing water; a current wheel. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Tangent wheel

. (a) A worm or worm wheel; a tangent screw. (b) A wheel with tangent spokes. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. (Zool.) The chewink. [ 1913 Webster ]

Traction wheel

. (Mach.) (a) A locomotive driving wheel which acts by friction adhesion to a smooth track. (b) A smooth-rimmed friction wheel for giving motion to an endless link belt or the like. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Training wheels

a pair of small wheels attached to the rear of a bicycle to keep the bicycle upright; -- used to assist those, especially small children, learning how to ride a bicycle. [ PJC ]

Trammel wheel

. (Mach.) A circular plate or a cross, with two or more cross grooves intersecting at the center, used on the end of a shaft to transmit motion to another shaft not in line with the first. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. A wheel turned by persons or animals, by treading, climbing, or pushing with the feet, upon its periphery or face. See Treadmill. [ 1913 Webster ]

Water wheel

1. Any wheel for propelling machinery or for other purposes, that is made to rotate by the direct action of water; -- called an overshot wheel when the water is applied at the top, an undershot wheel when at the bottom, a breast wheel when at an intermediate point; other forms are called reaction wheel, vortex wheel, turbine wheel, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The paddle wheel of a steam vessel. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A wheel for raising water; a noria, or the like. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Wheedled p. pr. & vb. n. Wheedling ] [ Cf. G. wedeln to wag with the tail, as a dog, wedel a fan, tail, brush, OHG. wadal; akin to G. wehen to blow, and E. wind, n. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. To entice by soft words; to cajole; to flatter; to coax. [ 1913 Webster ]

The unlucky art of wheedling fools. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

And wheedle a world that loves him not. Tennyson. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To grain, or get away, by flattery. [ 1913 Webster ]

A deed of settlement of the best part of her estate, which I wheedled out of her. Congreve. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To flatter; to coax; to cajole. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OE. wheel, hweol, AS. hweól, hweogul, hweowol; akin to D. wiel, Icel. hvēl, Gr. ky`klos, Skr. cakra; cf. Icel. hjōl, Dan. hiul, Sw. hjul. √218. Cf. Cycle, Cyclopedia. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A circular frame turning about an axis; a rotating disk, whether solid, or a frame composed of an outer rim, spokes or radii, and a central hub or nave, in which is inserted the axle, -- used for supporting and conveying vehicles, in machinery, and for various purposes; as, the wheel of a wagon, of a locomotive, of a mill, of a watch, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]

The gasping charioteer beneath the wheel
Of his own car. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Any instrument having the form of, or chiefly consisting of, a wheel. Specifically: -- [ 1913 Webster ]

(a) A spinning wheel. See under Spinning. [ 1913 Webster ]

(b) An instrument of torture formerly used. [ 1913 Webster ]

His examination is like that which is made by the rack and wheel. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ This mode of torture is said to have been first employed in Germany, in the fourteenth century. The criminal was laid on a cart wheel with his legs and arms extended, and his limbs in that posture were fractured with an iron bar. In France, where its use was restricted to the most atrocious crimes, the criminal was first laid on a frame of wood in the form of a St. Andrew's cross, with grooves cut transversely in it above and below the knees and elbows, and the executioner struck eight blows with an iron bar, so as to break the limbs in those places, sometimes finishing by two or three blows on the chest or stomach, which usually put an end to the life of the criminal, and were hence called coups-de-grace -- blows of mercy. The criminal was then unbound, and laid on a small wheel, with his face upward, and his arms and legs doubled under him, there to expire, if he had survived the previous treatment. Brande. [ 1913 Webster ]

(c) (Naut.) A circular frame having handles on the periphery, and an axle which is so connected with the tiller as to form a means of controlling the rudder for the purpose of steering. [ 1913 Webster ]

(d) (Pottery) A potter's wheel. See under Potter. [ 1913 Webster ]

Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. Jer. xviii. 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

Turn, turn, my wheel! This earthen jar
A touch can make, a touch can mar. Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]

(e) (Pyrotechny) A firework which, while burning, is caused to revolve on an axis by the reaction of the escaping gases. [ 1913 Webster ]

(f) (Poetry) The burden or refrain of a song. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ “This meaning has a low degree of authority, but is supposed from the context in the few cases where the word is found.” Nares. [ 1913 Webster ]

You must sing a-down a-down,
An you call him a-down-a.
O, how the wheel becomes it! Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

[ 1913 Webster ]

3. A bicycle or a tricycle; a velocipede. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. A rolling or revolving body; anything of a circular form; a disk; an orb. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. A turn revolution; rotation; compass. [ 1913 Webster ]

According to the common vicissitude and wheel of things, the proud and the insolent, after long trampling upon others, come at length to be trampled upon themselves. South. [ 1913 Webster ]

[ He ] throws his steep flight in many an aery wheel. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

A wheel within a wheel, or
Wheels within wheels
, a complication of circumstances, motives, etc. --
Balance wheel. See in the Vocab. --
Bevel wheel,
Brake wheel,
Cam wheel,
Fifth wheel,
Overshot wheel,
Spinning wheel, etc.
See under Bevel, Brake, etc. --
Core wheel. (Mach.) (a) A mortise gear. (b) A wheel having a rim perforated to receive wooden cogs; the skeleton of a mortise gear. --
Measuring wheel, an odometer, or perambulator. --
Wheel and axle (Mech.), one of the elementary machines or mechanical powers, consisting of a wheel fixed to an axle, and used for raising great weights, by applying the power to the circumference of the wheel, and attaching the weight, by a rope or chain, to that of the axle. Called also axis in peritrochio, and perpetual lever, -- the principle of equilibrium involved being the same as in the lever, while its action is continuous. See Mechanical powers, under Mechanical. --
Wheel animal, or
Wheel animalcule
(Zool.), any one of numerous species of rotifers having a ciliated disk at the anterior end. --
Wheel barometer. (Physics) See under Barometer. --
Wheel boat, a boat with wheels, to be used either on water or upon inclined planes or railways. --
Wheel bug (Zool.), a large North American hemipterous insect (Prionidus cristatus) which sucks the blood of other insects. So named from the curious shape of the prothorax. --
Wheel carriage, a carriage moving on wheels. --
Wheel chains, or
Wheel ropes
(Naut.), the chains or ropes connecting the wheel and rudder. --
Wheel cutter, a machine for shaping the cogs of gear wheels; a gear cutter. --
Wheel horse, one of the horses nearest to the wheels, as opposed to a leader, or forward horse; -- called also wheeler. --
Wheel lathe, a lathe for turning railway-car wheels. --
Wheel lock. (a) A letter lock. See under Letter. (b) A kind of gunlock in which sparks were struck from a flint, or piece of iron pyrites, by a revolving wheel. (c) A kind of brake a carriage. --
Wheel ore (Min.), a variety of bournonite so named from the shape of its twin crystals. See Bournonite. --
Wheel pit (Steam Engine), a pit in the ground, in which the lower part of the fly wheel runs. --
Wheel plow, or
Wheel plough
, a plow having one or two wheels attached, to render it more steady, and to regulate the depth of the furrow. --
Wheel press, a press by which railway-car wheels are forced on, or off, their axles. --
Wheel race, the place in which a water wheel is set. --
Wheel rope (Naut.), a tiller rope. See under Tiller. --
Wheel stitch (Needlework), a stitch resembling a spider's web, worked into the material, and not over an open space. Caulfeild & S. (Dict. of Needlework). --
Wheel tree (Bot.), a tree (Aspidosperma excelsum) of Guiana, which has a trunk so curiously fluted that a transverse section resembles the hub and spokes of a coarsely made wheel. See Paddlewood. --
Wheel urchin (Zool.), any sea urchin of the genus Rotula having a round, flat shell. --
Wheel window (Arch.), a circular window having radiating mullions arranged like the spokes of a wheel. Cf. Rose window, under Rose.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[lún, ㄌㄨㄣˊ, / ] wheel; gear; (by) turn; rotate #1,010 [Add to Longdo]
[tāi, ㄊㄞ, ] fetus; litter; tire (of a wheel); abbr. of 輪胎|轮胎 #5,521 [Add to Longdo]
驱动[qū dòng, ㄑㄩ ㄉㄨㄥˋ,   /  ] to drive; to propel; drive (vehicle wheel); drive mechanism (tape or disk); device driver (computing software) #7,060 [Add to Longdo]
[xiá, ㄒㄧㄚˊ, / ] to govern; to control; having jurisdiction over; linchpin of a wheel (archaic); noise of a barrow #10,843 [Add to Longdo]
小车[xiǎo chē, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄔㄜ,   /  ] small model car; mini-car; small horse-cart; barrow; wheelbarrow; type of folk dance #11,761 [Add to Longdo]
车轮[chē lún, ㄔㄜ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] a wheel #12,947 [Add to Longdo]
方向盘[fāng xiàng pán, ㄈㄤ ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄆㄢˊ,    /   ] steering wheel #13,736 [Add to Longdo]
轮椅[lún yǐ, ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄧˇ,   /  ] wheelchair #15,616 [Add to Longdo]
齿轮[chǐ lún, ㄔˇ ㄌㄨㄣˊ, 齿  /  ] (machine) gear; pinion (gear wheel) #17,495 [Add to Longdo]
轮子[lún zi, ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄗ˙,   /  ] wheel #23,617 [Add to Longdo]
风车[fēng chē, ㄈㄥ ㄔㄜ,   /  ] pinwheel; windmill #25,574 [Add to Longdo]
[còu, ㄘㄡˋ, / ] converge; hub of wheel #30,675 [Add to Longdo]
呼噜[hū lū, ㄏㄨ ㄌㄨ,   /  ] onomat. to snore; wheezing #34,526 [Add to Longdo]
轮毂[lún gǔ, ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄍㄨˇ,   /  ] wheel hub #36,267 [Add to Longdo]
周而复始[zhōu ér fù shǐ, ㄓㄡ ㄦˊ ㄈㄨˋ ㄕˇ,     /    ] lit. the cycle comes back to the start (成语 saw); to move in circles; the wheel comes full circle #38,646 [Add to Longdo]
巨轮[jù lún, ㄐㄩˋ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] large ship; large wheel #40,042 [Add to Longdo]
[fú, ㄈㄨˊ, / ] spoke of a wheel #43,056 [Add to Longdo]
砂轮[shā lún, ㄕㄚ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] grinding wheel; emery wheel #46,079 [Add to Longdo]
[gū, ㄍㄨ, / ] wheel #51,306 [Add to Longdo]
[gǔ, ㄍㄨˇ, / ] hub of wheel #51,306 [Add to Longdo]
法轮[Fǎ lún, ㄈㄚˇ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] the Eternal Wheel of life in Buddhism #55,199 [Add to Longdo]
叶轮[yè lún, ㄧㄝˋ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] turbine wheel #58,169 [Add to Longdo]
翻跟头[fān gēn tou, ㄈㄢ ㄍㄣ ㄊㄡ˙,    /   ] to tumble; to turn a cartwheel; a somersault #73,582 [Add to Longdo]
[wǎng, ㄨㄤˇ, / ] tire; wheel band #74,957 [Add to Longdo]
倒爷[dǎo yé, ㄉㄠˇ ㄧㄝˊ,   /  ] profiteer; wheeler dealer; tradesman who buys low and sell high #79,691 [Add to Longdo]
纺车[fǎng chē, ㄈㄤˇ ㄔㄜ,   /  ] spinning wheel #89,908 [Add to Longdo]
翻筋斗[fān jīn dǒu, ㄈㄢ ㄐㄧㄣ ㄉㄡˇ,   ] to tumble; to turn a cartwheel; a somersault #97,415 [Add to Longdo]
呼噜噜[hū lū lū, ㄏㄨ ㄌㄨ ㄌㄨ,    /   ] onomat. to snore; wheezing #104,040 [Add to Longdo]
轮齿[lún chǐ, ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄔˇ,  齿 /  ] tooth of cog wheel; gear tooth #109,689 [Add to Longdo]
辐条[fú tiáo, ㄈㄨˊ ㄊㄧㄠˊ,   /  ] (wheel) spoke #116,000 [Add to Longdo]
车条[chē tiáo, ㄔㄜ ㄊㄧㄠˊ,   /  ] spoke (of wheel) #167,453 [Add to Longdo]
摆轮[bǎi lún, ㄅㄞˇ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] balance (of a watch or clock); balance wheel #173,147 [Add to Longdo]
[lì, ㄌㄧˋ, / ] to bully; wheel-rut #174,003 [Add to Longdo]
[lín, ㄌㄧㄣˊ, / ] rumbling of wheels #174,995 [Add to Longdo]
终而复始[zhōng ér fù shǐ, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄦˊ ㄈㄨˋ ㄕˇ,     /    ] lit. the end comes back to the start (成语 saw); the wheel comes full circle #247,885 [Add to Longdo]
[quán, ㄑㄩㄢˊ, / ] small; wheel without spokes #278,399 [Add to Longdo]
[róu, ㄖㄡˊ, ] wheel band #346,369 [Add to Longdo]
[shū, ㄕㄨ, ] the hole in the center of a wheel accommodating the axle (archaic) #720,037 [Add to Longdo]
[gū, ㄍㄨ, ] wheel #746,237 [Add to Longdo]
[xī, ㄒㄧ, ] a name of an old town in Sichuan; cuckoo; revolution of a wheel #853,884 [Add to Longdo]
全轮[quán lún, ㄑㄩㄢˊ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] front wheel [Add to Longdo]
全轮驱动[quán lún qū dòng, ㄑㄩㄢˊ ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄑㄩ ㄉㄨㄥˋ,     /    ] front wheel drive [Add to Longdo]
半履带[bān lǚ dài, ㄅㄢ ㄌㄩˇ ㄉㄞˋ,    /   ] half-track (vehicle with both wheels and caterpillar treads) [Add to Longdo]
嚣张气焰[xiāo zhāng qì yàn, ㄒㄧㄠ ㄓㄤ ㄑㄧˋ ㄧㄢˋ,     /    ] overwheening attitude; threatening manner [Add to Longdo]
四轮驱动[sì lún qū dòng, ㄙˋ ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄑㄩ ㄉㄨㄥˋ,     /    ] four wheel drive [Add to Longdo]
摩天轮[mó tiān lún, ㄇㄛˊ ㄊㄧㄢ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,    /   ] Ferris wheel; observation wheel [Add to Longdo]
旋工[xuàn gōng, ㄒㄩㄢˋ ㄍㄨㄥ,  ] lathe operator; spinning wheel worker [Add to Longdo]
横筋斗[héng jīn dǒu, ㄏㄥˊ ㄐㄧㄣ ㄉㄡˇ,   ] to tumble; to turn a cartwheel; a somersault [Add to Longdo]
水轮[shuǐ lún, ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄌㄨㄣˊ,   /  ] waterwheel; millwheel [Add to Longdo]
翻转[fān zhuǎn, ㄈㄢ ㄓㄨㄢˇ,   /  ] to roll (a wheel) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Achsfolge { f }wheel arrangement [Add to Longdo]
Achsstand { n } [ techn. ]wheel base [Add to Longdo]
Aktionsrad { n }impulse wheel [Add to Longdo]
Allrad...all-wheel [Add to Longdo]
Antriebsrad { m } [ techn. ]drive wheel; driving wheel; power wheel [ Am. ]; traction wheel [Add to Longdo]
Ausdrehung { f }cut out; wheel tread [Add to Longdo]
Bedienungshandrad { n }; Schaltrad { n }control wheel [Add to Longdo]
Bordscheibe { f }flanged wheel [Add to Longdo]
Diamantenscheibe { f }diamond wheel [Add to Longdo]
Drehscheibe { f }(potter's) wheel [Add to Longdo]
elektrisch angetriebene Drehscheibe { f }power-wheel; electric powered wheel [Add to Longdo]
Dreirad { n } | Dreiräder { pl }three wheeler | three wheelers [Add to Longdo]
Ersatzrad { n }spare wheel [Add to Longdo]
Fahrzeug { n } | Fahrzeuge { pl }wheeler | wheelers [Add to Longdo]
Farbenrad { n }color wheel [Add to Longdo]
Flügelrad { n }fan wheel [Add to Longdo]
Freilauf { m }free wheel; freewheel [Add to Longdo]
Fußdrehscheibe { f }kick wheel [Add to Longdo]
Gebetsmühle { f }prayer wheel; prayer mill [Add to Longdo]
Gebläserad { n }blower wheel; impeller [Add to Longdo]
Gleichdruckrad { n }impulse wheel [Add to Longdo]
Handrad { n }handwheel [Add to Longdo]
Heckantrieb { m }rear-wheel drive [Add to Longdo]
Hinterrad { n } | Hinterräder { pl }rear wheel; back wheel | back wheels [Add to Longdo]
Hinterradantrieb { m } | Hinterradantriebe { pl }rear wheel drive | the rear wheel drives [Add to Longdo]
Igelrad { n }sprocket wheel [Add to Longdo]
Kammrad { n }cog wheel; brake wheel [Add to Longdo]
Kegelrad { n } [ techn. ]bevel gear wheel; bevel wheel [Add to Longdo]
Kettenblatt { n }chain ring; chainwheel [Add to Longdo]
Kettenrad { n }chain wheel [Add to Longdo]
Kettenrolle { f }chain wheel; return sprocket [Add to Longdo]
Klinkenrad { n }ratch-wheel [Add to Longdo]
jdm. einen Knüppel zwischen die Beine werfen [ übtr. ]to put a spoke in someone's wheel [Add to Longdo]
Kreuzschlüssel { m } [ techn. ]wheel lug wrench [Add to Longdo]
Laufrad { n }bogie wheel; wheel [Add to Longdo]
Läppscheibe { f }lapping wheel [Add to Longdo]
Laufkranz { m }wheel tread [Add to Longdo]
Laufrad { n }; Stützrad { m }; Tragrad { n }carrying wheel [Add to Longdo]
Laufrollenabdeckung { f }wheel cover [Add to Longdo]
Leitrad { n }guide wheel [Add to Longdo]
Lenkrad { n }; Steuer { n } | verstellbares Lenkradsteering wheel | adjustable steering wheel [Add to Longdo]
Lenkradschloss { n }steering-column lock; steering-wheel lock [Add to Longdo]
Lüfterrad { n }fanwheel [Add to Longdo]
Mausrad { n } [ comp. ]mouse wheel [Add to Longdo]
Nachleitrad { n }guide wheel [Add to Longdo]
Planetenrad { n } [ techn. ]planetary wheel [Add to Longdo]
Polradwinkel { m }polar wheel angle [Add to Longdo]
Rad { n } | Räder { pl } | beidseitig montierbares Rad [ auto ] | einstellbares Rad | fünftes Rad | gegossenes Rad | gelenktes Rad | geschmiedetes Rad | verformtes Rad | verstellbares Rad | das Rad neu erfinden; das Rad noch einmal erfinden [ übtr. ]wheel | wheels | reversible wheel | adjustable wheel | fifth wheel | cast wheel | steered wheel | forged wheel | buckled wheel | adjustable wheel | to reinvent the wheel [Add to Longdo]
Radantrieb { m } | Radantriebe { pl }wheel drive | wheel drives [Add to Longdo]
Radaufhängung { f } | Radaufhängungen { pl }wheel suspension | wheel suspensions [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[くるま, kuruma] (n) (1) car; automobile; vehicle; (2) wheel; (P) #327 [Add to Longdo]
[ねこ, neko] (n) (1) cat; (2) shamisen; (3) geisha; (4) (abbr) (See 猫車) wheelbarrow; (5) (abbr) (See 猫火鉢) clay bed-warmer; (6) (uk) (col) (ant #1,982 [Add to Longdo]
[りん, rin] (ctr) counter for wheels and flowers #2,035 [Add to Longdo]
輪(P);環[わ, wa] (n) (1) ring; circle; loop; (2) (See フープ) hoop; (3) wheel; (4) circle (e.g. of friends); (P) #2,035 [Add to Longdo]
走行[そうこう, soukou] (n, vs) running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car); running to program, job, etc.; traveling; travelling; (P) #3,732 [Add to Longdo]
ホイール[hoi-ru] (n) wheel; (P) #6,824 [Add to Longdo]
車輪[しゃりん, sharin] (n) (car) wheel; (P) #9,096 [Add to Longdo]
ハンドル[handoru] (n) (1) handle; (2) steering wheel; (3) (bicycle) handlebar; (P) #9,497 [Add to Longdo]
歯車[はぐるま, haguruma] (n) gear; cog-wheel; (P) #11,333 [Add to Longdo]
車椅子(P);車いす[くるまいす, kurumaisu] (n) wheelchair; folding push-chair; (P) #12,203 [Add to Longdo]
前輪[ぜんりん;まえわ, zenrin ; maewa] (n) (1) front wheel; (2) (まえわ only) saddle fork #15,501 [Add to Longdo]
水車[すいしゃ, suisha] (n) water wheel; (P) #17,404 [Add to Longdo]
山車[やまぐるま;ヤマグルマ, yamaguruma ; yamaguruma] (n) (uk) wheel tree (Trochodendron araloides) #17,836 [Add to Longdo]
動輪[どうりん, dourin] (n) driving wheel #18,513 [Add to Longdo]
風車[かざぐるま;ふうしゃ;カザグルマ, kazaguruma ; fuusha ; kazaguruma] (n) (1) (かざぐるま only) pinwheel (toy); windmill (toy); (2) windmill; (3) (かざぐるま, カザグルマ only) (uk) Clematis patens (species of climbing plant) #18,582 [Add to Longdo]
4WD[よんダブリューディー, yon daburyu-dei-] (n) four-wheel drive (vehicle) [Add to Longdo]
RV車;アールブイ車[アールブイしゃ, a-rubui sha] (n) sports utility vehicle; SUV; four wheel drive (car or minivan); lit [Add to Longdo]
お邪魔虫;御邪魔虫[おじゃまむし, ojamamushi] (n) someone who gets in the way without serving any useful purpose; fly in the ointment; buttinsky; third wheel [Add to Longdo]
すうすう[suusuu] (adv, vs) (on-mim) sound of wind rustling through a crack; wheezing [Add to Longdo]
ぜいぜい;ぜえぜえ[zeizei ; zeezee] (adv, adv-to, vs) (on-mim) gasping for breath; puffing and panting; wheezing [Add to Longdo]
ぴゅうぴゅう[pyuupyuu] (adv) sound of whistling or wheezing [Add to Longdo]
ウィリー;ウイリー[uiri-; uiri-] (n) wheelie [Add to Longdo]
オート三輪[オートさんりん, o-to sanrin] (n) three-wheeler vehicle [Add to Longdo]
キャリーバック[kyari-bakku] (n) (1) large bag with handles; carry bag; (2) small case with wheels; (3) bringing the ball back to one's own position (rugby) (wasei [Add to Longdo]
サムホイール[samuhoi-ru] (n) { comp } thumb wheel [Add to Longdo]
スリーター[suri-ta-] (n) three-wheeled bicycle (wasei [Add to Longdo]
ゼーゼー[ze-ze-] (adv) (on-mim) wheezing sound; gasping sound [Add to Longdo]
ゼーゼー言う[ゼーゼーいう, ze-ze-iu] (exp, v5u) to wheeze; to breathe with difficulty; to gasp [Add to Longdo]
デージーホイールプリンタ[de-ji-hoi-rupurinta] (n) { comp } daisy-wheel printer [Add to Longdo]
デイジーホイールプリンタ[deiji-hoi-rupurinta] (n) { comp } daisywheel printer [Add to Longdo]
トーイン[to-in] (n) toe-in (alignment of the front wheels of a motor vehicle closer together at the front than at the back) [Add to Longdo]
フライホイール(P);フライホイイル[furaihoi-ru (P); furaihoiiru] (n) flywheel; (P) [Add to Longdo]
フラマグ[furamagu] (n) (abbr) flywheel magnet [Add to Longdo]
フロントドライブ[furontodoraibu] (n) front wheel drive [Add to Longdo]
ホイールアライメント[hoi-ruaraimento] (n) wheel alignment [Add to Longdo]
ホイールキャップ[hoi-rukyappu] (n) wheel cap [Add to Longdo]
ホイールスピン[hoi-rusupin] (n) wheelspin [Add to Longdo]
ホイールベース[hoi-rube-su] (n) wheelbase [Add to Longdo]
ホイールマウス[hoi-rumausu] (n) { comp } wheel mouse; computer mouse with a wheel [Add to Longdo]
マニ車[マニぐるま, mani guruma] (n) prayer wheel; Mani wheel [Add to Longdo]
ラチェット[rachietto] (n, adj-f) (See 爪車) ratchet; toothed wheel [Add to Longdo]
ワゴンモール[wagonmo-ru] (n) plastic moulding over cables to prevent damage by wheels (wasei [Add to Longdo]
一輪[いちりん, ichirin] (n, adj-no) (1) one flower; (2) one wheel; (3) (arch) full moon [Add to Longdo]
一輪車[いちりんしゃ, ichirinsha] (n) unicycle; monocycle; wheelbarrow [Add to Longdo]
印字ホイール[いんじホイール, inji hoi-ru] (n) { comp } print wheel [Add to Longdo]
横車[よこぐるま, yokoguruma] (exp, n) (1) (See 横車を押す) perverseness; obstinacy; something unreasonable (like pushing a cart from the side (instead of from behind)); (n) (2) side wheel throw (judo) [Add to Longdo]
回し車[まわしぐるま, mawashiguruma] (n) (hamster) wheel [Add to Longdo]
外輪[がいりん;そとわ, gairin ; sotowa] (n) wheel rim; paddle wheel [Add to Longdo]
活字ホイール[かつじホイール, katsuji hoi-ru] (n) { comp } print wheel [Add to Longdo]
観覧車[かんらんしゃ, kanransha] (n) Ferris wheel [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
サムホイール[さむほいーる, samuhoi-ru] thumb wheel [Add to Longdo]
デージーホイールプリンタ[でーじーほいーるぷりんた, de-ji-hoi-rupurinta] daisy-wheel printer [Add to Longdo]
デイジーホイールプリンタ[でいじーほいーるぷりんた, deiji-hoi-rupurinta] daisywheel printer [Add to Longdo]
印字ホイール[いんじホイール, inji hoi-ru] print wheel [Add to Longdo]
活字ホイール[かつじホイール, katsuji hoi-ru] print wheel [Add to Longdo]
指動輪[しどうりん, shidourin] thumb wheel [Add to Longdo]


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