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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -eddoes-, *eddoes*, eddoe
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา eddoes มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *eddo*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

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The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. pl. (Bot.) The tubers of Colocasia antiquorum. See Taro. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. the final, decisive battle between the forces of good and evil, as foretold in the Apocolypse of Saint John. Also, the site of that battle. Used metaphorically for a vast and decisive conflict, attended by cataclysmic destruction. [ PJC ]


n. [ F. raideur, fr. raide stiff. ] Rigor; violence. [ Obs. ] Gower. [ 1913 Webster ]

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
armageddon(อาร์มะเกด'ดอน) n. สนามรบระหว่างธรรมกับอธรรม (ตามพระคัมภีร์ไบ เบิล) , การสู้รบครั้งใหญ่และถึงที่สุด

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Philo Beddoe.Philo Beddoe. Any Which Way You Can (1980)
Is this armageddon?Ist das das Armageddon? Angels (2014)
Which is why I'm not surprised to find you and Pepper waiting out armageddon here in Eden.Darum bin ich auch nicht überrascht, Sie und Pepper anzutreffen, wie Sie das Armageddon hier im Garten Eden abwarten. The Front (No. 74) (2014)
There's no way I'm letting you take Skye into those tunnels to trigger whatever Armageddon you believe in.Ich lasse auf keinen Fall zu, dass Sie Skye in diese Tunnel bringen, um irgendein Armageddon auszulösen, an das Sie glauben. What They Become (2014)
Apparently, tying up six years of insurance payments in hopes of a housing ArmageddonOffenbar sind Prämien über 6 Jahre in der Hoffnung auf ein Immobilien-Armageddon The Big Short (2015)
Just like a guinea pig Armageddon!Das ist wie ein Meerschweinchen-Armageddon! Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015)
Armageddon.Armageddon gehören. The Return (2015)
Personally, I think Armageddon's happening all around us in slow motion.Ich denke, dass Armageddon schon um uns herum stattfindet. In Zeitlupe. Boy in the Box (2015)
Armageddon I'm okay with.Armageddon geht schon irgendwie klar. Boy in the Box (2015)
According to his own words, that gives us 72 hours before he delivers his version of Armageddon.Seinen eigenen Worten zufolge gibt uns das 72 Stunden, bevor er uns seine Version des Armageddon präsentiert. The Kenyon Family (No. 71) (2015)
Armageddon, I'm afraid.Armageddon, fürchte ich. Mr. & Mrs. Castle (2015)
We stand on the brink of Armageddon.Wir stehen am Rande des Armageddon. Krankheiten, für die wir kein Heilmittel haben. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016)
And I've got a soft spot for Armageddon.Und ich habe eine Schwäche für Armageddon. Me Before You (2016)
I've heard 'em all.Armageddon und was weiß ich. Pandemic (2016)
She's prepping for Armageddon.Sie bereitet sich für Armageddon vor. Send in the Clones (2016)
She is a child... Of the Armageddon.Sie ist ein Kind des Armageddon. Safehold (2016)
d Now, July 13th, 1977 d d The blackouts Streets is looking like Armageddon d d Sweltering heat d d Suffocating as hell Within the five boroughs d d It's like the sun roasting the Earth The hood was called turf dEs war der 13. Juli 1977 Der Blackout Die Straße gleicht dem Armageddon Brütende Hitze Darkness Is Your Candle (2016)
comets and dinosaurs, zombies and global warming, a viral Armageddon that'll make the Ice Age look like autumn.Kometen und Dinosaurier, Zombies und globale Erwärmung. Ein virales Armageddon, das die Eiszeit nach Herbst aussehen lässt. Year of the Monkey (2016)
Rubicon is a failsafe against nuclear Armageddon.Rubicon ist ausfallsicher gegen nukleares Armageddon. Monument Point (2016)
The world is facing nuclear Armageddon.Die Welt steht vor einem nuklearen Armageddon. Monument Point (2016)
That way, when the whole world goes all "Dr. Strangelove," you can feel your skin melt from Armageddon.So könnt ihr, wenn die ganze Welt "Dr. Seltsam" erfährt, eure Haut durch Armageddon schmelzen fühlen. Lost in the Flood (2016)
Your sacred cow got into the curry and we're about 15 minutes away from Cowmageddon.Die heilige Kuh hat den Curry gefunden, und in etwa 15 Minuten gibt es ein Kuhmageddon. Partnerships in the Night (2016)
Before a ruthless dictator named Per Degaton comes to power, releases the Armageddon Virus, and most of them end up dead.Bevor ein skrupelloser Diktator namens Per Degaton an die Macht kommt, den Armageddon Virus freisetzt und die meisten tot sind. Progeny (2016)
After the death of his father in five year's time, Per Degaton unleashes the Armageddon Virus, which decimates the world's population, leaving it ripe for conquest.Nach dem Tod seines Vaters in fünf Jahren, setzt Per Degaton den Armageddon Virus frei, welcher die Weltbevölkerung dezimiert, und sie reif für die Eroberung macht. Progeny (2016)
Armageddon.Armageddon. Hail, Caesar! (2016)
He unleashed the Armageddon Virus in order to conquer the globe.Er hat den Armageddon Virus freigesetzt, um die Welt zu erobern. Leviathan (2016)
Oh, Per Degaton didn't release the Armageddon Virus.Oh, Per Degaton hat den Armageddon-Virus nicht freigesetzt. Leviathan (2016)
You told me my mother died from the Armageddon Virus.Du hast mir gesagt, dass meine Mutter am Armageddon-Virus gestorben ist. Leviathan (2016)
- This place is a vertical Armageddon.-Das ist ein vertikales Armageddon. Spring (2016)
It's the absolute essentials that a doomsday prepper would grab when Armageddon finally dawns.Es ist das absolut Notwendige, das ein Weltuntergangs-Prepper sich schnappen würde, wenn Armageddon letztendlich anbricht. Ready or Not (2016)
Because that's where one of the greatest cryptozoologists of our time has chosen to sit out the animal armageddon.Weil einer der größten Kryptozoologen unserer Zeit diesen Ort gewählt hat, um das Armageddon der Tierwelt auszusitzen. Sins of the Father (2016)
Hey, Javi, I bet your old Army buddy could get his brother transferred closer to the city, make those visits a little easier on mama.Ein angezieltes Waisenkind, das ein Imperium erbt, steht im Mittelpunkt einer Handlung über ein religiöses Armageddon? Much Ado About Murder (2016)
Armageddon.Armageddon. Everybody Dies in the End (2016)
Prepare for Garmageddon!Macht euch bereit für Garmageddon! Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)
I hope you enjoy it and by you, I mean me because I would rather admit that Taylor Swift's music has touched my cold, dark heart than show it to anybody.Er heißt "Suburbageddon". Das Bernoulli-Gesetz kommt im Test dran. The Outcasts (2017)
No, there's nobody between us and Fort Seddon.Nein, zwischen hier und Fort Seddon gibt es niemanden. Hondo (1953)
I rode dispatch some after that, then came to Seddon.Ich erledigte danach noch einen Botenritt und kam dann nach Seddon. Hondo (1953)
Every time I wash my face... I think of you and that night at Seddon's, when you whacked me.Wann immer ich mir das Gesicht wasche, denke ich an dich und den Abend in Seddon, als du mich schlugst. Hondo (1953)
You see, about a half day out of Seddon, I come across some bodies.Einen halben Tagesritt von Seddon fand ich nämlich ein paar Leichen. Hondo (1953)
Ah, Operation Armageddon?Ah, Operation Armageddon? Fish Story (2009)
Armageddon."Armageddon." Outside New Canaan (2005)
- Armageddon.- Armageddon. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
Armageddon is almost upon us.วันสิ้นโลกใกล้มาถึงแล้ว Clue (1985)
Mr. Hoover is an expert on Armageddon.ว่าคุณฮูเวอร์เป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญในวันสิ้นโลก Clue (1985)
... thissnappingturtlehandeddown .... เต่าน้ำจืดมีมือโค้งลง The Story of Us (1999)
It's derived from the word "Armageddon" - the end of the world.มันมาขากคำว่า "อามาเกดดอน" จุดสินสุดของโลก The Omen (2006)
Armageddon.Armageddon. Millennium (1999)
I swear to God McClane I had no idea I was gonna be an accessory to Armageddonผมสาบานกับพระเจ้าได้เลย แม็กเคลน / ผมไม่รู้จริงๆว่าผมจะมี ส่วนร่วมกับกับพวกผู้ร้ายพวกนี้ Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Better me than some outsider, some religious nut job bent on Armageddon.ฉันทำยังดีกว่าคนนอกทำ พวกคลั่งศาสนาที่สู้จนถึงที่สุด Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
This is easily a hundred times cooler than Armageddon. I swear to God!เจ๋งกว่าวันโลกแตก 100 เท่า เอาหัวเป็นประกันเลย Transformers (2007)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
armageddon(n) (New Testament) the scene of the final battle between the kings of the Earth at the end of the world
armageddon(n) any catastrophically destructive battle
taro(n) edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants, Syn. dasheen, eddo, cocoyam
tokyo(n) the capital and largest city of Japan; the economic and cultural center of Japan, Syn. Yeddo, capital of Japan, Yedo, Japanese capital, Tokio, Edo

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. the final, decisive battle between the forces of good and evil, as foretold in the Apocolypse of Saint John. Also, the site of that battle. Used metaphorically for a vast and decisive conflict, attended by cataclysmic destruction. [ PJC ]


n. pl. (Bot.) The tubers of Colocasia antiquorum. See Taro. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. raideur, fr. raide stiff. ] Rigor; violence. [ Obs. ] Gower. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
哈米吉多顿[Hā mǐ jí duō dùn, ㄏㄚ ㄇㄧˇ ㄐㄧˊ ㄉㄨㄛ ㄉㄨㄣˋ,      /     ] Armageddon (in Revelation 16:16) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Entscheidungskampf { m }armageddon [Add to Longdo]
Weltuntergang { m }Armageddon [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
レッド[reddo] (adj-na, n) red; (P) #2,234 [Add to Longdo]
ユナイテッド[yunaiteddo] (n) united; (P) #4,332 [Add to Longdo]
ヘッド[heddo] (n) head; (P) #4,553 [Add to Longdo]
サラブレッド[sarabureddo] (n) thoroughbred; (P) #8,339 [Add to Longdo]
ベッド[beddo] (n) bed; (P) #9,147 [Add to Longdo]
ヘッドコーチ[heddoko-chi] (n) head coach; (P) #9,753 [Add to Longdo]
デッド[deddo] (n) dead; (P) #10,241 [Add to Longdo]
Z;z[ゼット;ゼッド, zetto ; zeddo] (n) Z; z #18,176 [Add to Longdo]
アーティキュレーテッドアクスル[a-teikyure-teddoakusuru] (n) articulated axle [Add to Longdo]
アーティキュレーテッドコンロッド[a-teikyure-teddokonroddo] (n) articulated con-rod [Add to Longdo]
アーティキュレーテッドシャフト[a-teikyure-teddoshafuto] (n) articulated shaft [Add to Longdo]
アーモンドスネークヘッド[a-mondosune-kuheddo] (n) Channa lucius (species of snakehead fish) [Add to Longdo]
アイスポッテッドパファー;テトラオドン・レイウルス[aisupotteddopafa-; tetoraodon . reiurusu] (n) Tetraodon leiurus (species of pufferfish) [Add to Longdo]
アニメーテッドGIF[アニメーテッドギッフ;アニメーテッドジッフ, anime-teddogiffu ; anime-teddojiffu] (n) { comp } Animated Graphics Interchange Format [Add to Longdo]
アヘッド[aheddo] (n) ahead [Add to Longdo]
アンデッド[andeddo] (n) undead [Add to Longdo]
イールドスプレッド[i-rudosupureddo] (n) yield spread [Add to Longdo]
イエローヘッドバタフライフィッシュ[iero-heddobatafuraifisshu] (n) yellowhead butterflyfish (Chaetodon xanthocephalus) [Add to Longdo]
イエローヘッドモニター[iero-heddomonita-] (n) yellow-head monitor (Varanus melinus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Indonesia); quince monitor [Add to Longdo]
イクスキジットバタフライフィッシュ;コウカイミスジ;レッドシーメロンバタフライフィッシュ[ikusukijittobatafuraifisshu ; koukaimisuji ; reddoshi-meronbatafuraifisshu] (n) blacktail butterflyfish (Chaetodon austriacus); exquisite butterflyfish [Add to Longdo]
インテグレーテッドマーケティング[integure-teddoma-keteingu] (n) integrated marketing [Add to Longdo]
ウーステッド[u-suteddo] (n) worsted [Add to Longdo]
ウィングヘッドシャーク;ウィングヘッド・シャーク[uinguheddosha-ku ; uinguheddo . sha-ku] (n) winghead shark (Eusphyra blochii, species of Indo-West Pacific hammerhead shark) [Add to Longdo]
ウォーターベッド[uo-ta-beddo] (n) waterbed [Add to Longdo]
ウォンテッド[uonteddo] (adj-no) wanted [Add to Longdo]
エキストラベッド[ekisutorabeddo] (n) extra bed [Add to Longdo]
エバポレーテッドミルク[ebapore-teddomiruku] (n) evaporated milk [Add to Longdo]
エルステッド[erusuteddo] (n) oersted [Add to Longdo]
オーバーヘッド;オーバヘッド[o-ba-heddo ; o-baheddo] (n) overhead [Add to Longdo]
オーバーヘッドキック[o-ba-heddokikku] (n) overhead kick [Add to Longdo]
オーバーヘッドスロー[o-ba-heddosuro-] (n) overhead throw [Add to Longdo]
オーバーヘッドパス[o-ba-heddopasu] (n) overhead pass [Add to Longdo]
オーバーヘッドプロジェクター[o-ba-heddopurojiekuta-] (n) overhead projector [Add to Longdo]
オーバヘッドタイム[o-baheddotaimu] (n) { comp } overhead time [Add to Longdo]
オーバヘッドプロジェクター[o-baheddopurojiekuta-] (n) { comp } Overhead Projector [Add to Longdo]
オブジェクトオリエンテッド[obujiekutoorienteddo] (n) { comp } object-oriented [Add to Longdo]
オリエンテッド[orienteddo] (adj-na) oriented [Add to Longdo]
カーボンヘッド[ka-bonheddo] (n) carbon head [Add to Longdo]
カーマインレッド[ka-mainreddo] (n) carmine red [Add to Longdo]
カドミウムレッド[kadomiumureddo] (n) cadmium red [Add to Longdo]
キーベッド[ki-beddo] (n) key bed [Add to Longdo]
クイックブレッド[kuikkubureddo] (n) quick bread; bread made with baking powder instead of yeast [Add to Longdo]
クラブヘッド[kurabuheddo] (n) club head [Add to Longdo]
クリスプブレッド[kurisupubureddo] (n) crisp bread [Add to Longdo]
クレステッドホーンシャーク[kuresuteddoho-nsha-ku] (n) crested bullhead shark (Heterodontus galeatus, found in eastern Australia) [Add to Longdo]
クロスヘッド[kurosuheddo] (n) crosshead [Add to Longdo]
クロテッドクリーム[kuroteddokuri-mu] (n) clotted cream [Add to Longdo]
グラハムブレッド[gurahamubureddo] (n) graham bread [Add to Longdo]
グレートハンマーヘッド;グレート・ハンマーヘッド[gure-tohanma-heddo ; gure-to . hanma-heddo] (n) great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran, the largest species of hammerhead shark) [Add to Longdo]
コーテッドペーパー[ko-teddope-pa-] (n) coated paper [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
オーバヘッド[おーばへっど, o-baheddo] overhead [Add to Longdo]
オーバヘッドタイム[おーばへっどたいむ, o-baheddotaimu] overhead time [Add to Longdo]
オーバヘッドプロジェクター[おーばへっどぷろじえくたー, o-baheddopurojiekuta-] Overhead Projector [Add to Longdo]
コネクションオリエンテッド[こねくしょん'おりえんてっど, konekushon ' orienteddo] connection oriented [Add to Longdo]
スプレッドシート[すぷれっどしーと, supureddoshi-to] spreadsheet [Add to Longdo]
スプレッドシートプログラム[すぷれっどしーとぷろぐらむ, supureddoshi-topuroguramu] spreadsheet program [Add to Longdo]
スレッド[すれっど, sureddo] thread [Add to Longdo]
デッドロック[でっどろっく, deddorokku] deadlock [Add to Longdo]
デッドロック回避[デッドロックかいひ, deddorokku kaihi] deadlock avoidance [Add to Longdo]
パスオーバーヘッド[ぱすおーばーへっど, pasuo-ba-heddo] path overhead [Add to Longdo]
パスオーバーヘッド部[パスオーバーヘッドぶ, pasuo-ba-heddo bu] path overhead section [Add to Longdo]
フラットベッド式プロッタ[フラットベッドしきプロッタ, furattobeddo shiki purotta] flatbed plotter [Add to Longdo]
ブレッドボード[ぶれっどぼーど, bureddobo-do] breadboard [Add to Longdo]
プロッティングヘッド[ぷろっていんぐへっど, purotteinguheddo] plotting head [Add to Longdo]
ヘッド[へっど, heddo] head [Add to Longdo]
ヘッドエンド[へっどえんど, heddoendo] headend [Add to Longdo]
ヘッドクラッシュ[へっどくらっしゅ, heddokurasshu] head crash [Add to Longdo]
ヘッドクリーニングキット[へっどくりーにんぐきっと, heddokuri-ningukitto] head cleaning kit [Add to Longdo]
ヘッドディスクアセンブリ[へっどでいすくあせんぶり, heddodeisukuasenburi] head, disk assembly, HDA (abbr.) [Add to Longdo]
ヘッドマウンテッド[へっどまうんてっど, heddomaunteddo] head-mounted (display, for VR) [Add to Longdo]
ヘッドローディング域[ヘッドローディングいき, heddoro-deingu iki] head loading zone [Add to Longdo]
ヘッド高[ヘッドこう, heddo kou] flying height, head gap [Add to Longdo]
ヘッド衝突[ヘッドしょうとつ, heddo shoutotsu] head crash [Add to Longdo]
ヘッド切換え[ヘッドきりかえ, heddo kirikae] head switching [Add to Longdo]
ルックアヘッド方式[ルックアヘッドほうしき, rukkuaheddo houshiki] look-ahead (technique) [Add to Longdo]
固定ヘッド[こていヘッド, kotei heddo] fixed head [Add to Longdo]
固定ヘッド式ディスク[こていヘッドしきディスク, kotei heddo shiki deisuku] fixed-head disk [Add to Longdo]
磁気ヘッド[じきヘッド, jiki heddo] magnetic head [Add to Longdo]
書込みヘッド[かきこみヘッド, kakikomi heddo] write head [Add to Longdo]
消去ヘッド[しょうきょヘッド, shoukyo heddo] erase head [Add to Longdo]
先行読取りヘッド[せんこうよみとりヘッド, senkouyomitori heddo] pre-read head [Add to Longdo]
読取りヘッド[よみとりヘッド, yomitori heddo] read head [Add to Longdo]
読取り書込みヘッド[よみとりかきこみヘッド, yomitorikakikomi heddo] read-write head [Add to Longdo]
描画ヘッド[びょうがヘッド, byouga heddo] plotting head [Add to Longdo]
浮動ヘッド[ふどうヘッド, fudou heddo] floating head [Add to Longdo]
オーバーヘッド[おーばーへっど, o-ba-heddo] overhead [Add to Longdo]
ジャグヘッド[じゃぐへっど, jaguheddo] Jughead [Add to Longdo]
レッドハットリナックス[れっどはっとりなっくす, reddohattorinakkusu] RedHat Linux [Add to Longdo]
レッドブリック[れっどぶりっく, reddoburikku] RedBrick [Add to Longdo]
マーセッド[まーせっど, ma-seddo] Merced [Add to Longdo]


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