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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -chios-, *chios*, chio
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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The Chang is on the left. Like Chio Chang lives here.ชาง เป็นมือซ้าย ดูเหมือน ชิโอ ชาง อาศัยอยู่ที่นี่เลย War (2007)
Oh, he can prepare all he wants, but the student is about to meet the master, because Ralph Macchio doesn't stand a chance against Mr. Miyagi.Er kann sich so viel vorbereiten wie er will, doch der Schüler ist kurz davor, den Lehrer kennenzulernen. Denn Ralph Macchio hat keine Chance gegen Mr. Miyagi. Leveraged (2014)
Ooh! Where did he get a falchion sword?Woher hat er ein Falchion-Schwert? Clear & Present Danger (2014)
Who's got the falchion sword now?Wer hat nun das Falchion-Schwert bekommen? Clear & Present Danger (2014)
Who's so hot it's radicchio.Der so heiß wie Radicchio ist. And the DJ Face (2014)
People assumed they were just... bars riddled with insects.Einige Leute denken, das wären nur Bars mit Bildern von dieser Grille aus Pinocchio. Charlie and Lacey Go for Broke (2014)
That was some twisted Pinocchio-Geppetto stuff right there.Das war echt schräges Pinocchio-Geppetto-Theater. Pixels (2015)
Pinocchio... you don't understand shit.Pinocchio einen Scheiß weißt du! They Call Me Jeeg (2015)
Pinocchio is right.Pinocchio hat recht. They Call Me Jeeg (2015)
My body survived the torture, but I... I am like Pinocchio.Mein Körper überlebte die Folter, ... aber ich bin wie Pinocchio. Show Stoppers (2015)
When I said, "let's get our stoichiometry on," not what I meant.Als ich "Lass uns unsere Stöchiometrie ins Rollen bringen" sagte, meinte ich nicht das. Bodyguard of Lies (2015)
Let's get our stoichiometry on.Lass uns mit der Stöchiometrie beginnen. Bodyguard of Lies (2015)
I want to be able to draw the Palazzo Vecchio and the Duomo.Ich möchte den Palazzo Vecchio... und den Duomo zeichnen. Dolce (2015)
It is said he abducted the Princess of Athens, and their child became Khione, goddess of snow.- Er entführte Athens Prinzessin. Sie zeugten Chione, die Göttin des Schnees. Heritage (2015)
Yeah, from Marchioni's. He loves that place.Von Marchioni's. Er liebt diesen Laden. Shadows in the Glass (2015)
We got subs from Marchioni's.Wir haben Baguette-Sandwiches von Marchioni's. Daredevil (2015)
Fine, then I was like Pinocchio before that jerk Geppetto went and made him a real boy.Okay, dann war ich halt wie Pinocchio bevor dieser Narr Geppetto aus ihm einen richtigen Jungen gemacht hat. Wenn du meinst. The 2003 Approximation (2015)
I'm Victor Cornachio.Ich bin Victor Cornachio. The Promise in the Palace (2015)
Victor Cornachio?- Victor Cornachio? The Promise in the Palace (2015)
That's the Palazzo Vecchio, isn't it'?Und der Palazzo Vecchio, oder? Inferno (2016)
The Palazzo Vecchio.Zum Palazzo Vecchio. Inferno (2016)
Okay, the Palazzo Vecchio is this way.Gut, der Palazzo Vecchio liegt in dieser Richtung. Inferno (2016)
It'll take us through to the Vasari Corridor, right across the Ponte Vecchio into the Palazzo.Sie führt zum Vasarikorridor, über den Ponte Vecchio... in den Palazzo. Inferno (2016)
In the Palazzo Vecchio, she tried to kill me.Im Palazzo Vecchio hat sie versucht, mich umzubringen. Inferno (2016)
His name is Melchior Lengyel.Er heißt Melchior Lengyel. The Carer (2016)
Write down your address and I'll send you the money.Schreib deine Adresse auf und ich schiok dir das Geld. The Confirmation (2016)
I never stole, never fiddled my taxes. All I did was work for a company. Owned and operated by your little Pinocchio.Ich habe niemals gestohlen, niemals bei der Steuer getrickst, sondern nur für die Firma gearbeitet, die von Ihrem kleinen Pinocchio betrieben wird. Episode #1.6 (2016)
- Dos pistachios, por favor.- Pistazie. - Dos pistachios, por favor. Episode #1.3 (2016)
- It was Marcus Melchior who told us.-Marcus Melchior hat das gesagt. Across the Waters (2016)
Ms. Natchios, good afternoon.Miss Natchios, guten Tag. Kinbaku (2016)
Ms. Natchios, delighted to have you here with us this evening.Miss Natchios, wie schön, dass Sie uns heute Abend beehren. Regrets Only (2016)
You look like you traveled back in time, but forgot to take your face.Ralph Macchio! Hair Recital Rainbow Mom (2016)
I would have sworn that I saw you at that... that party with Gilcrest or those pizza nights at Pinocchio's or pretty much any other memory I have of that time, which means, if they put me up there on that stand, Ich hätte geschworen, dass ich dich bei dieser Party mit Gilcrest gesehen habe, oder bei diesen Pizza-Abenden im Pinocchio. oder bei jeder anderen Erinnerung, die ich an diese Zeit habe, Was bedeutet, wenn die mich in den Zeugenstand rufen, dann würde ich im Wesentlichen die Wahrheit sagen. Self Defense (2016)
That woman whose body we found last night, her name was Karen Vecchione.Die weibliche Leiche von gestern. Sie hieß Karen Vecchione. The Road Less Traveled (2016)
The assassin evaded capture for too long, but, as you can see, Miss Vecchione did not escape justice.Die Attentäterin war lange auf der Flucht, aber wie Sie sehen können, konnte Miss Vecchione ihrer gerechten Strafe nicht entgehen. The Road Less Traveled (2016)
Karen Vecchione. Yes.Karen Vecchione, ja. Travelers (2016)
Karen Vecchione.Karen Vecchione. Fallout (2016)
Ted Vecchione, 1947. Bobby Vecchione, 1949.- Ted Vecchione 1947, Bobby Vecchione 1949. Duck and Cover (2016)
The last of the Vecchione family, 1962.Die letzte aus der Vecchione-Familie, 1962. Duck and Cover (2016)
'Cause with you or without you, when the time comes... whatever is living inside the body of Elektra Natchios is gonna have to die.Denn mit dir oder ohne dich, wenn es so weit ist... wird, was auch immer im Körper von Elektra Natchios lebt, sterben müssen. Royal Dragon (2017)
It is his relationship with Elektra Natchios.Aber seine Beziehung zu Elektra Natchios. Take Shelter (2017)
Her name was Elektra Natchios.Ihr Name war Elektra Natchios. Ashes, Ashes (2017)
And my name... is Elektra Natchios.Und mein Name ist Elektra Natchios. Ashes, Ashes (2017)
You are Elektra Natchios.Du bist Elektra Natchios. The Defenders (2017)
That's like walking out of Pinocchio right before he becomes a real boy.Das ist wie das Weglaufen von Pinocchio, kurz bevor er ein richtiger Junge wird. The Hot Tub Contamination (2016)
And now, onto my favorite herbivore, sauropods, which includes the brachiosaurus, apatosaurus and dip, dip, dip-- ...lodicus.Und jetzt, meine Lieblingspflanzenfresser: die Sauropoden. Dazu gehören der Brachiosaurus, der Apatosaurus und der Dip... Nutcrackers (2016)
Also got one that looks like Pinocchio's nose.Habe auch eins, das aussieht wie Pinocchios Nase. Easy Come, Easy Go (2016)
I had it contoured last January after Colicchio told me that it had more rings than a Swiss roll.Ich habe ihn erst im Januar straffen lassen, nachdem Colicchio sagte, er hätte mehr Ringe als eine Biskuitrolle. F*ck, Marry, Frieda (2017)
If you break a promise, you'll be like Pinocchio.Wenn du ein Versprechen brichst, geht es dir wie Pinocchio. Lucid Dream (2017)
If you break a promise, you'll be like Pinocchio.Wenn du ein Versprechen brichst, geht es dir wie Pinocchio. Lucid Dream (2017)
[ Rashid laughs ] Pinocchio!Pinocchio. Chapter VII (2017)

WordNet (3.0)
Chios(n) an island in the Aegean Sea off the west coast of Turkey; belongs to Greece, Syn. Khios
brachiopod(n) marine animal with bivalve shell having a pair of arms bearing tentacles for capturing food; found worldwide, Syn. lamp shell, lampshell
brachiopod(adj) of or belonging to the phylum Brachiopoda, Syn. brachiopodous
Brachiopoda(n) marine invertebrates that resemble mollusks, Syn. phylum Brachiopoda
Branchiobdella(n) type genus of the Branchiobdellidae: a small worm that lives on the gills or surface of a crayfish attached by a sucker, Syn. genus Branchiobdella
Branchiobdellidae(n) small annelid worms with the posterior end modified into an adhesive sucker; especially formerly regarded as modified leeches, Syn. family Branchiobdellidae
branchiopod(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of the subclass Branchiopoda, Syn. branchiopodous, branchiopodan
Branchiopoda(n) primitive aquatic mainly freshwater crustaceans: fairy shrimps; brine shrimps; tadpole shrimps; can shrimps; water fleas, Syn. subclass Branchiopoda
Branchiostegidae(n) small family of marine fishes having covered gills, Syn. family Branchiostegidae
bronchiolar(adj) of or relating to or involving bronchioles
bronchiole(n) any of the smallest bronchial ducts; ending in alveoli
bronchiolitis(n) inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchioles
Chiococca(n) shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World, Syn. genus Chiococca
Chionanthus(n) deciduous trees or shrubs: fringe tree, Syn. genus Chionanthus
Eustachio(n) Italian anatomist who was one of the fathers of modern anatomy; noted for descriptions of the ear and the heart (1520-1574), Syn. Bartolommeo Eustachio
falchion(n) a short broad slightly convex medieval sword with a sharp point
marchioness(n) the wife or widow of a marquis
marchioness(n) a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess, Syn. marquise
Melchior(n) United States operatic tenor (born in Denmark) noted for his Wagnerian roles (1890-1973), Syn. Lauritz Melchior, Lauritz Lebrecht Hommel Melchior
Melchior(n) (New Testament) one of the three sages from the east who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus; usually represented as a king of Nubia
mustachio(n) a large bushy moustache (with hair growing sometimes down the sides of the mouth), Syn. moustachio, handle-bars
mustachioed(adj) having a moustache, Syn. mustached
orchiopexy(n) operation to bring an undescended testicle into the scrotum
pistachio(n) small tree of southern Europe and Asia Minor bearing small hard-shelled nuts, Syn. pistachio tree, Pistacia vera
pistachio(n) nut of Mediterranean trees having an edible green kernel, Syn. pistachio nut
radicchio(n) prized variety of chicory having globose heads of red leaves
stanchion(n) any vertical post or rod used as a support
stoichiometric(adj) of or relating to stoichiometry
stoichiometry(n) (chemistry) the relation between the quantities of substances that take part in a reaction or form a compound (typically a ratio of whole integers)
trichion(n) point where the hairline meets the midpoint of the forehead, Syn. crinion
Verdicchio(n) a variety of white wine grape grown in Italy
Verdicchio(n) a dry white Italian wine made from Verdicchio grapes
abranchiate(adj) having no gills, Syn. gill-less, abranchious, abranchial, Ant. branchiate
Amphioxidae(n) lancelets, Syn. family Branchiostomidae, Branchiostomidae, family Amphioxidae
blolly(n) evergreen climbing shrub of southern Florida and West Indies grown for its racemes of fragrant white to creamy flowers followed by globose white succulent berries, Syn. Chiococca alba, West Indian snowberry
fennel(n) aromatic bulbous stem base eaten cooked or raw in salads, Syn. Florence fennel, finocchio
oxtongue(n) widespread European weed with spiny tongue-shaped leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in United States, Syn. bitterweed, bugloss, Picris echioides, bristly oxtongue
toetoe(n) used by Maoris for thatching, Syn. Arundo conspicua, toitoi, Chionochloa conspicua

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Oh, he can prepare all he wants, but the student is about to meet the master, because Ralph Macchio doesn't stand a chance against Mr. Miyagi.Er kann sich so viel vorbereiten wie er will, doch der Schüler ist kurz davor, den Lehrer kennenzulernen. Denn Ralph Macchio hat keine Chance gegen Mr. Miyagi. Leveraged (2014)
Ooh! Where did he get a falchion sword?Woher hat er ein Falchion-Schwert? Clear & Present Danger (2014)
Who's got the falchion sword now?Wer hat nun das Falchion-Schwert bekommen? Clear & Present Danger (2014)
Who's so hot it's radicchio.Der so heiß wie Radicchio ist. And the DJ Face (2014)
People assumed they were just... bars riddled with insects.Einige Leute denken, das wären nur Bars mit Bildern von dieser Grille aus Pinocchio. Charlie and Lacey Go for Broke (2014)
That was some twisted Pinocchio-Geppetto stuff right there.Das war echt schräges Pinocchio-Geppetto-Theater. Pixels (2015)
Pinocchio... you don't understand shit.Pinocchio einen Scheiß weißt du! They Call Me Jeeg (2015)
Pinocchio is right.Pinocchio hat recht. They Call Me Jeeg (2015)
My body survived the torture, but I... I am like Pinocchio.Mein Körper überlebte die Folter, ... aber ich bin wie Pinocchio. Show Stoppers (2015)
When I said, "let's get our stoichiometry on," not what I meant.Als ich "Lass uns unsere Stöchiometrie ins Rollen bringen" sagte, meinte ich nicht das. Bodyguard of Lies (2015)
Let's get our stoichiometry on.Lass uns mit der Stöchiometrie beginnen. Bodyguard of Lies (2015)
I want to be able to draw the Palazzo Vecchio and the Duomo.Ich möchte den Palazzo Vecchio... und den Duomo zeichnen. Dolce (2015)
It is said he abducted the Princess of Athens, and their child became Khione, goddess of snow.- Er entführte Athens Prinzessin. Sie zeugten Chione, die Göttin des Schnees. Heritage (2015)
Yeah, from Marchioni's. He loves that place.Von Marchioni's. Er liebt diesen Laden. Shadows in the Glass (2015)
We got subs from Marchioni's.Wir haben Baguette-Sandwiches von Marchioni's. Daredevil (2015)
Fine, then I was like Pinocchio before that jerk Geppetto went and made him a real boy.Okay, dann war ich halt wie Pinocchio bevor dieser Narr Geppetto aus ihm einen richtigen Jungen gemacht hat. Wenn du meinst. The 2003 Approximation (2015)
I'm Victor Cornachio.Ich bin Victor Cornachio. The Promise in the Palace (2015)
Victor Cornachio?- Victor Cornachio? The Promise in the Palace (2015)
That's the Palazzo Vecchio, isn't it'?Und der Palazzo Vecchio, oder? Inferno (2016)
The Palazzo Vecchio.Zum Palazzo Vecchio. Inferno (2016)
Okay, the Palazzo Vecchio is this way.Gut, der Palazzo Vecchio liegt in dieser Richtung. Inferno (2016)
It'll take us through to the Vasari Corridor, right across the Ponte Vecchio into the Palazzo.Sie führt zum Vasarikorridor, über den Ponte Vecchio... in den Palazzo. Inferno (2016)
In the Palazzo Vecchio, she tried to kill me.Im Palazzo Vecchio hat sie versucht, mich umzubringen. Inferno (2016)
His name is Melchior Lengyel.Er heißt Melchior Lengyel. The Carer (2016)
Write down your address and I'll send you the money.Schreib deine Adresse auf und ich schiok dir das Geld. The Confirmation (2016)
I never stole, never fiddled my taxes. All I did was work for a company. Owned and operated by your little Pinocchio.Ich habe niemals gestohlen, niemals bei der Steuer getrickst, sondern nur für die Firma gearbeitet, die von Ihrem kleinen Pinocchio betrieben wird. Episode #1.6 (2016)
- Dos pistachios, por favor.- Pistazie. - Dos pistachios, por favor. Episode #1.3 (2016)
- It was Marcus Melchior who told us.-Marcus Melchior hat das gesagt. Across the Waters (2016)
Ms. Natchios, good afternoon.Miss Natchios, guten Tag. Kinbaku (2016)
Ms. Natchios, delighted to have you here with us this evening.Miss Natchios, wie schön, dass Sie uns heute Abend beehren. Regrets Only (2016)
You look like you traveled back in time, but forgot to take your face.Ralph Macchio! Hair Recital Rainbow Mom (2016)
I would have sworn that I saw you at that... that party with Gilcrest or those pizza nights at Pinocchio's or pretty much any other memory I have of that time, which means, if they put me up there on that stand, Ich hätte geschworen, dass ich dich bei dieser Party mit Gilcrest gesehen habe, oder bei diesen Pizza-Abenden im Pinocchio. oder bei jeder anderen Erinnerung, die ich an diese Zeit habe, Was bedeutet, wenn die mich in den Zeugenstand rufen, dann würde ich im Wesentlichen die Wahrheit sagen. Self Defense (2016)
That woman whose body we found last night, her name was Karen Vecchione.Die weibliche Leiche von gestern. Sie hieß Karen Vecchione. The Road Less Traveled (2016)
The assassin evaded capture for too long, but, as you can see, Miss Vecchione did not escape justice.Die Attentäterin war lange auf der Flucht, aber wie Sie sehen können, konnte Miss Vecchione ihrer gerechten Strafe nicht entgehen. The Road Less Traveled (2016)
Karen Vecchione. Yes.Karen Vecchione, ja. Travelers (2016)
Karen Vecchione.Karen Vecchione. Fallout (2016)
Ted Vecchione, 1947. Bobby Vecchione, 1949.- Ted Vecchione 1947, Bobby Vecchione 1949. Duck and Cover (2016)
The last of the Vecchione family, 1962.Die letzte aus der Vecchione-Familie, 1962. Duck and Cover (2016)
'Cause with you or without you, when the time comes... whatever is living inside the body of Elektra Natchios is gonna have to die.Denn mit dir oder ohne dich, wenn es so weit ist... wird, was auch immer im Körper von Elektra Natchios lebt, sterben müssen. Royal Dragon (2017)
It is his relationship with Elektra Natchios.Aber seine Beziehung zu Elektra Natchios. Take Shelter (2017)
Her name was Elektra Natchios.Ihr Name war Elektra Natchios. Ashes, Ashes (2017)
And my name... is Elektra Natchios.Und mein Name ist Elektra Natchios. Ashes, Ashes (2017)
You are Elektra Natchios.Du bist Elektra Natchios. The Defenders (2017)
That's like walking out of Pinocchio right before he becomes a real boy.Das ist wie das Weglaufen von Pinocchio, kurz bevor er ein richtiger Junge wird. The Hot Tub Contamination (2016)
And now, onto my favorite herbivore, sauropods, which includes the brachiosaurus, apatosaurus and dip, dip, dip-- ...lodicus.Und jetzt, meine Lieblingspflanzenfresser: die Sauropoden. Dazu gehören der Brachiosaurus, der Apatosaurus und der Dip... Nutcrackers (2016)
Also got one that looks like Pinocchio's nose.Habe auch eins, das aussieht wie Pinocchios Nase. Easy Come, Easy Go (2016)
I had it contoured last January after Colicchio told me that it had more rings than a Swiss roll.Ich habe ihn erst im Januar straffen lassen, nachdem Colicchio sagte, er hätte mehr Ringe als eine Biskuitrolle. F*ck, Marry, Frieda (2017)
If you break a promise, you'll be like Pinocchio.Wenn du ein Versprechen brichst, geht es dir wie Pinocchio. Lucid Dream (2017)
If you break a promise, you'll be like Pinocchio.Wenn du ein Versprechen brichst, geht es dir wie Pinocchio. Lucid Dream (2017)
[ Rashid laughs ] Pinocchio!Pinocchio. Chapter VII (2017)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
chioThe old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio.

WordNet (3.0)
brachiopod(n) marine animal with bivalve shell having a pair of arms bearing tentacles for capturing food; found worldwide, Syn. lamp shell, lampshell
brachiopod(adj) of or belonging to the phylum Brachiopoda, Syn. brachiopodous
Brachiopoda(n) marine invertebrates that resemble mollusks, Syn. phylum Brachiopoda
Branchiobdella(n) type genus of the Branchiobdellidae: a small worm that lives on the gills or surface of a crayfish attached by a sucker, Syn. genus Branchiobdella
Branchiobdellidae(n) small annelid worms with the posterior end modified into an adhesive sucker; especially formerly regarded as modified leeches, Syn. family Branchiobdellidae
branchiopod(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of the subclass Branchiopoda, Syn. branchiopodous, branchiopodan
Branchiopoda(n) primitive aquatic mainly freshwater crustaceans: fairy shrimps; brine shrimps; tadpole shrimps; can shrimps; water fleas, Syn. subclass Branchiopoda
Branchiostegidae(n) small family of marine fishes having covered gills, Syn. family Branchiostegidae
bronchiolar(adj) of or relating to or involving bronchioles
bronchiole(n) any of the smallest bronchial ducts; ending in alveoli
bronchiolitis(n) inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchioles
Chiococca(n) shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World, Syn. genus Chiococca
Chionanthus(n) deciduous trees or shrubs: fringe tree, Syn. genus Chionanthus
Chios(n) an island in the Aegean Sea off the west coast of Turkey; belongs to Greece, Syn. Khios
Eustachio(n) Italian anatomist who was one of the fathers of modern anatomy; noted for descriptions of the ear and the heart (1520-1574), Syn. Bartolommeo Eustachio
falchion(n) a short broad slightly convex medieval sword with a sharp point
marchioness(n) the wife or widow of a marquis
marchioness(n) a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess, Syn. marquise
Melchior(n) United States operatic tenor (born in Denmark) noted for his Wagnerian roles (1890-1973), Syn. Lauritz Melchior, Lauritz Lebrecht Hommel Melchior
Melchior(n) (New Testament) one of the three sages from the east who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus; usually represented as a king of Nubia
mustachio(n) a large bushy moustache (with hair growing sometimes down the sides of the mouth), Syn. moustachio, handle-bars
mustachioed(adj) having a moustache, Syn. mustached
orchiopexy(n) operation to bring an undescended testicle into the scrotum
pistachio(n) small tree of southern Europe and Asia Minor bearing small hard-shelled nuts, Syn. pistachio tree, Pistacia vera
pistachio(n) nut of Mediterranean trees having an edible green kernel, Syn. pistachio nut
radicchio(n) prized variety of chicory having globose heads of red leaves
stanchion(n) any vertical post or rod used as a support
stoichiometric(adj) of or relating to stoichiometry
stoichiometry(n) (chemistry) the relation between the quantities of substances that take part in a reaction or form a compound (typically a ratio of whole integers)
trichion(n) point where the hairline meets the midpoint of the forehead, Syn. crinion
Verdicchio(n) a variety of white wine grape grown in Italy
Verdicchio(n) a dry white Italian wine made from Verdicchio grapes
abranchiate(adj) having no gills, Syn. gill-less, abranchious, abranchial, Ant. branchiate
Amphioxidae(n) lancelets, Syn. family Branchiostomidae, Branchiostomidae, family Amphioxidae
blolly(n) evergreen climbing shrub of southern Florida and West Indies grown for its racemes of fragrant white to creamy flowers followed by globose white succulent berries, Syn. Chiococca alba, West Indian snowberry
fennel(n) aromatic bulbous stem base eaten cooked or raw in salads, Syn. Florence fennel, finocchio
oxtongue(n) widespread European weed with spiny tongue-shaped leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in United States, Syn. bitterweed, bugloss, Picris echioides, bristly oxtongue
toetoe(n) used by Maoris for thatching, Syn. Arundo conspicua, toitoi, Chionochloa conspicua

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

adj. 1. having no gills; -- same as abranchiate. branchiate
Syn. -- abranchiate, abranchial, gill-less [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. [ Sp. achiote, fr. Indian achiotl. ] Seeds of the annotto tree; also, the coloring matter, annotto. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One of the Brachioganoidei. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl.[ NL., from L. brachium (bracch-) arm + NL. ganoidei. ] (Zool.) An order of ganoid fishes of which the bichir of Africa is a living example. See Crossopterygii. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. L. brachiolum (bracch-), dim. of brachium (bracch-) arm. ] (Zool.) A peculiar early larval stage of certain starfishes, having a bilateral structure, and swimming by means of bands of vibrating cilia. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf.F. brachiopode. ] (Zool.) One of the Brachiopoda, or its shell. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ NL., from Gr. &unr_; arm + -poda. ] (Zool.) A class of Molluscoidea having a symmetrical bivalve shell, often attached by a fleshy peduncle. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Within the shell is a pair of “arms, ” often long and spirally coiled, bearing rows of ciliated tentacles by which a current of water is made to flow into the mantle cavity, bringing the microscopic food to the mouth between the bases of the arms. The shell is both opened and closed by special muscles. They form two orders; Lyopoma, in which the shell is thin, and without a distinct hinge, as in Lingula; and Arthropoma, in which the firm calcareous shell has a regular hinge, as in Rhynchonella. See Arthropomata. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ NL., from Gr. &unr_; gill + E. gastropoda. ] (Zool.) Those Gastropoda that breathe by branchiæ, including the Prosobranchiata and Opisthobranchiata. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_; gill + -mere. ] (Anat.) The state of being made up of branchiate segments. R. Wiedersheim. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One of the Branchiopoda. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ Gr. &unr_; gill + -poda: cf. F. branchiopode. ] (Zool.) An order of Entomostraca; -- so named from the feet of branchiopods having been supposed to perform the function of gills. It includes the fresh-water genera Branchipus, Apus, and Limnadia, and the genus Artemia found in salt lakes. It is also called Phyllopoda. See Phyllopoda, Cladocera. It is sometimes used in a broader sense. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Gr. &unr_; gill + &unr_; to cover: cf. F. branchiostège. ] (Anat.) Pertaining to the membrane covering the gills of fishes. -- n. (Anat.) A branchiostegal ray. See Illustration of Branchial arches in Appendix. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ This term was formerly applied to a group of fishes having boneless branchiæ. But the arrangement was artificial, and has been rejected. [ 1913 Webster ]


(Anat.) The branchiostegal membrane. See Illustration in Appendix. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Anat.) Branchiostegal. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ NL., fr., Gr. &unr_; gill + &unr_; mouth. ] (Zool.) The lancelet. See Amphioxus. [ 1913 Webster ]


adj. of or pertaining to a bronchiole. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. (Anat.) A minute bronchial tube. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchioles. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. a genus of shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World.
Syn. -- genus Chiococca. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. a genus of deciduous trees or shrubs: fringe tree.
Syn. -- genus Chionanthus. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. Same as Chopine, n. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OE. fauchon, OF. fauchon, LL. fälcio, fr. L. falx, falcis, a sickle, cf. Gr. &unr_;&unr_;&unr_;&unr_;&unr_;&unr_; a ship's rib, &unr_;&unr_;&unr_;&unr_;&unr_;&unr_; bandy-legged; perh, akin to E. falcon; cf. It. falcione. Cf. Defalcation. ] 1. A broad-bladed sword, slightly curved, shorter and lighter than the ordinary sword; -- used in the Middle Ages. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A name given generally and poetically to a sword, especially to the swords of Oriental and fabled warriors. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See Falchion. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See Falchion. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ It. finocchio fennel, LL. fenuclum. See Fennel. ] (Bot.) An umbelliferous plant (Fœniculum dulce) having a somewhat tuberous stem; sweet fennel. The blanched stems are used in France and Italy as a culinary vegetable. [ 1913 Webster ]


pos>a. [ Ischium + capsular. ] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the ischium and the capsule of the hip joint; as, the ischiocapsular ligament. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. 'ischi`on the hip + ke`ras a horn. ] (Zool.) The third joint or the antennæ of the Crustacea.


n. [ Gr. 'ischi`on the hip joint + &unr_;, &unr_;, foot. ] (Zool.) The third joint of the typical appendages of Crustacea. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Ischium + rectal. ] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the region between the rectum and ishial tuberosity. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ ‖‖ } n. [ L., Gr. 'ischi`on. ] 1. (Anat.) The ventral and posterior of the three principal bones composing either half of the pelvis; seat bone; the huckle bone. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) One of the pleuræ of insects. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Ischion

n. [ LL. marchionissa, fr. marchio a marquis. See Marquis. ] The wife or the widow of a marquis; a woman who has the rank and dignity of a marquis. Spelman. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A large bushy moustache.
Syn. -- mustachio, handle-bars. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n.; pl. Mustachios A mustache. Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Having a mustache or mustachios.
Syn. -- mustached. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OE. nonechenche, for noneschenche, prop., a noon drink; none noon + schenchen, schenken, skinken, to pour, AS. scencan. See Noon, and Skink, v. i. ] A portion of food taken at or after noon, usually between full meals; a luncheon. [ Written also noonshun. ] Hudibras. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ It. pistacchio (cf. Sp. pistacho, F. pistache), fr. L. pistacium, Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, fr. Per. pistah. Cf. Fistinut. ] (Bot.) The nut of the Pistacia vera, a tree of the order Anacardiaceæ, containing a kernel of a pale greenish color, which has a pleasant taste, resembling that of the almond, and yields an oil of agreeable taste and odor; -- called also pistachio nut. It is wholesome and nutritive. The tree grows in Arabia, Persia, Syria, and Sicily. [ Written also pistachia. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The small anacardiaceous tree (Pistacia vera), of southern Europe and Asia Minor, which bears the pistachio nut. Called also pistache. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

3. (Cookery) The flavor of the pistachio nut, or an ice or confection flavored with it. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

4. Pistachio green. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Pistachio green

. A light yellowish green color resembling that of the pistachio nut. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. (Zool.) Same as Rhachiodont. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Gr. "ra`chis, -ios, the spine + &unr_;&unr_;&unr_;, &unr_;&unr_;&unr_;, a tooth.] (Zool.) Having gular teeth formed by a peculiar modification of the inferior spines of some of the vertebrae, as certain South African snakes (Dasypeltis) which swallow birds' eggs and use these gular teeth to crush them. [1913 Webster]


n. [ OF. estanson, estançon, F. étançon, from OF. estance a stay, a prop, from L. stans, stantis, standing, p. pr. of stare to stand. See Stand, and cf. Stanza. ] [ Written also stanchel. ] 1. (Arch.) A prop or support; a piece of timber in the form of a stake or post, used for a support or stay. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Naut.) Any upright post or beam used as a support, as for the deck, the quarter rails, awnings, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A vertical bar for confining cattle in a stall. [ 1913 Webster ]


n., n., etc. See Stoichiology, Stoichiometry, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Stoechiology

a. Of or pertaining to stoichiology. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_; a first element + -logy. ] [ Written also stoechiology. ] 1. That part of the science of physiology which treats of the elements, or principles, composing animal tissues. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Logic) The doctrine of the elementary requisites of mere thought. Sir W. Hamilton. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. The statement or discussion of the first principles of any science or art. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. Of or pertaining to stoichiometry; employed in, or obtained by, stoichiometry. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Chem.) of, pertaining to, using, or consuming, reagents in the exact proportions required for a given reaction; as, a stoichiometric reaction, i. e., a reaction which goes to completion, rather than stopping partway at an equilibrium point. [ PJC ]

Variants: Stoichiometric

n. [ Gr. &unr_; a first principle, or element + -metry. ] The art or process of calculating the atomic proportions, combining weights, and other numerical relations of chemical elements and their compounds. [ 1913 Webster ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Gitterstab { m }stanchion [Add to Longdo]
Pfeiler { m }; Pfosten { m }; Stütze { f }; Strebe { f } (vertikal)stanchion [Add to Longdo]
Pistazie { f }pistachio [Add to Longdo]
Stöchiometrie { f } [ chem. ]stoichiometry [Add to Longdo]
Wagenrunge { f }stake; stanchion [Add to Longdo]
pistazienfarben { adj }pistachio [Add to Longdo]
stöchiometrisch { adj } [ chem. ]stoichiometric [Add to Longdo]


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