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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
鲈鱼[lú yú, ㄌㄨˊ ㄩˊ,   /  ] bass; perch #40,396 [Add to Longdo]

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If you specialise on trout or bass, you have more chance of getting the big one.[CN] 如果你专攻鳟鱼或鲈鱼 你有更多机会钓到大鱼 Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
We have a great chilean sea bass today for you guys.[CN] Come on and join us. 我们这里有味道非常棒的智利鲈鱼 We have a great Chilean sea bass today for you guys. Green Light (2015)
See this? Genuine Screaming Eagle bass plug. Only $6.[CN] 看这个 真品啸鹰鲈鱼诱饵 只要六块钱 Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
- Olsen, that bass hasn't been done.[CN] -欧森,鲈鱼还没弄好 Neverending Battle (1993)
What kind of fish should I go after? Bass, trout, bluegills?[CN] 我该钓哪种鱼 鲈鱼 鳟鱼 还是蓝腮鱼? Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
And he's drivin' a big green bass boat[CN] , 而他赶回一 绿色的大鲈鱼 A Merry Friggin' Christmas (2014)
Seafood salad, grilled sea bass, and a mixed salad.[CN] 海鲜莎拉 烤海鲈鱼 还有混合莎拉 Body of Love (1972)
Let's see, last year the Wakapoogee was won with a bass. 6 pounds, 8 ounces.[CN] 我们看看 去年瓦卡伯格湖 一条六磅八盎司的鲈鱼获胜 Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
Bulgogi, sea bass soup and pretty much everything I cook[CN] 烤牛肉,鲈鱼汤和许多我煮的东西 Marriage Is a Crazy Thing (2002)
She's a bird of prey and that's her perch.[CN] 她是猛禽 这就是她的鲈鱼 Pilot (2015)
I'm looking to see a Chilean Sea Bass.[CN] 我想找一条智利鲈鱼 Autumn in New York (2000)
I don't fish. I shoot.[CN] 我们有个两公顷大的鱼塘 里面全是鲢鱼和鲈鱼 Do you fish? I got a two -acre pond that is just thick with catfish and bass. The Accountant (2016)


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