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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
鱼鹰[yú yīng, ㄩˊ ㄧㄥ,   /  ] name used for many fishing birds; cormorant; osprey #75,754 [Add to Longdo]

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The fish eagle is small and highly manoeuvrable.[CN] 鱼鹰个子小 机动性很强 Africa (2012)
The fish eagle is still hungry.[CN] 鱼鹰仍然还是饥肠辘辘 Africa (2012)
This osprey has a brood to feed and will be back.[CN] 这只鱼鹰有一窝幼鸟要喂养 它还会回来 Summer (2009)
Exactly what the eagle was hoping for.[CN] 这正是鱼鹰希望看到的 Africa (2012)
And kingfishers swooped and darted about, their shadows racing over the brown trout.[CN] 鱼鹰向水面猛扑下来 它们的身影 遮住了褐色的鲑鱼 Frenzy (1972)
He could spear the eagle with just one jab.[CN] 它一啄就可以致鱼鹰于死地 Africa (2012)
It's the perfect place for a fish eagle to set up home.[CN] 这里是鱼鹰安家的完美地方 Africa (2012)
In the next journey across a continent, we will fly with vultures, flamingos and fish eagles as we experience a bird's-eye view of Africa.[CN] 下一场飞越大陆的旅程 我们将与兀鹫一起飞行 还有火烈鸟和鱼鹰 North America (2011)
The abundance in the ocean oasis attract so many of these fish hawks that they crowd the twigs sometimes building their nests less than 100 meters apart[CN] 海上绿洲丰富的食物吸引许多鱼鹰前来 他们挤在树枝上,通常距离不超过一百公尺 Ocean Oasis (2000)
At last, the fish eagle enjoys the sweet taste of success.[CN] 最终 鱼鹰享受到了胜利的成果 Africa (2012)
It might be wet and wild, but these are the conditions eagles relish.[CN] 这里可能有点潮湿荒凉 但是这种环境正是鱼鹰所需要的 Africa (2012)
Fish eagles have become expert at hunting them.[CN] 鱼鹰已经成为捕食火烈鸟的专家 Africa (2012)


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