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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
试验性[shì yàn xìng, ㄕˋ ㄧㄢˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,    /   ] experimental #54,867 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Her previous doctor submitted her for some rather experimental treatments.[CN] 她的前任医师 让她受了一些试验性的治疗 Reckoning (2001)
It's experimental, isn't it?[CN] 还是试验性质的 是么? Going Under (2008)
It's an experimental drug.[CN] 它是一个试验性的药物 Awakenings (1990)
Now with an experimental treatment, she's actually making an amazing recovery.[CN] 最近经过一次试验性的治疗 她现在正神奇般地恢复 Autopsy (2008)
By-product of an experimental high-yield agent.[CN] 试验性丰产剂的副产品 Wasted Minute (2014)
But there are investigatory drugs which we are willing to utilise.[CN] 我们还有试验性 药品想使用 Terms of Endearment (1983)
Half of them are already experimenting sexually.[CN] 其中一半已经试验性 Sex Ed (2014)
Hesitation marks, those tentative attempts...[CN] 犹豫的痕迹, 那些试验性的尝试... The Loft (2014)
The soil in the valley of peace was perfect for her experimental flowers.[CN] 和平谷的土壤 对于栽培她的试验性植物十分合适 Scorpion's Sting (2011)
Wouldn't the story be better if the guy got hit by lightning or took some experimental drug?[CN] -要是换成一个家伙被雷劈了 - 或是吃了什么试验性的药 这故事会不会变好点儿? Truth or Consequences, N.M. (1997)
We were living apart. Uh, just a trial separation.[CN] 我们分居了 只是试验性分居 Kill the Messenger (2014)
A government funded effort to enhance physical capabilities Through an experimental hyper-catalyst.[CN] 是一项由政府资助的 通过试验性催化剂 来加强人类体质的研究项目 I Love the Knight Life (2009)


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