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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
穿着[chuān zhuó, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ, 穿  / 穿 ] dress; to wear; clothes; attire [Add to Longdo]
穿着打扮[chuān zhuó dǎ bàn, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄉㄚˇ ㄅㄢˋ, 穿    / 穿   ] style of dress; one's appearance [Add to Longdo]
穿着讲究[chuān zhuó jiǎng jiu, ㄔㄨㄢ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄐㄧㄤˇ ㄐㄧㄡ˙, 穿    / 穿   ] smart clothes; particular about one's dress [Add to Longdo]

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I still see you in the front of me with pigtails and your miniskirt.[CN] 我可以看到你穿着那裙子 还有那毛衣和那卷发 你觉得老了? The Party (1980)
Look, things have never been so good between South London and the East End.[CN] 我出来混的时候你还穿着尿片 The Long Good Friday (1980)
Only you guys gotta think of the damned things you wanted to do to a girl.[CN] 你们穿着最好的衣服 带着女伴前来 The Big Red One (1980)
And the bodies falling ...[CN] 并且穿着围巾 Shogun Assassin (1980)
Affiirmative. One, two, three Mae Wests![CN] 确定 1 2 3 有 三人穿着救生背心! The Final Countdown (1980)
When she was a student and walked in town, - the boys all looked at her.[CN] 佳代子, 表姐穿着学生服 拎着书包往街上一走 - 调皮学生都要看几眼 - 净胡说 A Distant Cry from Spring (1980)
Oh I was so thrilled. Absolutely thrilled. You were wearing that wonderful blue sparkling dress.[CN] 我非常开心,您穿着 那条蓝色的闪光的裙子 The Mirror Crack'd (1980)
They had the possibility, so everybody used to get married in a Iong dress with frills and fringes and laces.[CN] 他们都有心上人 所以人们常常结婚 穿着带褶边、流苏和蕾丝的长裙 Palermo or Wolfsburg (1980)
You in your nightdress, Veronique naked.[CN] 穿着睡衣 薇洛妮克没穿衣服 The Night of the Hunted (1980)
-The assassins wore brown T-shirts the trademark of the terrorist gang led by the notorious Sam Boga.[CN] -刺客穿着由恐怖份子... 波哈所领导之... 恐怖组织的褐色制服 The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)
I want you to observe how they're dressed.[CN] 我要你们留意工人的穿着 Rumble Fish (1983)
What are you doing in your nightgown so many miles away?[CN] 穿着睡衣在荒郊野外干什么? The Night of the Hunted (1980)


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