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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
显像[xiǎn xiàng, ㄒㄧㄢˇ ㄒㄧㄤˋ,   /  ] to form a picture; to develop a photo; to visualize [Add to Longdo]
显像[xiǎn xiàng guǎn, ㄒㄧㄢˇ ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄍㄨㄢˇ,    /   ] CRT used in TV or computer monitor; picture tube; kinescope #36,988 [Add to Longdo]

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A glioma not presenting on a contrast M.R.I. would have to be smaller than a grain of sand, which does not a gravely ill person make.[CN] 磁共振显像显示不出的神经胶质瘤要比一颗沙子还要小 , 而这对一个重病患者来说是不可能的. Fidelity (2004)
The previous M.R.I. had a broader view.[CN] 前面的磁共振显像对像很广. Fidelity (2004)
Get him a radionucleotide cisternogram. I guarantee you'll see a blockage.[CN] 给他做一个放射核甘脑池显像图 我保证你会看到有阻塞 Paternity (2004)
The Sentinel's picking up something large on the monitor, sir.[CN] 桑得诺在显像器上 发现大物体 Licence to Kill (1989)
Seems to be the star of her department.[CN] 死者死因明显像是自杀。 The Secret of the Flame Tree (2017)
- Let's examine the images.[CN] 再看一次卫星显像 Double Team (1997)
..are seeing signs of Kanji's Godly form.[CN] 目睹坎吉的显像 OMG: Oh My God! (2012)
The Saturn imaging probe?[CN] 土星显像探测卫星怎么办 Mission to Mars (2000)
The M.R.I. and the mammogram only showed a few benign calcifications.[CN] 磁共振显像和乳房X光摄影片只发现了一些良性钙化. Fidelity (2004)
It gave a slightly denser picture than an x-ray for twice the money.[CN] 它比X光机显像更精确一点点 但却贵了一倍 The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
He could still have it. PET scan will reveal any changing metabolic activity in the cerebral cortex.[CN] 正电子发射断层显像(PET)会显示 大脑皮层代谢活动的任何变化 Honeymoon (2005)
The M.R.I. reveals nothing.[CN] 磁共振显像什么也显示不出来. Fidelity (2004)


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