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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
扳手[bān shǒu, ㄅㄢ ㄕㄡˇ,  ] spanner; wrench; lever (on a machine) #42,272 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
they found monique's blood on the wrench that mike was trying to dispose of.[CN] 他们在Mike想处理掉的扳手上 发现了Monique的血样 The Miracle Song (2006)
wrench! Anybody there?[CN] 扳手,听见没? Sahara (2005)
Franco said they beat him in the head with a wrench for two solid minutes and they got tired before he did.[CN] 法兰科说他们用扳手 打他的头整整两分钟 他们还比他先累 Nobody (2007)
You're down in that muck. Here's your lug wrench.[CN] 你現在站在淤泥裡 這是你的扳手 License to Wed (2007)
and makeure he knows about my wrench.[CN] 还要确保他们了解我那把扳手 The Miracle Song (2006)
All right, give me a wrench, I need the wrench.[CN] 扳手给我 Sahara (2005)
Joey Mango. Joey the Wrench.[CN] 芒果Joey 扳手Joey Mob Rules (2005)
Pleakley, my wrench![CN] 布萊克利,我的扳手 Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (2005)
- Give me a box wrench, would you?[CN] - 能给我一个套筒扳手吗? Fresh Blood (2007)
The five-eighths.[CN] 还有开口扳手 Peaceful Warrior (2006)
You might wanna wash that wrench off.[CN] 你也许想把扳手弄干净 Children and Art (2006)
They might beat me to death with a monkey wrench.[CN] 他们可能会用扳手把我打死 Bernard and Doris (2006)


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