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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
幻灭[huàn miè, ㄏㄨㄢˋ ㄇㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] to disillusion; disillusionment; vanishing (illusions, hopes, aspirations etc) #38,130 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
-Right? -She likes him.[CN] -当这个人某些奇怪部分显露出来时 -是啊 -泡影通常会幻灭 Mr. Perfect in the City (2016)
-History has proven this.[CN] -过去曾有过两三次泡影幻灭的经验 Mr. Perfect in the City (2016)
Stop.[CN] 而那封信被冲走了 一切希望都幻灭 Champion (2016)
Bubbles burst.[CN] 这次有可能迎来不会幻灭的泡影 Mr. Perfect in the City (2016)
Any illusion Flashing also 仆 us Yuku beyond[CN] 无论怎样幻灭 我们都会超越它 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
In the meantime, this music, it's beautiful and laden with tragic disillusion but, uh, the same tape over and over again, all day long, please, I know I am your prisoner but there's no need to torture me, my friend.[CN] 同时, 这样的音乐, 它的美丽和载货 与悲惨的幻灭 但是,呃,同一磁带 一遍又一遍, 一天到晚, Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (2015)
I knew all his dreams of greatness would be wrecked because of her.[CN] 他的梦想一定会因她而幻灭 Gilda (1946)
-She likes him.[CN] 还有 泡影很容易幻灭 -当涉及感情时 -对 Mr. Perfect in the City (2016)
He's determined.[CN] 你知道泡影总会幻灭 Mr. Perfect in the City (2016)
-Good morning.[CN] -绝对会幻灭 Mr. Perfect in the City (2016)
Your upper lip is all sweaty.[CN] 拜托让泡影幻灭 Mr. Perfect in the City (2016)
When there was no hope left she had gone home to her mother.[CN] 当所有的希望幻灭的时候 她回到了母亲的身边 The Phantom Carriage (1921)


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