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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
宗教法[しゅうきょうほう, shuukyouhou] (n) religious law [Add to Longdo]
宗教法[しゅうきょうほうじん, shuukyouhoujin] (n) religious organization; religious organisation [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
When they went back to Spain, Gutierrez went directly to the infamous Inquisition.[CN] Gutierre直接去了臭名昭著的宗教法庭 这是梵蒂冈创立的天主教组织 Closer Encounters (2010)
No..."Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition"[CN] 沒有人喜歡西班牙宗教法 Sliding Doors (1998)
Gutierrez, reported him to the Inquisition after hearing[CN] 将那比作犹太教烛台 他因此被报告给宗教法 Closer Encounters (2010)
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition![CN] 沒有人喜歡西班牙宗教法 Sliding Doors (1998)
And when she popped in for an unexpected visit it sort of turned into a reenactment of the Inquisition.[CN] 她突如其来的造访 变成了宗教法庭的重演 Music and Lyrics (2007)
The Inquisition forced the cult members to go underground.[CN] 宗教法庭逼迫这些崇拜者转为地下运动 Return to House on Haunted Hill (2007)
What are they playing at in the consistory?[CN] 他们在宗教法庭上在玩什么? Witchhammer (1970)
No, it's not 0K. Tell that to Dr. Torquemada and his Inquisition.[CN] 不 这很要紧 去告诉那个宗教法官医生 Meet the Parents (2000)
"Nobody expects the spanish Inquisition"[CN] 沒有人喜歡西班牙宗教法 Sliding Doors (1998)
Religious classification in 22 countries.[JP] 22ヶ国で 宗教法人として認められた Fast (2016)
Anything to end the Spanish Fort Wayne Inquisition.[CN] 这个宗教法庭式审讯的事都可以 True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet (2008)
"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition", I know[CN] 沒有人喜歡西班牙宗教法 Sliding Doors (1998)


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