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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
喜出望外[xǐ chū wàng wài, ㄒㄧˇ ㄔㄨ ㄨㄤˋ ㄨㄞˋ,    ] overjoyed at unexpected good news (成语 saw) #29,963 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Hey, what a wonderful surprise![CN] - 嗨 真是喜出望外 Four Times that Night (1971)
I'll be happy if you get to Point two.[CN] 如果你做到第二条我就喜出望外 Summer of '42 (1971)
We'll fix the whole place. You'll be amazed.[CN] 我们彻底装修一遍 你会喜出望外 The Legend of Paul and Paula (1973)
- Stuns you, doesn't it?[CN] - 喜出望外 是不是? Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
Awaiting the doctor, Madame de Fleurville is worried, but gives thanks for having in her care an unconscious, but titled person.[CN] 等待医生期间 弗勒维尔夫人忧心忡忡 但又喜出望外 她照顾的是 一个没有意识但是有爵位的人 The Granddaughter's Model (1971)
Laughing my head off.[CN] 喜出望外 La ragazzina (1974)
Jeff, it's really good to see you again.[CN] 杰夫,重逢真是喜出望外 Libel (1959)
What an unexpected pleasure.[CN] 真令人喜出望外 Tom Jones (1963)
What a nice surprise, and you're just in time for some wonderful news.[CN] 真是喜出望外 正要告诉您一些喜讯 Bye Bye Birdie (1963)
On November 13, to Churchill's great joy, Tobruk was retaken.[CN] 11月13日 托布鲁克被夺回 令丘吉尔喜出望外 The Desert: North Africa - 1940-1943 (1973)
What an unexpected pleasure. Welcome to the Mujaba Club.[CN] 我真是喜出望外 欢迎来到穆杰巴俱乐部 The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
I can't tell you how completely happy I am to have you here tonight.[CN] 喜出望外今晚有你们在此陪我 Daughters of Darkness (1971)


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