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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
低沉[dī chén, ㄉㄧ ㄔㄣˊ,  ] overcast; gloomy; downcast; deep and low (of sound); muffled #17,662 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
and the thunder, That deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Prospero;[CN] 雷声,可怕的低沉琴声 唤着普洛斯斐洛的名字 Prospero's Books (1991)
Did you really feel depressed after you shot Hobbes to death?[CN] 打死巴雷特,雅各布,哈伯斯先生 真让你那么低沉么? Manhunter (1986)
Her voice was ever soft and gentle and low, and excellent thing in women.[CN] 她的声音是那么平缓, 温柔 低沉, 以及女性的一切美好事物. King Lear (1987)
You had a deeper voice on the phone![CN] 你在电话里的声音比较低沉 Tenebre (1982)
And she had the lowest register of any woman.[CN] 她有任何女人里最低沉的音域 Tough Old Gut: Italy - November 1942-June 1944 (1974)
Women always think that the lower they speak, the more sexy they sound.[CN] 女人总是认为她们说话声音越低沉, 她们听起来就越性感 Tough Old Gut: Italy - November 1942-June 1944 (1974)
" And his voice dropped down low "[CN] "他的嗓音变得低沉" Life of Brian (1979)
OR A BOY WITH A DEEP, YOU KNOW...[CN] 或声音低沉的男孩 New Nightmare (1994)
Come with us. Our Russian says his voice is so deep that it causes catatonia[CN] 跟我们来 俄罗斯人说他的声音很低沉 And the Ship Sails On (1983)
And to top it off they had retarded knee reflexes, lost appetite and exhibited symptoms of general depression.[CN] 而最重要的是他們膝蓋反應遲鈍和沒胃口... 情緒也明顯低沉,是的 Heart of a Dog (1988)
Why did you leave ringing in my ears the hollow voice whose failure is heard?[CN] 为什么您离开 让我耳里回响着报告失败的低沉声音 Al otro lado del espejo (1973)
He'd fascinate her with his bizarre talks... his tales of anguish... softly, whilst staring at her with his demented eyes.[CN] 他用他的奇谈怪论... 痛苦故事... 用他疯狂凝视的眼睛 低沉的声音迷住了她 Anima persa (1977)


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