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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
亲密无间[qīn mì wú jiān, ㄑㄧㄣ ㄇㄧˋ ㄨˊ ㄐㄧㄢ,     /    ] close relation, no gap (成语 saw); intimate and nothing can come between #36,791 [Add to Longdo]

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A man who is on a first name basis with the truth.[CN] 一个与真相亲密无间的人 52 Pick-Up (1986)
Cathy, I'm your dearest and closest friend in the world.[CN] Cathy,我是你最亲密无间的朋友 Far from Heaven (2002)
This firm is extremely close to Mayor Snyder.[CN] 这家公司和Snyder市长亲密无间 Truth Be Told (2004)
Never has the thickness of a straw come between us.[CN] 从来是亲密无间 Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
Over the next century they smuggled it out of Europe and they formed a new brotherhood called the Freemasons, in honour of the builders of the great temple.[CN] 在后来的几个世纪里 他们从欧洲走私财宝 他们创建了一个亲密无间的组织 "共济会 用以纪念那些建造了神殿的人们 National Treasure (2004)
Death that's born as Life succumbs, while Death and Love, two kindred drums, beat the time till Judgment Day, an actor in a Passion play, without beginning, without end evermore, amen.[CN] 当生命俯首称臣,死亡就随即降临 死和爱亲密无间地合奏着生命的节拍 直到生命的最后一刻 Cemetery Man (1994)
The fact of it is that they were very attached.[CN] 实际上她们的关系亲密无间 Cries & Whispers (1972)
We got no secrets, Hartmann and me. More like brothers, really.[CN] 哈特曼和我亲密无间更像是兄弟 The Night of the Generals (1967)
You are now men of distinction.[CN] 你们是亲密无间的兄弟 你们是优秀人才 Drumline (2002)
Good, kind and polite, they were most tenderly attached to each other.[CN] 她们温和 善良 礼貌 彼此亲密无间 The Granddaughter's Model (1971)
I mean I thought you guys were bonding for life.[CN] 我是说我觉得你们一辈子亲密无间 Night Fire (1994)
Some a little ill at ease, some genuinely intimate.[CN] 有些人很忐忑不安, 有些人则是真正的亲密无间 A New Germany: 1933-1939 (1973)


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