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上载[shàng zài, ㄕㄤˋ ㄗㄞˋ,   /  ] to upload [Add to Longdo]

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Are those sharks with laserbeams attached to their heads?[CN] 那些鲨鱼头上载着雷射枪吗? Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
Next he was driving the family to the church, changing his uniform and then giving the bride away.[CN] 他马上载着全家去教堂 换掉他的制服 然后就把女儿嫁掉 那不是我的作风,我不喜欢 Sabrina (1954)
You'll upload it onto the terminal.[CN] 你要把它上载到终端 The Abduction (2002)
He'd be cleaning the cooling towers, wearing...[CN] 他负责清理冷却塔 脸上载着... Erin Brockovich (2000)
Where with his horse and brushwood[CN] "马匹上载满了东西" Zatoichi's Pilgrimage (1966)
- First off... you're carrying a fare, and your meter's not on.[CN] 第一,你车上载了乘客 却没有跳表 The Bone Collector (1999)
While searching the boat they found 20 illegal immigrants[CN] 在搜查时 发现船上载有二十名非法入境者 Hong Kong, Hong Kong (1983)
Good, yet remember whom thou hast aboard.[CN] 好,不过别忘了船上载的是谁 Prospero's Books (1991)
So, when we get out of here-- and we will get out of here-- what do you say we go down to Florida, we get ourselves a boat, and we stock it with all the nicest, yummiest things... we can possibly get our hands on, [CN] 等我们逃出去 一定逃得出去 咱们到佛罗里达州 租艘游艇 船上载满好吃的东西 Dante's Peak (1997)
I'll have to conform it to our system before we get it online.[CN] 上载之前 要与我们系统进行适配 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. (2014)
Let's see the upload.[CN] 怎么上载 Johnny Mnemonic (1995)
The plane was carrying gold and platinum wiring also set for Pakistan.[CN] 上载有黄金和白金 The Usual Suspects (1995)


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