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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
一位[いちい(P);イチイ, ichii (P); ichii] (n, adj-no) (1) (いちい only) first place; first rank; unit's position; (n) (2) (uk) Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata); (P) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Either you or I will get the first prize.あなたか私のどちらかが一位を取るだろう。
The amateur singer won first in the talent show hands down.あのシロウト歌手は文句なくタレントショーで一位となった。
To everyone's astonishment, Mike won first prize in the speech contest.みんなが驚いたことに、マイクはスピーチコンテストで一位を取った。
As might be expected, he took the first place.案の定、彼は第一位になった。
The merger created the first largest bank in Japan.合併の結果、日本で第一位の銀行が誕生した。
In nine cases out of ten he will take the first place.十中八九、彼は一位になるだろう。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm looking for a Mrs. Clare.[CN] 我在找一位克萊爾太太 Tess (1979)
I'm sorry. Next! Next![CN] 很抱歉 下一位一位 The Immigrant (2013)
You. You.[CN] -下一位 Big (1988)
I had a feeling I was creating one.[CN] 我有一种感觉,我创造了一位 Champion (1949)
I am trying to confirm I.D. as Caitlyn Turner, and you're listed as one of the contacts.[CN] 我正在确认她是不是Caitlyn Turner 你们是其中一位联系人 Red John's Rules (2013)
Now, as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter are tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour.[JP] まずミスター・ディゴリー そしてミスター・ポッター 同点一位の この2人がまず迷路に入る Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
As a former governor so aptly put it...[CN] 就像从前一位州长如此妥善的治理 As a former governor so aptly put it — I Married a Witch (1942)
The winner is Mr. Diggory who showed innate command of the Bubble-Head Charm.[JP] 一位はミスター・ディゴリー 泡頭呪文"は見事じゃった Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
You don't know which one?[CN] 你不知道哪一位? The Dark Mirror (1946)
Did it occur to you to ask a female officer to go with you?[CN] 你有沒有想過找一位女警察跟你一起去? Lost Reputation (2012)
Bravo.[CN] 一位是乔治 Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon (1998)
I'm looking for a girl in Hengchun whose heart died too.[JP] 私も心が死んでしまった恆春の少女を探してるの 我也在尋找一位心死的恆春女孩 Cape No. 7 (2008)


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