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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
矩阵[jǔ zhèn, ㄐㄩˇ ㄓㄣˋ,   /  ] array; matrix (math.) #16,555 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Look, this place barely showed up on my threat matrix.[CN] 这个地方甚至没出现在我的危险矩阵 Take Out (2007)
Why did you start out with the threat matrix to begin with?[CN] 那你为什么要从危险矩阵入手呢? Take Out (2007)
This threat matrix isn't quite right yet.[CN] 这个危险矩阵还不是太准确 Take Out (2007)
Are you talking about Homeland Security's threat matrix?[CN] 你是在说国土安全部的危险矩阵吗? Take Out (2007)
What you looking at is a fully integrated graphic representation... of the radio communications matrix, networking the whole of the UK's transmitters.[CN] 对不起 你们看到的是 综合图像显示的无线电信号矩阵 将英国所有的信号发射器联网 Episode #2.3 (2008)
From the form of this matrix, we can see...?[CN] 从这个矩阵的组成来说 我们能看出... ? Spider-Man 3 (2007)
That's the saddest thing I've seen since Matrix Revolutions.[CN] 这是我看过"黑客帝国之矩阵革命"后 知道的最可怜的事了 Episode #1.2 (2007)
You can see the matrix, can't you?[CN] 你能看见矩阵 是不是? The Jerusalem Duality (2008)
If there are more robberies, then, yeah, maybe I can revisit the threat matrix, but...[CN] 如果能有更多的劫案 那么 也许我可以重新构建危险矩阵 不过 Take Out (2007)
So Amita and I adapted Homeland Security's threat matrix to examine these eight robberies by target, time, location, and security.[CN] 我和Amita 调整了国土安全部的危险矩阵 来研究这八次抢劫案的 Take Out (2007)
52% of heat exchanger, cross-collateralized with hyperdimensional matrix.[CN] 52%的热交换机 联接多维矩阵 Torn (2006)
Pancreatic fluid at one with the continuum of evolutional matrix.[CN] 胰液在进化矩阵的统一体中流动 Torn (2006)


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