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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, zhǎo, ㄓㄠˇ] lake, pond, swamp
Radical: , Decomposition:   氵 [shuǐ, ㄕㄨㄟˇ]  召 [zhào, ㄓㄠˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] water
Rank: 2480

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: marsh; lake; bog; swamp; pond
On-yomi: ショウ, shou
Kun-yomi: ぬま, numa
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 1467

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[zhǎo, ㄓㄠˇ, ] pond; pool #23,981 [Add to Longdo]
[zhǎo qì, ㄓㄠˇ ㄑㄧˋ,   /  ] marsh gas; methane CH4 #19,606 [Add to Longdo]
[zhǎo zé, ㄓㄠˇ ㄗㄜˊ,   /  ] marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade #24,806 [Add to Longdo]
[ní zhǎo, ㄋㄧˊ ㄓㄠˇ,  ] swamp #46,333 [Add to Longdo]
泽地[zhǎo zé dì, ㄓㄠˇ ㄗㄜˊ ㄉㄧˋ,    /   ] marsh; swamp; everglade #47,124 [Add to Longdo]
[chí zhǎo, ㄔˊ ㄓㄠˇ,  ] pool; pond #116,933 [Add to Longdo]
[hú zhǎo xué, ㄏㄨˊ ㄓㄠˇ ㄒㄩㄝˊ,    /   ] limnology #339,186 [Add to Longdo]
泽地带[zhǎo zé dì dài, ㄓㄠˇ ㄗㄜˊ ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄞˋ,     /    ] marsh; swamp; everglade [Add to Longdo]
[hú zhǎo, ㄏㄨˊ ㄓㄠˇ,  ] lakes and marshes [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
[ぬま] (n) บึง, หนอง(พื้นที่น้ำที่ตื้นและเล็กกว่าทะเลสาบ), See also: 沼地,

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[ぬま, numa] (n, n-suf) swamp; bog; pond; lake; (P) #6,541 [Add to Longdo]
[ぬまた(P);ぬまだ, numata (P); numada] (n) marshy rice field or paddy; (P) #8,508 [Add to Longdo]
[ぬまむつ;ヌマムツ, numamutsu ; numamutsu] (n) (uk) Nipponocypris sieboldii (species of cyprinid) [Add to Longdo]
[しょうき, shouki] (n) marsh gas; methane [Add to Longdo]
[しょうこ, shouko] (n) marshes and lakes [Add to Longdo]
虎の尾[ぬまとらのお;ヌマトラノオ, numatoranoo ; numatoranoo] (n) (uk) Lysimachia fortunei (species of loosestrife) [Add to Longdo]
[ぬますぎ;ヌマスギ, numasugi ; numasugi] (n) (See 落羽松) bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) [Add to Longdo]
[しょうたく, shoutaku] (n) marsh; swamp; (P) [Add to Longdo]
沢植物[しょうたくしょくぶつ, shoutakushokubutsu] (n) helophyte; marsh plant [Add to Longdo]
沢地[しょうたくち, shoutakuchi] (n) wetland; marshland [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Lots of herons live in the marsh.そのにはサギがたくさん住んでいる。
Minutes or hours later Dr. Numata came in and felt Sadako's forehead.何分か経ったのか、それとも何時間か経ったのか、田先生が家に入ってきて、禎子の額に手を当てた。
We were bogged down in a morass of paperwork.私たちは書類事務の泥に陥っていた。
There is a small pond here.小さながあります。
Swampy land is no use for building purposes.地に建物は建てられない。
They got through the marsh.彼らは地を通り抜けた。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
So unless you'd like to go back to that swamp you came from, find what I need and do it quickly![CN] 所以除非你想回你的泽老家 So unless you'd like to go back to that swamp you came from, 找到我需要的东西 并且要快! find what I need and do it quickly! Barbie in Princess Power (2015)
they will rotate i direction of the tip.[CN] 从脚印判断,他们是绕着泽地走的 A zori zdes tikhie... (2015)
Take my hand and climb out of that morass.[CN] 牽著我的手 從那片澤里爬出來吧 The Ten Commandments Killer (2015)
But we have been through enemies has already 24 hours a day! 24 hours a day![CN] 我们牵着敌人的鼻子在泽地里转了一整天 可是! A zori zdes tikhie... (2015)
You don't understand. This road is too low. It goes through the swamp.[JP] いや こっちは低地だから があるはずだ Sorcerer (1977)
How are you going to clear the stumps or drive through a swamp?[JP] 切り抜けてもはどうする? Sorcerer (1977)
There's too much mud.[JP] が多すぎる Sorcerer (1977)
A man saves another who was sinking into a slimy pond... thereby risking his own life.[JP] 聞いてくれ 昔 ある男が 泥に落ちた男を助けた Nostalgia (1983)
there is only one option to German path:[CN] 这样一来,德国人要去炸铁路, 只有一个选择。 就是绕过草地上的泽。 A zori zdes tikhie... (2015)
It maps here was a call.[CN] 德国人不知道,地图上标的泽,其实还有路。 A zori zdes tikhie... (2015)
-Cascades. -Cloudbursts. -Swamps of books.[JP] 滝やほども Beauty and the Beast (1991)
You must count your blessings, here in the marsh we're safe.[JP] 地だから安全なんです 神様に感謝しなくちゃ Tikhiy Don (1957)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
[ぬま, numa] Sumpf, Morast [Add to Longdo]
[ぬまち, numachi] Sumpfland, Sumpfboden [Add to Longdo]
[しょうたく, shoutaku] Sumpf, Morast, Moor [Add to Longdo]
[ぬまた, numata] sumpfiges_Feld, schlammiges_Feld [Add to Longdo]


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