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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
山形[Shān xíng xiàn, ㄕㄢ ㄒㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,    /   ] Yamagata prefecture in north of Honshū island, Japan [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
山形[やまがた, yamagata] (n) mountain-shaped; (P) #1,614 [Add to Longdo]
山形[やまがたけん, yamagataken] (n) Yamagata prefecture (Tohoku area) [Add to Longdo]
山形袖章[やまがたそでしょう, yamagatasodeshou] (n) (See 山形紋) chevron (military rank insignia) [Add to Longdo]
山形[やまがたもん, yamagatamon] (n) (See 山形袖章) chevron (in heraldry) [Add to Longdo]

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Yamagato is down to 215 and an eighth.[CN] 山形掉了215点,排名第八 Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Now AmCor is holding steady but Yamagato...[CN] 安美康还很稳 但山形... Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
There are jobs in Yamagata too.[CN] 要找工作的话 我们山形县也有啊 Only Yesterday (1991)
To Yamagata or somewhere.[CN] 山形縣還是什麼的 The Demon (1978)
Anyway, I decided to sleep the rest of the way.[CN] 不管如何我决定在剩下往山形县的车程中睡觉 Only Yesterday (1991)
She has no family in Yamagata.[CN] 她在山形縣沒親戚 The Demon (1978)
- A vaulted... A vaulted pediment. Vaulted pediment.[CN] 圆拱山形 One Fine Day (1996)
I work there, at Yamagata.[CN] 我在山形县工作 Chapter Twelve 'Godsend' (2007)
A: he grew worse, he wanted to go home to Yamagata.[CN] 当他身体状况更差时 他想要回山形老家 A Class to Remember (1993)
I am from Unasaka, in the northeast in what is now Yamagata Prefecture.[CN] 我家乡位于山形县庄内郡海土反町 The Twilight Samurai (2002)
The snows of Yamagata.[CN] 山形的雪 Silk (2007)
From Yamagata?[CN] 山形来的? A Class to Remember (1993)


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