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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
小册子[xiǎo cè zi, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄘㄜˋ ㄗ˙,    /   ] booklet; pamphlet; leaflet; information sheet; menu #27,857 [Add to Longdo]

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Of course. We have a specially prepared booklet.[CN] 当然 我们特别准备了个小册子 Saratoga Trunk (1945)
Information pamphlet. 14-day ration card.[CN] 信息小册子 14天配给卡 Reckoning: 1945... and After (1974)
Any minute now, he'll pull a fast one out of that little book of his and it'll rain milk.[CN] Any minute now, he'll pull a fast one out of that little book of his and it'll rain milk. 他随时会从他的小册子里放出龙王行云施雨 Strange Cargo (1940)
Why, I was just reading here in this booklet.[CN] 我刚看过这小册子 Saboteur (1942)
It's a little booklet on how to have... "fun" in San Francisco.[CN] 这本小册子有介绍在旧金山怎么"玩" D.O.A. (1949)
There are some booklets over there. I don't know how they came here.[CN] 那里有些小册子我 不知道它们怎么来的 The Night of the Generals (1967)
You can wear a union button as big as a Frisbee, talk union, as long as it's during a break, and pass along union pamphlets.[CN] 你可以穿一个工会按钮 大如一个飞盘, 谈工会,只要 休息时它的, 并通过沿工会小册子 Norma Rae (1979)
There would be a smart crack overhead, and down would flutter propaganda pamphlets, saying, "The Yanks are lease-lending your women."[CN] 在头顶上有聪明的俏皮话, 在下面则飘落着宣传小册子, 上面说, "美国佬正在租借你们的女人" Tough Old Gut: Italy - November 1942-June 1944 (1974)
I'll send you some pamphlets.[CN] - 我会把小册子寄给你。 The Front (1976)
Got it written down in a little book.[CN] 全写在一个小册子 T-Men (1947)
Urn, do you have any books or pamphlets on witchcraft?[CN] 你有没有关于巫术的书或者小册子? Urn, do you have any books or pamphlets on witchcraft? The City of the Dead (1960)
That little book you were telling me about...[CN] 你跟我说过的那本小册子... T-Men (1947)


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