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Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
As it was past 8 p.m. we called it a day.8時も過ぎたのでその日は打ち切りにした。
I ended up going over the top, drinking too much and had a terrible hangover the next day.ついハメをはずして飲みすぎたのか翌日はひどい二日酔いでした。
I arrived too late and missed the train.私は着くのが遅すぎたので列車に乗り遅れた。
He fell ill because he ate too much.彼は食べすぎたので病気になった。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Too late![JP] もう遅すぎたのです! The Blues Brothers (1980)
What, we missed it?[JP] もう過ぎたのか? Call Waiting (2007)
swollen life-sucking god of death.[JP] 見ろ. . 命を吸って膨らみすぎたのろまな死に神だ. Princess Mononoke (1997)
Well, look who over-ordered, as usual.[JP] ちょっと頼みすぎたの Deadly Departed (2007)
He wasn't satisfied, so the final wind up was he took the count.[JP] 彼も欲を出し過ぎたの Detour (1945)
I was alone too long.[JP] 一人ぼっちでいすぎたの Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
I know it's past office hours.[JP] 営業時間が過ぎたのは知っている These Are the Voyages... (2005)
- Look, I do a lot of coke, okay?[JP] - ほら、コカインをやり過ぎたのよ、ね? A Scanner Darkly (2006)
No screams. Either I'm just in time, or I'm way too late.[JP] 声がしない 間に合ったのか遅すぎたの Sin City (2005)
Perhaps I have walked too far today.[JP] 歩きすぎたのかも Episode #1.3 (1995)
Could you put a cork in it.[JP] - サンタフェ通り過ぎたのはなんで? The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Admiral Ozzel came out of light speed too close to the system.[JP] オゼル提督は近づきすぎたの Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)


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