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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -かがみ-, *かがみ*
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English Phonetic Symbols

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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
[かがみ, kagami] (n) กระจก

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[かがみ, kagami] (n) mirror; (P) #2,905 [Add to Longdo]
鑑;鑒[かがみ, kagami] (n) model; pattern #7,123 [Add to Longdo]
鏡に映る[かがみにうつる, kagaminiutsuru] (exp, v5r) to be reflected in a mirror [Add to Longdo]
鏡の間;鏡ノ間[かがみのま, kagaminoma] (n) (1) room behind the curtain of a noh stage, where the actors prepare; greenroom (noh); mirror room; (2) hall of mirrors (at Versailles) [Add to Longdo]
鏡を抜く[かがみをぬく, kagamiwonuku] (exp, v5k) to uncask; to open a barrel [Add to Longdo]
鏡開き[かがみびらき, kagamibiraki] (n) (1) cutting the New Year's rice cake (January 11th); (2) traditional breaking of a sake cask at weddings, receptions, etc. [Add to Longdo]
鏡割り;鏡割[かがみわり, kagamiwari] (n) breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel [Add to Longdo]
鏡藷[かがみいも, kagamiimo] (n) (See 蘿芋) Metaplexis japonica [Add to Longdo]
鏡板[かがみいた, kagamiita] (n) (1) panel; scene-panel; (2) (symbolically a reflection of tree at the front of the stage) painted backdrop (panel at the back of a noh stage), on which an oak tree is painted [Add to Longdo]
鏡餅[かがみもち, kagamimochi] (n) mirror-shaped mochi, usu. a pair stacked in order of size with a daidai on top, used as a New Year offering, then cut and eaten on January 11. [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
He sits upright, not crouched over his plate like an animal at a feeding trough.まっすぐにすわり、かいばおけをつつく動物のように皿の上にかがみこまない。
The lad leaned over and shouted into Tom's ear.若者はかがみこんで、トムの耳元で大声を上げた。
He bent over to see insects in the flowerbed.彼は花壇の昆虫を見るためにかがみこんだ。
She felt sick and sank to the ground.彼女は気分が悪くなり、地面にかがみこんだ。

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
[かがみ, kagami] Spiegel [Add to Longdo]


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