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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: weinstein, -weinstein-
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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Uh, Blair, we all know who my father is, and this girl here is Willa Weinstein.เอ่อ แบลร์ พวกเรารู้ว่าพ่อของฉันชื่ออะไร และคนนี้คือวิลล่า ไวน์สไตน์ ถ้าพ่อของเธอช่วยไม่ได้แล้ว The Last Days of Disco Stick (2009)
Steve Weinstein, a scientist at the Perimeter Institute, thinks it could be true and that it may solve another great mystery -- the riddle of quantum uncertainty.สตีฟเวนสไตน์นักวิทยาศาสตร์ที่ ปริมณฑลสถาบัน คิดว่ามันอาจจะเป็นความจริง และมันอาจจะช่วยแก้ปริศนาอัน ยิ่งใหญ่อีก Does Time Really Exist? (2011)
I have Harvey Weinstein on the other line.ฉันมีฮารวีย์ ไวน์สเตน อยู่อีกสาย The Fasting and the Furious (2011)
Harvey Weinstein?มีฮารวีย์ ไวน์สเตน ? The Fasting and the Furious (2011)
Well, there's interest from major producers, like, uh, like, uh, Scott Rudin and Harvey Weinstein and, um, Brian Grazer, but we haven't made any decisions yet.นี่หละ ผู้สร้างดังๆต่างก็สนใจ เหมือน เออ... Scott Rudin และ Harvey Weinstein The Fasting and the Furious (2011)
I serenaded Jonathan Weinstein from behind a tree.ฉันร้องให้ โจนาธาน ไวน์สตีน ฟังที่หลังต้นไม้ Before We Go (2014)
Jonathan Weinstein behind a tree.โจนาธาน ไวน์สตีน อยู่หลังต้นไม้ Before We Go (2014)
Weinsteins.ไวน์สตีน Before We Go (2014)
A room full of Jonathan Weinsteins.ห้องที่เต็มไปด้วย โจนาธาน ไวน์สตีน Before We Go (2014)
Mr. Weinstein, explain the technicality involving the lack of admissible evidence.Mr. Weinstein! Wieso hat das Gericht die Beweismittel nicht zugelassen? Magnum Force (1973)
Mr. Weinstein, you don't seem surprised about the decision.Mr. Weinstein, das Urteil scheint Sie nicht zu überraschen. Magnum Force (1973)
Could you just write, ґTo Phyllis Weinstein, ґyou unfaithful, lying bitchґґґ?Könnten Sie schreiben: "Für Phyllis Weinstein, "du treulose, verlogene Kuh"? Stardust Memories (1980)
Mr. Weinstein, what were you like as a boy?Mr. Weinstein, wie waren Sie als Junge? Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)
And I want to see you climb, Mr. Weinstein.Und ich will Sie klettern sehen, Mr. Weinstein. Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)
I'd like to help, but Weinstein's Majestic Bungalow Colony is a classy place.Ich würde dir gerne helfen, Danny, aber Weinsteins Majestic Bungalow Colony ist ein klasse Hotel. Broadway Danny Rose (1984)
This is Dr. Weinstein.- Und das ist Dr. Weinstein. Invaders from Mars (1986)
I'm Mark Weinstein, Uh...Ich bin Mark Weinstein... Invaders from Mars (1986)
Dr. Weinstein.Dr. Weinstein. Invaders from Mars (1986)
- You'll have to ask Gus Weinstein that one.- Das musst du Gus Weinstein fragen. Mission of Gold (1987)
I'm Franck's assistant, Howard Weinstein.Howard Weinstein. Father of the Bride (1991)
Banks, this is Howard Weinstein, Franck's executive assistant.Howard Weinstein, Francks Assistent. Father of the Bride (1991)
Josh Weinstein. 40.Josh Weinstein. 40. Oh, Mandy (2005)
Weinstein.Weinstein. Oh, Mandy (2005)
and Greg Weinstein, $1 90, 000.Und Greg Weinstein, 190.000 Dollar. Boiler Room (2000)
Ricca, Weinstein, his attorney. James Cantina, the driver.Ricca, Weinstein, sein Anwalt, James Cantina und der Fahrer. Magnum Force (1973)
Eric, Ari would freak if he knew you were going... to a party at Josh Weinstein's.Eric, Ari würde ausflippen, wenn er wüsste, dass du... zu einer Party bei Josh Weinstein gehst. Busey and the Beach (2004)
Vince and the guys will be partying at Josh Weinstein's.Vince und die Jungs feiern bei Josh Weinstein. Busey and the Beach (2004)
- Who's Josh Weinstein?- Wer ist Josh Weinstein? Busey and the Beach (2004)
Should I be worried about this little party... you guys are going to over at Josh Weinstein's house?Sollte ich mir Gedanken machen, über diese kleine Party... bei Josh Weinstein, zu der ihr Jungs geht? Busey and the Beach (2004)
Josh Weinstein, motherfucker.Josh Weinstein, Mistkerl. Busey and the Beach (2004)
Where's Weinstein?Wo ist Weinstein? Busey and the Beach (2004)
- Anyone seen Josh Weinstein?- Hat jemand Josh Weinstein gesehen? Busey and the Beach (2004)
Josh Weinstein, Triad.Josh Weinstein, Triade. The Script and the Sherpa (2004)
His father was Dr. Benjamin Weinstein.Sein Vater war Dr Benjamin Weinstein. Reveille (2004)
Harvey Weinstein is here.Harvey Weinstein ist hier. Catch-38 (2004)
Yeah, she's over there with the guy dressed like Harvey Weinstein.Ja, mit 'nem Typ, der als Harvey Weinstein verkleidet ist. Pulp Friction (2005)
I just need it back for the Weinstein retirement party.Ich brauche die Sachen für die Pensionsfeier bei Weinsteins. Super Cool Party People (2006)
Mel Weinstein's a nut for John Hughes movies.Mel Weinstein fährt total auf John-Hughes-Filme ab. Super Cool Party People (2006)
- We got Josh Weinstein at three.- Um 3 treffen wir Josh Weinstein. Sorry, Ari (2006)
Josh Weinstein?Josh Weinstein? Sorry, Ari (2006)
Josh fucking Weinstein!Ausgerechnet Weinstein! Sorry, Ari (2006)
Josh Weinstein.Josh Weinstein. The Dream Team (2007)
You have any queen spies at the Weinstein office?Hast du Schwuchtel-Spione in Weinstein's Büro? The Dream Team (2007)
Josh Weinstein.Josh Weinstein. The Dream Team (2007)
"Lloyd, why can't you be more like Josh Weinstein?""Lloyd, warum kannst du nicht mehr wie Josh Weinstein sein?" The Dream Team (2007)
Brought to you from your friends at The Weinstein Company.Präsentiert von euren Freunden von der Weinstein Company. Planet Terror (2007)
To the Betty and Herbert Weinstein Pavilion!Zum "Betty-und-Herbert Weinstein-Pavillion"! Homer of Seville (2007)
Well, if it isn't Leatherhead's very own Spielberg and Weinstein.Haben wir da etwa Leatherheads Spielberg und Weinstein? I Want Candy (2007)
No sign of sediment.Keinerlei Spuren von Weinstein. Dean Spanley (2008)
I'd never seen Muffin that calm, and then a little later the same thing happened again with Tidbit... and King Larry... and again with the Weinstein triplets.Ich hatte Muffin bisher nie so ruhig gesehen und etwas später, passierte die gleiche Sache nochmal mit Tidbit... und King Larry... und mit den Weinstein-Drillingen. Everything Must Go (2008)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
Kasparov(n) Azerbaijani chess master who became world champion in 1985 by defeating Anatoli Karpov (born in 1963), Syn. Gary Weinstein, Gary Kasparov

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Weinstein { m }tartar (of wine); cream of tartar [Add to Longdo]


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