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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: uva, -uva-
Possible hiragana form: うう゛ぁ
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
adjuvant(adj) ซึ่งช่วยเหลือ, Syn. auxiliary
adjuvant(n) ผู้ช่วย, Syn. helper

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
adjuvant(แอด' วันท) adj., n. ผู้ช่วย, ยาเสริม, สิ่งช่วย (serving to help)
helluva(เฮล'ละวะ) adj., adv. เลวมาก, ไม่เห็นด้วยอย่างมาก, ลำบากมาก, อย่างยิ่ง

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
syndrome, couvadeกลุ่มอาการสามีแพ้ท้อง [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
sauvagineสัตว์ป่า [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
adjuvantตัวเสริม [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
Beauvaisโรงทอพรมโบเว [ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
couvade syndromeกลุ่มอาการสามีแพ้ท้อง [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Eluval Horizonชั้นซึมชะ, Example: ชั้นดินแร่ที่สูญเสียอนุภาคดินเหนียว เหล็ก อะลูมิเนียม โดยการชะ เป็นผลทำให้ปริมาณควอตซ์และแร่ต่าง ๆ ขนาดอนุภาคทราย ทรายแป้งที่ทนทานต่อการสลายตัวเหลือค้าง อยู่ในปริมาณ ชั้นนี้มักมีสีจางกว่าชั้นดินใกล้เคียง [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
Adjuvant Activityส่งเสริมการทำงานของระบบ [การแพทย์]
Adjuvantsสารเร่งการตอบสนองทางอิมมูน, สารปรุงแต่ง, ตัวยาช่วย, ตัวยาเสริม [การแพทย์]
Freund's Adjuvant, Emulsified inฉีดด้วยลูกอัณฑะของตัวเอง1ลูก [การแพทย์]
Immunotherapy, Adjuvantเสริมภูมิคุ้มกันทั่วไป [การแพทย์]
Lactate and Pyruvate, Bloodแลคเตทและไพรูเวทในเลือด [การแพทย์]

English-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
suvarnabhumi[สุวรรณภูมิ] (n) สนามบินสุวรรณภูมิ

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
My pluvarb has broken.Mein Pluvarb ist geplatzt. Coneheads (1993)
Eau Sauvage! Christian Dior.- "Eau Sauvage", Christian Dior. Mommy (2014)
marquis duveaux. When you last presented me with your grievance, Marquis Duvaux, Ihr habt mir das schon vorgetragen. Monsters (2014)
Mr. Sauvage?Herr Sauvage? 40-Love (2014)
Game: Sauvage.Sauvage gewinnt. 40-Love (2014)
Sauvage wins 5 games. First set.Sauvage führt 5 zu 3. Erster Satz. 40-Love (2014)
You should show Mr. Sauvage the second warehouse so he can see the works.Vergiss nicht, Herrn Sauvage das zweite Lager zu zeigen. Du kannst mit ihm die Baustelle besichtigen. 40-Love (2014)
Ugo Sauvage.Ugo Sauvage. 40-Love (2014)
Game and 2nd set: Sauvage. 6 games to 4.Spiel und 2. Satz für Sauvage, 6 zu 4. Ein Satz beide. 40-Love (2014)
- May I speak to Jérôme Sauvage?- Guten Tag. Ist Jérôme Sauvage da? 40-Love (2014)
I'm off to Beauvais to put in an appearance at Lord Gramont's Saint Day party.Ich bin draußen in Beauvais, um persönlich zu erscheinen an Lord Gramonts Namenstags Feier. Three Queens (2014)
We're still going east, instead of south to Beauvais.Wir sind auf dem Weg nach Osten, statt nach Süden zu Beauvais. Three Queens (2014)
Is there some reason in particular you wanted to go to Beauvais?Gibt es einen speziellen Grund weshalb Ihr nach Beauvais wollt? Three Queens (2014)
You can tell me why you need to get to Beauvais.Ihr könnt mir erzählen, warum Ihr nach Beauvais wolltet. Three Queens (2014)
You mentioned it and I recalled that I had heard there was a sacred shrine in Beauvais.Ihr erwähntet es und ich rief ab was ich gehört hatte, es gab einen heiligen Schrein in Beauvais. Three Queens (2014)
There's a physician... in Beauvais who is celebrated for his knowledge of women's problems.Da gibt es einen Arzt... in Beauvais, der gefeiert wird für seine Kenntnisse von Frauenproblemen. Three Queens (2014)
Father Beauvais.Das ist Pater Beauvais. L'île aux trésors (2014)
I just got a fax from Major Duvalier.Ich habe ein Fax von Commandant Duvalier. Dragon noir (2014)
I am one of the Vuvalini!Ich bin eine der Vuvalini! Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Don't worry, Aruva's a professional.Keine Sorge, Aruva ist ein Profi. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
But then they ended up with a dud UvaDisc.Dann nutzten sie das unfähige UvaDisc zur Verhütung. No Way Jose (2015)
We use UvaDisc.Wir nutzen UvaDisc. No Way Jose (2015)
UvaDisc!UvaDisc! No Way Jose (2015)
You're Emma Duval, right?Du bist Emma Duval, richtig? Hello, Emma. (2015)
Your dad's Kevin Duval, the sole survivor of the Brandon James attacks? I actually don't talk about that.Dein Vater ist Kevin Duval, der einzige Überlebende der Angriffe von Brandon James. Hello, Emma. (2015)
My name is Emma Duval, and the code word is, "amethyst."Mein Name ist Emma Duval... und das Codewort ist "Amethyst". Hello, Emma. (2015)
What I recommend to my patients is Uvazole, it's an antifungal cream...Was ich meinen Patienten empfehle ist Uvazol, das ist ein Antimykotikum... Remember the Cant (2015)
Emma Duval, are you in here?Emma Duval, sind Sie hier drin? In the Trenches (2015)
- Emma Duval?- Emma Duval? In the Trenches (2015)
Miss Duval?Miss Duval? Ghosts (2015)
The body of 17-year-old Will Belmont was discovered by Emma Duval."Die Leiche des 17-jährigen Will Belmont wurde von Emma Duval entdeckt. Ghosts (2015)
Move out!Duval? Trial and Punishment (2015)
Mr Duvallois? Mr Duvallois, open up.Herr DuvaIIois? Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
If only all our spa guests were like her. OK, Mr Duvallois.Da wären wir, Herr Duvallois. Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
Not that way, Mr Duvallois. This way.Nein, Herr Duvallois. Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
Mr Duvallois, push harder.Herr Duvallois, Sie müssen mitmachen. Nehmen Sie sich zusammen. Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
Henri Duvallois.- Henri Duvallois. Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
OK. My name is Henri Duvallois. I'm a widow.Also... ich heiße Henri Duvallois, bin Witwer, 2 Kinder und von Beruf bin ich Landwirt. Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
Can you take me to the Duvallois' farm?Könnten Sie mich zum Hof der Duvallois bringen? Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
Dr. Duvallois, I...Dr. Duvallois, ich... Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
Miss Duval?Miss Duval? Exposed (2015)
What? I'm just glad this isn't weird.Dr. Duval, ich weiß, Sie wollen ihn verteidigen, aber Sie sind eindeutig voreingenommen. Betrayed (2015)
Yuva Maya.Yuva Maya. Parabiosis (2015)
Uh, I had to go to UVA to deliver a speech.Ich musste an der UVA eine Rede halten. The Senator in the Street Sweeper (2015)
Good morning, Monsieur Sauvage.Guten Tag, Monsieur Sauvage. From the Land of the Moon (2016)
Andre Sovazh?André Sauvage? From the Land of the Moon (2016)
He's got interests in Haiti, pals around with Duvalier; who knows what else.Er hat in Haiti investiert und treibt sich sogar mit Duvalier rum. The Rabbit Hole (2016)
- Olivier Duval.- Olivier Duvall. The Collapse of Nature (2016)
One month ago, early release from Fluvanna Correctional Center on good behavior.Vor einem Monat: frühzeitige Freilassung aus der JVA Fluvanna County. Wegen guter Führung. So You're Not an English Teacher (2016)
The final thoughts of one of Lakewood's final kids.Emma Duval: Die abschließenden Gedanken einer der Überlebenden von Lakewood. I Know What You Did Last Summer (2016)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
น้ำกระสาย(n) aqueous adjuvant, See also: liquid vehicle for powdered medicine, Syn. น้ำกระสายยา, Example: คนปรุงเอาเหล้ามาใช้เป็นน้ำกระสายในยาตัวใหม่, Thai Definition: น้ำใช้เป็นตัวแทรกยาไทย, น้ำที่ใช้ผสมในตัวยาไทย, น้ำเจือตัวยาไทย

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อากาศไม่ดี[ākāt mai dī] (n, exp) FR: il fait mauvais
อารมณ์ไม่ดี[ārom mai dī] (v) EN: be in a bad mood ; be in a bad temper ; feel blue ; lose temper ; be upset ; be cranky ; be grouchy  FR: être de mauvaise humeur [ f ] ; être de mauvais poil (fam.)
อารมณ์เสีย[ārom sīa] (n, exp) EN: bad mood  FR: mauvaise humeur [ f ]
บาป[bāp] (n) EN: sin ; vice ; wrong-doing ; bad karma  FR: péché [ m ] ; faute [ f ] ; mauvaise action [ f ]
บาปหนา[bāpnā] (adj) EN: sinful ; godless ; wicked  FR: impie ; mauvais
บริการไม่ดี[børikān mai dī] (n, exp) EN: bad service ; poor service  FR: service de mauvaise qualité [ m ]
ใช้ผิด[chai phit] (v, exp) EN: misuse ; misapply  FR: mésuser (litt.) ; abuser ; employer improprement ; faire un mauvais usage
ช้างป่า[chāng pā] (n, exp) EN: wild elephant  FR: éléphant sauvage [ m ]
ช้างเถื่อน[chāng theūoen] (n, exp) EN: wild elephant  FR: éléphant sauvage [ m ]
ชื่อเสียงไม่ดี[cheūsīeng mai dī] (n, exp) EN: bad reputation ; ill fame   FR: mauvaise réputation [ f ] ; piètre réputation [ f ]
โชคร้าย[chōkrāi] (n) EN: bad luck ; misfortune  FR: malchance [ f ] ; infortune [ f ] ; mauvaise fortune [ f ] ; déveine [ f ] (fam.) ; poisse [ f ] (fam.) ; guigne [ f ] (fam.) ; guignon [ m ] (fam. - vx) ; cerise [ f ] (arg.)
โฉด[chōt] (adj) EN: mad ; bad ; evil ; wicked ; extremely evil ; absolutely vicious  FR: méchant ; mauvais
ชั่ว[chūa] (adj) EN: bad ; evil ; ill ; wicked ; mean  FR: méchant ; mauvais ; malade
ได้กลิ่นเหม็น[dāiklin men] (v, exp) FR: sentir mauvais ; puer ; exhaler une odeur fétide
ดื่มได้[deūmdāi] (adj) EN: drinkable  FR: potable ; buvable
ดอกไม้ป่า[døkmāi pā] (n, exp) EN: wild flower  FR: fleur sauvage [ f ]
ดุ[du] (adj) EN: fierce ; ferocious ; cruel ; violent ; savage ; wild ; unfriendly ; malicious  FR: féroce ; cruel ; sauvage ; méchant ; agressif
ฝันร้าย[fan rāi] (n, exp) EN: nightmare ; bad dream  FR: cauchemar [ m ] ; mauvais rêve [ m ] ; rêve affreux [ m ]
ฝันร้าย[fan rāi] (v, exp) EN: have a nightmare ; have bad dreams  FR: faire des cauchemars ; faire de mauvais rêves ; cauchemarder (fam.)
หาได้[hā dai] (x) EN: available  FR: disponible ; trouvable ; trouvé
หาไม่ได้[hā mai dāi] (adj) FR: introuvable
หาง่าย[hā ngāi] (x) EN: available  FR: disponible ; trouvable sans difficulté
เหี้ยมโหด[hīemhōt] (adj) EN: brutal ; savage ; atrocious ; ruthless ; cruel  FR: brutal ; sauvage ; cruel ; inhumain ; atroce
เหี้ยมโหด[hīemhōt] (adv) EN: brutally ; savagely ; atrociously ; ruthlessly ; cruelly  FR: brutalement ; sauvagement ; cruellement ; atrocement
หัวไม้[hūamāi] (adj) EN: bully ; rough ; rogue ; bad character  FR: rude ; mauvais caractère ; petit dur
ใจร้าย[jairāi] (adj) EN: evil-minded ; cruel ; wicked ; merciless ; pitiless ; vicious ; heartless ; unkind ; mean  FR: mauvais ; méchant
จัญไร[janrai] (adj) EN: horrid ; cursed ; damned ; wicked ; evil  FR: maudit ; damné ; ignoble ; diabolique ; mauvais
เจตนาร้าย[jēttanā rāi] (n, exp) EN: evil intentions ; ill-will  FR: mauvaises intentions [ fpl ] ; intention malveillante [ f ]
ไก่ป่า[kai pā] (n, exp) EN: Red Junglefowl  FR: Coq bankiva [ m ] ; Coq sauvage [ m ] ; Coq rouge [ m ]
กรรม[kam] (n) EN: sin ; misdeeds ; wrong-doing ; badness ; transgression ; wickedness ; misfortune  FR: mauvaise action [ f ]
กรรมชั่ว[kam chūa] (n, exp) EN: bad deeds ; unwholesome action  FR: mauvaise action [ f ]
การใช้ผิด[kān chai phit] (n, exp) FR: mauvais usage [ m ] ; mésusage [ m ] (vx)
การให้กินน้ำ[kān hai kinnām] (n, exp) FR: abreuvement [ m ] ; abreuvage [ m ]
ขมึง[khameung] (v) EN: stare ; glower ; scowl ; look serious ; look gloomy   FR: regarder méchamment ; jeter un regard mauvais ; lancer des regards noirs ; abaisser du regard
ข่าวร้าย[khāo rāi] (n, exp) EN: bad news  FR: mauvaise nouvelle [ f ]
ขี้แพ้ชวนตี[khīphaē chūan tī] (v, exp) EN: quarrelsome after defeat ; being a bad loser  FR: être mauvais perdant
คิดร้าย[khit rāi] (v, exp) EN: have malice ; have wicked intentions ; harbour evil designings ; harbour evil thoughts  FR: être animé de mauvaises intentions
คนป่า[khon pā] (n, exp) EN: savage ; wild man  FR: sauvage [ m ]
คนป่าเถื่อน[khon pā theūoen] (n) EN: savage  FR: sauvage [ m ]
เครื่องดื่ม[khreūangdeūm] (n) EN: beverage ; drink ; refreshment ; potation ; potable ; refresher  FR: boisson [ f ] ; breuvage [ m ] ; rafraîchissement [ m ]
คุณภาพเลว[khunnaphāp lēo] (n, exp) EN: inferior in quality  FR: mauvaise qualité [ f ] ; piètre qualité [ f ]
ความหวาดกลัว[khwām wātklūa] (n) EN: dread ; terror ; fear ; scare ; fright  FR: terreur [ f ] ; épouvante [ f ]
กิเลส[kilēt] (n) EN: unwholesome thought ; lustful desires ; sin ; evil wish ; longing ; greed ; human passion  FR: mauvaise pensée[ f ]
กลิ่นอับ[klin ap] (n, exp) EN: bad smell ; bad odour  FR: mauvaise odeur [ f ] ; odeur putride [ f[ ; puanteur [ f ]
กลิ่นปาก[klin pāk] (n, exp) EN: bad breath  FR: mauvaise haleine [ f ]
กลัวผี[klūa phī] (v, exp) EN: be afraid of ghosts  FR: craindre les fantômes ; être effrayé par les mauvais esprits
กระดาษซับ[kradāt sap] (n, exp) EN: blotting paper  FR: papier buvard [ m ] ; buvard [ m ]
กระสาย[krasāi] (n) EN: added ingredient ; vehicle for a medicine ; excipient ; adjuvant
ลางไม่ดี[lāng mai dī] (n, exp) EN: evil omen ; ill omen  FR: mauvais présage [ m ] ; mauvais augure [ m ]
ลางร้าย[lāng rāi] (n, exp) FR: mauvais présage [ m ] ; mauvais augure [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
adjuvant(n) an additive that enhances the effectiveness of medical treatment
adjuvant(adj) enhancing the action of a medical treatment
Chuvash(n) a member of a people of Turkic speech living in the Volga region in eastern Russia
Chuvash(n) the Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash
couvade(n) a custom among some peoples whereby the husband of a pregnant wife is put to bed at the time of bearing the child
Duvalier(n) son and successor of Francois Duvalier as president of Haiti; he was overthrown by a mass uprising in 1986 (born in 1951), Syn. Jean-Claude Duvalier, Baby Doc
Duvalier(n) oppressive Haitian dictator (1907-1971), Syn. Francois Duvalier, Papa Doc
fluvastatin(n) least expensive statin drug (trade name Lescol); usually taken orally at bedtime, Syn. Lescol
introuvable(adj) impossible to find
kuvasz(n) long-established Hungarian breed of tall light-footed but sturdy white dog; used also as a hunting dog
louvar(n) large silvery fish found worldwide in warm seas but nowhere common; resembles a whale and feeds on plankton, Syn. Luvarus imperialis
Luvaridae(n) louvars, Syn. family Luvaridae
Luvarus(n) type genus of the Luvaridae, Syn. genus Luvarus
Suva(n) the capital and largest city of Fiji (on Viti Levu island)
Tuvalu(n) a small island republic on the Tuvalu islands; formerly part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands until it withdrew in 1975 and became independent of the United Kingdom in 1978
Tuvalu(n) a group of coral islands in Micronesia to the southwest of Hawaii, Syn. Ellice Islands
accessory(adj) furnishing added support, Syn. adjunct, appurtenant, adjuvant, ancillary, auxiliary
gooseberry(n) spiny Eurasian shrub having greenish purple-tinged flowers and ovoid yellow-green or red-purple berries, Syn. gooseberry bush, Ribes uva-crispa, Ribes grossularia
ketoprofen(n) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Orudis or Orudis KT or Oruvail), Syn. Orudis, Oruvail, Orudis KT
Lithuania(n) a republic in northeastern Europe on the Baltic Sea, Syn. Republic of Lithuania, Lietuva

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ L. adjuvans, p. pr. of adjuvare to aid: cf. F. adjuvant. See Aid. ] Helping; helpful; assisting. [ R. ] “Adjuvant causes.” Howell. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. adjuvamentum, fr. adjuvare to help; ad + juvare to help. ] 1. An assistant. [ R. ] Yelverton. AS [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Med.) An ingredient in a prescription drug, which aids or modifies the action of the principal ingredient. AS [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Med., Immunology) A substance that non-specifically enhances immune response to an antigen, such as by enhancing the production of antibodies. AS [ AS ]


n. Joint help; cooperation. Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Cooperating. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Med.) An adjuvant. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F., fr. couver. See Covey. ] A custom, among certain barbarous tribes, that when a woman gives birth to a child her husband takes to his bed, as if ill. [ 1913 Webster ]

The world-wide custom of the couvade, where at childbirth the husband undergoes medical treatment, in many cases being put to bed for days. Tylor. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A natural family including the louvars.
Syn. -- family Luvaridae. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. The type genus of the Luvaridae.
Syn. -- genus Luvarus. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. (Chem.) See Mauve aniline, under Mauve. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ F. neuvaine, fr. LL. novena, fr. L. novem. See Noon. ] (R. C. Ch.) Prayers offered up for nine successive days. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Named from the Russian Count Uvaroff. ] (Min.) Chrome garnet. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ Skr. Raguva&msdot_;ça. ] A celebrated Sanskrit poem having for its subject the Raghu dynasty. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ L., a grape. ] (Bot.) A small pulpy or juicy fruit containing several seeds and having a thin skin, as a grape. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. uva grape. ] A conserve made of grapes. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ NL., fr. L. uva grape + ursus bear. ] (Bot.) The bearberry. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
苏瓦[Sū wǎ, ㄙㄨ ㄨㄚˇ,   /  ] Suva (capital of Fiji) #87,859 [Add to Longdo]
图瓦卢[Tú wǎ lú, ㄊㄨˊ ㄨㄚˇ ㄌㄨˊ,    /   ] Tuvalu #90,923 [Add to Longdo]
富纳富提[Fù nà fù tí, ㄈㄨˋ ㄋㄚˋ ㄈㄨˋ ㄊㄧˊ,     /    ] Funafuti (capital of Tuvalu) #487,419 [Add to Longdo]
丙酮酸脱氢酶[bǐng tóng suān tuō qīng méi, ㄅㄧㄥˇ ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄙㄨㄢ ㄊㄨㄛ ㄑㄧㄥ ㄇㄟˊ,       /      ] pyruvate dehydrogenase [Add to Longdo]
吐瓦鲁[tǔ wǎ lǔ, ㄊㄨˇ ㄨㄚˇ ㄌㄨˇ,    /   ] Tuvalu [Add to Longdo]

German-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
pretuval(n) วิตามิน

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
helfend; unterstützend { adj }adjuvant [Add to Longdo]
Blauvanga [ ornith. ]Blue Vanga [Add to Longdo]
Tuvalu [ geogr. ]Tuvalu (tv) [Add to Longdo]
Tuva (Tuwa); TuwinienTuva; Tuvinia [Add to Longdo]
Suva (Hauptstadt von Fidschi)Suva (capital of Fiji) [Add to Longdo]
Funafuti (Hauptstadt von Tuvalu)Funafuti (capital of Tuvalu) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
アウロノカラエテルヴァイナエ[auronokaraeteruvainae] (n) Chitande aulonocara (species of peacock cichlid, Aulonocara ethelwynnae); Northern Aulonocara [Add to Longdo]
アジュバント[ajubanto] (n) adjuvant [Add to Longdo]
アマシイラ科[アマシイラか, amashiira ka] (n) Luvaridae (family containing 1 extant species of perciform fish similar to a surgeonfish) [Add to Longdo]
アマシイラ属[アマシイラぞく, amashiira zoku] (n) Luvarus (sole genus of perciform fish in the family Luvaridae whose only member is the luvar) [Add to Longdo]
ウバーレ[uba-re] (n) uvala (composite karst depression) (ger [Add to Longdo]
カルバン主義;カルヴァン主義[カルバンしゅぎ(カルバン主義);カルヴァンしゅぎ(カルヴァン主義), karuban shugi ( karuban shugi ); karuvan shugi ( karuvan shugi )] (n) Calvinism [Add to Longdo]
クーバード[ku-ba-do] (n) (obsc) (See 擬娩) couvade (custom in which a male acts out the physical process of his own child being born) (fre [Add to Longdo]
コンセルバトワール;コンセルヴァトワール[konserubatowa-ru ; konseruvatowa-ru] (n) conservatorium (fre [Add to Longdo]
シュヴァリエ[shuvarie] (n) chevalier [Add to Longdo]
シルヴァンシャー[shiruvansha-] (n) (obsc) Shirvanshah [Add to Longdo]
ツヴァイハンダー[tsuvaihanda-] (n) two-handed sword (ger [Add to Longdo]
トリトマ[toritoma] (n) red-hot poker (Kniphofia uvaria) (lat [Add to Longdo]
ニザダイ亜目[ニザダイあもく, nizadai amoku] (n) Acanthuroidei (suborder of the order Perciformes, containing the families Acanthuridae, Ephippidae, Luvaridae, Scatophagidae, Siganidae, and Zanclidae) [Add to Longdo]
ニルヴァーナ;ニルバーナ[niruva-na ; niruba-na] (n) (See 涅槃) nirvana (san [Add to Longdo]
ヌーベルバーグ;ヌーヴェルヴァーグ[nu-beruba-gu ; nu-veruva-gu] (n) New Wave (esp. in cinema) (fre [Add to Longdo]
ネームヴァリュー[ne-muvaryu-] (n) name-value [Add to Longdo]
バル・ミツバー;バル・ミツヴァー;バルミツバー[baru . mitsuba-; baru . mitsuva-; barumitsuba-] (n) bar mitzvah (heb [Add to Longdo]
ピルビン酸[ピルビンさん, pirubin san] (n) pyruvic acid; pyruvate [Add to Longdo]
ブールバード;ブールバール;ブールヴァール[bu-ruba-do ; bu-ruba-ru ; bu-ruva-ru] (n) boulevard (fre [Add to Longdo]
ミネルヴァ;ミネルバ[mineruva ; mineruba] (n) Minerva [Add to Longdo]
甘鱪;甘鱰[アマシイラ;あましいら, amashiira ; amashiira] (n) luvar (Luvarus imperialis, species of perciform fish closely related to the surgeonfish) [Add to Longdo]
擬娩[ぎべん, giben] (n) (obsc) couvade (custom in which a male acts out the physical process of his own child being born) [Add to Longdo]
西洋すぐり;西洋酸塊[せいようすぐり;セイヨウスグリ, seiyousuguri ; seiyousuguri] (n) (European) gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa L.) [Add to Longdo]
補薬[ほやく, hoyaku] (n) (1) adjuvant; (2) (See 補法) revitalizing stimulant (in Chinese medicine) [Add to Longdo]


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