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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: unset, -unset-
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
sunset(n) พระอาทิตย์ตก
unsettle(vt) ทำให้รู้สึกไม่มั่นคง, See also: ทำให้ไม่สบายใจจากการเปลี่ยนแปลง, Syn. disconcert, insecure
unsettled(adj) ที่รู้สึกไม่มั่นคง, See also: ที่ไม่สบายใจจากการเปลี่ยนแปลง, Syn. unpredictable, unstable, Ant. stable
unsettled(adj) ไม่สงบ, Syn. excited, furious, Ant. calm, relaxed
unsettlement(n) ความรู้สึกที่ไม่มั่นคง

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
sunsetn. พระอาทิตย์ตกดิน, วัยดึก, วัยชรา
unsettle(อันเซท'เทิล) vt. ทำให้ไม่มั่นคง, เปลี่ยนตำแหน่งที่อยู่, ทำให้เปลี่ยนแปลง, ทำให้อ่อนแอ. vi. กลายเป็นไม่มั่นคง, กลายเป็นไม่มีระเบียบ., See also: unsettlement n., Syn. upset
unsettled(อันเซท'เทิลดฺ) adj. ไม่เป็นหลักแหล่ง, ไม่อยู่กับ, ไม่มั่นคง, ไม่เป็นระเบียบ, ไม่ได้ชำระสะสาง, หลักลอย, ไม่มีผู้คนอยู่อาศัย, ไม่ตัดสินใจแน่นอน, ผันแปร., See also: unsettledness n.

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
sunset(n) เวลาพระอาทิตย์ตก, ยามเย็น
unsettled(adj) ยังไม่เรียบร้อย, ยังไม่ตกลง, ยุ่งเหยิง, หลักลอย

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Sunset Industryอุตสาหกรรมตะวันตกดิน, Example: ดู Sunrise Industry (Sunrise Industry หมายถึง อุตสาหกรรมที่มีความเจริญเติบโตสูงจนเชื่อกัน ว่า จะเป็นอุตสาหกรรมสำคัญของระบบเศรษฐกิจในอนาคต แทนอุตสาหกรรมดั้งเดิมที่เติบโตมานานและค่อย ๆ ลดอัตราการเจริญเติบโตลง (sunset industry) แม้ว่าอุตสาหกรรมเดิมซึ่งรวมถึงอุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอ อุตสาหกรรมหนังต่าง ๆ จะยังคงมีความสำคัญต่อระบบเศรษฐกิจอยู่ แต่เชื่อกันว่าบทบาทนำในการเป็นแหล่งจ้างงานจะถูกแทนที่โดยอุตสาหกรรมดาว รุ่ง ซึ่งได้แก่ อุตสาหกรรมอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ อุตสาหกรรมเทคโนโลยีชั้นสูงและที่เกี่ยวกับคอมพิวเตอร์ อุตสาหกรรมเทคโนโลยีชีวภาพ และอุตสาหกรรมบริการ ) [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
unsettled disputeข้อพิพาทที่ยังไม่ระงับ [การทูต]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
unsetWe could not help admiring the beautiful sunset.
unsetHave you ever seen such a beautiful sunset?
unsetThe village was dead after sunset.
unsetI have seldom seen such a beautiful sunset as this.
unsetAmericans appear unsettled and uncontrolled to Japanese.
unsetLovely sunset.
unsetMr Brown is in the sunset of his life.
unsetThe beauty of the sunset surpassed description.
unsetWe shouldn't leave the matter unsettled.
unsetMt. Fuji is a beautiful sight at sunset.
unsetThis is the most beautiful sunset that I have ever seen.
unsetThose two are so quiet it's unsettling. Could this be the quiet before the storm?
unsetNever have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
unsetWe have another ten miles to walk before sunset.
unsetWe admired the beautiful sunset.
unsetNever did I see such a beautiful sunset.
unsetThe farmer rose at sunrise and worked till sunset.
unsetI've never seen such a beautiful sunset.
unsetIt's worth going to Bali because you can see the amazing sunset.
unsetI never saw such a splendid sunset.
unsetWe'll be home by sunset barring accidents.
unsetThe Mountain glowed with the sunset tints.
unsetWhen the ship arrives in port it makes the people unsettled.
unsetWhat a gorgeous sunset! Let's hang around for a couple of minutes and watch it.
unsetWhat a beautiful sunset!
unsetThis is the prettiest sunset I have ever seen.
unsetThey were watching the sunset then.
unsetThe sunset glows in the west.
unsetWhat a beautiful sunset.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ตกค่ำ(n) nightfall, See also: dusk, sunset, evening, twilight, sundown, Example: กลางวันเธอจะนอน พอตอนตกค่ำก็จะแต่งตัวเตรียมออกไปเที่ยว, Thai Definition: ย่างเข้าเวลาค่ำ
ค้าง(v) be unfinished, See also: remain, be unsettled, be incomplete, be undone, Syn. หยุด, ชะงัก, Example: เด็กเริ่มเรียนกฎเกณฑ์ตรรกวิทยาของเรื่องกาลเวลา สถานที่ สาเหตุและผลลัพธ์ที่ค้างเอาไว้, Thai Definition: ยังไม่แล้วเสร็จตามที่กำหนด
ค้างเติ่ง(v) be unfinished, See also: be unsettled, be incomplete, be undone, Example: น่าสังเกตว่าบรรดาเทวสถานส่วนใหญ่สร้างไม่เสร็จมีรอยแกะที่ยังค้างเติ่งอยู่มากมาย, Thai Definition: ชะงักงันอยู่, ไม่สำเร็จลุล่วงไปได้
พระอาทิตย์ตกดิน(n) sunset, Syn. พระอาทิตย์ลับฟ้า, Ant. พระอาทิตย์ขึ้น, Example: เขาพาครอบครัวไปชมพระอาทิตย์ตกดินที่แหลมพรหมเทพ, Thai Definition: พระอาทิตย์ที่กำลังลับขอบฟ้าในยามเย็น
เพล้โพล้(n) twilight, See also: sunset, dusk, Syn. โพล้เพล้, เย็น, พี้โพ้, Ant. เช้า, Example: โบราณมักหลอกเด็กว่าเวลาเพล้โพล้จะมีผีมาจับตัวไปจึงไม่ให้เล่นนอกบ้าน, Thai Definition: เวลาพลบค่ำ, เวลาจวนค่ำ
ตอนค่ำ(n) dusk, See also: sunset, evening, nightfall, night-time, Syn. เวลาค่ำ, ค่ำๆ, ตอนกลางคืน, Ant. ตอนเช้ามืด, Example: พี่ชายกลับบ้านตอนค่ำ, Thai Definition: เวลามืดตอนต้นของกลางคืน
ตะวันตกดิน(v) sundown, See also: sunset, the sun sets, Ant. ตะวันขึ้น, Example: นกการ้องเซ็งแซ่ชักชวนกันกลับรังหลังตะวันตกดิน, Thai Definition: ดวงอาทิตย์ลับขอบฟ้า
ตะวันยอแสง(v) splendour of the setting sun, See also: sunset glory, evening glow, Ant. ตะวันขึ้น, Example: พอตะวันยอแสงดวงดาวก็เริ่มระยับ, Thai Definition: ลักษณะที่ดวงอาทิตย์ค่อยๆ ลับขอบฟ้า ทำให้ท้องฟ้ามีสีแดงเข้มขึ้นตามลำดับ
ตะวันตก(v) sunset, See also: the sun sets, Syn. ตะวันตกดิน, Ant. ตะวันขึ้น
จรจัด(adj) vagrant, See also: unsettled, aimless, homeless, Example: แมวที่อาจารย์เลี้ยงไว้มีอยู่หลายตัวเป็นแมวจรจัด, Thai Definition: ไม่มีอาชีพและไม่มีที่อยู่เป็นหลักแหล่ง
หลักลอย(adj) unsettled, See also: homeless, Syn. ไม่มีหลักแหล่ง, ไม่อยู่เป็นที่

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
บิลที่ยังไม่ชำระ[bin thī yang mai chamra] (n, exp) EN: unsettled bill
จรจัด[jønjat] (adj) EN: vagrant ; unsettled ; aimless ; homeless  FR: errant ; nomade ; sans domicile fixe
ค่ำ[kham] (n) EN: dusk ; sunset ; evening ; nightfall ; night  FR: soir [ m ] ; tombée de la nuit [ f ] ; nuit tombante [ f ]
ค้าง[khāng] (v) EN: remain ; leave ; be unfinished ; be unsettled ; be incomplete ; be undone  FR: être inachevé ; être interrompu
คั่งค้าง[khangkhang] (adj) EN: outstanding ; unsettled ; unpaid ; unfinished ; overdue ; behind schedule ; in arrears
ไม่อยู่เป็นที่[mai yū pen thī] (adj) EN: unsettled
พลบค่ำ[phlop] (n) EN: dusk ; sunset  FR: crépuscule [ m ]
พระอาทิต[Phra-Āthit tok] (n, exp) EN: sunset  FR: coucher du soleil [ m ]
พระอาทิตย์ตกดิน[Phra-Āthit tokdin] (n, exp) EN: sunset  FR: coucher du soleil [ m ]
ตกค่ำ[tok kham] (n, exp) EN: nightfall ; dusk ; sunset ; evening ; twilight ; sundown  FR: tombée du jour [ f ]
ตอนค่ำ[tønkham] (n) EN: dusk ; sunset ; evening ; nightfall ; night-time  FR: soir [ m ]
ยังไม่ชำระ[yang mai chamra] (adj) EN: unpaid ; unsettled ; outstanding

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
sunset(n) the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon, Syn. sundown, Ant. sunrise
sunset(n) atmospheric phenomena accompanying the daily disappearance of the sun
sunset(n) the daily event of the sun sinking below the horizon
sunset(adj) of a declining industry or technology
sunset(adj) providing for termination
changeable(adj) subject to change, Syn. unsettled, uncertain
faze(v) disturb the composure of, Syn. unsettle, enervate, unnerve

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

{ } n. 1. The descent of the sun below the horizon; also, the time when the sun sets; evening. Also used figuratively. [ 1913 Webster ]

'T is the sunset of life gives me mystical lore. Campbell. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Hence, the region where the sun sets; the west. [ 1913 Webster ]

Sunset shell (Zool.), a West Indian marine bivalve (Tellina radiata) having a smooth shell marked with radiating bands of varied colors resembling those seen at sunset or before sunrise; -- called also rising sun.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Sunset

a. Not set; not fixed or appointed. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + settle. ] To move or loosen from a settled position or state; to unfix; to displace; to disorder; to confuse. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To become unsettled or unfixed; to be disordered. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The quality or state of being unsettled. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The act of unsettling, or state of being unsettled; disturbance. J. H. Newman. [ 1913 Webster ]


See accommodating.
See aching.
See ailing.
See aiming.
See alarming.
See altering.
See appreciating.
See approving.
See aspiring.
See assisting.
See attempting.
See attending.
See bearing.
See befitting.
See beginning.
See believing.
See bleaching.
See bleeding.
See blemishing.
See blenching.
See blossoming.
See blushing.
See boding.
See branching.
See breathing.
See burning.
See calculating.
See ceasing.
See changing.
See charming.
See communicating.
See complaining.
See complying.
See conceiving.
See conducing.
See confessing.
See conniving.
See consenting.
See considering.
See conspiring.
See consulting.
See consuming.
See contending.
See contriving.
See conversing.
See convincing.
See dawning.
See decaying.
See delaying.
See depending.
See derogating.
See deserving.
See desiring.
See despairing.
See detesting.
See deviating.
See differencing.
See discerning.
See discording.
See discriminating.
See disobliging.
See dispensing.
See dissembling.
See dissolving.
See distinguishing.
See distracting.
See disturbing.
See doubting.
See dreading.
See drooping.
See ebbing.
See echoing.
See edifying.
See ending.
See enduring.
See engaging.
See enjoying.
See entering.
See enterprising.
See entertaining.
See envying.
See existing.
See fadging.
See fading.
See fainting.
See faltering.
See fearing.
See feigning.
See fighting.
See fitting.
See flagging.
See flattering.
See flinching.
See folding.
See forbearing.
See foreboding.
See foreseeing.
See forgiving.
See giving.
See grudging.
See harming.
See heeding.
See hesitating.
See hoping.
See hurting.
See importing.
See imposing.
See improving.
See interesting.
See intermitting.
See intoxicating.
See inviting.
See jarring.
See laboring.
See lingering.
See listening.
See loving.
See meddling.
See meriting.
See mistrusting.
See moving.
See murmuring.
See obliging.
See observing.
See offending.
See opening.
See pardoning.
See paying.
See perceiving.
See performing.
See perishing.
See pitying.
See pleasing.
See possessing.
See preaching.
See prepossessing.
See presuming.
See pretending.
See prevailing.
See prevaricating.
See profiting.
See promising.
See proving.
See quailing.
See questioning.
See reasoning.
See recalling.
See reclining.
See recurring.
See referring.
See reflecting.
See refunding.
See refusing.
See rejoicing.
See relaxing.
See relishing.
See remembering.
See repenting.
See repining.
See reproving.
See repulsing.
See resisting.
See resolving.
See resting.
See returning.
See rewarding.
See sanctifying.
See satisfying.
See searching.
See seeing.
See setting.
See shrinking.
See sinking.
See sleeping.
See slipping.
See slumbering.
See speaking.
See stinting.
See stirring.
See stooping.
See submitting.
See sufficing.
See suiting.
See surging.
See suspecting.
See sweating.
See swerving.
See sympathizing.
See tasting.
See thriving.
See tiring.
See toiling.
See trading.
See trembling.
See trespassing.
See trifling.
See vacillating.
See varying.
See walking.
See wandering.
See waning.
See wasting.
See wavering.
See weeping.
See winking.
See winning.
See withdrawing.
See withering.
See wondering.
See working.
See writing.
See yielding.
----- and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

The above classes of words are unlimited in extent, and such compounds may be formed by any writer or speaker at will from almost all the adjectives or participles in the language, excepting those which have a recognized and usual negative correspondent with the prefix -in. No attempt will be made, therefore, to define them all in this Dictionary; many will be omitted from its Vocabulary which are negations of the simple word, and are readily explained by prefixing a not to the latter. Derivatives of these words in -ly and -ness will also, for the most part, be omitted for the same or similar reasons. [ 1913 Webster ]

There will be inserted as separate articles with definitions, the following: -- [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Those which have acquired an opposed or contrary, instead of a merely negative, meaning; as, unfriendly, ungraceful, unpalatable, unquiet, and the like; or else an intensive sense more than a prefixed not would express; as, unending, unparalleled, undisciplined, undoubted, unsafe, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; or inasmuch as they are so frequently and familiarly used that they are hardly felt to be of negative origin; as, uncertain, uneven, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Those which are anomalous, provincial, or, for some other reason, not desirable to be used, and are so indicated; as, unpure for impure, unsatisfaction for dissatisfaction, unexpressible for inexpressible, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

II. Un- is prefixed to nouns to express the absence of, or the contrary of, that which the noun signifies; as, unbelief, unfaith, unhealth, unrest, untruth, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Compounds of this last class are given in full in their proper order in the Vocabulary. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unwriting, Unworking, Unwondering, Unwithering, Unwithdrawing, Unwinning, Unwinking, Unweeping, Unwavering, Unwasting, Unwaning, Unwandering, Unwalking, Unvarying, Unvacillating, Untrifling, Untrespassing, Untrembling, Untrading, Untoiling, Untiring, Unthriving, Untasting, Unsympathizing, Unswerving, Unsweating, Unsuspecting, Unsurging, Unsuiting, Unsufficing, Unsubmitting, Unstooping, Unstirring, Unstinting, Unspeaking, Unslumbering, Unslipping, Unsleeping, Unsinking, Unshrinking, Unsetting, Unseeing, Unsearching, Unsatisfying, Unsanctifying, Unrewarding, Unreturning, Unresting, Unresolving, Unresisting, Unrepulsing, Unreproving, Unrepining, Unrepenting, Unremembering, Unrelishing, Unrelaxing, Unrejoicing, Unrefusing, Unrefunding, Unreflecting, Unreferring, Unrecurring, Unreclining, Unrecalling, Unreasoning, Unquestioning, Unquailing, Unproving, Unpromising, Unprofiting, Unprevaricating, Unprevailing, Unpretending, Unpresuming, Unprepossessing, Unpreaching, Unpossessing, Unpleasing, Unpitying, Unperishing, Unperforming, Unperceiving, Unpaying, Unpardoning, Unopening, Unoffending, Unobserving, Unobliging, Unmurmuring, Unmoving, Unmistrusting, Unmeriting, Unmeddling, Unloving, Unlistening, Unlingering, Unlaboring, Unjarring, Uninviting, Unintoxicating, Unintermitting, Uninteresting, Unimproving, Unimposing, Unimporting, Unhurting, Unhoping, Unhesitating, Unheeding, Unharming, Ungrudging, Ungiving, Unforgiving, Unforeseeing, Unforeboding, Unforbearing, Unfolding, Unflinching, Unflattering, Unflagging, Unfitting, Unfighting, Unfeigning, Unfearing, Unfaltering, Unfainting, Unfading, Unfadging, Unexisting, Unenvying, Unentertaining, Unenterprising, Unentering, Unenjoying, Unengaging, Unenduring, Unending, Unedifying, Unechoing, Unebbing, Undrooping, Undreading, Undoubting, Undisturbing, Undistracting, Undistinguishing, Undissolving, Undissembling, Undispensing, Undisobliging, Undiscriminating, Undiscording, Undiscerning, Undifferencing, Undeviating, Undetesting, Undespairing, Undesiring, Undeserving, Underogating, Undepending, Undelaying, Undecaying, Undawning, Unconvincing, Unconversing, Uncontriving, Uncontending, Unconsuming, Unconsulting, Unconspiring, Unconsidering, Unconsenting, Unconniving, Unconfessing, Unconducing, Unconceiving, Uncomplying, Uncomplaining, Uncommunicating, Uncharming, Unchanging, Unceasing, Uncalculating, Unburning, Unbreathing, Unbranching, Unboding, Unblushing, Unblossoming, Unblenching, Unblemishing, Unbleeding, Unbleaching, Unbelieving, Unbeginning, Unbefitting, Unbearing, Unattending, Unattempting, Unassisting, Unaspiring, Unapproving, Unappreciating, Unaltering, Unalarming, Unaiming, Unailing, Unaching, Unaccommodating

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
流浪[liú làng, ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄌㄤˋ,  ] to drift about; to wander; to roam; nomadic; homeless; unsettled (e.g. population); vagrant #7,186 [Add to Longdo]
[mù, ㄇㄨˋ, ] evening; sunset #9,860 [Add to Longdo]
夕阳[xī yáng, ㄒㄧ ㄧㄤˊ,   /  ] sunset; the setting sun #11,512 [Add to Longdo]
日落[rì luò, ㄖˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ,  ] sundown; sunset #16,713 [Add to Longdo]
不了了之[bù liǎo liǎo zhī, ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄠˇ ㄌㄧㄠˇ ㄓ,    ] settle a matter by leaving it unsettled; end up with nothing definite #25,526 [Add to Longdo]
晚霞[wǎn xiá, ㄨㄢˇ ㄒㄧㄚˊ,  ] sunset glow; sunset clouds; afterglow #31,904 [Add to Longdo]
[xūn, ㄒㄩㄣ, ] twilight; sunset #40,323 [Add to Longdo]
[chōng, ㄔㄨㄥ, ] irresolute; unsettled #45,504 [Add to Longdo]
七上八下[qī shàng bā xià, ㄑㄧ ㄕㄤˋ ㄅㄚ ㄒㄧㄚˋ,    ] lit. seven up, eight down (成语 saw); unsettled state of mind; perturbed; at sixes and sevens #50,080 [Add to Longdo]
[gàn, ㄍㄢˋ, ] sunset; evening #58,205 [Add to Longdo]
收之桑榆[shōu zhī sāng yú, ㄕㄡ ㄓ ㄙㄤ ㄩˊ,    ] to lose at sunrise but gain at sunset (成语 saw); to compensate later for one's earlier loss; what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts #94,836 [Add to Longdo]
失之东隅,收之桑榆[shī zhī dōng yú, shōu zhī sāng yú, ㄕ ㄓ ㄉㄨㄥ ㄩˊ, ㄕㄡ ㄓ ㄙㄤ ㄩˊ,          /         ] to lose at sunrise but gain at sunset (成语 saw); to compensate later for one's earlier loss; what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Abendhimmel { n }sunset sky [Add to Longdo]
Abendrot { n }; Sonnenuntergang { m }sunset [Add to Longdo]
Sonnenstand { m }sunset [Add to Longdo]
Sonnenuntergang { m } | Sonnenuntergänge { pl } | bei Sonnenuntergangsunset | sunsets | at sunset [Add to Longdo]
beunruhigen; aufregen; verunsichern; verstörento unsettle [Add to Longdo]
beunruhigendunsettling [Add to Longdo]
beunruhigtunsettles [Add to Longdo]
durcheinander bringen; aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen; verwirren | durcheinander bringend; aus dem Gleichgewicht bringend; verwirrend | durcheinander gebracht; aus dem Gleichgewicht gebracht; verwirrtto unsettle | unsettling | unsettled [Add to Longdo]
(Vertrauen) erschütternto unsettle (faith) [Add to Longdo]
gestört; instabil { adj }unsettled [Add to Longdo]
unbeständig; wechselhaft; unstet; ruhelos; unsicher { adj }unsettled [Add to Longdo]
ungeklärt { adj } | ungeklärter | am ungeklärtestenunsettled | more unsettled | most unsettled [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
昼間[ひるま(P);ちゅうかん, hiruma (P); chuukan] (n-adv, n-t) daytime; during the day; time from sunrise until sunset; diurnal period; (P) #9,823 [Add to Longdo]
夕焼け(P);夕焼(io)[ゆうやけ, yuuyake] (n) sunset; (P) #17,487 [Add to Longdo]
ルース[ru-su] (n) (See 裸石) loose stone; unset jewel #17,677 [Add to Longdo]
オープンセット[o-punsetto] (n) open set; (P) [Add to Longdo]
カントラプラスの星雲説[カントラプラスのせいうんせつ, kantorapurasu noseiunsetsu] (n) Kant-Laplace nebular hypothesis [Add to Longdo]
サンセット[sansetto] (n) sunset [Add to Longdo]
ドットアンドダッシュバタフライフィッシュ;サンセットバタフライフィッシュ[dottoandodasshubatafuraifisshu ; sansettobatafuraifisshu] (n) sunset butterflyfish (Chaetodon pelewensis); dot-and-dash butterflyfish [Add to Longdo]
ヤマブキベラ[yamabukibera] (n) yellow-brown wrasse (Thalassoma lutescens); sunset wrasse; green moon wrasse [Add to Longdo]
陰晴[いんせい, insei] (n) unsettled (fine and cloudy) weather [Add to Longdo]
黄蜀葵;黄葵[とろろあおい;おうしょっき(黄蜀葵);とろろ(黄蜀葵);トロロアオイ, tororoaoi ; oushokki ( ki shoku aoi ); tororo ( ki shoku aoi ); tororoaoi] (n) (uk) sunset hibiscus (Hibiscus manihot) [Add to Longdo]
愚図る[ぐずる, guzuru] (v5r) to grumble; to be unsettled; to pick a quarrel [Add to Longdo]
五旬節[ごじゅんせつ, gojunsetsu] (n) pentecost [Add to Longdo]
紅霞[こうか, kouka] (n) crimson mist; crimson-tinted clouds (e.g. at sunset) [Add to Longdo]
四旬節[しじゅんせつ, shijunsetsu] (n) Lent [Add to Longdo]
斜陽産業[しゃようさんぎょう, shayousangyou] (n) sunset industry; declining industry [Add to Longdo]
春節[しゅんせつ, shunsetsu] (n) Lunar New Year; Chinese New Year; Spring Festival [Add to Longdo]
春雪[しゅんせつ, shunsetsu] (n) spring snow [Add to Longdo]
順接[じゅんせつ, junsetsu] (n, vs) resultative (refers to a conjunction where what follows is a result of the preceding) [Add to Longdo]
小文節[しょうぶんせつ, shoubunsetsu] (n) small paragraph (WNN) [Add to Longdo]
焼ける(P);灼ける;妬ける[やける, yakeru] (v1, vi) (1) (焼ける only) to burn; to be roasted; to be heated; to be sunburnt; to fade (in the sun); to glow red (i.e. of the sky at sunset); (2) to be jealous; to be envious; (P) [Add to Longdo]
星雲説[せいうんせつ, seiunsetsu] (n) (See カントラプラスの星雲説) the nebular hypothesis [Add to Longdo]
太陽蝶[たいようちょう;タイヨウチョウ, taiyouchou ; taiyouchou] (n) (uk) sunset morpho (butterfly, Morpho hecuba) [Add to Longdo]
大文節[だいぶんせつ, daibunsetsu] (n) large paragraph [Add to Longdo]
朝令暮改[ちょうれいぼかい, choureibokai] (n) an unsettled course of action; (orders or laws) being revised often with no guiding principles [Add to Longdo]
日の入り[ひのいり, hinoiri] (n) sunset; (P) [Add to Longdo]
日暮れ(P);日ぐれ;日暮[ひぐれ, higure] (n) twilight; sunset; dusk; evening; (P) [Add to Longdo]
日没[にちぼつ, nichibotsu] (n) sunset; (P) [Add to Longdo]
日没後[にちぼつご, nichibotsugo] (n-adv, n-t) after sunset [Add to Longdo]
日没前[にちぼつぜん, nichibotsuzen] (n) before sunset [Add to Longdo]
入り相;入相[いりあい, iriai] (n) sunset [Add to Longdo]
晩照[ばんしょう, banshou] (n) sunset; setting sun [Add to Longdo]
不決定[ふけってい, fukettei] (n) pending; unsettled; undecided [Add to Longdo]
分節[ぶんせつ, bunsetsu] (n, adj-no) articulation [Add to Longdo]
文節[ぶんせつ, bunsetsu] (n) { ling } paragraph; clause; phrase [Add to Longdo]
文節数[ぶんせつすう, bunsetsusuu] (n) number of phrases [Add to Longdo]
変わり易い;変わりやすい[かわりやすい, kawariyasui] (adj-i) changeable; unsettled; inconstant [Add to Longdo]
暮れ方;暮方[くれがた, kuregata] (n-t) evening; sunset; nightfall [Add to Longdo]
未解決[みかいけつ, mikaiketsu] (adj-na, n) unsettled; pending; unresolved; (P) [Add to Longdo]
未確定[みかくてい, mikakutei] (n) unsettled; pending [Add to Longdo]
未処分[みしょぶん, mishobun] (n) unsettled; unfinished; undivided (profits) [Add to Longdo]
有耶無耶[うやむや, uyamuya] (adj-na, n) (uk) indefinite; hazy; vague; unsettled; undecided; (P) [Add to Longdo]
夕雲[ゆうぐも, yuugumo] (n) early evening cloud; clouds at sunset [Add to Longdo]
夕映え[ゆうばえ, yuubae] (n) sunset glow [Add to Longdo]
裸石[らせき, raseki] (n) loose stone; unset jewel [Add to Longdo]
流動的[りゅうどうてき, ryuudouteki] (adj-na, n) fluid; unsettled; (P) [Add to Longdo]
連文節変換[れんぶんせつへんかん, renbunsetsuhenkan] (n) { comp } group paragraph conversion [Add to Longdo]
埒が明かない[らちがあかない, rachigaakanai] (adj-i) make no progress; remain unsettled [Add to Longdo]
浚渫[しゅんせつ, shunsetsu] (n, vs) dredging [Add to Longdo]
浚渫機[しゅんせつき, shunsetsuki] (n) dredger [Add to Longdo]
浚渫作業[しゅんせつさぎょう, shunsetsusagyou] (n) dredging operations [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
文節[ぶんせつ, bunsetsu] articulation [Add to Longdo]


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