Rückschluss { m }; Konklusion { f } | Rückschlüsse { pl } | den Rückschluss ziehen, dass ... | Rückschlüsse ziehen (aus) | conclusion | conclusions | to conclude that...; to draw the conclusion that.. | to draw one's own conclusions (from) [Add to Longdo] |
An mir soll es nicht liegen! | I'll go along with that. [Add to Longdo] |
Bei allem Verständnis, aber das kann ich nicht tun. | Much as I sympathize, I can't do that. [Add to Longdo] |
Da kann ich nicht mitreden. | I don't know anything about that. [Add to Longdo] |
Da sage ich nicht Nein. | I wouldn't say no to that. [Add to Longdo] |
Darüber lasse ich mir keine grauen Haare wachsen. | I don't trouble my head about that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das Ärgerliche ist, dass ... | The irritating thing is that... [Add to Longdo] |
Das Wetter hat uns einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht. | The weather has scotched that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das dürfen Sie nie vergessen. | You must never forget that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das hat Hand und Fuß. | There's a lot of sense in that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das hat keinen Sinn. | There is no sense in that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das hat keinen Sinn. | There's no point in that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das ist ganz vernünftig. | There's a lot of sense in that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das ist mir bekannt. | I know that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das ist noch nicht alles. | There's more to it than that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das konnte keiner vorhersehen. | Nobody could have foreseen (predicted) that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das mache ich nicht mit. | I won't be a party to that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das muss ich rot anstreichen. | I must make a special note of that. [Add to Longdo] |
Die Folgen waren derart, dass... | The consequences were such that... [Add to Longdo] |
Das tut man nicht. | One doesn't do that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das tut mir leid. | I'm sorry about that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das verbitte ich mir. | I won't stand that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das verschiebe ich auf ein andermal. | I'll take a rain check on that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das wäre mir wirklich sehr lieb. | I would really appreciate that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das will ich auch tun. | I intend to do just that. [Add to Longdo] |
Das wird sich finden. | We'll see about that. [Add to Longdo] |
Davon können Sie nicht ausgehen. | You can't go by that. [Add to Longdo] |
Du sollst das tun. | You should do that. [Add to Longdo] |
Er ist ein Bösewicht, und zwar von der gefährlichsten Sorte. | He is a villain, and a most dangerous one at that. [Add to Longdo] |
Er ist nun einmal so. | He is like that. [Add to Longdo] |
Er wusste nicht, was er darauf erwidern sollte. | He didn't know what to say to that. [Add to Longdo] |
Es bereitet ihr große Freude, das zu tun. | She takes great delight in doing that. [Add to Longdo] |
Es bereitet ihr große Freude, das zu tun. | She delights in doing that. [Add to Longdo] |
Es beruhigt mich, das zu hören. | I'm relieved to hear that. [Add to Longdo] |
Es beunruhigt mich, dass... | I am concerned to hear that... [Add to Longdo] |
Es ist mit Sicherheit anzunehmen, dass ... | I's a moral certainty that... [Add to Longdo] |
Es ist zwecklos (sinnlos). | There is no sense in that. [Add to Longdo] |
Es wäre ganz vernünftig, das zu tun. | There's some sense in doing that. [Add to Longdo] |
Gehen wir einmal davon aus, dass... | Let us assume that... [Add to Longdo] |
Hiermit bin ich einverstanden. | I'll agree to that. [Add to Longdo] |
Ich habe immer bewusst vermieden, zu behaupten... | I've always fought shy of claiming that... [Add to Longdo] |
Ich kann dem nicht zustimmen. | I'm afraid I couldn't go along with that. [Add to Longdo] |
Ich lasse mir über das keine grauen Haare wachsen. | I'm not losing any sleep over that. [Add to Longdo] |
Ich mag das irgendwie. | I kinda like that. [ coll. ] [Add to Longdo] |
Ich nehme dich beim Wort. | I'll take you up on that. [Add to Longdo] |
Ich soll Ihnen sagen, dass... | I've been asked to tell you that... [Add to Longdo] |
Ich werde mich hüten, das zu tun. | I will take good care not to do that. [Add to Longdo] |
Ich will mich dazu nicht äußern. | I don't want to say anything about that. [Add to Longdo] |
Niemand soll sagen, dass... | Let no-one say that... [Add to Longdo] |
Sie können sich darauf verlassen. | You can count on that. [Add to Longdo] |