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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: pfeil, -pfeil-
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

German-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
Pfeil(n) |der, pl. Pfeile| ลูกศร

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Abwärtspfeil { m }down arrow [Add to Longdo]
Brückenpfeiler { m }; Pier { f }pier [Add to Longdo]
Eckpfeiler { m }corner pillar [Add to Longdo]
Grundpfeiler { m } | Grundpfeiler { pl }foundation pillar | foundation pillars [Add to Longdo]
Maßpfeil { m }arrow head [Add to Longdo]
Maßpfeil { m }dimension arrow head [Add to Longdo]
Nordpfeil { m }north arrow; north point [Add to Longdo]
Pfahl { m }; Pfeiler { m }; Stütze { f }stilt [Add to Longdo]
Pfeil { m } | Pfeile { pl } | Pfeil und Bogenarrow | arrows | bow and arrow [Add to Longdo]
Pfeiler { m }pillar [Add to Longdo]
Pfeiler { m } (Brücken-)pier [Add to Longdo]
Pfeiler { m }; Pfosten { m }; Stütze { f }; Strebe { f } (vertikal)stanchion [Add to Longdo]
Pfeilrichtung { f }direction of arrow [Add to Longdo]
Pfeilspitze { f }arrowhead [Add to Longdo]
Pfeilstrecker { m }arrow straightener [Add to Longdo]
Pfeiltaste { f }arrow key [Add to Longdo]
Richtungspfeil { m }arrow [Add to Longdo]
Säule { f }; Pfeiler { m }; Stütze { f }column [Add to Longdo]
Satz { m }; Pfeil { m }dart [Add to Longdo]
Schrägpfeil { m }slope arrow [Add to Longdo]
Strebepfeiler { m }buttress; abutment [Add to Longdo]
Stütze { f }; Strebe { f }; Pfeiler { m }strut [Add to Longdo]
Stützpfeiler { m }supporting pillar [Add to Longdo]
Stützpfeiler { m }; Stütze { f }; Gewölbepfeiler { m }buttress [Add to Longdo]
Stützpfeiler { m }; Widerlager { n }; Balkenkopf { m }abutment [Add to Longdo]
Wandpfeiler { m }pilaster [Add to Longdo]
Wurfpfeil { m }; Dart { m } | Wurfpfeile { pl }; Darts { pl }dart | darts [Add to Longdo]
Pfeilhecht { m }; Barracuda { m } [ zool. ]european barracuda [Add to Longdo]
Pfeilkraut { n } (Sagittaria spp.)arrowhead; sag [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
大黒柱[だいこくばしら, daikokubashira] Hauptpfeiler, Stuetze [Add to Longdo]
弓矢[ゆみや, yumiya] Pfeil_und_Bogen [Add to Longdo]
[はしら, hashira] Pfeiler [Add to Longdo]
橋脚[きょうきゃく, kyoukyaku] Brueckenpfeiler [Add to Longdo]
[や, ya] Pfeil [Add to Longdo]
矢印[やじるし, yajirushi] Richtungspfeil, Pfeil [Add to Longdo]


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