ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: npr, -npr- |
มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ pinprick | (n) รูเล็ก, Syn. puncture, point | sunproof | (adj) กันแดด | nonprofit | (adj) ซึ่งไม่มีผลกำไร, See also: ซึ่งไม่มุ่งหวังผลกำไร, Syn. non-profit-making | ovenproof | (n) เหมาะกับการใช้ในเตาอบขณะร้อน, Syn. oven-safe | rainproof | (adj) ที่กันฝนได้, See also: กันฝน, Syn. waterproof, watertight | rainproof | (vt) ทำให้กันฝนได้ | unprepared | (adj) ซึ่งไม่เตรียมตัว, Syn. unready, unwarned, unexpectant | unpracticed | (adj) ซึ่งไม่ชำนาญ, See also: ซึ่งไม่ฝึกฝน, Syn. inexperienced, unfit | unprintable | (adj) ที่ไม่สามารถออกตีพิมพ์ได้, See also: ที่หยาบคายเกินกว่าที่จะตีพิมพ์ได้, Ant. printatable | unpreparedly | (adv) อย่างไม่เตรียมตัว, Syn. rashly | unprincipled | (adj) ที่ปราศจากศีลธรรม, Syn. dishonest, Ant. principled | unprecedented | (adj) ที่ไม่เคยเกิดขึ้นมาก่อน, Syn. unparalleled, unique | unpredictable | (adj) ซึ่งทำนายไม่ถูก, See also: ซึ่งคาดไม่ได้, Syn. inconstant, variable, changeable | unprofessional | (adj) ที่ไม่เป็นมืออาชีพ, See also: ที่ไม่มีความสามารถดีพอ, Syn. amateurish, Ant. professional | unprofessional | (adj) ซึ่งไม่เป็นมืออาชีพ, See also: ซึ่งทำแบบสมัครเล่น, Syn. improper, inadequate, unsuitable, amteurish | nonprofessional | (adj) ซึ่งไม่ไช่อาชีพ, Syn. amateur, Ant. expert, professional | unprecedentness | (n) การที่ไม่เคยเกิดขึ้นมาก่อน | nonproliferation | (n) การป้องกันการเผยแพร่ | unprofessionalism | (n) ความไม่เป็นมืออาชีพ, See also: การทำแบบสมัครเล่น |
| unpractical | (อันแพรค'ทิเคิล) adj. เป็นไปไม่ได้, ซึ่งปฎิบัติไม่ได้, ใช้การไม่ได้, ไม่เป็นความจริง | unpracticed | (อันแพรค'ทิสทฺ) adj. ไม่ได้ปฎิบัติ, ไม่ได้ฝึก, ไม่ชำนาญ, ไม่ได้ความ, ไม่ได้ผล, ไม่มีประสบการณ์ | unpractised | (อันแพรค'ทิสทฺ) adj. ไม่ได้ปฎิบัติ, ไม่ได้ฝึก, ไม่ชำนาญ, ไม่ได้ความ, ไม่ได้ผล, ไม่มีประสบการณ์ | unprecedented | (อันเพรส'ซิเดินทิด) adj. ไม่เคยมีมาก่อน, คาดไม่ถึง, ไม่รู้มาก่อน, Syn. new, novel, unexampled, remarkable | unpredictable | (อันพรีดิค'ทะเบิล) adj. ทำนายไม่ได้, ทายไม่ถูก, ไม่อาจพยากรณ์ได้. | unprepared | (อันพรีแพร์ดฺ') adj. ไม่ได้เตรียมตัว, ไม่ได้เตรียมการ., See also: unpreparedness n. | unprincipled | (อันพริน'ซิเพิลดฺ) adj. ไม่มีหลักการ, ขาดคุณธรรม, ไม่มีหลักธรรม., See also: unprincipledness n., Syn. unscrupulous | unprofessional | (อันโพรเฟส'เชินเนิล) adj. ไม่ใช่อาชีพ, ไม่ชำนาญ, สมัครเล่น. n. นักสมัครเล่น, ผู้ไม่ชำนาญ., See also: unprofessionally adv. | unprofitable | (อันพรอฟ'ฟิทะเบิล) adj. ไม่ได้กำไร, ไม่ได้ประโยชน | unpromising | (อันพรอม'มิสซิง) adj. ไม่มีแวว, ไม่มีท่าว่าจะดี, ไม่มีความหวังที่ดี, มีหวังไม่สำเร็จ., See also: unpromisingly adv. |
| | | | | Trying to carry out the instructions our people programmed into her 3, 000 years ago. | Sie versucht, die Anweisungen unseres Volkes auszuführen, die vor 3000 Jahren in sie hineinprogrammiert wurden. All Things Must Pass (2014) | He is a patient at Olinville Dentistry, which happens to be within a mile of both recent murders. | Er ist Patient in der Olinville Zahnpraxis, welche sich in einem Umkreis von einer The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) | Someone should teach him the importance of regular checkups. | Jemand sollte ihn über die Wichtigkeit von regulären Zahnprüfungen aufklären. The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) | God only knows how many sets of Colville's teeth are out there. | Gott allein weiß, wie viele Sätze von Colville-Zahnprothesen da draußen rumlungern. The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) | He took it on himself to manufacture dentures on his own. | Er hat sich selbst der Aufgabe gewidmet, Zahnprothesen herzustellen. The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) | Can you tell us about your denture program? | Können Sie uns vom Zahnprothesenprogramm erzählen? The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) | You maintain more than one set of dentures? | Sie führen mehr als eine Zahnprothese? The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) | It seems to me that Stan Divac must have deleted his social media pages for a reason before he went on the run. | Es scheint, dass Stan Divac seine soziale Medienpräsenz aus einem Grund gelöscht haben muss, bevor er floh. The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) | I've had kidney problems. | Ich hatte Nierenprobleme. The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014) | This is a huge problem. | Das ist ein Riesenproblem. Point and Shoot (2014) | That was unprofessional. | Das war unprofessionell. We Gotta Get Out of This Place (2014) | He kicked your ass in moot court three years running at Harvard. | Er hat dich bei einem Scheinprozess nach drei Jahren an der Harvard besiegt. Moot Point (2014) | Oh, if you'd had rebuttals like that, maybe you would've gotten past me in moot court just once. | Wenn du solche Gegenbeweise gehabt hättest, dann wärst du bei den Scheinprozessen gegen mich vielleicht einmal weitergekommen. Moot Point (2014) | Mr. Walker, in October of last year, you made a pitch to the chairman of Kyoto Computers. | Mr. Walker, im Oktober letzten Jahres haben Sie dem Vorsitzenden von Kyoto Computers eine Anpreisung gemacht. Moot Point (2014) | How did that pitch go? | Wie ist diese Anpreisung gelaufen? Moot Point (2014) | And the only term of your rehiring was a 10% increase in salary. | Und die einzige Bedingung Ihrer Wiedereinstellung war ein zehnprozentiger Gehaltsanstieg. Heartburn (2014) | And when you agreed to come back, you were given a 10% raise. | Und als Sie zugestimmt haben zurückzukommen, wurde Ihnen ein zehnprozentiger Gehaltsanstieg gegeben. Heartburn (2014) | Do you want to try it on? | Willst du sie anprobieren? La vie à l'envers (2014) | Ilan! Ilan! Can you try them on? | Willst du sie nicht anprobieren? 24 Days (2014) | On the bright side, I'm sure real estate's much more reasonable here. | Dafür sind aber hier die Immobilienpreise bestimmt viel niedriger. Snow Drifts (2014) | Especially since his priors suggest he had a drug problem, not an anthrax problem. | Besonders da seine Vorstrafen auf ein Drogenproblem, nicht ein Anthraxproblem hindeuten. No Lack of Void (2014) | That guy somehow gave himself these lion's paws for hands. | Er verpasste sich selbst Löwenpranken als Hände. Providence (2014) | That doesn't seem practical. | Scheint mir unpraktisch zu sein. Providence (2014) | Oh, no, the blog is just a side project. | Nein, der Blog ist nur ein Nebenprojekt. Most Likely to... (2014) | The leaked black budget report reveals several classified military intelligence programs, with code names like Chalk Eagle and Tractor Rose. | Der durchgesickerte, schwarze Budgetbericht zeigt mehrere klassifizierte militärische Nachrichtenprogramme mit Codenamen wie "Chalk Eagle" und "Traktor Rose". Death Benefit (2014) | It's a practice he started last year to raise awareness for the homeless problem. | Eine Zuwendung, die letztes Jahr anfing, um auf das Obdachlosenproblem aufmerksam zu machen. Death Benefit (2014) | CIA was part of his joint task force until we pulled him on to a side project. | Die CIA war Teil der gemeinsamen Einsatztruppe, bis wir ihn zu einem Nebenprojekt abzogen. Page Not Found (2014) | Oh, maybe I should try on that gown. | Vielleicht sollte ich das Kleid anprobieren. Disgrace (2014) | I started to search for family profiles ...Asked on websites people to support, which allegedly wanted to commit suicide ...And those who were actually willing. | Ich begann, nach Familienprofilen zu suchen, ...bat auf Websites Menschen um Unterstützung, die angeblich Selbstmord begehen wollten ...und denen, die tatsächlich dazu bereit waren. Live (2014) | Mark, the memorial... we need a ton of coverage. | Mark, bei der Gedenkfeier will ich große Medienpräsenz. Special Relationship (2014) | Patriot princess. | Patriotenprinzessin. Mercy Moment Murder Measure (2014) | She's gonna get herself killed. | Sie wird sich noch selbst umbringen. Es ist ein Lernprozess, ein Grimm zu sein, schon vergessen? My Fair Wesen (2014) | Well, most learning curves don't draw blood. | Bei den meisten Lernprozessen fließt kein Blut. My Fair Wesen (2014) | - Done. And a 10% increase on my signing bonus. | Und einen zehnprozentigen Anstieg meines Antrittsgeldes. Buried Secrets (2014) | - Why? - It's unprofessional. | - Das ist unprofessionell. Buried Secrets (2014) | Well, if my survival is a happy by-product of my selfless act, so be it. | Wenn mein Überleben ein erfreuliches Nebenprodukt meiner selbstlosen Tat ist, dann sei es so. Restitution (2014) | I never met so many one-percenters in my life. | Ich traf noch nie so viele Einprozenter. The Hive (2014) | He's the world's most brilliant scientific mind and he's running Hitler's bomb project. | Er ist der großartigste Wissenschaftler der Welt und er leitet Hitlers Bombenprojekt. The Hive (2014) | Oh, hey, if you're the next study coming in, I'll be out by tomorrow. | Oh, hey, falls Sie das neue Studienprojekt für hier sind, ich bin morgen weg... Charlie and Jordan Go to Prison (2014) | Richard hubbard was actively involved in russia's Chemical weapons program. | Richard Hubbard war aktiv am chemischen Waffenprogramm Russlands beteiligt. Lords of War (2014) | I find it very unprofessional. | Das finde ich sehr unprofessionell. Lords of War (2014) | No, no. Your mama like the 1 %, not the 2. | Nein, nein, deine Mama mag die Einprozentige. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) | It's another piece of fallout from my brother's intrusion into our lives. | Ein weiteres Nebenprodukt des Eindringens meines Bruders in unsere Leben. Art in the Blood (2014) | Trust me, it's not all about breaking the rack rate on the hotel room. | Es geht nicht nur darum, den Listenpreis für das Hotelzimmer zu schlagen. Field Trip (2014) | Your urine came back clean. | Die Urinprobe kam sauber zurück, meinen Glückwunsch. Glass Eye (2014) | Richard Hubbard was actively involved in Russia's chemical weapons program. | Richard Hubbard war aktiv am chemischen Waffenprogramm Russlands beteiligt. Betrayal (2014) | And in the morning, I have arranged for a discreet private fitting for you with the best seamstress in town. | Und am Morgen... habe ich eine private Anprobe für euch organisiert... mit der besten Schneiderin der Stadt. Pink Cupcakes (2014) | He just got a part in the stage production of Oliver Twist. | Er hat gerade erst eine Rolle in der Bühnenproduktion von "Oliver Twist" erhalten. Orphans (2014) | Isn't he dead? | Der Affenprozess? Ist er nicht tot? Orphans (2014) | I know you want to ride off into the sunset with your Prince Charming and your pot roasts, but I need you to help me first. | Ich weiß, du willst mit deinem Märchenprinz deinen Schmorbraten in den Sonnenuntergang reiten, aber du musst mir zuerst helfen. Orphans (2014) |
| | มือสมัครเล่น | (adj) amateur, See also: nonprofessional, Ant. มืออาชีพ, Example: คุณประพันธ์ได้เอื้อเฟื้ออาสาเป็นมัคคุเทศก์มือสมัครเล่นให้กับพวกเรา, Count Unit: คน | มือสมัครเล่น | (n) amateur, See also: nonprofessional, Ant. มืออาชีพ, Example: เรื่องถ่ายภาพนั้น ผมคิดเสมอว่าผมเป็นแค่มือสมัครเล่น, Count Unit: คน | กันฝน | (adj) rainproof, Example: ทุกวันนี้ เราต้องนำร่มกันฝนติดตัวไปทุกวันเพราะฤดูกาลในบ้านเราปรวนแปรไป | ไม่คาดฝัน | (adj) unexpected, See also: unanticipated, unpredictable, unforeseen, Syn. ไม่คาดคิด, คิดไม่ถึง, Example: เกิดเหตุการณ์ไม่คาดฝันขึ้นกับโรงเรียน 33 แห่งใน 3 จังหวัดภาคใต้, Thai Definition: ที่ไม่ได้คิดหรือนึกหมายไว้ว่าจะเกิดขึ้น | ขี้เหร่ | (adj) ugly, See also: unattractive, unbeautiful, unpretty, Syn. อัปลักษณ์, ขี้ริ้ว, ขี้ริ้วขี้เหร่, Ant. สวย, งาม, Example: คนที่หน้าตาดีมักจะน่าประทับใจเมื่อแรกเห็นมากกว่าคนมีหน้าตาขี้ริ้วขี้เหร่, Thai Definition: ที่ไม่งามหรือไม่สวย, ไม่เป็นที่ชอบใจต่อผู้ที่ได้พบเห็น | มีอันเป็น | (v) happen unexpectedly, See also: happen by chance, occur unpredictably, Example: หนุ่มน้อยยังไม่ทันจะหุบปากเขาก็มีอันเป็นเอ้ออ้าขากรรไกรค้างเมื่อถูกผู้ฟังฮือฮาประท้วง, Thai Definition: ปรากฏขึ้นอย่างไม่นึกคาด, เกิดขึ้นอย่างนึกไม่ถึง | เป็นกลาง | (adj) neutral, See also: impartial, fair, unprejudiced, unbiased, equitable, Syn. เป็นธรรม, ยุติธรรม, เที่ยงตรง, Ant. อยุติธรรม, อคติ, เข้าข้าง, ลำเอียง, Example: การวางตัวเป็นกลางในบางเรื่องอาจจะไม่ใช่เรื่องง่ายนัก | มืออ่อน | (adj) unskillful, See also: unpracticed, inexpert, incompetent, low experienced, Syn. ไม่ชำนาญ, Ant. มือเก่า, มืออาชีพ, Example: เขาเป็นช่างมืออ่อนจึงได้รับแต่งานซ่อมเล็กๆ, Thai Definition: มีความสามารถน้อย | มือใหม่ | (adj) inexperienced, See also: unpracticed, untrained, fresh, amateur, Ant. มือเก่า, มืออาชีพ, Example: คุณแม่มือใหม่ให้สัมภาษณ์ถึงประสบการณ์ในการเลี้ยงลูก ต่อรายการโทรทัศน์, Thai Definition: เกี่ยวกับผู้ที่ยังไม่มีความชำนาญ | ยุติธรรม | (adj) neutral, See also: impartial, fair, unprejudiced, unbiased, equitable, Syn. เป็นธรรม, เป็นกลาง, Ant. อยุติธรรม, อคติ, เข้าข้าง, ลำเอียง, Example: ทุกฝ่ายพอใจกับคำตัดสินที่ยุติธรรมของผู้พิพากษา, Thai Definition: ที่มีความเที่ยงธรรม, ที่ชอบธรรม, ที่ชอบด้วยเหตุผล | เป็นกลาง | (v) be neutral, See also: be impartial, be fair, be unprejudiced, be unbiased, be equitable, Example: กรรมการในการแข่งขันชกมวยต้องวางตัวเป็นกลางในการให้คะแนน | เปล่าประโยชน์ | (v) be useless, See also: be unhelpful, be unprofitable, be no use, Syn. ไร้ผล, ไร้ประโยชน์, เปล่าดาย, Ant. มีประโยชน์, Example: มันเปล่าประโยชน์ที่จะฟ้องร้องกัน ตกลงกันดีๆ ดีกว่า | อัปรีย์ | (adj) unpropitious, See also: inauspicious, wicked, despicable, Syn. ระยำ, จัญไร, เลวทราม, ต่ำช้า, ชั่วช้า, Example: พวกเราข่มใจลืมเหตุการณ์อัปรีย์เมื่อตอนเช้า ตีสีหน้าเคร่งขรึมรับฟังบรรดาที่ปรึกษาถกกันถึงสถานะของสื่อ, Thai Definition: ไม่เป็นมงคล | อัปมงคล | (adj) inauspicious, See also: unfortunate, unfavourable, unpropitious, Syn. อปมงคล, อวมงคล, Ant. ศุภมงคล, Example: การที่พระอาทิตย์ยกขึ้นสู่ราศีใดก็ตาม ถือว่าเป็นวันอัปมงคล ไม่ควรทำการมงคลใดๆ ในวันนั้น, Thai Definition: ปราศจากมงคล, ไม่เจริญ, เป็นลางร้าย, Notes: (บาลี/สันสกฤต) | อัปรีย์จัญไร | (adj) unpropitious, See also: inauspicious, wicked, Syn. เลว, จัญไร, ระยำ, อัปรีย์, Example: ศรีษะเป็นส่วนสำคัญของร่างกายที่คนไม่ยอมให้ใครกระทบกระทั่ง เพราะเชื่อว่าจะเกิดเป็นอัปรีย์จัญไร | ไม่เข้าใครออกใคร | (v) be impartial, See also: be unbiased, be unprejudiced, be disinterested, Syn. เป็นกลาง, Thai Definition: ไม่เข้าข้างฝ่ายใดฝ่ายหนึ่ง คงความเป็นตัวของตัวเอง | กันแดด | (adj) sunproof, See also: sunblock, Example: ควรทาครีมกันแดดก่อนลงเล่นน้ำทะเล, Thai Definition: ป้องกันแดด | เป็นประวัติการณ์ | (adj) record-breaking, See also: unprecedented, without precedent in history, without parallel in history, more...than ever, Example: น้ำท่วมภาคใต้ครั้งนี้รุนแรงมากเป็นประวัติการณ์ |
| อัปมงคล = อปมงคล | [appamongkhon] (adj) EN: inauspicious ; unfortunate ; unfavourable ; unpropitious FR: sinistre ; lugubre | อัปรีย์ | [apprī] (adj) EN: unpropitious ; inauspicious ; wicked ; despicable ; contemptible ; diabolical ; evil ; vicious FR: maudit ; méprisable ; diabolique | อธรรม | [atham] (adj) EN: unjust ; unfair ; unprincipled ; unscrupulous ; unrighteous ; bad ; evil FR: injuste ; inéquitable | กันแดด | [kandaēt] (adj) EN: sunproof ; sunblock FR: résistant aux rayons du soleil ; antisolaire | กันฝน | [kanfon] (adj) EN: rainproof FR: imperméable | ขี้เหร่ | [khīrē] (adj) EN: ugly ; plain ; unattractive ; unbeautiful ; unpretty ; not good-looking ; homely FR: laid ; moche ; quelconque ; banal | ไม่มีกำไร | [mai mī kamrai] (x) EN: non-profitable ; unprofitable ; profitless FR: non rentable ; non profitable | ไม่มีทรัพย์ติดตัว | [mai mī sap tittūa] EN: be unpropertied ; own no property ; have no holdings | ไม่สามารถพยากรณ์ได้ | [mai samāt phayākøn dāi] (adj) EN: unpredictable FR: imprévisible | เป็นกลาง | [penklāng] (v) EN: be neutral ; be impartial ; be fair ; be unprejudiced ; be unbiased ; be equitable FR: être neutre ; être impartial ; être équitable | เป็นกลาง | [penklāng] (adj) EN: neutral ; impartial ; fair ; unprejudiced ; unbiased ; equitable FR: neutre ; impartial ; équitable | พยากรณ์ไม่ได้ | [phayākøn mai dāi] (adj) EN: unpredictable FR: imprévisible | พิสูจน์ไม่ได้ | [phisūt mai dāi] (adj) EN: unprovable ; can't be proved FR: improuvable | สนั่น ขจรประศาสน์ | [Sanan Khajønprasāt] (n, prop) EN: Sanan kachornprasart FR: Sanan kachornprasart | ไว้ใจไม่ได้ | [waijai mai dāi] (adj) EN: unreliable ; untrustworthy ; unsound ; unpredictable ; not dependable FR: douteux ; à qui on ne peut pas se fier | ยุติธรรม | [yuttitham] (adj) EN: just ; fair ; impartial ; neutral ; unprejudiced ; unbiased; equitable FR: juste ; impartial ; équitable |
| | | lumpenproletariat | (n) (Marxism) the unorganized lower levels of the proletariat who are not interested in revolutionary advancement | nonpregnant | (adj) not pregnant, Ant. pregnant | nonprehensile | (adj) not prehensile, Ant. prehensile | nonprescription | (adj) purchasable without a doctor's prescription, Syn. over-the-counter, Ant. prescription | nonproductive | (adj) not directly productive | nonprofessional | (adj) not professional; not engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or for gain, Ant. professional | nonprofit | (adj) not commercially motivated, Syn. non-profit-making | nonprofit organization | (n) an organization chartered for other than profit-making activities, Syn. not-for-profit, nonprofit | nonprognosticative | (adj) not offering prognostications | nonproliferation | (n) the prevention of something increasing or spreading (especially the prevention of an increase in the number of countries possessing nuclear weapons), Syn. non-proliferation, Ant. proliferation | nonproliferation center | (n) an agency that serves as the focal point for all Intelligence Community activities related to nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their missile delivery systems, Syn. NPC | nonproprietary | (adj) not protected by trademark or patent or copyright, Ant. proprietary | pinprick | (n) a minor annoyance | pinprick | (n) small puncture (as if made by a pin) | rainproof | (adj) not permitting the passage of water, Syn. waterproof, waterproofed | runproof | (adj) (of hosiery) resistant to runs or (in Britain) ladders, Syn. ladder-proof, run-resistant | unpracticed | (adj) not having had extensive practice, Syn. unversed, unpractised | unprecedented | (adj) having no precedent; novel, Ant. precedented | unprecedentedly | (adv) in an unprecedented manner, Ant. precedentedly | unpredictability | (n) lacking predictability, Ant. predictability | unpredictable | (adj) not capable of being foretold, Ant. predictable | unpredictable | (adj) unknown in advance | unpredictive | (adj) having no predictive value | unprejudiced | (adj) free from undue bias or preconceived opinions, Syn. impartial, Ant. prejudiced | unpremeditated | (adj) not prepared or planned in advance | unpremeditated | (adj) not premeditated, Ant. premeditated | unprepared | (adj) without preparation; not prepared for; ; ; - R.E.Danielson, Ant. prepared | unprepossessing | (adj) creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression, Syn. unpresentable | unpresidential | (adj) not presidential, Ant. presidential | unpressed | (adj) (of clothing) not smoothed with heat | unpretentious | (adj) lacking pretension or affectation, Ant. pretentious | unpretentiously | (adv) in an unpretentious manner, Ant. pretentiously | unpretentiousness | (n) the quality of being natural and without pretensions, Ant. pretentiousness | unpreventable | (adj) not preventable, Ant. preventable | unpriestly | (adj) not priestly; unbefitting a priest, Ant. priestly | unprincipled | (adj) lacking principles or moral scruples; - A.E.Stevenson, Ant. principled | unprincipled | (adj) having little or no integrity | unprintable | (adj) unfit for print because morally or legally objectionable or offensive to good taste, Ant. printable | unprocessed | (adj) not altered from an original or natural state, Ant. processed | unprocessed | (adj) not treated or prepared by a special process | unproductive | (adj) not producing or capable of producing, Ant. productive | unproductive | (adj) not producing desired results | unproductively | (adv) in an unproductive manner, Syn. fruitlessly, unprofitably, Ant. profitably, fruitfully, productively | unproductiveness | (n) the quality of lacking the power to produce, Ant. productiveness | unprofessional | (adj) not characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession, Ant. professional | unprofitable | (adj) producing little or no profit or gain, Ant. profitable | unprofitableness | (n) the quality of affording no gain or no benefit or no profit, Syn. unprofitability, Ant. profitability, profitableness | unpromising | (adj) unlikely to bring about favorable results or enjoyment | unpronounceable | (adj) impossible or difficult to pronounce correctly, Ant. pronounceable | unpronounceable | (adj) very difficult to pronounce correctly, Syn. unutterable |
| Lumpenproletariat | n. (Politics) the lowest level of the proletariat, comprising unskilled workers, the unemployed, and the dispossessed, alienated from the class with with they would normally identify and having little or no class solidarity; -- an important element in Marxist theory. [ PJC ] | Mainprise | n. [ F. main hand + prise a taking, fr. prendre, p. p. pris to take, fr. L. prehendere, prehensum. ] (Law) (a) A writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take sureties, called mainpernors, for the prisoner's appearance, and to let him go at large. This writ is now obsolete. Wharton. (b) Deliverance of a prisoner on security for his appearance at a day. [ 1913 Webster ] | Mainprise | v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Mainprised p. pr. & vb. n. Mainprising. ] (Law) To suffer to go at large, on his finding sureties, or mainpernors, for his appearance at a day; -- said of a prisoner. [ 1913 Webster ] | nonpregnant | adj. not pregnant; as, a drug approved only for use in nonpregnant females. Opposite of pregnant. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | nonprehensile | adj. not prehensile; as, cats have a nonprehensile tail. Opposite of prehensile. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Nonpreparation | n. Neglect or failure to prepare; want of preparation. [ 1913 Webster ] | nonprescription | adj. 1. able to be sold legally without a doctor's prescription; over-the-counter; -- of medicinal drugs; as, Aspirin is a nonprescription antiinflammatory drug. Opposite of prescription. [ prenominal ] Syn. -- non-prescription(prenominal), over-the-counter(prenominal), OTC. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Nonpresentation | n. Neglect or failure to present; state of not being presented. [ 1913 Webster ] | Nonproduction | n. A failure to produce or exhibit. [ 1913 Webster ] | nonproductive | adj. not directly productive; as, nonproductive labor. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Nonprofessional | a. 1. Not belonging to a profession. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Not done by, or proceeding from, professional men; contrary to professional usage; unprofessional. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ] | Nonproficiency | n. Want of proficiency; failure to make progress. [ 1913 Webster ] | Nonproficient | n. One who has failed to become proficient. [ 1913 Webster ] | nonproficient | a. Not proficient. [ PJC ] | Panpresbyterian | a. [ Pan- + Presbyterian. ] Belonging to, or representative of, those who hold Presbyterian views in all parts of the world; as, a Panpresbyterian council. [ 1913 Webster ] | Prinpriddle | n. (Zool.) The long-tailed titmouse. [ Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Sunproof | a. Impervious to the rays of the sun. “Darksome yew, sunproof.” Marston. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unpracticable | a. Impracticable; not feasible. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unpractical | a. Not practical; impractical. “Unpractical questions.” H. James. [ 1913 Webster ] I like him none the less for being unpractical. Lowell. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unpraise | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + praise. ] To withhold praise from; to deprive of praise. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Unpray | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + pray. ] To revoke or annul by prayer, as something previously prayed for. [ R. ] Sir M. Hale. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprayable | a. Not to be influenced or moved by prayers; obdurate. [ R. ] Wyclif. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprayed | a. [ With for. ] Not prayed for. [ Obs. ] Sir T. More. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unpreach | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + preach. ] To undo or overthrow by preaching. [ R. ] De Foe. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprecedented | a. Having no precedent or example; not preceded by a like case; not having the authority of prior example; novel; new; unexampled. -- Un*prec"e*dent*ed*ly, adv. [1913 Webster] | Unpredict | v. i. [ 1st pref. un- + predict. ] To retract or falsify a previous prediction. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprejudiced | a. 1. Not prejudiced; free from undue bias or prepossession; not preoccupied by opinion; impartial; as, an unprejudiced mind; an unprejudiced judge. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Not warped or biased by prejudice; as, an unprejudiced judgment. [ 1913 Webster ] -- Un*prej"u*diced*ness, n. V. Knox. [1913 Webster] | Unprelated | a. [ 1st pref. un- + prelate. ] Deposed from the office of prelate. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprevented | a. 1. Not prevented or hindered; as, unprevented sorrows. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Not preceded by anything. [ Obs. ] Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unpriced | a. Not priced; being without a fixed or certain value; also, priceless. “Amethyst unpriced.” Neale (Rhythm of St. Bernard). [ 1913 Webster ] | Unpriest | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + priest. ] To deprive of priesthood; to unfrock. [ R. ] Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprince | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + prince. ] To deprive of the character or authority of a prince; to divest of principality of sovereignty. [ R. ] Swift. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprinciple | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + principle. ] To destroy the moral principles of. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprincipled | a. [ Pref. un- not + principled. ] Being without principles; especially, being without right moral principles; also, characterized by absence of principle. -- Un*prin"ci*pled*ness, n. [1913 Webster] | Unprison | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + prison. ] To take or deliver from prison. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprizable | a. 1. Not prized or valued; being without value. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Invaluable; being beyond estimation. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprobably | adv. [ Pref. un- not + probably. ] Improbably. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprobably | adv. [ Un- + L. probabilis approvable, fr. probare to approve. Cf. Probable. ] In a manner not to be approved of; improperly. [ Obs. & R. ] [ 1913 Webster ] To diminish, by the authority of wise and knowing men, things unjustly and unprobably crept in. Strype. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unproficiency | n. Want of proficiency or improvement. Bp. Hall. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprofit | n. Want of profit; unprofitableness. [ Obs. ] Wyclif. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprofited | a. Profitless. [ R. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unpromise | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + promise. ] To revoke or annul, as a promise. Chapman. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprop | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + prop. ] To remove a prop or props from; to deprive of support. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unproper | a. Not proper or peculiar; improper. [ Obs. ] -- Un*prop"er*ly, adv. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] | Unproselyte | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + proselyte. ] To convert or recover from the state of a proselyte. Fuller. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprotestantize | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + protestantize. ] To render other than Protestant; to cause to change from Protestantism to some other form of religion; to deprive of some Protestant feature or characteristic. [ 1913 Webster ] The attempt to unprotestantize the Church of England. Froude. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprovide | v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + provide. ] To deprive of necessary provision; to unfurnish. [ 1913 Webster ] Lest her . . . beauty unprovide my mind again. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprovident | a. Improvident. [ Obs. ] “Who for thyself art so unprovident.” Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprudence | n. Imprudence. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Unprudent | a. Imprudent. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 起 | [qǐ, ㄑㄧˇ, 起] to rise; to raise; to get up; to initiate (action); classifier for cases or unpredictable events #145 [Add to Longdo] | 原材料 | [yuán cái liào, ㄩㄢˊ ㄘㄞˊ ㄌㄧㄠˋ, 原 材 料] raw materials; unprocessed materials #6,076 [Add to Longdo] | 前所未有 | [qián suǒ wèi yǒu, ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄨㄟˋ ㄧㄡˇ, 前 所 未 有] unprecedented #7,705 [Add to Longdo] | 空前 | [kōng qián, ㄎㄨㄥ ㄑㄧㄢˊ, 空 前] unprecedented #8,136 [Add to Longdo] | 大跃进 | [dà yuè jìn, ㄉㄚˋ ㄩㄝˋ ㄐㄧㄣˋ, 大 跃 进 / 大 躍 進] the Great Leap Forward (1958-1960), in retrospect widely viewed as an unprecedented economic and social disaster, with estimated 20 million people dying of starvation #14,894 [Add to Longdo] | 史无前例 | [shǐ wú qián lì, ㄕˇ ㄨˊ ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄌㄧˋ, 史 无 前 例 / 史 無 前 例] unprecedented in history #19,556 [Add to Longdo] | 不切实际 | [bù qiè shí jì, ㄅㄨˋ ㄑㄧㄝˋ ㄕˊ ㄐㄧˋ, 不 切 实 际 / 不 切 實 際] unrealistic; unpractical; impracticable #21,378 [Add to Longdo] | 谜团 | [mí tuán, ㄇㄧˊ ㄊㄨㄢˊ, 谜 团 / 謎 團] riddle; enigma; unpredictable situation; elusive matters #28,663 [Add to Longdo] | 不备 | [bù bèi, ㄅㄨˋ ㄅㄟˋ, 不 备 / 不 備] unprepared; off guard #31,715 [Add to Longdo] | 闻所未闻 | [wén suǒ wèi wén, ㄨㄣˊ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄨㄟˋ ㄨㄣˊ, 闻 所 未 闻 / 聞 所 未 聞] unheard of; an extremely rare and unprecedented event #41,798 [Add to Longdo] | 不意 | [bù yì, ㄅㄨˋ ㄧˋ, 不 意] unexpectedly; unawareness; unpreparedness #42,490 [Add to Longdo] | 袒护 | [tǎn hù, ㄊㄢˇ ㄏㄨˋ, 袒 护 / 袒 護] to cover up; to take sb's side; unprincipled support #45,458 [Add to Longdo] | 无原则 | [wú yuán zé, ㄨˊ ㄩㄢˊ ㄗㄜˊ, 无 原 则 / 無 原 則] unprincipled #45,965 [Add to Longdo] | 惨绝人寰 | [cǎn jué rén huán, ㄘㄢˇ ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄖㄣˊ ㄏㄨㄢˊ, 惨 绝 人 寰 / 慘 絕 人 寰] extremely tragic (成语 saw); with unprecedented brutality #46,734 [Add to Longdo] | 神出鬼没 | [shén chū guǐ mò, ㄕㄣˊ ㄔㄨ ㄍㄨㄟˇ ㄇㄛˋ, 神 出 鬼 没 / 神 出 鬼 沒] lit. Gods appear and devils vanish (成语 saw); to appear and disappear unpredictably; to change rapidly #48,087 [Add to Longdo] | 未卜 | [wèi bǔ, ㄨㄟˋ ㄅㄨˇ, 未 卜] not foreseen; unpredictable; not on the cards #53,016 [Add to Longdo] | 天有不测风云 | [tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún, ㄊㄧㄢ ㄧㄡˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄘㄜˋ ㄈㄥ ㄩㄣˊ, 天 有 不 测 风 云 / 天 有 不 測 風 雲] fortune as unpredictable as the weather (成语 saw); sth unexpected may happen at any moment #58,033 [Add to Longdo] | 前所未见 | [qián suǒ wèi jiàn, ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄨㄟˋ ㄐㄧㄢˋ, 前 所 未 见 / 前 所 未 見] unprecedented; never seen before #61,476 [Add to Longdo] | 不像样 | [bù xiàng yàng, ㄅㄨˋ ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄧㄤˋ, 不 像 样 / 不 像 樣] in no shape to be seen; unpresentable; beyond recognition #75,757 [Add to Longdo] | 出没无常 | [chū mò wú cháng, ㄔㄨ ㄇㄛˋ ㄨˊ ㄔㄤˊ, 出 没 无 常 / 出 沒 無 常] to appear and disappear unpredictably #149,774 [Add to Longdo] | 旷古未有 | [kuàng gǔ wèi yǒu, ㄎㄨㄤˋ ㄍㄨˇ ㄨㄟˋ ㄧㄡˇ, 旷 古 未 有 / 曠 古 未 有] never before in the whole of history (成语 saw); unprecedented #220,583 [Add to Longdo] | 旷古未闻 | [kuàng gǔ wèi wén, ㄎㄨㄤˋ ㄍㄨˇ ㄨㄟˋ ㄨㄣˊ, 旷 古 未 闻 / 曠 古 未 聞] never before in the whole of history (成语 saw); unprecedented; also written 曠古未有|旷古未有 #337,120 [Add to Longdo] | 顺风转舵 | [shùn fēng zhuǎn duò, ㄕㄨㄣˋ ㄈㄥ ㄓㄨㄢˇ ㄉㄨㄛˋ, 顺 风 转 舵 / 順 風 轉 舵] to act according to whatever the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled #734,962 [Add to Longdo] | 前所未有的 | [qián suǒ wèi yǒu de, ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄨㄟˋ ㄧㄡˇ ㄉㄜ˙, 前 所 未 有 的] unprecedented [Add to Longdo] | 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 | [tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún, rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú, ㄊㄧㄢ ㄧㄡˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄘㄜˋ ㄈㄥ ㄩㄣˊ, ㄖㄣˊ ㄧㄡˇ ㄉㄢˋ ㄒㄧ ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄈㄨˊ, 天 有 不 测 风 云 , 人 有 旦 夕 祸 福 / 天 有 不 測 風 雲 , 人 有 旦 夕 禍 福] fortune as unpredictable as the weather, every day may bring fortune or calamity (成语 saw); sth unexpected may happen at any moment [Add to Longdo] | 核不扩散 | [hé bù kuò sàn, ㄏㄜˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄙㄢˋ, 核 不 扩 散 / 核 不 擴 散] nuclear nonproliferation [Add to Longdo] | 流氓无产者 | [liú máng wú chǎn zhě, ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄇㄤˊ ㄨˊ ㄔㄢˇ ㄓㄜˇ, 流 氓 无 产 者 / 流 氓 無 產 者] lumpenproletariat (in marxist theory) [Add to Longdo] | 涉世未深 | [shè shì wèi shēn, ㄕㄜˋ ㄕˋ ㄨㄟˋ ㄕㄣ, 涉 世 未 深] unpracticed; inexperienced; naive; unsophisticated [Add to Longdo] | 社鼠城狐 | [shè shǔ chéng hú, ㄕㄜˋ ㄕㄨˇ ㄔㄥˊ ㄏㄨˊ, 社 鼠 城 狐] lit. rat in a country shrine, fox on town walls; fig. unprincipled thugs who abuse others' power to bully and exploit people [Add to Longdo] | 祸福无常 | [huò fú wú cháng, ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄈㄨˊ ㄨˊ ㄔㄤˊ, 祸 福 无 常 / 禍 福 無 常] disaster and happiness do not follow rules (成语 saw); future blessings and misfortunes are unpredictable [Add to Longdo] | 谁知 | [shuí zhī, ㄕㄨㄟˊ ㄓ, 谁 知 / 誰 知] lit. who knows; who would have thought; unexpectedly; unpredictably [Add to Longdo] | 质樸 | [zhì pǔ, ㄓˋ ㄆㄨˇ, 质 樸 / 質 樸] simple and unadorned; downright; unpretentious; plain; unaffected [Add to Longdo] | 随风倒舵 | [suí fēng dǎo duò, ㄙㄨㄟˊ ㄈㄥ ㄉㄠˇ ㄉㄨㄛˋ, 随 风 倒 舵 / 隨 風 倒 舵] lit. to trim one's sail to the wind; fig. to adopt different attitude depending on the circumstances; unprincipled [Add to Longdo] |
| | 生 | [ふ, fu] (adj-no, adj-na, n, n-pref) (1) raw; uncooked; fresh; (2) natural; unedited; unprocessed; crude; (3) (col) unprotected (i.e. not wearing a condom); (4) live (i.e. not recorded); (5) inexperienced; unpolished; green; (6) (abbr) (See 御生, 生意気) impudence; sauciness; (7) (abbr) (See 生ビール) unpasteurized beer; draft beer; draught beer; (pref) (8) partially; somewhat; half-; semi-; (P) #547 [Add to Longdo] | 悪い(P);惡い(oK);惡るい(oK) | [わるい, warui] (adj-i) (1) bad; poor; inferior; (2) evil; sinful; (3) unprofitable; unbeneficial; (4) at fault; to blame; in the wrong; (5) sorry; (P) #2,963 [Add to Longdo] | 異例 | [いれい, irei] (adj-na, n, adj-no) exception; illness; singular; exceptional; unprecedented; (P) #9,754 [Add to Longdo] | 虚 | [きょ, kyo] (n) (1) unpreparedness; (2) falsehood; (3) (See 二十八宿) Chinese "Emptiness" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) #12,272 [Add to Longdo] | 不毛 | [ふもう, fumou] (adj-na, n, adj-no) sterile; barren; unproductive; sour; (P) #16,744 [Add to Longdo] | NPO | [エヌピーオー, enupi-o-] (n) (See 非営利団体, 特定非営利活動法人) nonprofit organization; Not-for-Profit Organization [Add to Longdo] | NPO法人 | [エヌピーオーほうじん, enupi-o-houjin] (n) incorporated nonprofit organization [Add to Longdo] | インプライズ | [inpuraizu] (n) { comp } INPRISE [Add to Longdo] | ナイーブ | [nai-bu] (adj-na, n) naive; innocent; sensitive; uncomplicated; unpretentious; straightforward; (P) [Add to Longdo] | ノンプリエンプティブなマルチタスク | [nonpurienputeibu na maruchitasuku] (n) { comp } nonpreemptive multitasking [Add to Longdo] | ノンプリント機能 | [ノンプリントきのう, nonpurinto kinou] (n) { comp } nonprint function [Add to Longdo] | プログラム固定式計算器 | [プログラムこていしきけいさんき, puroguramu koteishikikeisanki] (n) { comp } nonprogrammable calculator [Add to Longdo] | 暗剣殺 | [あんけんさつ, ankensatsu] (n) unpropitious direction [Add to Longdo] | 意外性 | [いがいせい, igaisei] (n) unpredictability; element of surprise [Add to Longdo] | 一虚一実 | [いっきょいちじつ, ikkyoichijitsu] (n) constantly changing phase and being highly unpredictable [Add to Longdo] | 印字抑止機能 | [いんじよくしきのう, injiyokushikinou] (n) { comp } nonprint function [Add to Longdo] | 押っ取り刀 | [おっとりがたな, ottorigatana] (n) unprepared action; something done on the spur of the moment [Add to Longdo] | 核不拡散 | [かくふかくさん, kakufukakusan] (n) nuclear nonproliferation [Add to Longdo] | 割りの悪い | [わりのわるい, warinowarui] (exp) unprofitable; disadvantageous; not worth it [Add to Longdo] | 空前 | [くうぜん, kuuzen] (n, adj-no) unprecedented; record-breaking; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 経営不振 | [けいえいふしん, keieifushin] (n, adj-no) unprofitable business operation [Add to Longdo] | 原酒 | [げんしゅ, genshu] (n) unprocessed sake; unblended whisky (whiskey) [Add to Longdo] | 史上空前 | [しじょうくうぜん, shijoukuuzen] (n) unprecedented in history; unheard-of; epoch-making [Add to Longdo] | 柔婉 | [じゅうえん, juuen] (adj-na) simple; plain; honest; unaffected; frank; unpretentious [Add to Longdo] | 心細い | [こころぼそい, kokorobosoi] (adj-i) helpless; forlorn; hopeless; unpromising; lonely; discouraging; disheartening; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 神武以来 | [じんむいらい;じんむこのかた, jinmuirai ; jinmukonokata] (adj-no, n-adv, n-t) since the era of the Emperor Jinmu; (first ever) since the dawn of Japan's history; unprecedented [Add to Longdo] | 人間万事塞翁が馬 | [じんかんばんじさいおうがうま, jinkanbanjisaiougauma] (exp) inscrutable are the ways of heaven; fortune is unpredictable and changeable [Add to Longdo] | 前人未到;前人未踏 | [ぜんじんみとう, zenjinmitou] (adj-na, n) untrodden (region, field of study, etc.); unprecedented (discovery, achievement, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | 前人未発 | [ぜんじんみはつ, zenjinmihatsu] (n) unprecedented; unheard-of; never propounded (discovered, invented) by anyone before [Add to Longdo] | 前代未聞 | [ぜんだいみもん, zendaimimon] (n, adj-no) unheard-of; unprecedented; unparalleled in history (unparallelled); record-breaking; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 地金 | [じがね, jigane] (n) (1) ore; unprocessed metal; ground metal; (2) (one's) true character [Add to Longdo] | 置き字 | [おきじ, okiji] (n) kanji left unpronounced when reading Chinese [Add to Longdo] | 特定非営利活動法人 | [とくていひえいりかつどうほうじん, tokuteihieirikatsudouhoujin] (n) specified nonprofit corporation [Add to Longdo] | 認定NPO法人 | [にんていエヌピーオーほうじん, nintei enupi-o-houjin] (n) authorized nonprofit organization [Add to Longdo] | 破格 | [はかく, hakaku] (adj-na, n) (1) extraordinary; special; exceptional; abnormal; unprecedented; (2) non-standard grammatical construction; ungrammatical usage; solecism; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 破天荒 | [はてんこう, hatenkou] (adj-na, n) unheard-of; unprecedented [Add to Longdo] | 売薬;売り薬 | [ばいやく(売薬);うりぐすり, baiyaku ( baiyaku ); urigusuri] (n, adj-no) patent medicine; nonprescription drug [Add to Longdo] | 白ロム;白ROM | [しろロム, shiro romu] (n) contract-free mobile phone; unprogrammed cellphone; mobile telephone without an assigned number [Add to Longdo] | 非印刷文字 | [ひいんさつもじ, hiinsatsumoji] (n) { comp } nonprinting character [Add to Longdo] | 非営利事業 | [ひえいりじぎょう, hieirijigyou] (n) nonprofit (noncommercial) business [Add to Longdo] | 非営利組織 | [ひえいりそしき, hieirisoshiki] (n) nonprofit organization; NPO [Add to Longdo] | 非営利団体 | [ひえいりだんたい, hieiridantai] (n) nonprofit organization; nonprofit organisation [Add to Longdo] | 非営利的 | [ひえいりてき, hieiriteki] (adj-na) nonprofit [Add to Longdo] | 非実際的 | [ひじっさいてき, hijissaiteki] (adj-na) impractical; unpractical [Add to Longdo] | 非手続き型言語 | [ひてつづきかたげんご, hitetsudukikatagengo] (n) { comp } nonprocedural language [Add to Longdo] | 非生産的 | [ひせいさんてき, hiseisanteki] (adj-na) unproductive; counterproductive [Add to Longdo] | 非保護領域 | [ひほごりょういき, hihogoryouiki] (n) { comp } unprotected area [Add to Longdo] | 貧栄養湖 | [ひんえいようこ, hin'eiyouko] (n) lake with low nutrient level; oligotrophic lake; unproductive lake [Add to Longdo] | 不為 | [ふため, futame] (adj-na, n) disadvantageous; harmful; unprofitable [Add to Longdo] | 不起訴 | [ふきそ, fukiso] (n) nonprosecution or indictment; (P) [Add to Longdo] |
| | 不便 | [ふべん, fuben] unbequem, unpraktisch [Add to Longdo] | 仮縫い | [かりぬい, karinui] Anprobe [Add to Longdo] | 副産物 | [ふくさんぶつ, fukusanbutsu] Nebenprodukt [Add to Longdo] | 大量生産 | [たいりょうせいさん, tairyouseisan] Massenproduktion [Add to Longdo] | 定価 | [ていか, teika] Listenpreis, fester_Preis [Add to Longdo] | 模擬試験 | [もぎしけん, mogishiken] Scheinpruefung [Add to Longdo] | 皇太子 | [こうたいし, koutaishi] Kronprinz [Add to Longdo] | 皇太子妃 | [こうたいしひ, koutaishihi] Kronprinzessin [Add to Longdo] | 義歯 | [ぎし, gishi] kuenstlicher_Zahn, Zahnprothese [Add to Longdo] | 衝 | [しょう, shou] ANPRALL, ZUSAMMENSTOSS [Add to Longdo] | 銘記 | [めいき, meiki] sich_tief_einpraegen, sich_fest_einpraegen [Add to Longdo] |
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