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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: masa, -masa-
Possible hiragana form: まさ
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English Phonetic Symbols

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อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Dhammasanganiธรรมสังคณี [TU Subject Heading]
Mangraithammasatมังรายศาสตร์ [TU Subject Heading]
Thammasat Universityมหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ [TU Subject Heading]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Cast:MIT Masahiko ONO Boiling Point (1990)
9:30 clock, Masayo Yasuda (23), eliminated9:30 Uhr, Masayo Yasuda (23), eliminiert Live (2014)
11:38 clock, Yoshimasa Yamazaki (28) eliminated, 11:38 Uhr, Yoshimasa Yamazaki (28), eliminiert Live (2014)
Tamaki and Masaki follow us!Tamaki und Masaki folgen uns! Live (2014)
Tikka Masala.Sie haben Pizza, Eis, Tikka Masala. Dice (2014)
Ardha-Kurmasana.Ardha-Kurmasana. Pixies (2015)
Masaru.Masaru! Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
Masaru.Masaru. Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
Masaru got a problem.Masaru hat einige Probleme, klar. Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
Masaru. What do you want revenge?Masaru, ...willst du Rache nehmen? Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
When you're angry at. Will feel great.Wenn du sauer bist, Masaru, dann lasse es nur raus. Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
Build, Masaru.Steh auf, Masaru. Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
Masaru?Masaru? Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
Masaru, can you handle it?Masaru, schaffst du es auch? Yakuza Apocalypse (2015)
You're slow, Masashi.Schneller, Masashi. Our Little Sister (2015)
Masaccio, Masolino...Masaccio, Masolino... Démons (2015)
- Is that a Masamune blade?Ist das eine Masamune Klinge? Ein Katana. This Is Your Sword (2015)
Masao YOSHIDA:Masao YOSHIDA: Guilty of Romance (2011)
We've been listening to Diane Masagi talk about her autobiography, Sie hörten Diane Masagi zu ihrer Autobiografie: AKA I've Got the Blues (2015)
- Chicken Marsala.Chicken Masala. The Last Supper (2015)
Masatoshi Nagase as SentaroSENTARO: MASATOSHI NAGASE Sweet Bean (2015)
Yateeka masaha la hasra laha watahseen hayda albaled almodeef...Yateeka masaha la hasra laha watahseen hayda albaled almodeef... Haunted (2015)
She's in the Panorama.Sie ist im Panoramasaal. Evil Handmade Instrument (2015)
The open plains of the Masai Mara provide perfect conditions for Art to get closer to the action than ever before.Die Ebenen von Masai Mara bieten die perfekten Bedingungen für Art, um näher an die Tiere heranzukommen als je zuvor. Wild (2015)
Masa?Masa? Suicide Club (2001)
You and Gus and Masachi couldn't even get out.Du und Gus und Masachi habt's nicht raus geschafft. The Finest Hours (2016)
I found him on the street, months after the accident and I dress him like Masao.Er lief mir Monate nach dem Unfall zu. Ich ziehe ihn wie Masao an. Nine Lives (2016)
The Armed Forces Medal for Heroic Deeds is awarded to Sergeant Sigurd Sønsteby for outstanding courage under danger in the Mazar District.Die Medaille für heldenhafte Leistungen wird Unteroffizier Sigurd Sønsteby für außergewöhnlichen Mut in einer gefährlichen Situation im Distrikt Masar verliehen. Episode #1.2 (2016)
-You want me to go to Kabul?-Ich soll in Kabul dabei sein? -Nein, in Masar. Episode #1.6 (2016)
Modigliani, Masaccio, Marmaduke!Modigliani, Masaccio, Marmaduke! Best Thing That Ever Happened (2016)
Did you enjoy your chicken tikka masala?War das Chicken Masala gut? I, Daniel Blake (2016)
My name is Nagamasa.Ich heisse Nagamasa. Azumi (2003)
Masako, what are you doing talking to this gaijin?Masako! Warum redest du mit diesem gaijin? Shogun (2016)
- My name is Masako.Mein Name ist Masako. Shogun (2016)
- Masako.Masako. Shogun (2016)
Masako san, a word please.Masako-san, auf ein Wort bitte. Shogun (2016)
Masako, these are, uh, my friends I was telling you about.Masako, das sind meine Freunde, von denen ich erzählt habe. Shogun (2016)
Masako's supposed to marry the Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu. Yeah, met him.Masako soll den Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, heiraten. Shogun (2016)
Well, the reason he sticks out in the history books is because he likes to murder his wives, and I can't leave Masako to his mercy.Bin kein Fan. Er sticht geschichtlich heraus, weil er seine Frauen ermordet. Ich kann ihm Masako nicht ausliefern. Shogun (2016)
Guys, bottom line is, if the Shogun has the ATOM suit, it's not just Masako and the village we have to protect.Der Punkt ist, wenn der Shogun den Atom-Anzug hat, brauchen nicht nur Masako und das Dorf Schutz. Shogun (2016)
Sara says we got to clear out.Sara sagt, wir müssen los. - Auf Wiedersehen, Masako. Shogun (2016)
Start spreading the masa onto the husk.Verteile die Masa in der Schale. Bound by Blood (2017)
This is the masa.Das ist der Masa-Teig. Bound by Blood (2017)
And the tandoori shrimp, uh, steamed momo, the lamb tikka masala... and the chicken vindaloo.Und einmal Tandoori Shrimp, gedünstetes Silberflossenblatt, das Lamm-Tikka Masala und das Chicken Vindaloo. Marty Dobbs (2017)
Great for both binge watching and binge drinking.Er passt zum Komaglotzen und zum Komasaufen. Party Bus (2017)
-Much respect, dawg, but binge drinking is the deadliest challenge facing Winchester, and the administration won't acknowledge it.-Respekt, Alter. Aber Komasaufen ist das dramatischste Problem in Winchester, und die Unileitung ignoriert es. Chapter X (2017)
They feel binge drinking is taking a back seat.Sie finden, Komasaufen wird zu wenig beachtet. Chapter X (2017)
That motherfucker loved binge drinking.Der Arsch stand total auf Komasaufen. Chapter X (2017)
Masayuki MoriMasayuki Mori Rashomon (1950)
I saw a Masai native working once using charcoal on a big hollow stone.Die Masai machen Feuer mit Holzkohle in einem hohlen Stein. The African Queen (1951)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
masaMing wasn't dancing with Masao then.
masaIf Jane had driven to our home, I would have served her amasake.
masaMasashi and Takako were at odds with each other over where to spend their vacation.
masaIt was I who met Masako here yesterday.
masaMasaru gets married today.
masaMasaru wants to join the English Club.
masaMasako usually walks a school.
masaMasao belongs to the tennis club.
masaI have a feeling that Masao may blow in sometime soon.
masaThis lady is Masagokan's landlady, Yoko Someha.
masaYou will be interested to know that we have just introduced our new Managing Director, Mr Masaru Ezaki.
masaShe looked at her flock hanging from the ceiling which her brother Masahiro had hung for her.
masaMay I go there with Masao, Father?
masaMasaru claims that he is innocent.
masaMasao won't come here, will he?
masaIsn't Yukimasa so cute?
masaMasako finished high school in Japan and then graduated from Harvard.
masaMasaru doesn't care for this color.
masaDo you know my brother Masao?
masaMasaru can't finish the work in an hour, can he?
masaWhich boy is Masao?
masaMasao studies history under Prof. Ito's guidance.
masaYou know Ujimasa Houjyou.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์(n) Thammasat University, Example: ปัจจุบันนี้ท่านสอนวิชาศาสนาเปรียบเทียบอยู่ที่มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
ธรรมศาสตร์(n) Thammasat university, Syn. มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์, Example: มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์จัดการประชุมเรื่องที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการเมืองเป็นประจำ, Thai Definition: ชื่อมหาวิทยาลัยแห่งหนึ่งในประเทศไทย, Notes: (บาลี, สันสกฤต)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
แกงมัสมั่น[kaēng matsaman] (n, exp) EN: masaman curry  FR: curry musulman [ m ]
แกงมัสมั่นไก่[kaēng matsaman kai] (xp) EN: chicken masaman curry  FR: curry musulman au poulet [ m ]
แกงมัสมั่นหมู[kaēng matsaman mū] (xp) EN: pork masaman curry
แกงมัสมั่นเนื้อวัว[kaēng matsaman neūa wūa] (xp) EN: beef masaman curry
คณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์[Khana Nitisāt Mahāwitthayālai Thammasāt] (org) FR: Faculté de Droit de l'université Thammasat [ f ]
กล้วยหอมเขียว[klūay høm khīo] (n, exp) EN: Cavendish banana ; hom khio banana ; pisang masak hijau  FR: banane Cavendish [ f ] ; banane hom khio [ f ] ; pisang masak hijau
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์[Mahāwitthayālai Thammasāt] (org) EN: Thammasat University  FR: université Thammasat [ f ]
นกกินแมลงหลังฟู[nok kin malaēng lang fū] (n, exp) EN: Fluffy-backed Tit Babbler  FR: Timalie chamasa [ f ] ; Burong à dos hérissé ; Timalie soyeuse [ f ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
abomasal(adj) relating to the abomasum (the fourth compartment of the stomach of ruminants)
Masa(n) an independent group of closely related Chadic languages spoken in the area between the Biu-Mandara and East Chadic languages
Masai(n) a Nilotic language

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

prop. n. 1. A Nilotic language. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. An African tribe inhabiting parts of Kenya and Tanzania. [ PJC ]

Picture of Masai women and children standing by the roadside.
(Photographed in Kenya 1983 by PJC)

[ PJC ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
高村正彦[Gāo cūn Zhēng yàn, ㄍㄠ ㄘㄨㄣ ㄓㄥ ㄧㄢˋ,     /    ] KOMURA Masahiko (1942-), Japanese politician, foreign minister from 1998, minister of defense from 2007 #171,942 [Add to Longdo]
山崎[Shān qí, ㄕㄢ ㄑㄧˊ,  ] Yamasaki (name) #238,425 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Masafueraschlüpfer { m } [ ornith. ]Masafuera rayadito [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[まさ, masa] (n, n-pref) (1) (See 従・じゅ) greater (of equal court ranks); upper; senior; (2) (しょう only) (See 長官・かみ) director (highest of the four administrative positions of the ritsuryo period); chief; (pref) (3) (しょう only) (before a number) exactly; precisely #784 [Add to Longdo]
[まさ, masa] (n, adj-no) (1) (logical) true; regular; (2) 10^40; (3) (abbr) (See 正本・せいほん) original; (4) { math } (See 負・ふ) positive; greater than zero; (P) #784 [Add to Longdo]
[まさ, masa] (n, adj-na) (arch) (See 正に) exact; precise #784 [Add to Longdo]
正しく[まさしく, masashiku] (adv) surely; no doubt; evidently #5,507 [Add to Longdo]
マサチューセッツ[masachu-settsu] (n) Massachusetts; (P) #6,423 [Add to Longdo]
正宗[まさむね, masamune] (n) sword blade by Masamune #11,622 [Add to Longdo]
摩擦[まさつ, masatsu] (n, vs) friction; rubbing; rubdown; chafe; (P) #13,919 [Add to Longdo]
マッサージ(P);マサージュ[massa-ji (P); masa-ju] (n, vs) massage; (P) #14,244 [Add to Longdo]
正木;柾[まさき;マサキ, masaki ; masaki] (n) Japanese spindletree (Euonymus japonicus) #17,524 [Add to Longdo]
いかさま裁判[いかさまさいばん, ikasamasaiban] (n) fake trial; kangaroo court [Add to Longdo]
たまさか鳥;偶さか鳥[たまさかどり, tamasakadori] (n) (obsc) (See 時鳥) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) [Add to Longdo]
つま先(P);爪先[つまさき, tsumasaki] (n) tiptoe; (P) [Add to Longdo]
まさかの時[まさかのとき, masakanotoki] (exp) in time of need; for a rainy day; in case of emergency [Add to Longdo]
カスタマサービス[kasutamasa-bisu] (n) { comp } customer service [Add to Longdo]
ガラムマサラ[garamumasara] (n) garam masala (hin [Add to Longdo]
マサイ[masai] (n) Masai (people); Maasai [Add to Longdo]
マサイ族[マサイぞく, masai zoku] (n) Masai (people); Maasai [Add to Longdo]
マサラ;マサラー[masara ; masara-] (n) masala (mixture of spices used in Indian cooking) [Add to Longdo]
マサラティー[masaratei-] (n) Maserati [Add to Longdo]
ロマサガ[romasaga] (n) (abbr) Romancing SaGa (game) [Add to Longdo]
按摩さん(oK)[あんまさん, anmasan] (n) masseuse; masseur [Add to Longdo]
運動摩擦[うんどうまさつ, undoumasatsu] (n) kinetic friction [Add to Longdo]
横山神道[よこやましんとう, yokoyamashintou] (n) Yokoyama Shinto (Edo-period Shinto sect promoted by Masae Yokoyama) [Add to Longdo]
何にも勝る[なににもまさる, naninimomasaru] (exp, adj-f) (1) surpassing everything; better than anything; (exp, v5r) (2) (obsc) to be better than anything [Add to Longdo]
滑り摩擦[すべりまさつ, suberimasatsu] (n) sliding friction [Add to Longdo]
乾布摩擦[かんぷまさつ, kanpumasatsu] (n) a rubdown with a dry towel [Add to Longdo]
偶さか[たまさか, tamasaka] (adv) occasionally [Add to Longdo]
熊さん八っつあん;熊さん八つあん[くまさんはっつあん, kumasanhattsuan] (n) the average Joe; the man in the street [Add to Longdo]
見優り[みまさり, mimasari] (n, vs) compare favourably; compare favorably [Add to Longdo]
胡麻鯖[ごまさば;ゴマサバ, gomasaba ; gomasaba] (n) (uk) blue mackerel (Scomber australasicus) [Add to Longdo]
杭周面摩擦力[くいしゅうめんまさつりょく, kuishuumenmasatsuryoku] (n) pile shaft friction [Add to Longdo]
今更(P);今さら[いまさら, imasara] (adv, n) now (after such a long time); at this late hour (i.e. it is too late for something); (P) [Add to Longdo]
山崎派[やまさきは, yamasakiha] (n) Yamasaki Faction (of the LDP) [Add to Longdo]
山桜[やまざくら, yamazakura] (n) mountain cherry; Prunus donarium, var. spontanea or Prunus jamasakura [Add to Longdo]
子規忌[しきき, shikiki] (n) anniversary of Shiki Masaoka's death (September 19th) [Add to Longdo]
煮え湯を飲まされる[にえゆをのまされる, nieyuwonomasareru] (exp, v1) to be betrayed [Add to Longdo]
車冠オウム;車冠鸚鵡[くるまさかおうむ(車冠鸚鵡);くるまさオウム(車冠オウム);かクルマサカオウム, kurumasakaoumu ( kuruma kan oumu ); kurumasa oumu ( kuruma kan oumu ); ka kurumasak] (n) (uk) Major Mitchell's cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri); Leadbeater's cockatoo [Add to Longdo]
手弄り;手まさぐり[てまさぐり, temasaguri] (n, vs) (1) playing with something with one's fingers; (2) searching with one's fingers (e.g. in the dark) [Add to Longdo]
周面摩擦[しゅうめんまさつ, shuumenmasatsu] (n) (See 周面) skin friction [Add to Longdo]
勝る(P);優る[まさる, masaru] (v5r, vi) (1) to excel; to surpass; to exceed; to have an edge; to be superior; to outrival; (2) to outweigh; to preponderate; (P) [Add to Longdo]
真っ青(P);真青[まっさお(P);まさお(真青), massao (P); masao ( makoto ao )] (adj-na, n) deep blue; ghastly pale; (P) [Add to Longdo]
真猿[まさる, masaru] (n) (arch) monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata) [Add to Longdo]
真逆[まさか, masaka] (adj-na, adj-no) the exact opposite [Add to Longdo]
真逆[まさか, masaka] (int) (uk) by no means; never!; well, I never!; you don't say!; (P) [Add to Longdo]
真逆様に[まさかさまに, masakasamani] (adv) headlong; head over heels [Add to Longdo]
真砂[まさご, masago] (n) sand [Add to Longdo]
真鯖[まさば;マサバ, masaba ; masaba] (n) (uk) chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) [Add to Longdo]
真盛り[まさかり, masakari] (adj-na) height of; middle of; full bloom [Add to Longdo]
真拆[まさき, masaki] (n) (arch) (obsc) (See 真拆葛) Asiatic jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum); Asian jasmine [Add to Longdo]
真拆の葛;柾の葛[まさきのかずら, masakinokazura] (n) (arch) (See 定家葛) Asiatic jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum); Asian jasmine [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
カスタマサービス[かすたまさーびす, kasutamasa-bisu] customer service [Add to Longdo]
摩擦送り[まさつおくり, masatsuokuri] friction feed [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
冷水摩擦[れいすいまさつ, reisuimasatsu] kalte_Abreibung [Add to Longdo]
勝る[まさる, masaru] uebertreffen [Add to Longdo]
摩擦[まさつ, masatsu] das_Reiben, Reibung, Reiberei [Add to Longdo]
[まさ, masa] genau, sicher [Add to Longdo]


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