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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: inhum, -inhum-
Possible hiragana form: いんふん
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
inhume(vt) ฝังศพ (วรรณคดี, ทางการ), See also: ฝังดิน, Syn. bury, entomb, Ant. exhume
inhuman(adj) โหดร้าย, See also: ป่าเถื่อน, ไร้มนุษยธรรม, Syn. barbaric, cold-blooded, cruel, Ant. kindly
inhumane(adj) ขาดมนุษยธรรม, See also: ขาดความเมตตาปรานี, Syn. heartless, brutal, unmerciful, unkind, Ant. humane
inhumanity(n) ความป่าเถื่อน, See also: การไร้มนุษยธรรม, ความโหดร้าย, Syn. barbarism, brutality, cruelty, Ant. humaneness

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
inhuman(อินฮิว'เมิน) adj. ไร้ความปรานี, ไม่ใช่ลักษณะของมนุษยชาติ, ทารุณ, โหดร้าย., See also: inhumanness n.
inhumane(อินฮิวเมน') adj. ขาดมนุษยธรรม, ขาดความกรุณาปรานี, ผิดมนุษย์, ทารุณ, โหดร้าย., See also: inhumanely adv., Syn. inhuman
inhumanity(อินฮิวแมน'นิที) n. การขาดมนุษยธรรม, การขาดความกรุณาปรานี, การกระทำที่ผิดมนุษย์, Syn. cruelty
inhume(อินฮิม') vt. ฝัง, ฝังดิน., See also: inhumation n. inhumer n., Syn. bury, inter

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
inhuman(adj) ทารุณ, ไม่เมตตา, ไม่ใช่มนุษย์, โหดเหี้ยม
inhumanity(n) ความทารุณ, ความโหดเหี้ยม, ความไร้มนุษยธรรม

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984)อนุสัญญาต่อต้านการทรมานและประติบัติหรือการลงโทษอื่นที่โหดร้าย ไร้มนุษยธรรม หรือที่ย่ำยีศักดิ์ศรี (ค.ศ. 1984) [TU Subject Heading]
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishmentอนุสัญญาต่อต้านการทรมาน และการปฏิบัติ หรือการลงโทษอื่น ที่โหดร้าย ไร้มนุษยธรรม หรือที่ย่ำยีศักดิ์ศรี [การทูต]
Ainhum Diseaseโรคนิ้วเท้าที่ 5 หลุดหายไปเอง [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
That's inhuman.Das ist inhuman. Aftershocks (2015)
- what to call them."Inhumans". Scars (2015)
Our ancient ancestors called themselves Inhumans, and we just want to be left alone.Unsere Vorfahren haben sich selbst "Inhumans" genannt - und wir wollen nur in Ruhe gelassen werden. Scars (2015)
Did you know that she was inhuman?Wusstest du, dass sie eine Inhuman war? Scars (2015)
We no longer have to wait for the Inhumans to come to us.Wir müssen nicht mehr darauf warten, dass die Inhumans zu uns kommen. Scars (2015)
This wasn't a problem for Inhumans, of course.Das ist natürlich kein Problem für Inhumans. Scars (2015)
he said that we were... that Inhumans should be exterminated.Die Inhumans sollten ausgelöscht werden. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
Inhuman?Inhuman? S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
Every Inhuman up there believes that SHIELD attacked their leader and declared war. - Including Skye.Jeder Inhuman denkt, S.H.I.E.L.D. hätte ihre Anführerin angegriffen und den Krieg erklärt. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
Growing up, my dream was to lead the Inhumans.Als ich aufwuchs, war mein Traum, die Inhumans anzuführen. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
There's only one thing that can save the Inhumans from death and destruction.Es gibt nur eine Sache, die die Inhumans vor Tod und Zerstörung retten kann. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
I'm here to show the Inhumans exactly what you are.Ich bin hier, um den Inhumans genau zu zeigen, was du bist. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
If I wasn't born with Inhuman powers, then I would make my own.Wenn ich ohne die Kräfte der Inhumans geboren wurde, würde ich meine Eigenen erschaffen. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
We'll need every asset we've got to shut these Inhumans down.Wir brauchen wirklich jeden Agenten, um die Inhumans zu neutralisieren. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
I understand your concerns, May, but Cal's lived with the Inhumans.Ich verstehe deine Bedenken, May, aber Cal hat bei den Inhumans gelebt. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
Either they're Inhuman... or they're dead.Entweder sind sie Inhumans oder sie sind tot. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
- They're not trying to cure Inhumans, they...Sie versuchen nicht, Inhumans zu heilen, sie versuchen... Closure (2015)
Thousands of years ago, an Inhuman was born on the Earth. It was sent through the portal to a distant planet.Vor tausenden von Jahren wurde ein Inhuman auf der Erde geboren, der durch ein Portal auf einen fernen Planeten geschickt wurde. Closure (2015)
Yeah, including mine. Where he somehow managed to remove every Inhuman you had in custody.Wo er irgendwie geschafft hat, jeden Inhuman zu entfernen, den du in Gewahrsam hattest. Closure (2015)
All inhuman systems are stable and online.Alle Inhuman-Systeme sind stabil und online. Maveth (2015)
Inhumans.Inhumans. Maveth (2015)
They're stockpiling inhumans.Sie haben Inhumans auf Vorrat. Maveth (2015)
Okay. So, are we rescuing inhumans or saving Coulson or attacking Hydra or is there some kind of combo?Okay, also retten wir Inhumans oder retten wir Coulson oder greifen wir Hydra an oder irgendeine Kombi? Maveth (2015)
Whatever the new plan, we need to make sure those inhumans are safe.Was der neue Plan auch ist, wir müssen sichergehen, dass die Inhumans sicher sind. Maveth (2015)
We'll take care of everyone, including the inhumans, but first things first. Go.Wir kümmern uns um alle, inklusive der Inhumans, aber eins nach dem anderen. Maveth (2015)
Inhumans.Inhumans. Maveth (2015)
Jemma, we may disagree about the inhumans, but we both hate Hydra.Jemma, wir sind uns vielleicht nicht einig, was Inhumans angeht, aber wir hassen beide Hydra. Maveth (2015)
Call themselves inhumans.Nennen sich selbst Inhumans. Maveth (2015)
It's why he had the ATCU collect inhumans, why he shipped them here to the castle... as some kind of army for this powerful alien.Deshalb hat er die ATCU-Inhumans sammeln lassen, weshalb er sie zur Burg liefern ließ. Als eine Art Armee für dieses mächtige Alien. Maveth (2015)
There are a dozen inhumans in this compound that we can't leave behind.Es gibt ein dutzend Inhumans in dieser Anlage, die wir nicht zurücklassen können. Maveth (2015)
A new Inhuman could emerge anywhere without having any idea what's happened.Ein neuer Inhuman könnte überall auftauchen, ohne eine Ahnung zu haben, was passiert ist. Laws of Nature (2015)
Inhumans are still disappearing.Verschwinden immer noch Inhumans. Laws of Nature (2015)
I have every body, every piece of software tasked with identifying that woman so we can figure out where she's taking Inhumans and what exactly she plans to do with them.Ich habe jeden Mitarbeiter, jedes Stück Software damit beauftragt, diese Frau zu identifizieren, damit wir herausfinden, wohin sie die Inhumans bringt und was sie genau mit ihnen vor hat. Laws of Nature (2015)
We call ourselves Inhumans.Wir nennen uns selbst Inhumans. Laws of Nature (2015)
The good news, if you want to call it that, is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom, so the chemical contaminating the sea life isn't deadly to humans, just game-changing for Inhumans.Die guten Nachrichten sind, wenn man sie so nennen mag, dass das tödliche, metallische Element auf den Boden gesunken ist, also ist die Chemikalie, die die Meerestiere verseucht nicht tödlich für Menschen, nur alles verändernd für Inhumans. Laws of Nature (2015)
We found a new Inhuman.Wir haben einen neuen Inhuman gefunden. Laws of Nature (2015)
Now tell me where to find the Inhuman!Nun sag mir, wo ich den Inhuman finde! Laws of Nature (2015)
New Inhumans, the ATCU, and this new guy.Neue Inhumans, die ATCU und dieser... dieser neue Kerl. Devils You Know (2015)
We got to figure out how this thing is finding Inhumans - and why it's killing them.Wir müssen herausfinden, wie das Ding Inhumans findet und warum es sie tötet. Devils You Know (2015)
They confirm the killer is an Inhuman.Sie bestätigen, der Killer ist ein Inhuman. Devils You Know (2015)
Do we know of any other Inhumans who got this e-mail?Wissen wir von anderen Inhumans, die diese Email erhalten haben? Devils You Know (2015)
We know the ATCU has found Inhumans in the past, confiscated all their belongings.Wir wissen, die ATCU hat schon früher Inhumans gefunden, deren ganzes Eigentum konfisziert. Devils You Know (2015)
- I don't know. Let's start with how many Inhumans they've come across, Fangen wir damit an, wie viele Inhumans sie gefunden haben, Devils You Know (2015)
I'm not one of your Inhuman patients, Dr. Garner.Ich bin keine Ihrer Inhuman-Patienten, Dr. Garner. Devils You Know (2015)
I'm talking about the Inhuman you have in containment ...- Ich rede über die Inhuman, in Ihrer Zelle. Devils You Know (2015)
We're ... We're just analyzing the Inhuman's DNA.Wir... wir analysieren nur die DNA des Inhuman. Devils You Know (2015)
Besides a case of the creeps, he said the virus I found was sent out to the other Inhumans they've come across.Abgesehen von einem Gruselschauer, sagte er, der Virus, den ich fand, wurde auch an andere Inhumans geschickt, die sie fanden. Devils You Know (2015)
- The Inhuman killer monster.- Lash? - Das Inhuman-Killer-Monster. Among Us Hide... (2015)
He kills Inhumans.Wieso geht es mir gut? Er tötet Inhumans. Among Us Hide... (2015)
Still trying to put together an Inhuman psych profile.Versuche immer noch, ein psychologisches Profil für Inhumans zusammenzustellen. Among Us Hide... (2015)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
หิน(adj) cruel, See also: brutal, callous, inhumane, ruthless, heartless, malevolent, unkind, vicious, Syn. เหี้ยม, หินชาติ, โหดเหี้ยม
โหดร้าย(v) be cruel, See also: be ruthless, be heartless, be brutal, be callous, be inhumane, be malevolent, be unkind, b, Syn. โหดเหี้ยม, ใจร้าย, Ant. ใจดี, Example: พฤติกรรมของทหารนาซีโหดร้ายดุจคนเถื่อน
โหดร้าย(adv) brutally, See also: cruelly, ruthlessly, heartlessly, callously, inhumanely, malevolently, unkindly, viciously, Syn. ร้ายกาจ, โหดเหี้ยม, อำมหิต, Example: รัฐมนตรีอินเดียก็ถูกระเบิดสังหารอย่างโหดร้าย
ความอำมหิต(n) cruelty, See also: ruthlessness, mercilessness, savage, brutality, inhumanity, callousness, Syn. ความโหดเหี้ยม, Example: กลุ่มคนร้ายได้กลับเพิ่มความอำมหิตขึ้นอีกเป็นลำดับ โดยประกาศยิงเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ, Thai Definition: ความดุร้ายเหี้ยมโหด, ความไม่ปราณีสงสาร
ความป่าเถื่อน(n) brutality, See also: cruelty, barbarism, ferocity, inhumanity, ruthlessness, savagery, atrocity, Syn. ความโหดเหี้ยม, ความรุนแรง, Example: การปราบปรามของเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจที่ใช้ความรุนแรงและความป่าเถื่อนต่อผู้ชุมนุม

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อมนุษย์[amanut] (n) EN: inhuman being  FR: monstre [ m ] ; créature inhumaine [ f ]
อมนุษย์[amanut] (adj) EN: inhuman  FR: inhumain
ฝังศพ[fang sop] (v, exp) EN: bury the dead ; hold a burial  FR: inhumer ; enterrer ; ensevelir
เหี้ยมโหด[hīemhōt] (adj) EN: brutal ; savage ; atrocious ; ruthless ; cruel  FR: brutal ; sauvage ; cruel ; inhumain ; atroce
หิน[hin] (adj) EN: cruel ; brutal ; callous ; inhumane ; ruthless ; heartless ; malevolent ; unkind ; vicious ; merciless  FR: cruel ; dur ; impitoyable ; sans merci ; sans pitié
โหดเหี้ยม[hōthīem] (adj) EN: ruthless ; brutal ; pitiless ; heartless ; cruel  FR: inhumain ; tyrannique ; cruel
การฝังศพ[kān fang sop] (n) EN: burial ; interment ; funeral  FR: enterrement [ m ] ; funérailles [ fpl ] ; inhumation [ f ]
ความไร้มนุษยธรรม[khwām rai manutsayatham] (n, exp) EN: inhumanity  FR: inhumanité [ f ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
inhuman(adj) belonging to or resembling something nonhuman
inhumane(adj) lacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion, Ant. humane
inhumanely(adv) in an inhumane manner, Ant. humanely
inhumaneness(n) the quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others, Syn. inhumanity, Ant. humaneness
atrocity(n) an act of atrocious cruelty, Syn. inhumanity
burial(n) the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave, Syn. entombment, inhumation, sepulture, interment
bury(v) place in a grave or tomb, Syn. inter, inhume, lay to rest, entomb
cold(adj) without compunction or human feeling, Syn. inhuman, insensate, cold-blooded
cruelty(n) a cruel act; a deliberate infliction of pain and suffering, Syn. inhuman treatment

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

v. t. To disinter. [ R. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ L. inhumanus: cf. F. inhumain. See In- not, and Human. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Destitute of the kindness and tenderness that belong to a human being; cruel; barbarous; savage; unfeeling; as, an inhuman person or people. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Characterized by, or attended with, cruelty; as, an inhuman act or punishment.

Syn. -- Cruel; unfeeling; pitiless; merciless; savage; barbarous; brutal; ferocious; ruthless; fiendish. [ 1913 Webster ]


adj. not humane; lacking and reflecting lack of pity, kindness, or compassion; as, humans are innately inhumane; this explains much of the misery and suffering in the world; biological weapons are considered too inhumane to be used. [ Narrower terms: barbarous, brutal, cruel, fell, roughshod, savage, vicious; beastly, bestial, brute(prenominal), brutish, cannibalic ; brutal, cruel; cold, cold-blooded, inhuman, insensate ; pitiless, unfeeling, unkind ; painful (vs. painless) ] Also See: uncivilized. Antonym: humane. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


adv. In an inhumane manner. [ PJC ]


n. the quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others; the quality of being inhumane; inhumanity; -- of people or events.
Syn. -- inhumanity. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n.; pl. Inhumanities [ L. inhumanitas: cf. F. inhumanité. ] The quality or state of being inhuman or inhumane; cruelty; barbarity. [ 1913 Webster ]

Man's inhumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn. Burns. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In an inhuman manner; cruelly; barbarously. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ L. inhumatus, p. p. of inhumare to inhume; pref. in- in + humare to cover with earth. See Humation, and cf. Inhume. ] To inhume; to bury; to inter. Hedge. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. inhumation. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. The act of inhuming or burying; interment. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Old Chem.) The act of burying vessels in warm earth in order to expose their contents to a steady moderate heat; the state of being thus exposed. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Med.) Arenation. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Inhumed p. pr. & vb. n. Inhuming. ] [ Cf. F. inhumer. See Inhumate. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. To deposit, as a dead body, in the earth; to bury; to inter. [ 1913 Webster ]

Weeping they bear the mangled heaps of slain,
Inhume the natives in their native plain. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To bury or place in warm earth for chemical or medicinal purposes. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[cǎn, ㄘㄢˇ, / ] miserable; wretched; cruel; inhuman; seriously; badly; tragic #4,810 [Add to Longdo]
惨无人道[cǎn wú rén dào, ㄘㄢˇ ㄨˊ ㄖㄣˊ ㄉㄠˋ,     /    ] inhuman (成语 saw); brutal and unfeeling #44,544 [Add to Longdo]
不人道[bù rén dào, ㄅㄨˋ ㄖㄣˊ ㄉㄠˋ,   ] inhuman #47,832 [Add to Longdo]
反人类[fǎn rén lèi, ㄈㄢˇ ㄖㄣˊ ㄌㄟˋ,    /   ] inhuman [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Beisetzung { f }; Beerdigung { f }inhumation [Add to Longdo]
Grausamkeit { f }inhumanity [Add to Longdo]
Hockerbestattung { f }crouched inhumation [Add to Longdo]
Körpergrab { n }inhumation grave [Add to Longdo]
Unmenschlichkeit { f }inhumanness [Add to Longdo]
beerdigen | beerdigend | beerdigteto inhume | inhuming | inhumed [Add to Longdo]
menschenunwürdig { adj } | menschenunwürdiger | am menschenunwürdigstendegrading; inhumane; unfit for human beings; unworthy of a human being | more degrading | most degrading [Add to Longdo]
unmenschlich { adj }inhuman; subhuman [Add to Longdo]
unmenschlich { adv }inhumanly [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
悪逆非道[あくぎゃくひどう, akugyakuhidou] (n, adj-na) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman [Add to Longdo]
強欲非道[ごうよくひどう, gouyokuhidou] (n, adj-na) abnormally and inhumanly greedy; cruel and rapacious [Add to Longdo]
極悪非道[ごくあくひどう, gokuakuhidou] (n, adj-na, adj-no) inhuman; heinous; atrocious [Add to Longdo]
拷問等禁止条約[ごうもんとうきんしじょうやく, goumontoukinshijouyaku] (n) Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [Add to Longdo]
刻薄;酷薄[こくはく, kokuhaku] (adj-na, n) cruel; inhumane [Add to Longdo]
惨い;酷い[むごい, mugoi] (adj-i) cruel; atrocious; merciless; inhuman; brutal [Add to Longdo]
残虐非道[ざんぎゃくひどう, zangyakuhidou] (n, adj-na) inhumanity; atrocity [Add to Longdo]
残虐無道[ざんぎゃくむどう, zangyakumudou] (n, adj-na) inhumanity; atrocity [Add to Longdo]
残酷非道[ざんこくひどう, zankokuhidou] (n, adj-na) inhumanity; atrocity; abominable cruelty [Add to Longdo]
残忍非情[ざんにんひじょう, zanninhijou] (n, adj-na) utterly callous; atrociously brutal; cruel and inhuman [Add to Longdo]
残忍非道[ざんにんひどう, zanninhidou] (n, adj-na) cruel and inhuman; brutal; merciless [Add to Longdo]
人外[じんがい;にんがい, jingai ; ningai] (n, adj-no) (1) (じんがい only) uninhabited area; (2) acting inhumanly; inhuman person [Add to Longdo]
大逆非道[たいぎゃくひどう, taigyakuhidou] (n, adj-na) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman [Add to Longdo]
大逆無道[たいぎゃくむどう, taigyakumudou] (n, adj-na) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman [Add to Longdo]
非人間的[ひにんげんてき, hiningenteki] (adj-na) inhuman; impersonal [Add to Longdo]
非人情[ひにんじょう, hininjou] (adj-na, n) heartless; inhuman; unfeeling [Add to Longdo]
非人道的[ひじんどうてき, hijindouteki] (adj-na) inhuman [Add to Longdo]
非人道的兵器[ひじんどうてきへいき, hijindoutekiheiki] (n) (See 非人道兵器・ひじんどうへいき) inhumane weapons; weapon against humanity [Add to Longdo]
非人道兵器[ひじんどうへいき, hijindouheiki] (n) inhumane weapons; weapon against humanity [Add to Longdo]
非道[ひどう, hidou] (adj-na, n, adj-no) unjust; inhuman [Add to Longdo]
不人情[ふにんじょう, funinjou] (adj-na, n) unkindness; inhumanity; heartlessness [Add to Longdo]
不仁[ふじん, fujin] (adj-na, n) heartlessness; inhumanity [Add to Longdo]
不道[ふどう, fudou] (n) (1) (arch) (See 無道) immorality; inhumanity; (2) (See 八虐) (the crime of) barbarity (such as killing three people in one family, or dismembering a corpse) [Add to Longdo]
没義道;無義道[もぎどう;ぼつぎどう(没義道)(ik), mogidou ; botsugidou ( botsu gi michi )(ik)] (n, adj-na) brutality; inhumanity [Add to Longdo]
無機質[むきしつ, mukishitsu] (n) (1) inorganic matter; mineral matter; (adj-na) (2) cold; inhuman; robotic [Add to Longdo]
貪戻[たんれい;どんれい, tanrei ; donrei] (n, adj-na) (arch) avariciousness and inhumanity [Add to Longdo]


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