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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: inga, -inga-
Possible hiragana form: いんが
Dictionaries languages

English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
linga(n) อวัยวะเพศชายซึ่งเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของพระศิวะในศาสนาฮินดู, See also: องคชาติ, ลึงค์, Syn. phallus, lingam
ingather(vt) เก็บรวบรวม, See also: รวบรวม, เก็บเกี่ยว, Syn. assemble, harvest
ingather(vi) รวมตัวกัน (วรรณคดี), See also: ชุมนุมกัน, Syn. converge, assemble
Singapore(n) ประเทศสิงคโปร์
martingale(n) บังเหียน
farthingale(n) โครงถ่างกระโปรงให้กว้างออกของหญิงยุโรปในศตวรรษที่ 16-17
nightingale(n) นกไนติงเกล
thingamabob(n) สิ่งที่ผู้พูดลืมชื่อ
Nightingale, Florence(n) พยาบาลผู้เริ่มก่อตั้งวิชาชีพพยาบาล

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
galingalen. พืชคล้ายหญ้าจำพวก Cyperus
martingale(มาร์'ทิงเกล) n. บังเหียนม้า
nightingale(ไน'ทิงเกล) n. นกร้องเสียงไพเราะตัวเล็ก ๆ ในตระกูล Thrush
springal(d) (สพริง'กัล) n. เด็กวัยรุ่น

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
nightingale(n) นกไนติงเกล

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
myrinx; eardrum; membrane, tympanic; myringaแก้วหู [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tympanum ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
myringa; eardrum; membrane, tympanic; myrinxแก้วหู [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tympanum ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
membrane, tympanic; eardrum; myringa; myrinxแก้วหู [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tympanum ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
eardrum; membrane, tympanic; myringa; myrinxแก้วหู [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tympanum ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
tympanic membrane; eardrum; myringa; myrinxแก้วหู [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ tympanum ๑ ] [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Art, Singaporeanศิลปะสิงคโปร์ [TU Subject Heading]
Singalasuttaสิงคาลกสสูตร [TU Subject Heading]
Singaporeสิงคโปร์ [TU Subject Heading]
Singapore Inter-bank Offered Rate (SIBOR)อัตรากู้ยืมเงินระหว่างธนาคารแห่งประเทศ สิงคโปร์, Example: อัตราดอกเบี้ยการให้กู้ยืมเงินในตลาดเงินกู้ ระยะสั้น ระหว่างธนาคารของสิงคโปร์ ซึ่งอัตราให้กู้ยืมเงินนี้ จะอิงอัตรากู้ยืมระหว่างธนาคารที่ลอนดอนเป็นหลัก (ดู Libor) [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
Thailand-Singapore Civil Service Exchange Programmeโครงการความร่วมมือระหว่างหน่วยงานข้าราชการพลเรือนไทย-สิงคโปร์ [การทูต]
Raingaugeเครื่องวัดฝน [อุตุนิยมวิทยา]
Recording raingaugeเครื่องวัดฝนแบบ บันทึก [อุตุนิยมวิทยา]
Accumulative Raingaugeเครื่องวัดฝนแบบสะสม [อุตุนิยมวิทยา]
Raingauge shieldที่กำบังเครื่องวัด ฝน [อุตุนิยมวิทยา]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Then lock the doors.Okay, dann mach den Eingang dicht. The Wave (2008)
Singapore Sling.Singapore Sling. Singapore Sling (1990)
This wayDort gibt es einen Eingang. Armour of God 2: Operation Condor (1991)
Hard work, dedication.Harte Arbeit, Hingabe. Gem and Loan (2014)
I need arrangements in all the lobbies, and I like my bouquets tight.Ich muss in allen Eingangshallen noch Vorkehrungen treffen und ich mag meine Blumensträuße straff. Like Hell: Part 1 (2014)
We've got vehicles at the front entrance.- Es sind Fahrzeuge an der Eingangspforte. Silence (2014)
I can't tell you how grateful I am for your dedication.Ich kann dir gar nicht sagen, wie dankbar ich dir für deine Hingabe bin. Silence (2014)
There's a west entrance to the sanctuary and a side entrance on the north side.- Es gibt einen Eingang westlich des Altarbereichs und einen Seiteneingang an der Nordseite. Silence (2014)
They went out the back.Sie sind zum Hintereingang raus. Panopticon (2014)
Looks like the back entrance to the factory floor is on the south side.Der Hintereingang zur Fabrik ist an der Südseite. Beginning of the End (2014)
There's an opening to a hidden tunnel.Zum Eingang eines versteckten Tunnels. The Gathering (2014)
Front door was closed and locked.Eingangstür war geschlossen und abgeschlossen. Thanks for the Memories (2014)
It's top-notch... guards at all entrance points, thermal I.D. and corneal scanners to activate the elevators.Sie ist erstklassig... Wachen an allen Eingangspunkten, Magnetstreifenkarten und Netzhaut-Scanner um die Aufzüge zu aktivieren. Borrowed Time (2014)
The exit plan is based on you walking out the front door.Der Fluchtweg basiert darauf, dass Sie bei der Eingangstür hinausgehen. Borrowed Time (2014)
Pickup is outside the playground entrance at 3:30. - Thank you, everybody.Die Abholung erfolgt um 15:30 am Eingang des Spielplatzes. Wish You Were Here (2014)
The machine says the security camera overlooking the entrance to Grace's building just went out.Die Maschine sagt, dass die Sicherheitskamera, die den Eingang des Hauses von Grace überwacht, gerade ausgegangen ist. Beta (2014)
We all make mistakes.Wir machen alle Fehler. Schau zur Eingangstür. A House Divided (2014)
I'm here to verify this lease, and I'd like to do it before the rest of this doorway caves in.Ich bin hier, um diesen Mietvertrag zu bestätigen, ich wäre gerne durch, bevor der Eingang einbricht. And the New Lease on Life (2014)
But you got those three steps out front.Und sag nicht, es ist, weil meine Wohnung nicht behindertengerecht ist. Du hast drei Stufen im Eingangsbereich. Page Not Found (2014)
Meet me at the bar just outside of town.Ich treffe Sie in der Bar am Ortseingang, wenn ich fertig bin. La mort et la belle vie (2014)
Next. Clear the spider community in the walk-in!Die Spinnen-Gemeinde am Eingang wegmachen! And the Near Death Experience (2014)
I'll pull up to the entrance.Ich bringe es zum Eingang. The Fool (2014)
This office... what does it say outside?Das sind alles nur Angebote. Aber was steht da draußen, in der Eingangshalle? 1984 (2014)
Much of my life would be impossible, were it not for her commitment and support.Vieles in meinem Leben wäre nicht möglich ohne ihre Hingabe und Unterstützung. Your Father. My Friend (2014)
I shall take what I have and go to print alone. [ Inhales ]Wenn Sie meine Hingabe noch einmal bezweifeln, werde ich nehmen, was ich habe, und gehe alleine in Druck. The Peace of Edmund Reid (2014)
Well, this placard I intercepted at the front door augurs otherwise.Dieser Räumungsbescheid, den ich von der Eingangstür nahm, lässt anderes vermuten. Addiction (2014)
Masters William Talbot and Fingal Duncan, will ye stand forth?Masters William Talbot und Fingal Duncan, Sie können vortreten. Castle Leoch (2014)
A kidney can sell for as much as $120, 000 here and, in Singapore, twice as much.Eine Niere kann hier für 120.000 Dollar verkauft werden, das Doppelte in Singapur. Shooter (2014)
I had to come through the prisoner dock.Ich musste durch den Gefangeneneingang kommen. Minute Changes (2014)
Take the 35th street entrance and head South about 20 yards inside the fence.Nehmt den Eingang 35. Straße... und geht 20 Meter nach Süden. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
We'll enter at 25th and approach it from there.Wir kommen euch vom Eingang an der 25. entgegen. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
They left the front door unlocked.Sie haben die Eingangstür nicht abgeschlossen. Revelation (2014)
I came in a less orthodox entrance to see if I could.Ich bin durch einen weniger orthodoxen Eingang gekommen, um zu sehen, ob ich es kann. Art in the Blood (2014)
Um... uh, near the entrance, the bottom of the stairs here.Nahe des Eingangs, am Fuß der Treppe hier. Cold Case (2014)
Nightingale?Sie meinen Nightingale? Charlie Spends the Night with Lacey (2014)
So she got up from her computer, she walked out the front door and she went to go tell somebody that Ali was alive and that things were falling apart faster than anybody could fix them.Also stand sie von ihrem Computer auf, lief durch die Eingangstür hinaus und ging zu jemandem, um ihm zu sagen, dass Ali am Leben ist... und dass die Dinge schneller auseinander fallen, als sie je jemand reparieren könnte. Surfing the Aftershocks (2014)
Harringay?Harringay? Episode #2.4 (2014)
God, you never let anybody in.Himmel, du machst immer einen Alleingang. Episode #2.6 (2014)
No one doubts his dedication to this project.Keiner zweifelt an seiner Hingabe. Last Reasoning of Kings (2014)
All personnel must stop at the main gate checkpoint for identification passes whenever leaving from or arriving to Los Alamos.Das Personal muss am Haupteingang anhalten... Fahren Sie ran. Last Reasoning of Kings (2014)
When they're focused on me, Dingaan, wearing his Faraday suit, is gonna climb over one of the big posts that generates the electrical fence right here on the opposite side of the ghetto at the closest proximity to the tether.Während sie sich auf mich konzentrieren, wird Dingaan... mit seinem Faraday-Anzug über einen der großen Pfosten klettern, die den elektrischen Zaun auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite des Ghettos... in nächster Nähe zur Verbindung generieren. Exodus (2014)
Should buy Dingaan a little time.Sollte Dingaan ein bisschen Zeit verschaffen. Exodus (2014)
After Dingaan makes it over the wall, he's gonna find his way to the base of that tether, and he's gonna set the explosives that will sever it.Nachdem Dingaan über der Mauer ist, wird er einen Weg zur Basis dieser Verbindung finden, und die Sprengkörper setzen, die sie durchtrennen werden. Exodus (2014)
Look, if Dingaan doesn't cut this tether, you're the one who's trapped.Sieh mal, wenn Dingaan diese Verbindung nicht durchtrennt, - bist du derjenige der gefangen ist. Exodus (2014)
Dingaan will cut the tether.- Dingaan wird die Verbindung durchtrennen. Exodus (2014)
Yeah, and how do we know that Dingaan here's not just gonna hop the fence and skedaddle?- Wird es. Klar, und woher wissen wir, dass Dingaan hier nicht einfach über den Zaun hüpft und abhaut? Exodus (2014)
For me, the only pure things in the world was little Ma Petite, and my love and dedication for you.Für mich waren die einzig reinen Dinge in der Welt die kleine Ma Petite und meine Liebe und Hingabe für dich. Blood Bath (2014)
I take that ungrateful hydra dress shopping, and the second I turn my back to buy a slip, they sneak out the back.Ich gehe mit dieser undankbaren Hydra Kleider einkaufen, und sobald ich mich abwende, um einen Unterrock zu kaufen, schleichen sie durch den Hintereingang raus. Bullseye (2014)
Even how to make a stiff Singapore Sling.Sogar, wie man einen starken Singapore Sling macht. Orphans (2014)
He walked right into the front door, with your prints.Er spazierte mit Ihren Fingerabdrücken durch den Haupteingang raus. Nightmares (2014)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
ingaSingapore has one big problem.
ingaLaura Ingalls grew up on the prairie.
ingaIn Singapore, one way to punish a criminal is to whip him or her.
ingaWe'll go to Hong Kong first, and then we'll go to Singapore.
ingaWe decided on a trip to Singapore for our vacation.
ingaEnglish is spoken in Singapore.
ingaWhat's different from Japan is that the doctors of Singapore generally all know each other.
ingaSingapore looks very nice in this picture.
ingaBin lived in Singapore.
ingaThey teach Chinese as a second national language in Singapore.
ingaIn Singapore, practically right on the equator, the rainy and dry seasons aren't very clear cut.
ingaIn Singapore, a way to punish criminals is to whip them, or hit them several strokes with a cane, on their backs.
ingaThey fine you in Singapore if you throw trash in the streets.
ingaI heard a Japanese nightingale.
inga"The Nightingale Samurai" A samurai tale full of humanity and humour.
ingaFlorence Nightingale is famous as the woman who began professional nursing.
ingaHow did you like Singapore?
ingaI'm from Singapore.
ingaIn Singapore, a way to punish criminals is to whip them.
ingaThe number of visitors to Singapore has increased year by year.
ingaDo you know about Singapore?
ingaHe comes back from Singapore next January.
ingaSingapore's Central Fund provides pensions.
ingaIn Singapore, it is a crime to spit on the ground.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
สิงคโปร์(n) Singapore, Syn. ประเทศสิงคโปร์
พะเนียง(n) Archidendron jiringa Nielsen, Syn. เนียง, ต้นพะเนียง, Example: ชาวบ้านแถบภาคใต้มักปลูกพะเนียงไว้เพื่อเก็บลูกเนียงมาเป็นอาหาร, Count Unit: ต้น, Thai Definition: ชื่อไม้ต้นชนิด Archidendron jiringa Nielsen ในวงศ์ Leguminosae ฝักบิดเป็นวง เมล็ดค่อนข้างแบน กินได้, Notes: (ถิ่นใต้)
สิ่งเล็กสิ่งน้อย(n) thingamajig, See also: bagatelle, trifle, bauble, knick-knack, Syn. สิ่งเล็กน้อย, เรื่องเล็กน้อย, Ant. สิ่งใหญ่โต, Example: นี่ถือเป็นสิ่งเล็กสิ่งน้อยที่ผมให้คุณ, Thai Definition: สิ่งหรือเรื่องที่ไม่สำคัญ
สิ่งเล็กสิ่งน้อย(n) thingamajig, See also: bagatelle, trifle, bauble, knick-knack, Syn. สิ่งเล็กน้อย, เรื่องเล็กน้อย, Ant. สิ่งใหญ่โต, Example: นี่ถือเป็นสิ่งเล็กสิ่งน้อยที่ผมให้คุณ, Thai Definition: สิ่งหรือเรื่องที่ไม่สำคัญ

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ชาวสิงคโปร์[Chāo Singkhapō] (n, prop) EN: Singaporean  FR: Singapourien [ m ]
หูกวาง[hūkwāng] (n) EN: Indian almond ; Bengal almond ; Olive-bark tree ; Sea almond ; Singapore almond ; Tropical almond ; Umbrella tree
เก้งก้าง[kēngkāng] (adj) EN: awkward ; clumsy ; ungainly  FR: dégingandé ; gauche
ข่า[khā] (n) EN: galangal ; galingale  FR: souchet [ m ] ; amande de terre [ f ]
ครึ[khreu] (adj) EN: old-fashioned ; obsolete ; outmoded ; obsolescent  FR: démodé ; désuet ; obsolète ; ringard (fam.) ; dépassé
กระชาย[krachāi] (n) EN: galingale ; lesser ginger ; Chinese Key  FR: petit galanga [ m ] ; gingembre aromatique [ m ]
กระดุมทองเลื้อย[kradum thøng leūay] (n, exp) EN: Climbing wedelia ; Creeping daisy ; Singapore daisy
ลึงค์[leung] (n) EN: penis ; lingam  FR: pénis [ m ] ; phallus [ m ] ; linga = lingam [ m ]
ลูกเนียง[lūk nīeng] (n, exp) EN: Archidendron jiringa ; Luk Nieng Tree
นกอ้ายงั่ว[nok āi-ngūa] (n, exp) EN: Oriental Darter  FR: Anhinga roux [ m ] ; Anhinga d'Asie [ m ] ; Anhinga d'Afrique [ m ] ; Anhinga du Sénégal [ m ] ; Anhinga indien [ m ]
ปลัดขิก[palatkhik] (n) EN: small phallic sculpture ; small wooden image of penis ; lingam  FR: petite sculpture phallique [ f ]
เป็ดเชลดัก[pet chēldak] (n, exp) EN: Common Shelduck  FR: Tadorne de Belon [ m ] ; Canard tadorne [ m ] ; Tadorne ordinaire [ m ] ; Tadorne vulgaire [ m ] ; Canard hollandais [ m ] ; Canard de Flandre [ m ] ; Ringan [ m ]
ประเทศสิงคโปร์[Prathēt Singkhapō] (n, prop) EN: Singapore  FR: Singapour
เหรียญสิงคโปร์[rīen Singkhapō] (n, exp) EN: Singapore dollar  FR: dollar de Singapour [ m ]
สายการบินสิงคโปร์แอร์ไลน์ส[Sāikānbin Singkhapō Aēlai] (tm) EN: Singapore Airlines  FR: Singapore Airlines [ f ]
สิงคโปร์[Singkhapō] (n, prop) EN: Singapore  FR: Singapour [ m ]
ศิวลึงค์[Siwaleung] (x) EN: Shiva lingam ; Siva lingam ; lingum ; Hindu phallic symbol of creative power
ตะเคียน[takhīen] (n) EN: Iron Wood ; Thingan ; Sace ; Malabar Iron Wood
โย่ง[yōng] (adj) EN: towering ; lanky ; tall and lean  FR: longiligne ; dégingandé

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
cotinga(n) passerine bird of New World tropics, Syn. chatterer
farthingale(n) a hoop worn beneath a skirt to extend it horizontally; worn by European women in the 16th and 17th centuries
fingal's cave(n) a large cave with basaltic pillars on Staffa island in Scotland
galingale(n) European sedge having rough-edged leaves and spikelets of reddish flowers and aromatic roots, Syn. Cyperus longus, galangal
genus anhinga(n) type genus of the Anhingidae
genus cotinga(n) type genus of the Cotingidae: cotingas
genus inga(n) genus of tropical trees or shrubs
inga(n) any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers; cultivated as ornamentals
lingam(n) the Hindu phallic symbol of Siva
martingale(n) a harness strap that connects the nose piece to the girth; prevents the horse from throwing back its head
nightingale(n) European songbird noted for its melodious nocturnal song, Syn. Luscinia megarhynchos
nightingale(n) English nurse remembered for her work during the Crimean War (1820-1910), Syn. Lady with the Lamp, Florence Nightingale
ningal(n) (Akkadian) a goddess; wife of the Moon god Sin
singable(adj) suitable for singing; - Winthrop Sargeant
singalong(n) informal group singing of popular songs, Syn. singsong
singapore(n) the capital of Singapore; one of the world's biggest ports, Syn. capital of Singapore
singapore(n) a country in southeastern Asia on the island of Singapore; achieved independence from Malaysia in 1965, Syn. Republic of Singapore
singapore(n) an island to the south of the Malay Peninsula, Syn. Singapore Island
singaporean(n) an inhabitant of Singapore
singaporean(adj) of or relating to the island nation of Singapore and its people
singaporean(adj) of or relating to the city of Singapore
singapore dollar(n) the basic unit of money in Singapore
syringa(n) genus of Old World shrubs or low trees having fragrant flowers in showy panicles: lilacs, Syn. genus Syringa
thrush nightingale(n) large nightingale of eastern Europe, Syn. Luscinia luscinia
tringa(n) a genus of Scolopacidae, Syn. genus Tringa
casanova(n) an Italian adventurer who wrote vivid accounts of his sexual encounters (1725-1798), Syn. Giovanni Jacopo Casanova de Seingalt, Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Jacopo Casanova
chaparral pea(n) spiny evergreen xerophytic shrub having showy rose and purple flowers and forming dense thickets; of dry rocky mountain slopes of California, Syn. stingaree-bush, Pickeringia montana
common lilac(n) large European lilac naturalized in North America having heart-shaped ovate leaves and large panicles of highly fragrant lilac or white flowers, Syn. Syringa vulgaris
dolphin striker(n) spar under the bowsprit of a sailboat, Syn. martingale
doodad(n) something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known, Syn. doohickey, gismo, gimmick, thingummy, thingmajig, thingmabob, whatchamacallum, gizmo, whatsis, widget, thingamabob, thingumabob, thingumajig, whatchamacallit, gubbins, thingamajig, doojigger
eardrum(n) the membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound, Syn. tympanum, tympanic membrane, myringa
greater yellowlegs(n) a variety of yellowlegs, Syn. Tringa melanoleuca
greenshank(n) large European sandpiper with greenish legs, Syn. Tringa nebularia
guama(n) tropical tree of Central America and West Indies and Puerto Rico having spikes of white flowers; used as shade for coffee plantations, Syn. Inga laurina
himalayan lilac(n) robust upright shrub of mountains of northern India having oblong-elliptic leaves and pale lilac or white malodorous flowers, Syn. Syringa emodi
hungarian lilac(n) central European upright shrub having elliptic leaves and upright clusters of lilac or deep violet flowers, Syn. Syringa josikaea, Syringa josikea
ice-cream bean(n) ornamental evergreen tree with masses of white flowers; tropical and subtropical America, Syn. Inga edulis
japanese lilac(n) lilac of northern China having ovate leaves and profuse early summer rose-lilac flowers, Syn. Syringa villosa
japanese tree lilac(n) small tree of Japan having narrow pointed leaves and creamy-white flowers, Syn. Syringa reticulata, Syringa amurensis japonica
lesser yellowlegs(n) a variety of yellowlegs, Syn. Tringa flavipes
lind(n) Swedish soprano who toured the United States under the management of P. T. Barnum (1820-1887), Syn. Swedish Nightingale, Jenny Lind
mock orange(n) large hardy shrub with showy and strongly fragrant creamy-white flowers in short terminal racemes, Syn. syringa, Philadelphus coronarius
persian lilac(n) small densely branching Asiatic shrub having lanceolate leaves and panicles of fragrant lilac flowers, Syn. Syringa persica
redshank(n) a common Old World wading bird with long red legs, Syn. Tringa totanus
snakebird(n) fish-eating bird of warm inland waters having a long flexible neck and slender sharp-pointed bill, Syn. darter, anhinga
solicitation(n) request for a sum of money, Syn. ingathering, collection, appeal
water turkey(n) blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions, Syn. Anhinga anhinga
wilde(n) Irish writer and wit (1854-1900), Syn. Oscar Wilde, Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde
xian(n) a city of central China; capital of ancient Chinese empire 221-206 BC, Syn. Sian, Hsian, Singan, Changan

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. [ Pg. ] (Zool.) An aquatic bird of the southern United States (Platus anhinga); the darter, or snakebird. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who holds to no particular creed or dogma. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ Tupi caa-tinga white forest. ] (Phytogeography) A forest composed of stunted trees and thorny bushes, found in areas of small rainfall in Brazil. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. sing. & pl. [ Cf. F. Cingalais. ] A native or natives of Ceylon descended from its primitive inhabitants; also (sing.), the language of the Cingalese. -- a. Of or pertaining to the Cingalese. [ Written also Singhalese. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Ceylonese is applied to the inhabitants of the island in general. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ Native South American name. ] (Zool.) A bird of the family Cotingidæ, including numerous bright-colored South American species; -- called also chatterers. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ L., that you distrain, fr. distringere. See Distrain. ] (Law) A writ commanding the sheriff to distrain a person by his goods or chattels, to compel a compliance with something required of him. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ See Springal. ] (Mil. Antiq.) An engine of war used for throwing viretons, large stones, and other missiles; a springal. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OE. vardingale, fardingale, fr. OF. vertugale, verdugade, F. vertugade, vertugadin, from Sp. verdugado, being named from its hoops, fr. verdugo a young shoot of tree, fr. verde green, fr. L. viridis. See Verdant. ] A hoop skirt or hoop petticoat, or other light, elastic material, used to extend the petticoat. [ 1913 Webster ]

We'll revel it as bravely as the best, . . .
With ruffs and cuffs, and farthingales and things. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ See Galangal. ] (Bot.) A plant of the Sedge family (Cyperus longus) having aromatic roots; also, any plant of the same genus. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

Meadow, set with slender galingale. Tennyson. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See Jingal. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ LL. ingannare to decieve. ] Cheat; deception. [ Obs. ] Sir T. Brown. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. Entrance; ingress. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Which hath in charge the ingate of the year. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Founding) The aperture in a mold for pouring in the metal; the gate. Simmonds. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. The act or business of gathering or collecting anything; especially, the gathering of the fruits of the earth; harvest. [ 1913 Webster ]

Thou shalt keep . . . the feast of ingathering. Ex. xxii. 16. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Hind. jangāl a swivel, a large musket. ] A small portable piece of ordnance, mounted on a swivel. [ Written also gingal and jingall. ] [ India ] [ 1913 Webster ]


{ ‖ } n. [ Skr. li&ndot_;ga. ] The phallic symbol under which Siva is principally worshiped in his character of the creative and reproductive power. Whitworth. E. Arnold. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Linga

{ } n. [ F. martingale; cf. It. martingala a sort of hose, martingale, Sp. martingala a greave, cuish, martingale, Sp. almártaga a kind of bridle. ] 1. A strap fastened to a horse's girth, passing between his fore legs, and fastened to the bit, or now more commonly ending in two rings, through which the reins pass. It is intended to hold down the head of the horse, and prevent him from rearing. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Naut.) A lower stay of rope or chain for the jib boom or flying jib boom, fastened to, or reeved through, the dolphin striker. Also, the dolphin striker itself. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. (Gambling) The act of doubling, at each stake, that which has been lost on the preceding stake; also, the sum so risked; -- metaphorically derived from the bifurcation of the martingale of a harness. Called also Martingale strategy. Such a betting strategy does not change the overall likelihood of winning, but in a short run it increases the probability of winning a small sum, balancing it against an increased probability of losing a large sum. [ Cant ] Thackeray. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]

Variants: Martingale

prop. n. [ Malayam murunggi. ] (Bot.) A genus of trees of Southern India and Northern Africa. One species (Moringa pterygosperma) is the horse-radish tree, and its seeds, as well as those of Moringa aptera, are known in commerce as ben or ben nuts, and yield the oil called oil of ben. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OE. nihtegale, nightingale, AS. nihtegale; niht night + galan to sing, akin to E. yell; cf. D. nachtegaal, OS. nahtigala, OHG. nahtigala, G. nachtigall, Sw. näktergal, Dan. nattergal. See Night, and Yell. ] 1. (Zool.) A small, plain, brown and gray European song bird (Luscinia megarhynchos syn. Luscinia luscinia). It sings at night, and is celebrated for the sweetness of its song. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Zool.) A larger species (Lucinia philomela), of Eastern Europe, having similar habits; the thrush nightingale. The name is also applied to other allied species. [ 1913 Webster ]

Mock nightingale. (Zool.) See Blackcap, n., 1 (a).
[ 1913 Webster ]


prop. n. (Akkadian mythology) An Akkadian goddess, wife of the moon god Sin. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. One of no certain belief; one belonging to no particular sect. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Of or pertaining to Portugal; Portuguese. [ Obs. ] -- n. A Portuguese. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OF. espringale; of Teutonic origin, akin to E. spring. ] An ancient military engine for casting stones and arrows by means of a spring. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } n. [ Scot. springald, springel, fr. Scot. & E. spring. ] An active, springy young man. [ Obs. ] “There came two springals of full tender years.” Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]

Joseph, when he was sold to Potiphar, that great man, was a fair young springall. Latimer. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Springald, Springal

n. The stannel. [ Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) Any sting ray. See under 6th Ray. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ NL., fr. Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, a shepherd's pipe, tube. Cf. Syringe. ] (Bot.) (a) A genus of plants; the lilac. (b) The mock orange; -- popularly so called because its stems were formerly used as pipestems. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ NL. ] (Zool.) A genus of limicoline birds including many species of sandpipers. See Dunlin, Knot, and Sandpiper. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See Farthingale. [ Spelled also verdingall. ] [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ See Yaffle, and cf. Nightingale. ] (Zool.) The yaffle. [ Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Zingari [ It. ] A gypsy. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
新加坡[Xīn jiā pō, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄆㄛ,   ] Singapore #3,562 [Add to Longdo]
工人党[gōng rén dǎng, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄖㄣˊ ㄉㄤˇ,    /   ] Workers' Party (Singapore opposition party) #34,033 [Add to Longdo]
郑成功[Zhèng Chéng gōng, ㄓㄥˋ ㄔㄥˊ ㄍㄨㄥ,    /   ] Koxinga (1624-1662), south Chinese regional leader during early Qing, fled the mainland and conquered Taiwan from the Dutch #35,356 [Add to Longdo]
登革热[dēng gé rè, ㄉㄥ ㄍㄜˊ ㄖㄜˋ,    /   ] dengue fever; Singapore hemorrhagic fever #36,378 [Add to Longdo]
[yǎng, ㄧㄤˇ, ] martingale #39,226 [Add to Longdo]
新马[Xīn Mǎ, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄇㄚˇ,   /  ] abbr. for Singapore 新加坡 and Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚 #47,004 [Add to Longdo]
四小龙[Sì Xiǎo lóng, ㄙˋ ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄌㄨㄥˊ,    /   ] Four Asian Tigers; East Asian Tigers; Four Little Dragons (East Asian economic powers: Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong) #49,921 [Add to Longdo]
[jìn, ㄐㄧㄣˋ, ] martingale; stingy; surname Jin #50,083 [Add to Longdo]
李光耀[Lǐ Guāng yào, ㄌㄧˇ ㄍㄨㄤ ㄧㄠˋ,   耀] Lee Kuan Yew (former Prime Minister of Singapore) #51,647 [Add to Longdo]
李显龙[Lǐ Xiǎn lóng, ㄌㄧˇ ㄒㄧㄢˇ ㄌㄨㄥˊ,    /   ] Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore (GM) #55,469 [Add to Longdo]
夜莺[yè yīng, ㄧㄝˋ ㄧㄥ,   /  ] nightingale #57,585 [Add to Longdo]
临高[Lín gāo, ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄍㄠ,   /  ] (N) Lingao (place in Hainan) #62,658 [Add to Longdo]
狮城[Shī chéng, ㄕ ㄔㄥˊ,   /  ] Lion city (refer to Singapore) #73,081 [Add to Longdo]
新干[Xīn gān, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄍㄢ,  ] Xingan county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi #83,086 [Add to Longdo]
吴作栋[Wú Zuò dòng, ㄨˊ ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ,    /   ] Goh Chok Tong (Prime Minister of Singapore) #87,103 [Add to Longdo]
新干县[Xīn gān xiàn, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄍㄢ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,    /   ] Xingan county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi #87,564 [Add to Longdo]
平安里[Píng ān lǐ, ㄆㄧㄥˊ ㄢ ㄌㄧˇ,    /   ] Pingan Li (street name in Beijing) #125,724 [Add to Longdo]
人民行动党[rén mín xíng dòng dǎng, ㄖㄣˊ ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄒㄧㄥˊ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄉㄤˇ,      /     ] People's Action Party (ruling party in Singapore) [Add to Longdo]
巴耶利巴[Bā yē lì bā, ㄅㄚ ㄧㄝ ㄌㄧˋ ㄅㄚ,    ] Paya Lebar, a place in Singapore (GM) [Add to Longdo]
新加坡人[Xīn jiā pō rén, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄆㄛ ㄖㄣˊ,    ] Singaporean person; Singaporean [Add to Longdo]
新加坡国立大学[Xīn jiā pō Guó lì Dà xué, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄆㄛ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄌㄧˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ,        /       ] National University of Singapore [Add to Longdo]
柔佛海峡[Róu fó hǎi xiá, ㄖㄡˊ ㄈㄛˊ ㄏㄞˇ ㄒㄧㄚˊ,     /    ] Straits of Johor between the Malaysian peninsula and Singapore [Add to Longdo]
直落布兰雅[Zhí luò bù lán yǎ, ㄓˊ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄢˊ ㄧㄚˇ,      /     ] Telok Blangah, a place in Singapore (GM) [Add to Longdo]
邓亮洪[dèng liàng hóng, ㄉㄥˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ ㄏㄨㄥˊ,    /   ] Tang Liang Hong (opposition candidate in Jan 1996 Singapore elections) [Add to Longdo]
静山[jìng shān, ㄐㄧㄥˋ ㄕㄢ,   /  ] Cheng San (electoral constituency in Singapore) [Add to Longdo]
[dàn, ㄉㄢˋ, ] a kind of nightingale [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
進学[しんがく, shingaku] TH: เรียนในระดับที่สูงขึ้นต่อไป เช่นจากมัธยมปลายเป็นมหาวิทยาลัย  EN: going on to university (vs)
ライン川[らいんがわ, raingawa] TH: ชื่อเฉพาะ

German-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
Eingang[อาย-กัง] (n) |der, pl. Eingänge| ทางเข้า, See also: A. Ausgang

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Adresseneingabe { f }address input [Add to Longdo]
Adressimpulseingang { m }address strobe input [Add to Longdo]
Alarmeingangskarte { f }alarm input card [Add to Longdo]
Alleingang { m } | etw. im Alleingang machensolo effort | to do sth. on one's own [Add to Longdo]
Alleingang { m } [ sport ]solo run [Add to Longdo]
Alphaeingabe { f }alpha input [Add to Longdo]
Analog-Eingabeeinheit { f }analog input unit [Add to Longdo]
Analoghilfseingang { m }auxiliary analog input [Add to Longdo]
Angebotsanfrage { f } | Eingang der Angebotsanfragerequest for proposal (RFP) | receipt of RFP [Add to Longdo]
Anschnitt { m }ingate [Add to Longdo]
Auftragseingang { m }incoming orders [Add to Longdo]
Auftragseingang { m } (als Vorgang)intake of orders [Add to Longdo]
Baueingabeplan { m }pre-construction drawing [Add to Longdo]
Bemessung { f } der Eingangsabgabenassessment of import duties [Add to Longdo]
Bestätigung { f }; Zusage { f }; Zusicherung { f } | Bestätigungen { pl }; Zusagen { pl }; Zusicherungen { pl } | Bestätigung des Zahlungseingangsconfirmation | confirmations | confirmation of receipt of payment [Add to Longdo]
Betragseingabe { f }amount input [Add to Longdo]
Binär-Eingabeeinheit { f }binary input unit [Add to Longdo]
Campingausrüstung { f }camping equipment [Add to Longdo]
Dateneingabe { f }data input; data entry [Add to Longdo]
Digital-Eingabeeinheit { f }digital input unit [Add to Longdo]
Digitaleingabe { f }digital input [Add to Longdo]
Dingsbums { n }thingamabob; thingumabob; thingmabob; thingamajig; thingumajig; thingmajig; thingummy [Add to Longdo]
Eingabemodus { m }input mode [Add to Longdo]
Editor { m }; Eingaberoutine { f }editor [Add to Longdo]
Eingabe { f }feed [Add to Longdo]
Eingabe { f }input [Add to Longdo]
Eingabe { f }intake [Add to Longdo]
Eingabe { f }; Eintrag { m }enter [Add to Longdo]
Eingabe { f } | neue Eingabe | falsche Eingabeentry | re-entry | misentry [Add to Longdo]
eine Eingabe machen; ein Gesuch machento make a request [Add to Longdo]
Eingabeaufforderung { f }prompt [Add to Longdo]
Eingabedaten { pl }input data [Add to Longdo]
Eingabeeinheit { f }signal conditioning unit [Add to Longdo]
Eingabefeld { n }input field [Add to Longdo]
Eingabefehler { m }type error [Add to Longdo]
Eingabefehler { m } [ math. ]input data error [Add to Longdo]
Eingabegerät { n }signal conditioning device [Add to Longdo]
Eingabegerät { n }input device [Add to Longdo]
Eingabeglied { n }signal conditioning element [Add to Longdo]
Eingabemaske { f }entry form; input mask [Add to Longdo]
Eingabename { f }inputname [Add to Longdo]
Eingabesignal { m }input signal [Add to Longdo]
Eingabesteuerung { f }; Eingabekontrolle { f }input control [Add to Longdo]
Eingabetaste { f }enter key [Add to Longdo]
Eingang { m }; Zugang { m }; Einfahrt { f }entrance; entranceway [Add to Longdo]
Eingang { m }; Eintritt { m }entrance [Add to Longdo]
Eingang { m }; Eintritt { m }entry; entryway [Add to Longdo]
Eingang { m }; Eintritt { m }inlet [Add to Longdo]
Eingangsbestätigung { f }acknowledgement [ Br. ]; acknowledgment [ Am. ] [Add to Longdo]
Eingangsdaten { pl }input data; incoming data [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[ひがし(P);ひむかし(ok);ひんがし(ok), higashi (P); himukashi (ok); hingashi (ok)] (n) east; (P) #408 [Add to Longdo]
侵害[しんがい, shingai] (n, vs) infringement; violation; trespass; impairment; (P) #1,741 [Add to Longdo]
新型(P);新形[しんがた, shingata] (n, adj-no) new type; new style; new model; new strain (e.g. infectious disease); (P) #2,097 [Add to Longdo]
銀河[ぎんが, ginga] (n) (1) Milky Way; (2) galaxy; (P) #2,780 [Add to Longdo]
進学[しんがく, shingaku] (n, vs) entering a higher-level school, esp. going on to university; (P) #2,871 [Add to Longdo]
シンガーソングライター[shinga-songuraita-] (n) singer-songwriter; (P) #5,931 [Add to Longdo]
神学[しんがく, shingaku] (n, adj-no) theology; (P) #6,314 [Add to Longdo]
金額[きんがく, kingaku] (n) amount of money; (P) #7,679 [Add to Longdo]
シンガー[shinga-] (n) singer; (P) #10,185 [Add to Longdo]
収穫[しゅうかく, shuukaku] (n, vs) harvest; crop; ingathering; (P) #10,261 [Add to Longdo]
バーミンガム[ba-mingamu] (n) Birmingham; (P) #13,940 [Add to Longdo]
因果[いんが, inga] (adj-na, n, adj-no) cause and effect; karma; fate; (P) #14,494 [Add to Longdo]
神学校[しんがっこう, shingakkou] (n) theological school; seminary #15,518 [Add to Longdo]
うぐいす張り;鶯張り;鴬張り[うぐいすばり, uguisubari] (n) nightingale (flooring); method of laying floors to deliberately make a noise (like a nightingale's call) when walked across (security feature) [Add to Longdo]
がちんがちん[gachingachin] (n) tick-tock; chipping (sound) [Add to Longdo]
アンドロメダ銀河[アンドロメダぎんが, andoromeda ginga] (n) Andromeda galaxy [Add to Longdo]
インスインガー[insuinga-] (n) inswinger (baseball) [Add to Longdo]
エコロジー神学[エコロジーしんがく, ekoroji-shingaku] (n) ecological theology [Add to Longdo]
ガベージインガベージアウト[gabe-jiingabe-jiauto] (n) { comp } garbage in, garbage out [Add to Longdo]
ギンガム[gingamu] (n) gingham [Add to Longdo]
クルンジンガーズクロミス[kurunjinga-zukuromisu] (n) black-headed chromis (Chromis klunzingeri) [Add to Longdo]
クルンジンガーズラス[kurunjinga-zurasu] (n) Klunzinger's wrasse (Thalassoma rueppellii) [Add to Longdo]
コンパクト銀河[コンパクトぎんが, konpakuto ginga] (n) compact galaxy [Add to Longdo]
サブマシンガン[sabumashingan] (n) submachine gun [Add to Longdo]
シュレーディンガーの猫[シュレーディンガーのねこ, shure-deinga-noneko] (n) Schrodinger's cat (quantum mechanics thought experiment) [Add to Longdo]
シュレーディンガー方程式[シュレーディンガーほうていしき, shure-deinga-houteishiki] (n) Schroedinger equation [Add to Longdo]
シンガード[shinga-do] (n) shin guard [Add to Longdo]
シンガポール・スリング;シンガポールスリング[shingapo-ru . suringu ; shingapo-rusuringu] (n) Singapore sling [Add to Longdo]
シンガポールテレコム[shingapo-ruterekomu] (n) { comp } Singapore Telecom [Add to Longdo]
シンガポールドル[shingapo-rudoru] (n) Singapore dollar [Add to Longdo]
ジャズシンガー[jazushinga-] (n) jazz singer [Add to Longdo]
スインガー[suinga-] (n) swinger [Add to Longdo]
スインガーパーティー[suinga-pa-tei-] (n) swinger party [Add to Longdo]
スティンガー[suteinga-] (n) stinger; (P) [Add to Longdo]
スティングレイ[suteingurei] (n) stingray; stingaree [Add to Longdo]
スプリットフィンガーファーストボール[supurittofinga-fa-sutobo-ru] (n) split fingered fast ball [Add to Longdo]
スリング[suringu] (n) (1) (See 石つぶて) sling; (2) (abbr) (See シンガポール・スリング) sling (e.g. Singapore sling); (3) (abbr) (See カーゴ・スリング) cargo sling; (4) (abbr) (See ベイビー・スリング) baby sling [Add to Longdo]
セイファート銀河[セイファートぎんが, seifa-to ginga] (n) Seyfert galaxy [Add to Longdo]
ソフトウェア著作権の侵害[ソフトウェアちょさくけんのしんがい, sofutouea chosakukennoshingai] (n) { comp } software piracy [Add to Longdo]
チューインガム[chu-ingamu] (n) chewing gum [Add to Longdo]
チュリンガ[churinga] (n) churinga [Add to Longdo]
トリリンガル;トライリンガル[toriringaru ; torairingaru] (adj-f) trilingual [Add to Longdo]
ナイチンゲール[naichinge-ru] (n) nightingale; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ナメラハギ[namerahagi] (n) chronixis surgeonfish (Acanthurus chronixis, Western-Pacific species of tang from Kapingamarangi in the Caroline Islands) [Add to Longdo]
ニコチンガム[nikochingamu] (n) nicotine gum [Add to Longdo]
ハシドイ;はしどい[hashidoi ; hashidoi] (n) Japanese tree lilac (Syringa reticulata) [Add to Longdo]
ハフリンガー[hafuringa-] (n) Haflinger (breed of horse) [Add to Longdo]
バイリンガリズム[bairingarizumu] (n) bilingualism [Add to Longdo]
バイリンガル[bairingaru] (n) bilingual; (P) [Add to Longdo]
フィッシュフィンガー[fisshufinga-] (n) fish finger; fishstick [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
シンガポールテレコム[しんがぽーるてれこむ, shingapo-ruterekomu] Singapore Telecom [Add to Longdo]
ソフトウェア著作権の侵害[ソフトウェアちょさくけんしんがい, sofutouea chosakukenshingai] software piracy [Add to Longdo]
マルチリンガル[まるちりんがる, maruchiringaru] multilingual [Add to Longdo]
受信側[じゅしんがわ, jushingawa] receiving entity, receiver [Add to Longdo]
受信側SPM[じゅしんがわSPM, jushingawa SPM] receiving SPM [Add to Longdo]
受信側SS利用者[じゅしんがわSSりようしゃ, jushingawa SS riyousha] receiving SS user [Add to Longdo]
受信側TS利用者[じゅしんがわTSりようしゃ, jushingawa TS riyousha] receiving TS user [Add to Longdo]
受信側エンティティ[じゅしんがわエンティティ, jushingawa enteitei] receiving entity, receiver [Add to Longdo]
受信側トランスポートエンティティ[じゅしんがわトランスポートエンティティ, jushingawa toransupo-toenteitei] receiving transport entity [Add to Longdo]
送信側[そうしんがわ, soushingawa] sending entity, sender [Add to Longdo]
送信側SPM[そうしんがわSPM, soushingawa SPM] sending SPM [Add to Longdo]
送信側SS利用者[そうしんがわSSりようしゃ, soushingawa SS riyousha] sending SS user [Add to Longdo]
送信側TS利用者[そうしんがわTSりようしゃ, soushingawa TS riyousha] sending TS user [Add to Longdo]
送信側エンティティ[そうしんがわエンティティ, soushingawa enteitei] sending entity, sender [Add to Longdo]
送信側トランスポートエンティティ[そうしんがわトランスポートエンティティ, soushingawa toransupo-toenteitei] sending transport entity [Add to Longdo]
著作権侵害[ちょさくけんしんがい, chosakukenshingai] copyright infringement, piracy [Add to Longdo]
フィンガー[ふぃんがー, finga-] finger [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
ライン川[らいんがわ, raingawa] der_Rhein [Add to Longdo]
侵害[しんがい, shingai] Eingriff, Verletzung [Add to Longdo]
入口[いりぐち, iriguchi] Eingang [Add to Longdo]
入荷[にゅうか, nyuuka] Wareneingang [Add to Longdo]
冒頭[ぼうとう, boutou] Anfang, Eingang, Eroeffnung [Add to Longdo]
因果[いんが, inga] Ursache_und_Wirkung [Add to Longdo]
山林学[さんりんがく, sanringaku] Forstwissenschaft [Add to Longdo]
帰依[きえ, kie] Glaube, Hingabe, Konversion [Add to Longdo]
心服[しんぷく, shinpuku] Bewunderung_und_Hingabe, Ergebenheit [Add to Longdo]
戸口[とぐち, toguchi] Tuereingang [Add to Longdo]
新顔[しんがお, shingao] neues_Gesicht, Neuling [Add to Longdo]
林学[りんがく, ringaku] Forstwissenschaft [Add to Longdo]
玄関[げんかん, genkan] Hauseingang, -Flur [Add to Longdo]
精進[しょうじん, shoujin] Fleiss, Hingabe, (relig.) Reinigung [Add to Longdo]
謹賀新年[きんがしんねん, kingashinnen] Ein_glueckliches_Neues_Jahr [Add to Longdo]
賃借り[ちんがり, chingari] Miete, Pacht [Add to Longdo]
近眼[きんがん, kingan] Kurzsichtigkeit [Add to Longdo]
進学[しんがく, shingaku] in_eine_hoehere_Schule_aufgenommen, werden [Add to Longdo]
金額[きんがく, kingaku] Geldsumme, Betrag [Add to Longdo]
銀河[ぎんが, ginga] Milchstrasse [Add to Longdo]
門口[かどぐち, kadoguchi] Tor, Eingang [Add to Longdo]
音韻学[おんいんがく, on'ingaku] Phonologie, Phonetik [Add to Longdo]


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