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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: haim, -haim-
Possible hiragana form: はいん
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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
My guess, this map of yours was drawn in the Behaim style, which could put it squarely in the Schwarzwald.Meiner Einschätzung nach wurde deine Karte hier im Behaim-Stil gezeichnet, was sie direkt in den Schwarzwald verlegen könnte. The Inheritance (2014)
- L'Chaim.- L'Chaim. Eldorado (2014)
L'chaim.L'chaim! Labyrinth of Lies (2014)
- L'Chaim.L'chaim. Looking Up (2014)
And behind sharkman Senator Fish was the riot-master Major Frank Pease.Und hinter dem Haimann Senator Fish stand der Aufstandbeherrscher Major Frank Pease. Eisenstein in Guanajuato (2015)
-Haim.-Haim. Atomic Falafel (2015)
Haim, you'll supervise.Haim, Sie haben die Verantwortung. Atomic Falafel (2015)
Mr. Haim, please take us to the nuclear research center.Mr. Haim, bitte bringen Sie uns ins nukleare Forschungszentrum. Atomic Falafel (2015)
No, Mr Haim, this is just the clothing factory.Nein, Mr. Haim. Das ist eine Kleiderfabrik. Atomic Falafel (2015)
Do you have a killer or hidden floor somewhere Mr. Haim?Haben Sie einen Keller oder Zwischenboden, Mr. Haim? Atomic Falafel (2015)
Open this door now, Mr. HaimÖffnen Sie die Tür, Mr. Haim. Atomic Falafel (2015)
-Haim!-Haim! Atomic Falafel (2015)
Roger, Haim, we are almost done.Roger, Haim, wir sind fast durch. Atomic Falafel (2015)
Chaim Cohn.Chaim Cohn. The People vs. Fritz Bauer (2015)
Chaim Cohn supports the request for extradition.Chaim Cohn unterstützt den Auslieferungsantrag. The People vs. Fritz Bauer (2015)
Haim Ginott.Haim Ginott. Breath Play (2015)
Yes, I am... I'm looking for Chaim.Ja, ich suche Haim. Grey Green Brown & Copper (2015)
- Chaim.- Haim? Grey Green Brown & Copper (2015)
Hey, Abrahaim.Hey, Abrahaim. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)
Name is Hame, Hime, Ham--Der Name ist Hame, Haim, Ham, keine Ahnung... Pilot (2016)
- Haim.Haim. Pilot (2016)
- Haim, whatever.Haim, meinetwegen. Pilot (2016)
- L'Chaim!- L'Chaim! Fucking Berlin (2016)
Here's to you. L'Chaim.L'chaim. The Mortal Cup (2016)
L'Chaim.L'chaim. Monsters (2016)
♪ Hey, hey, hey. L'chaimHey, L'chaim! BoJack Kills (2016)
L'chaim ♪ Hey!L'chaim! Hey! BoJack Kills (2016)
L'chaim.L'Chaim. To Sardines and Back (2016)
- L'chaim.- L'Chaim. To Sardines and Back (2016)
L'Chaim.L'chaim. A Problem of Memory (2017)
This is Haim Kasan.Das ist Haim Kasan, aus der Familie von Staatsgründer Asam Kasan. Kundschafter des Friedens (2017)
L'chaim.L'chaim. The Return (2017)
L'chaim!L'Chaim! Fast Food Lemur Nation (2016)
Chaim Nowak.มิคาอิล เล็มเพอร์ Schindler's List (1993)
The word for mother, haim.คำว่าแม่ในภาษาฮีบรู, Haim ? Pi (1998)
Aat ha haim. 2, 33. 1, 44. 2, 33.Aat Ha Haim. 233. 144, 233. Pi (1998)
Gold, Chaim !โกลด์... Schindler's List (1993)
His name's Chaim.เขาชื่อ เชม New York, I Love You (2008)
♪ Chaim in the mood ♪เชมกำลังอยู่ในห้วง New York, I Love You (2008)
L'chaim.แด่ชีวิต Live Free or Twihard (2010)
- Anthropology! - L'Chaim! ♪ Give me some rope time in a dream ♪มานุษยวิทยา! ศาสตราจารย์ดันแคนและชั้นเรียน Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts (2011)
== sync, corrected by elderman == Irasshaimase!เขาเขียนลงในเมนู The Rhinitis Revelation (2011)
Jeff DuhaimJeff Dukeyn. Upside Down (2012)
Feldman or haim?Feldman หรือ Haim คะ Lie with Me (2013)
Well, Haim is the one with the soulful eyes, and feldman...ก็ Haim เป็นคนที่ ดวงตาเต็มไปด้วยความรู้สึก Lie with Me (2013)
This first globe of the Earth was cutting-edge when Martin Behaim made it in 1492.เมื่อ มาร์ติน เบลเฮม ทำให้มันใน 1492 เหมือนคนอื่น ๆ เขาเชื่อว่า Unafraid of the Dark (2014)
Behaim had no clue that North and South America even existed.เบลเฮม มีเงื่อนงำที่ทวีปอเมริกา เหนือและใต้มีอยู่แม้ไม่มี Unafraid of the Dark (2014)
Well, the fact is Martin Behaim knew infinitely more about his world, the Earth, than we know about ours, the universe.ดีจริงก็คือมาร์ติน เบลเฮม รู้เพียบเพิ่มเติม เกี่ยวกับโลกของโลก กว่าที่เรารู้เกี่ยวกับเราจักรวาล Unafraid of the Dark (2014)
L'chaim, to life.Lechaim. Auf das Leben. Exodus (1960)
L'chaim!- Lechaim! Exodus (1960)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
haimAfter I got all worked up about ordering in English, I walked in the store and they greeted me with "Irasshaimase!" I felt, like, "What the ...?"

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
soutine(n) French expressionist painter (born in Lithuania) (1893-1943), Syn. Chaim Soutine
weizmann(n) Israeli statesman who persuaded the United States to recognize the new state of Israel and became its first president (1874-1952), Syn. Chaim Weizmann, Chaim Azriel Weizmann

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
海门[Hǎi mén, ㄏㄞˇ ㄇㄣˊ,   /  ] (N) Haimen (place in Jiangsu) #37,813 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
背面[はいめん, haimen] (n, adj-no) rear; back; reverse #12,685 [Add to Longdo]
ハイム[haimu] (n) home (ger #15,908 [Add to Longdo]
いらっしゃいませ(P);いらしゃいませ(ik);いっらしゃいませ(ik)[irasshaimase (P); irashaimase (ik); irrashaimase (ik)] (exp) welcome (in shops, etc.); (P) [Add to Longdo]
はい回る;這い回る[はいまわる, haimawaru] (v5r, vi) to creep about [Add to Longdo]
アルツハイマー[arutsuhaima-] (n) Alzheimer (disease); (P) [Add to Longdo]
アルツハイマー病[アルツハイマーびょう, arutsuhaima-byou] (n) Alzheimer's disease [Add to Longdo]
チャイム[chaimu] (n) chime; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ドアチャイム[doachaimu] (n) door chime [Add to Longdo]
ハイマート[haima-to] (n) homeland (ger [Add to Longdo]
ハイマウントストップランプ[haimauntosutoppuranpu] (n) high-mount stop-lamp [Add to Longdo]
ハイミス[haimisu] (n) (sens) older unmarried woman (wasei [Add to Longdo]
ハイメムシス[haimemushisu] (n) { comp } HIMEM.SYS [Add to Longdo]
ハイメモリエリア[haimemorieria] (n) { comp } high memory area; HMA [Add to Longdo]
加配米[かはいまい, kahaimai] (n) extra rice ration [Add to Longdo]
灰塗れ[はいまみれ, haimamire] (adj-na) covered with ashes [Add to Longdo]
気配もない[けはいもない;きはいもない, kehaimonai ; kihaimonai] (exp) showing no sign (of) [Add to Longdo]
指名手配者リスト[しめいてはいものリスト, shimeitehaimono risuto] (n) wanted list [Add to Longdo]
若輩者[じゃくはいしゃ;じゃくはいもの, jakuhaisha ; jakuhaimono] (n) fledgling; junior member; young person; inexperienced person; novice [Add to Longdo]
昔は昔今は今[むかしはむかしいまはいま, mukashihamukashiimahaima] (exp) (id) Let bygones be bygones [Add to Longdo]
俳味[はいみ, haimi] (n) subdued taste; refined taste; haiku (poetic) flavor (flavour) [Add to Longdo]
俳名[はいみょう;はいめい, haimyou ; haimei] (n) haiku poet's name [Add to Longdo]
廃滅[はいめつ, haimetsu] (n, vs) decay; ruination [Add to Longdo]
拝命[はいめい, haimei] (n, vs) receiving an official appointment [Add to Longdo]
敗滅[はいめつ, haimetsu] (n, vs) scattered or crushed in defeat [Add to Longdo]
背面跳び[はいめんとび, haimentobi] (n) Fosbury-back flop; backward jump [Add to Longdo]
背面飛行[はいめんひこう, haimenhikou] (n) inverted flight [Add to Longdo]
肺門[はいもん, haimon] (n, adj-no) pulmonary hilum [Add to Longdo]
這い松[はいまつ, haimatsu] (n) creeping pine [Add to Longdo]
這い戻る[はいもどる, haimodoru] (v5r) to crawl back to [Add to Longdo]
胚膜[はいまく, haimaku] (n) embryonic membrane [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
ハイメモリエリア[はいめもりえりあ, haimemorieria] high memory area (HMA) [Add to Longdo]
ハイメムシス[はいめむしす, haimemushisu] HIMEM.SYS [Add to Longdo]


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