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The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ See Groundling. ] (Zool.) A groundling (fish). [ Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
zu Grunde liegen; zugrundeliegen [ alt ]to underlie [Add to Longdo]
zu Grunde legen; zugrundelegen; zugrunde legen [ alt ]to take as a basis [Add to Longdo]
Blaustreifengrundel { f } (Lythrypnus dalli) [ zool. ]catalina goby [Add to Longdo]
Braunstreifen-Sandgrundel { f }; Braunstreifen-Grundel { f } (Amblygobius phalaena) [ zool. ]banded sleeper goby [Add to Longdo]
Dekor-Schwertgrundel { f } (Nemateleotris decora) [ zool. ]purple firefish [Add to Longdo]
Gelbe Korallengrundel { f } (Gobiodon okinawae) [ zool. ]yellow clown goby [Add to Longdo]
Gelbe Symbiosegrundel { f } (Cryptocentrus cinctus) [ zool. ]yellow watchman goby [Add to Longdo]
Gepunktete Partnergrundel { f } (Amblyeleotris guttata) [ zool. ]orange spot watchman goby [Add to Longdo]
Goldkopf-Sandgrundel { f }; Wimpernsegler-Schläfergrundel { f } (Valenciennea strigata) [ zool. ]golden headed sleeper goby [Add to Longdo]
Grundel { f } (Gobiidae) [ zool. ]goby [Add to Longdo]
Helsdingenis Schläfergrundel { f } (Valenciennea helsdingenii) [ zool. ]striped sleeper goby [Add to Longdo]
Hummelgrundel { f } (Hypogymnogobius xanthozona) [ zool. ]bumblebee goby [Add to Longdo]
Krabbenaugengrundel { f } (Signigobius biocellatus) [ zool. ]two-spot goby [Add to Longdo]
Maiden-Schläfergrundel { f } (Valenciennea puellaris) [ zool. ]diamond watchman goby [Add to Longdo]
Neongrundel { f } (Gobiosoma oceanops) [ zool. ]neon blue goby [Add to Longdo]
Partnergrundel { f } (Amblyeleotris spp.); Symbiosegrundel { f } (Cryptocentrus spp.; Stonogobiops spp.) [ zool. ]watchman goby [Add to Longdo]
Pracht-Schwertgrundel { f }; Feuer-Schwertgrundel { f } (Nemateleotris magnifica) [ zool. ]firefish [Add to Longdo]
Querstreifen-Grundel { f } (Amblygobius decussatus) [ zool. ]orange marked goby [Add to Longdo]
Rainfords Grundel { f } (Amblygobius rainfordi) [ zool. ]court jester goby [Add to Longdo]
Randalls Partnergrundel { f } (Amblyeleotris randalli) [ zool. ]orange stripe watchman goby [Add to Longdo]
Rosastreifen-Partnergrundel { f } (Amblyeleotris aurora) [ zool. ]pinkbar watchman goby [Add to Longdo]
Sandgrundel { f }; Schläfergrundel { f } [ zool. ]sleeper goby [Add to Longdo]
Scherenschwanz-Torpedogrundel { f } (Ptereleotris evides) [ zool. ]scissortail goby [Add to Longdo]
Schlankkopf-Symbiosegrundel { f } (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus) [ zool. ]spotted watchman goby [Add to Longdo]
Schmuckgrundel { f } (Istigobius ornatus) [ zool. ]checkerboard goby [Add to Longdo]
Sechspunkt-Schläfergrundel { f } (Valenciennea sexguttata) [ zool. ]blue dot sleeper goby [Add to Longdo]
Weißstreifen-Aalgrundel { f } (Pholidichthys leucotaenia) [ zool. ]engineer goby [Add to Longdo]
Wheelers Partnergrundel { f } (Amblyeleotris wheeleri) [ zool. ]Wheeler's watchman goby [Add to Longdo]
Zarte Torpedogrundel { f } (Ptereleotris microlepis) [ zool. ]blue gudgeon goby [Add to Longdo]
Zebra-Torpedogrundel { f } (Ptereleotris zebra) [ zool. ]bar goby [Add to Longdo]


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