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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: bouch, -bouch-
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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
embouchure(n) ปากแม่น้ำ, See also: ปากน้ำ

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
debouch(ดิบูช') { debouched, debouching, debouchs } vi. เดินเป็นขบวนออกจากบริเวณที่แคบ ป่าหรือเขาสู่ที่โล่ง, ไหลออก. vt. ทำให้เดินออกจาก, ทำให้ไหลออก, ปรากฎ, See also: debouchment n. ดูdebouch, Syn. emerge
debouche(เดบูเช') n. ปากทาง, ทางออกจากที่แคบ, ป่าหรือภูเขาสู่ที่โล่ง, การจำหน่ายสินค้า
embouchure(อามบูชัว') n., Fr. ปากแม่น้ำ, ทางออกของหุบเขาที่เข้าไปในที่ราบ,

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
per bouche (L., Fr.)ด้วยปาก, ด้วยวาจา [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
abouchementการบรรจบของหลอดหรือท่อ [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Bouchard Nodesก้อนนูนแข็งที่ข้อกลางนิ้วพบในโรคข้อเสื่อม [การแพทย์]

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อ้าปาก[ā pāk] (v, exp) EN: open the mouth  FR: ouvrir la bouche ; être bouché bée
บ้วนปาก[būanpāk] (v, exp) EN: rinse one's mouth ; gargle  FR: se rincer la bouche ; se gargariser ; se rincer la gorge
ฝาหม้อน้ำ[fā mønām] (n, exp) EN: radiator cap  FR: bouchon de radiateur [ m ]
ฝาท่อระบายน้ำ[fā thø rabai nām] (n, exp) EN: manhole cover  FR: bouche d'égout [ f ]
จุก[juk] (n) EN: plug ; stopper ; cork  FR: bouchon [ m ] ; bonde [ f ]
จุก[juk] (v) EN: stop ; block ; fill  FR: boucher
จุกขวด[juk khūat] (n, exp) FR: bouchon de bouteille [ m ]
จูบปาก[jūp pāk] (v, exp) EN: kiss on the mouth ; kiss and make up  FR: embrasser sur la bouche
กั้ง[kang] (v) EN: keep back  FR: barrer ; bloquer ; boucher ; obstruer
คำ[kham] (n) EN: mouthful  FR: bouchée [ f ] ; gorgée [ f ]
คำ[kham] (n) EN: [ classifier : words ; mouthfuls of food ]  FR: [ classificateur : mots ; bouchées de nourriture ]
ขนมจีบ[khanom jīp] (n, exp) EN: Chinese snacks ; rice or wheat dough enclosing minced meat and steamed  FR: bouchée de porc à la vapeur [ f ]
คาบ[khāp] (v) EN: hold in the mouth ; hold between one's lips ; catch ; carry  FR: saisir avec la bouche
ค่าเปิดขวด[khā poēt khūat] (n, exp) EN: corkage fee ; corkage charge  FR: droit de bouchon [ m ] ; frais de débouchonnage [ mpl ] ; droit de débouchonnage [ m ]
ขัด[khat] (v) EN: block ; obstruct ; hinder ; stop ; prevent ; create difficulties ; impede ; clog ; chock  FR: obstruer ; empêcher ; bloquer ; entraver ; s'opposer ; arrêter ; boucher
คนขายเนื้อ[khonkhāi neūa] (n) EN: butcher  FR: boucher [ m ]
คนฆ่าสัตว์[khon khā sat] (n) EN: butcher  FR: boucher [ m ] ; bouchère [ f ]
ล้างปาก[lāng pāk] (v, exp) EN: gargle ; wash the mouth  FR: se rincer la bouche
มะเร็งกรามช้าง[mareng krām chāng] (n, exp) EN: cancer of the mouth  FR: cancer de la bouche [ m ]
น้ำลายไหลสอ[nāmlāi lai sø] (v, exp) EN: drool with anvy  FR: en avoir l'eau à la bouche
อม[om] (v) EN: keep in the mouth ; suck  FR: garder en bouche ; sucer
ปาก[pāk] (n) EN: mouth  FR: bouche [ f ]
ปากอ่าว[pāk-āo] (n) EN: estuary ; mouth of a river  FR: estuaire [ m ] ; embouchure [ f ]
ปากขม[pāk khom] (v, exp) EN: have a bitter taste in one's mouth  FR: avoir un goût amer dans la bouche
ปากน้ำ[pāknām] (n) EN: river mouth ; estuary  FR: embouchure [ f ] ; estuaire [ m ]
พุ้ย[phui = phūi] (v) EN: push rice into mouth by using chopsticks ; scoop rice into one's mouth by using chopsticks  FR: pousser dans la bouche avec des baguettes en toute hâte
ปิดจุก[pit juk] (v, exp) FR: boucher une bouteille
เปิดจุก[poēt juk] (v, exp) FR:boucher une bouteille
ร้านขายเนื้อสัตว์[rān khāi neūa sat] (n, exp) EN: butcher's ; butcher's shop  FR: boucherie [ f ]
ตัน[tan] (v) EN: clog ; block ; choke ; get stuck ; stuck ; become choked; become clogged  FR: boucher
ตัน[tan] (adj) EN: blocked; stopped up ; blind ; without a future  FR: bouché ; bloqué ; sans issue
ที่เปิดไวน์[thī poēt wāi] (n) EN: cork screw  FR: tire-bouchon [ m
อุด[ut] (v) EN: plug ; stop ; block ; fill a hole ; seal ; close ; cork  FR: boucher ; obturer ; colmater
อุดหู[ut hū] (v, exp) EN: stop one's ears  FR: se boucher les oreilles
อุดจมูก[ut jamūk] (v, exp) EN: stop up one's nose  FR: se boucher le nez

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
debouch(v) march out (as from a defile) into open ground, Syn. march out
debouch(v) pass out or emerge; especially of rivers
mouthpiece(n) the aperture of a wind instrument into which the player blows directly, Syn. embouchure

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53
Bonne bouche

pl. Bonnes bouches [ F. bon, fem. bonne, good + bouche mouth. ] A delicious morsel or mouthful; a tidbit. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ ‖ } n. [ F. bouche mouth, victuals. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A mouth. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. An allowance of meat and drink for the tables of inferior officers or servants in a nobleman's palace or at court. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Bouche

v. t. Same as Bush, to line. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] Same as Bush, a lining. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. pl. [ F., morsels, mouthfuls, fr. bouche mouth. ] (Cookery) Small patties. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ After Dr. Auguste Boucherie, a French chemist, who invented the process. ] To impregnate with a preservative solution of copper sulphate, as timber, railroad ties, etc. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


‖n. [ F. ] The outward opening of a river, of a valley, or of a strait. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. [ imp. & p. p. Debouched p. pr. & vb. n. Debouching. ] [ F. déboucher; pref. dé- (L. dis- or de) + boucher to stop up, fr. bouche mouth, fr. L. bucca the cheek. Cf. Disembogue. ] To march out from a wood, defile, or other confined spot, into open ground; to issue. [ 1913 Webster ]

Battalions debouching on the plain. Prescott. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Geog.) To issue; -- said of a stream passing from a gorge out into an open valley or a plain. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


‖n. [ F. ] A place for exit; an outlet; hence, a market for goods. [ 1913 Webster ]

The débouchés were ordered widened to afford easy egress. The Century. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F., fr. emboucher to put to the mouth; pref. em- (L. in) + bouche the mouth. Cf. Embouge, Debouch. ] 1. The mouth of a river; also, the mouth of a cannon. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Mus.) (a) The mouthpiece of a wind instrument. (b) The shaping of the lips to the mouthpiece; as, a flute player has a good embouchure. [ 1913 Webster ]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
膨張(P);膨脹(P);ぼう張[ぼうちょう, bouchou] (n, vs, adj-no) expansion; swelling; increase; growth; (P) #15,153 [Add to Longdo]
消防庁[しょうぼうちょう, shoubouchou] (n) Fire and Disaster Management Agency (formerly #17,695 [Add to Longdo]
アンブシュア;アンブシュール[anbushua ; anbushu-ru] (n) embouchure (the position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrument) (fre [Add to Longdo]
ブッセ[busse] (n) bouche (fre [Add to Longdo]
隠し包丁[かくしぼうちょう, kakushibouchou] (n) (light) scoring (in cooking) [Add to Longdo]
可膨張式[かぼうちょうしき, kabouchoushiki] (n) (See 膨張式) inflatable (in the sense of "can be inflated") [Add to Longdo]
官房長[かんぼうちょう, kanbouchou] (n) Chief Cabinet Secretary [Add to Longdo]
官房長官[かんぼうちょうかん, kanbouchoukan] (n) Chief Cabinet Secretary; (P) [Add to Longdo]
御多忙中;ご多忙中[ごたぼうちゅう, gotabouchuu] (exp) (See 多忙中) in the midst of your work (often used as a formal phrase in business letters, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
国防長官[こくぼうちょうかん, kokubouchoukan] (n) Secretary of Defence (Defense) [Add to Longdo]
菜切り包丁[なきりぼうちょう, nakiribouchou] (n) nakiri bocho, var. of Japanese knife used for cutting vegetables [Add to Longdo]
裁ち庖丁[たちぼうちょう, tachibouchou] (n) tailor's knife [Add to Longdo]
朔望潮[さくぼうちょう, sakubouchou] (n) (obsc) (See 大潮) spring tide [Add to Longdo]
三徳包丁[さんとくほうちょう;さんとくぼうちょう, santokuhouchou ; santokubouchou] (n) all-purpose kitchen knife; santoku knife [Add to Longdo]
参謀長[さんぼうちょう, sanbouchou] (n) chief of staff [Add to Longdo]
刺身包丁;刺身庖丁;刺し身包丁[さしみぼうちょう, sashimibouchou] (n) sashimi knife [Add to Longdo]
死亡地[しぼうち, shibouchi] (n) place of death [Add to Longdo]
紫紺野牡丹[しこんのぼたん;シコンノボタン, shikonnobotan ; shikonnobotan] (n) princess-flower (Tibouchina urvilleana) [Add to Longdo]
自動膨張式[じどうぼうちょうしき, jidoubouchoushiki] (n) self-inflating [Add to Longdo]
出刃包丁;出刃庖丁[でばぼうちょう, debabouchou] (n) knife; pointed carver [Add to Longdo]
多忙中[たぼうちゅう, tabouchuu] (n) (See ご多忙中) being very busy; being busy at work [Add to Longdo]
通貨膨張[つうかぼうちょう, tsuukabouchou] (n) (See 通貨収縮) currency expansion; inflation of currency [Add to Longdo]
逃亡中[とうぼうちゅう, toubouchuu] (adj-no) at large; fugitive [Add to Longdo]
内閣官房長官[ないかくかんぼうちょうかん, naikakukanbouchoukan] (n) Chief Cabinet Secretary [Add to Longdo]
肉切り庖丁[にくきりぼうちょう, nikukiribouchou] (n) carving or butcher's knife [Add to Longdo]
熱膨張係数[ねつぼうちょうけいすう, netsubouchoukeisuu] (n) thermal expansion coefficient [Add to Longdo]
誹謗中傷[ひぼうちゅうしょう, hibouchuushou] (n, vs) slander; calumny [Add to Longdo]
文化包丁[ぶんかぼうちょう, bunkabouchou] (n) (See 万能包丁, 三徳包丁・さんとくほうちょう) all-purpose knife [Add to Longdo]
傍注;旁註[ぼうちゅう, bouchuu] (n) side notes; gloss [Add to Longdo]
傍註[ぼうちゅう, bouchuu] (n) marginal notes [Add to Longdo]
傍聴[ぼうちょう, bouchou] (n, vs) hearing; listening; attendance; auditing; (P) [Add to Longdo]
傍聴券[ぼうちょうけん, bouchouken] (n) admission ticket [Add to Longdo]
傍聴人[ぼうちょうにん, bouchounin] (n) hearer; auditor; audience [Add to Longdo]
傍聴随意[ぼうちょうずいい, bouchouzuii] (n) admission free [Add to Longdo]
傍聴席[ぼうちょうせき, bouchouseki] (n) visitor's gallery; seats for the public [Add to Longdo]
傍聴無料[ぼうちょうむりょう, bouchoumuryou] (n) admission free [Add to Longdo]
傍聴料[ぼうちょうりょう, bouchouryou] (n) admission fee [Add to Longdo]
忙中[ぼうちゅう, bouchuu] (n) (in the midst of) busyness [Add to Longdo]
忙中閑有り[ぼうちゅうかんあり, bouchuukan'ari] (n) find odd moments of leisure in one's busy life [Add to Longdo]
忙中有閑[ぼうちゅうゆうかん, bouchuuyuukan] (n) having free time to spare in the midst of busyness; leisure in the intervals of one's work [Add to Longdo]
房中[ぼうちゅう, bouchuu] (n) within a room [Add to Longdo]
房中術[ぼうちゅうじゅつ, bouchuujutsu] (n) ability in the bedroom; art of lovemaking [Add to Longdo]
膨張宇宙[ぼうちょううちゅう, bouchouuchuu] (n) expanding universe [Add to Longdo]
膨張剤;膨脹剤[ぼうちょうざい, bouchouzai] (n) leavening agent (such as sourdough, yeast, baking powder) [Add to Longdo]
膨張式[ぼうちょうしき, bouchoushiki] (n) inflatable (in the sense of "needs to be inflated for normal use") [Add to Longdo]
膨張度[ぼうちょうど, bouchoudo] (n) dilation (of a sound wave in acoustics) [Add to Longdo]
膨張率[ぼうちょうりつ, bouchouritsu] (n) rate of expansion [Add to Longdo]
防虫[ぼうちゅう, bouchuu] (n) pesticide [Add to Longdo]
防虫加工[ぼうちゅうかこう, bouchuukakou] (adj-no) mothproof (finish) [Add to Longdo]
防虫剤[ぼうちゅうざい, bouchuuzai] (n) insect repellent [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
傍聴[ぼうちょう, bouchou] das_Zuhoeren, das_Anhoeren [Add to Longdo]
官房長[かんぼうちょう, kanbouchou] Kanzleidirektor [Add to Longdo]
官房長官[かんぼうちょうかん, kanbouchoukan] Kanzleidirektor [Add to Longdo]
膨脹[ぼうちょう, bouchou] Ausdehnung, Expansion [Add to Longdo]


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