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ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
That's Hoffberg car!Das ist Hoffbergs Wagen! The Adventure of the Western Star (1990)
Find out next, as we uncover the mystery of the bilderbergs.Erfahren Sie gleich mehr, wenn wir das Geheimnis der Bilderbergs enthüllen. Zum Hotel... She Was Provisional (2014)
Where the bilderbergs are conducting their annual meeting.Wo die Bilderbergs... ihre Jahrestagung abhalten. She Was Provisional (2014)
Many of the activists have been following the bilderbergs for decades.Viele der Aktivisten folgen den Bilderbergs seit Jahrzenten. She Was Provisional (2014)
For all I know, this is the tip of the iceberg.Und soweit ich weiß, ist das nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Wish You Were Here (2014)
I'll have the iceberg wedge.Ich nehme den Eisbergsalat. Massacres and Matinees (2014)
A mutual friend in Werner Heisenberg's office in Berlin.Ein gemeinsamer Freund. In Werner Heisenbergs Büro in Berlin. Tangier (2014)
The man inside Heisenberg's project...Der Mann in Heisenbergs Projekt... Tangier (2014)
And this could be only the tip of the iceberg.Und das könnte nur die Spitze des Eisbergs sein. Saturday Night Massacre (2014)
The man inside Heisenberg's project... They executed him.Der Mann in Heisenbergs Projekt wurde exekutiert. Perestroika (2014)
Magpie, our man inside Werner Heisenberg's lab.Elster. Unser Mann in Werner Heisenbergs Labor. Perestroika (2014)
Maybe I should ask the den mother.Vielleicht sollte ich die Herbergsmutter mal fragen. Poor Little Lambs (2014)
...came back from Russia a week early, and he had access to pre-1952 communist archives, and he has this theory about the Rosenbergs.Er hatte Zugang zu kommunistischem Archivmaterial von vor 1952. - Seine Theorie zu den Rosenbergs... Best New Girl (2014)
Oi, the Rosenbergs.- Ach, die Rosenbergs. Best New Girl (2014)
You made me after Anna Nordberg's party last fall.Du hast mich letztes Jahr nach Anna Nordbergs Party dazu gezwungen. Thrown from the Ride (2014)
The FBI profiler has unwittingly linked our cleaner to six separate murders, but that could be just the tip of the iceberg.Der FBI-Profiler hat unwissentlich unseren Reiniger mit sechs getrennten Morden verbunden, aber das könnte nur die Spitze des Eisbergs sein. The Adventure of the Nutmeg Concoction (2014)
Bro 9, the firepower of Tiger Mountain covers five mounts and nine bunkersDie Feuerkraft des Tigerbergs erstreckt sich über 5 Hügel und 9 Bunker. The Taking of Tiger Mountain (2014)
This is the tip of the iceberg.Das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Charlie and the Lap Dance of Doom (2014)
Okay, so I've got the Henderson twins' vaccinations at 10:00 and Ms. Newberg's annual physical at noon.Okay, also ich habe die Henderson Zwillingsimpfung um 10 Uhr und Ms. Newbergs jährliche Vorsorgeuntersuchung am Mittag. HankMed on the Half Shell (2014)
No, we're usually off down on this side of the mountain.Nein, wir fahren normalerweise diese Bergseite runter. A Magic Christmas (2014)
- Pataugas, a very common model.- Bergstiefel, gewöhnliches Modell. Episode #1.1 (2014)
That's just the tip of the iceberg.Das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Heavy Is the Head (2014)
Into the rock climbing and camping and...Du stehst auf Bergsteigen und Camping und... Charlie and the Revenge of the Hot Nerd (2014)
You could be the very best, the last one at top of the mountain ...Du erreichst als Einziger die Bergspitze. The Giver (2014)
Fourteen agriculturally-perfect acres on the other side of this mountain.Ich habe die Genehmigung, dem Königreich 5 Hektar landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche auf der anderen Bergseite anzubieten. Aloha (2015)
I'm a fairly good mountain climber, but how for God's sake do you get up?Ich bin eine ganz gute Bergsteigerin, aber, mein Gott, wie kommt man da rauf? Queen of the Desert (2015)
Now, Porridge Head, did you call a hearse for the Gremlinbergs?Porridge Head, hast du einen Leichenwagen für die Gremlinbergs bestellt? Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
The lake behind the sanatorium supplies it with water.Das Gebäude hat eine unabhängige Wasserver- sorgung aus dem Bergsee hinter dem Sanatorium. Villmark 2 (2015)
But it comes straight down from that lake.Kommt das nicht in Leitungen aus dem Bergsee da oben? Villmark 2 (2015)
Why does he take so many pictures up by that lake?Warum macht er so viele Fotos da oben am Bergsee? Villmark 2 (2015)
So Rob and Harold and Mike will tell you all sorts of stuff about mountaineering, but from a medical standpoint getting you to the top of Everest is really about oxygen.Harold und Mike werden euch einiges übers Bergsteigen erzählen. Aber vom medizinischen Standpunkt ist jede Besteigung des Everest in erster Linie eine Frage des Sauerstoffs. Everest (2015)
I've seen hypoxic climbers rip off all their clothes at 8, 000 meters because they're feeling hot.Ich sah hypoxische Bergsteiger sich auf 8000 m die Kleider runterreißen, weil ihnen heiß war. Everest (2015)
Oh, you know. Blonde hair, nice smile, perfect height-to-weight ratio, she's gonna be a great climber.Na, blonde Haare, hübsches Lächeln, perfekter Body-Mass-Index, sie wird eine tolle Bergsteigerin. Everest (2015)
When you sit down, you want everything to be the "Back to the Future" screenplay.Comedian, ABC's "The Goldbergs" Man will, dass alles wie bei Zurück in die Zukunft ist. Back in Time (2015)
David Cronenberg's toilet.David Cronenbergs Toilette. No Way Jose (2015)
Judging from your outfit I'd say scale a mountain?Deinem Outfit nach zu schließen, würde ich sagen: Bergsteigen gehen? Sleeping with Other People (2015)
What about the Rosenbergs?Und die Rosenbergs? Was? Trumbo (2015)
- The Rosenberg was traitor.Die Rosenbergs waren Verräter. Bridge of Spies (2015)
She's in Feinberg's office.Sie arbeitet in Feinbergs Büro. The Runner (2015)
Let's climb again.Lass uns wieder bergsteigen. Our Little Sister (2015)
Do you want to climb mountains again?Möchtest du wieder bergsteigen? Our Little Sister (2015)
And that's Henning Bergstrom.Und das ist Henning Bergstrom. Episode #1.7 (2015)
I told you he was going to slow us down. Kawan friends my mountain climber ..Liebe Bergsteigerkollegen, ähm, wie wär's mit einer kurzen Pause? All Creatures Big and Small (2015)
This facility is just the tip of the iceberg, a test bed for technology.Vice ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Ein Prüfstand für die Technologie. Vice (2015)
Sara... I think, Von Sternberg's walking stick was just like this.Was meinst du, Sara, ob von Sternbergs Stock wohl so ähnlich ausgesehen hat? Eva Braun (2015)
Well, beats chugging up those Afghan mountain roads in the MRAPs, - don't you think, Jake?Das ist besser, als in MRAPs afghanische Bergstraßen hochzutuckern, was, Jake? The Marine 4: Moving Target (2015)
That's just the beginning.Das ist die Spitze des Eisbergs. The Marine 4: Moving Target (2015)
Those few soldiers back in the glen were taking MacQuarrie to the sherriff's court in beauly.Die paar Mann in der Bergschlucht bringen MacQuarrie nach Beauly. The Search (2015)
I think it means Bertie's passed Dr. Zinberg's initial test.D.h. sicher, dass Bertie Dr. Zinbergs Test bestanden hat. Wonderful Surprises (2015)
We're delivering Aleksander Dover to the apartment at Lundbergsgatan 7.Wir bringen Aleksander Dover zum Apartment Lundbergsgatan 7. Episode #3.1 (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
bergsA north wind blows, obviously off the icebergs.
bergsIcebergs had been grounded on the beach.

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
bergson(n) French philosopher who proposed elan vital as the cause of evolution and development (1859-1941), Syn. Henri Bergson, Henri Louis Bergson

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. [ G., lit., mountain gap. ] (Phys. Geog.) The crevasse or series of crevasses, usually deep and often broad, frequently occurring near the head of a mountain glacier, about where the névé field joins the valley portion of the glacier. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


‖n. [ G., lit., mountain stick. ] A long pole with a spike at the end, used in climbing mountains; an alpenstock. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Abseilen { n } (Bergsteigen)abseil [Add to Longdo]
Bergschlucht { f }; schmales, enges Tal | Bergschluchten { pl }glen | glens [Add to Longdo]
Bergschlucht { f } | Bergschluchten { pl }gulch | gulches [Add to Longdo]
Bergschuh { m }climbing boot; mountaineering boot [Add to Longdo]
Bergschuh { m }; Wanderschuh { m }hiking shoe [Add to Longdo]
Bergschuhe { pl }; Wanderschuhe { pl }alpine boots [Add to Longdo]
(kleiner) Bergsee { m }tarn [Add to Longdo]
Bergspitze { f }hilltop [Add to Longdo]
Bergspitze { f }mountain peak [Add to Longdo]
Bergspitze { f }mountaintop [Add to Longdo]
Bergsteigen { n }; Bergsteigerei { f }mountaineering [Add to Longdo]
Bergsteiger { m }; Bergsteigerin { f }mountaineer; climber [Add to Longdo]
Bergstraße { f }mountain road [Add to Longdo]
Eisberg { m } | Eisberge { pl } | (kleiner) Eisbergiceberg; berg | icebergs; bergs | growler [Add to Longdo]
Jugendherbergsausweis { m }youth hostelling card; YHA card [Add to Longdo]
Jugendherbergsverband { m }Youth Hostel Association; YHA [Add to Longdo]
Klettern { n }; Bergsteigen { n }climbing [Add to Longdo]
queren (Hang; Bergsteigen; Skifahren)to traverse [Add to Longdo]
Bergschlangenweihe { f } [ ornith. ]Kinabalu Serpent Eagle [Add to Longdo]
Bergstrandläufer { m } [ ornith. ]Western Sandpiper [Add to Longdo]
Bergsittich { m } [ ornith. ]Regent Parrot [Add to Longdo]
Bergschwalm { m } [ ornith. ]Mountain Owlet-Nightjar [Add to Longdo]
Archboldbergschwalm { m } [ ornith. ]Eastern Mountain Owlet-Nightjar [Add to Longdo]
Bergsalangane { f } [ ornith. ]Mountain Swiftlet [Add to Longdo]
Bergsegler { m } [ ornith. ]White-tipped Swift [Add to Longdo]
Bergspint { m } [ ornith. ]Cinnamon-chested Bee Eater [Add to Longdo]
Bergstachelschwanz { m } [ ornith. ]Ruddy Treerunner [Add to Longdo]
Bergspottdrossel { f } [ ornith. ]Sage Thrasher [Add to Longdo]
Bergsteinschmätzer { m } [ ornith. ]Mountain Wheatear [Add to Longdo]
Bergschneidervogel { m } [ ornith. ]Mountain Tailor Bird [Add to Longdo]
Bergsericornis [ ornith. ]Large Mountain Sericornis [Add to Longdo]
Bergspinnenjäger { m } [ ornith. ]Whitehead's Spiderhunter [Add to Longdo]
Bergschilffink { m } [ ornith. ]Alpine Mannikin [Add to Longdo]
Weinbergschnecke { f } [ zool. ]edible snail [Add to Longdo]
DJH : Deutsches JugendherbergswerkGerman Youth Hostel Association [Add to Longdo]
Jugendherbergsverband { m }YHA : Youth Hostel Association [Add to Longdo]
Internationaler JugendherbergsverbandIYHF : International Youth Hostel Federation [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
シュルント[shurunto] (n) (See ベルクシュルント) schrund (crevasse, esp. a bergschrund, a crevasse near the head of a glacier) (ger [Add to Longdo]
ベルクシュルント[berukushurunto] (n) bergschrund (crevasse near the head of a glacier) (ger [Add to Longdo]
創造的進化[そうぞうてきしんか, souzoutekishinka] (n, vs) creative evolution (as proposed by Henri Bergson) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
山岳部[さんがくぶ, sangakubu] Bergsteiger_Club [Add to Longdo]
山峡[さんきょう, sankyou] Bergschlucht [Add to Longdo]
山男[やまおとこ, yamaotoko] Bergbewohner, Bergsteiger [Add to Longdo]
[たけ, take] -Berg, Bergspitze [Add to Longdo]
幽谷[ゆうこく, yuukoku] tiefe_Bergschlucht, enges_Tal [Add to Longdo]
登山[とざん, tozan] das_Bergsteigen [Add to Longdo]


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