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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: agua, -agua-
Possible hiragana form: あぐあ
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
jaguar(n) เสือจากัวร์, See also: สัตว์ตระกูลเสืออยู่ในเขตร้อนของทวีปอเมริกา, Syn. Panthera onca
Managua(n) เมืองหลวงของนิคารากัว
Paraguay(n) ปารากวัย
Paraguay(n) ประเทศปารากวัย
Nicaragua(n) นิคารากัว
Nicaragua(n) ประเทศนิคารากัว
Nicaraguan(n) ชาวนิคารากัว

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
aconcagua(อาคองคา' กัว) ชื่อภูเขาในอาเยนตินา
jaguar(แจก'วาร์) n. เสือจากัว
jaguarundin. แมวอเมริการ่างยาวขาสั้น
paraguay(แพ'ระเกว, -ไกว) n. ชื่อประเทศในภาคกลางของอเมริกาใต้, See also: Paraguayan adj., n.

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
jaguar(n) เสือแผ้ว, เสือจากัวร์

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Art, Nicaraguanศิลปะนิการากัว [TU Subject Heading]
Art, Paraguayanศิลปะปารากวัย [TU Subject Heading]
Arts, Nicaraguanศิลปกรรมนิการากัว [TU Subject Heading]
Arts, Paraguayanศิลปกรรมปารากวัย [TU Subject Heading]
Bufo Aguaคางคกชนิดใหญ่ [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Jaguar.- Jaguar. A Zed & Two Noughts (1985)
What, he's not in Nicaragua?Ist er nicht in Nicaragua? Er schickt keine Berichte mehr. Echo (2014)
Someone blew up a Jaguar the other day.Jemand hat kürzlich einen Jaguar hochgejagt. The Grand Experiment (2014)
What the hell do you want me to do?- Nach Paraguay verschwinden oder so was? Alles, außer mich festhalten! Ladybird Ladybird (1994)
There are rumors that he is in Paraguay.- Man vermutet, in Paraguay. Labyrinth of Lies (2014)
And while you're thinking about it, if you have the surgery in Nicaragua during monsoon season, I can practically guarantee your death.Und während du drüber nachdenkst... solltest du die Operation in Nicaragua während der Regenzeit machen lassen, kann ich deinen Tod quasi garantieren. The Septum Deviation (2014)
I have a thing about Jaguars.Ich stehe auf Jaguar. New York Kids (2014)
I've seen a similar growth pattern on willow-leaf petunias while investigating a killing field in Nicaragua. Blood.Ich habe ein ähnliches Wachstumsmuster an Weidenblatt-Petunien gesehen während der Untersuchung eines Schlachtfeldes in Nicaragua. The Mutilation of the Master Manipulator (2014)
His hedge fund has more assets under management than Nicaragua.Sein Hedgefond hat mehr zu verwaltendes Kapital als Nicaragua. Ganging Up (2014)
- I don't know, the house, the Jag...Na ja, zu dem Haus, dem Jaguar. - Und der Ehefrau? Careful What You Wish For (2015)
I wonder, did I leave it in the Jag?Ich überlege... Liegt sie vielleicht im Jaguar? The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
- It's how they have it in Paraguay, - it's called tereré.So trinkt man tereré in Paraguay. Opening Night (2014)
Agua?Agua? The Ridiculous 6 (2015)
By the way, I found this in the Jag.Übrigens, das da lag im Jaguar. Vaincre sans combattre? (2015)
Just south of Inagua.Südlich von Inagua. XVIII. (2015)
Yeah, according to the records, you made stops in Cuba and Nicaragua.Laut Unterlagen machtest du Zwischenstopps in Kuba und Nicaragua. The Palace in Flames (2015)
Using Cuba and Nicaragua as refueling stops for coke shipments, that's treason and trafficking.Kuba und Nicaragua als Tankstopps für Kokainlieferungen? Landesverrat und Drogenhandel. The Palace in Flames (2015)
What Barry had was a picture of Escobar loading cocaine on a tarmac in Nicaragua.Was Barry hatte, war ein Foto von Escobar, beim Verladen von Kokain auf der Rollbahn von Nicaragua. The Palace in Flames (2015)
'Cause at the time, Nicaragua was governed by the communist Sandinistas, who were letting Escobar use their country as a landing strip for cocaine shipments to the US.Nicaragua wurde damals von kommunistischen Sandinisten regiert, die Escobar ihr Land als Rollbahn für Kokainlieferungen in die USA benutzen ließen. The Palace in Flames (2015)
I know every American parent concerned about the drug problem will be outraged to learn that top Nicaraguan government officials are deeply involved in drug trafficking.Alle Eltern, die wegen des Drogenproblems besorgt sind, werden schockiert sein zu erfahren, dass hohe nicaraguanische Regierungsbeamte tief in den Drogenhandel verstrickt sind. The Palace in Flames (2015)
This picture shows Federico Vaughan, a top aide to one of the nine comandantes who rule Nicaragua, loading an aircraft with illegal narcotics bound for the United States.Dieses Foto zeigt Federico Vaughan, Berater von einem der neun Comandantes, die Nicaragua regieren, wie er illegale Drogen in ein Flugzeug lädt, das in die USA fliegt. The Palace in Flames (2015)
" The Jaguars and the Eagles.Die Jaguars gegen die Eagles. Concussion (2015)
But, you know, I'd be thinking about a Jag so, you know...Aber in letzter Zeit denke ich öfter an einen Jaguar, darum... Stealing Cars (2015)
You'll be living on Philly Main Line adjacent and driving a Jag.Du wirst nahe der Philly Main Line wohnen und einen Jaguar fahren. Stealing Cars (2015)
Laguardia.LaGuardia. F.U.B.A.R. (2015)
My shipping company, they use Nicaragua as a shortcut to the West Coast and the Orient and back.Meine Reederei nutzt Nicaragua als Abkürzung zur Westküste und zum Orient. Do You Remember Moon Flower? (2015)
- Look alive! Here we go, Jaguars!- Weiter so, Jaguars! Part 4 (2015)
- Come on, Jaguars!- Los, Jaguars! Part 4 (2015)
Here we go, Jaguars!Los geht's, Jaguars! Part 4 (2015)
So how's he going in the old Jaguar tail department?Hat unser Jaguar denn schon eine heiße Mieze am Start? Part 4 (2015)
- Jaguar what?- Was für ein Jaguar? Part 4 (2015)
♪ Pinot Noir, mid-sized car ♪ - ♪ Pinot Noir, tiki bar ♪Peeno Noir, Jaguar Peeno Noir, Tiki... Kimmy Goes to School! (2015)
♪ Mid-sized car ♪Jaguar Kimmy Goes to School! (2015)
- You know the jaguar that's stalking him? - Yeah.Weißt du von dem Jaguar, der ihn verfolgt? The Spelling Bee (2015)
You know, I purchased a Kurt Cobain Jaguar from a collector with my first advance money.Weißt du, ich habe mir von meinem ersten Vorschuss eine Kurt Cobain Jaguar von einem Sammler gekauft. Patriot Brains (2015)
The Nicaraguans are very happy about the Boland Amendment.Die Nicaraguaner sind sehr zufrieden mit dem Boland-Amendment. Salang Pass (2015)
Suddenly you care about us too? I know. What's next, Fuhr langsam durch die Gegend, wollte dass man ihn sieht, fuhr 'n richtig schickes Auto, einen Jaguar. (Please Let Me Love You And) It Won't Be Wrong (2015)
That is the most mack daddy jaguar-and-space-shuttle mural I've ever seen.Das ist das größte Mack-Daddy-Jaguar-Weltraum-Wandbild, das ich je gesehen habe. In the Trenches (2015)
Mexico, Nicaragua, what?Mexico, Nicaragua, oder was? The Octopus (2015)
She thought some guy in a white Jaguar was following her.Sie dachte, ein Typ in einem weißen Jaguar folgte ihr. Seed Money (2015)
We took the Jag.Wir fuhren mit dem Jaguar. Seed Money (2015)
A commuter flight from LaGuardia to Burlington, Vermont that crashed last year. 80 people were killed.Ein Pendler Flug von LaGuardia nach Burlington, Vermont, der im vergangenen Jahr abgestürzt ist. When Your Number's Up (2015)
This is a $5, 000 watch. From the U.S. ambassador to Paraguay.Das ist eine $5.000-Uhr, vom US-Botschafter in Paraguay. Going South (2015)
from Bolivia, from Paraguay, from Chile, from Peru, from Venezuela, from... where is "Hai Lai?"Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Venezuela... Wo ist Hailey? Stern Papa (2015)
And then there's this whole section about the Nagual.Und dann gibt es noch einen ganzen Abschnitt über die Nagual. Parasomnia (2015)
Maya hernandez, an accountant For the violent nicaraguan criminal organization Known as the dl, was shot at yesterdayMaya Hernandez, eine Buchhalterin der gewalttätigen nicaraguanischen kriminellen Vereinigung DL, wurde gestern zum Gericht überführt und beinahe erschossen. Crossroads (2015)
The dl crept up from nicaragua in the '80s. Started out in carting, trucking. Small-timers who did little more than rigged bids to get jobs.Die DL begann in Nicaragua in den 80er Jahren, sie waren eine Spedition, die für Jobs Bietverfahren manipulierte. Crossroads (2015)
He was part of operation harwood, a covert surveillance unit. Run out of managua to keep tabs on the sandinistas.Er war Teil von Operation Harwood, eine geheime Überwachungseinheit in Managua, um die Sandinisten zu kontrollieren. Leonard Caul (No. 62) (2015)
The next flight to LaGuardia leaves in five hours.Der nächste Flug nach LaGuardia ist in fünf Stunden. Nashville (2015)
Crossbred with a jaguar, they're called Bengal cats.Eine Kreuzung mit einem Jaguar. Das heißt Bengalkatze. Me, Myself & Her (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
aguaMs Jaguar offered Mr Clinton the position because she had faith in his capabilities.
aguaShe called the kitten "jaguar".

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
นิการากัว[Nikārākūa] (n, prop) EN: Nicaragua  FR: Nicaragua [ m ]
ประเทศนิการากัว[Prathēt Nikārākūa] (n, prop) EN: Nicaragua  FR: Nicaragua [ m ]
สาธารณรัฐนิการากัว[Sāthāranarat Nikārākūa] (n, prop) EN: Republic of Nicaragua   FR: République du Nicaragua [ f ]
เสือจากัว[seūa jākūa] (n) EN: jaguar  FR: jaguar [ m ]
ตาเบเหลือง[tābē leūang] (n, exp) EN: Silver trumpet tree ; Tree of gold ; Paraguayan silver trumpet tree

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Aconcagua(n) the highest mountain in the western hemisphere; located in the Andes in western Argentina (22, 834 feet high)
agua(n) largest known toad species; native to Central America; valuable destroyer of insect pests, Syn. Bufo marinus, agua toad
Araguaia(n) a river in central Brazil that flows generally northward (with many falls) to join the Tocantins River, Syn. Araguaia River, Araguaya River, Araguaya
jaguar(n) a large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard; in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis, Syn. Felis onca, Panthera onca, panther
jaguarundi(n) long-bodied long-tailed tropical American wildcat, Syn. jaguarondi, Felis yagouaroundi, eyra, jaguarundi cat
Managua(n) the capital and largest city of Nicaragua, Syn. capital of Nicaragua, Nicaraguan capital
Nicaragua(n) a republic in Central America; achieved independence from Spain in 1821, Syn. Republic of Nicaragua
Nicaraguan(n) a native or inhabitant of Nicaragua
Nicaraguan(adj) of or relating to Nicaragua or is people
Paraguay(n) a landlocked republic in south central South America; achieved independence from Spain in 1811, Syn. Republic of Paraguay
Paraguayan(n) a native or inhabitant of Paraguay
Paraguayan(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Paraguay or its people
saguaro(n) extremely large treelike cactus of desert regions of southwestern United States having a thick columnar sparsely branched trunk bearing white flowers and edible red pulpy fruit, Syn. sahuaro, Carnegiea gigantea
taguan(n) East Indian flying squirrel, Syn. Petaurista petaurista, flying marmot, flying cat
Asuncion(n) the capital and chief port of Paraguay, Syn. capital of Paraguay
avocado(n) a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed, Syn. alligator pear, aguacate, avocado pear
mahoe(n) shrubby tree widely distributed along tropical shores; yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and caulk; often cultivated for ornament, Syn. purau, mahagua, balibago, Hibiscus tiliaceus, majagua
mate(n) South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea, Syn. Ilex paraguariensis, Paraguay tea

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n. [ Sp., contr. of agua ardiente burning water (L. aqua water + ardens burning). ] 1. A inferior brandy of Spain and Portugal. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A strong alcoholic drink, especially pulque. [ Mexico and Spanish America. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ Native name. ] (Zool.) A South American monkey, the ursine howler (Mycetes ursinus). See Howler, n., 2. [ 1913 Webster ]

Jagua palm

[ Sp. jagua the fruit of the jagua palm. ] (Bot.) A great Brazilian palm (Maximiliana regia), having immense spathes which are used for baskets and tubs. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Braz. yagoára: cf. & Pg. jaguar. ] (Zool.) A large and powerful feline animal (Panthera onca, formerly Felis onca), ranging from Texas and Mexico to Patagonia. It is usually brownish yellow, with large, dark, somewhat angular rings, each generally inclosing one or two dark spots. It is chiefly arboreal in its habits. It is also called the panther and the American tiger. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]


‖n. [ Native name. ] (Zool.) A South American wild cat (Felis jaguarondi), having a long, slim body and very short legs. Its color is grayish brown, varied with a blackish hue. It is arboreal in its habits and feeds mostly on birds. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) The colugo. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ From native name: cf. Pg. magoari. ] (Zool.) A South American stork (Euxenara maguari), having a forked tail. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. A shrubby tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus) widely distributed along tropical shores, which yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and caulk; it is often cultivated for ornament.
Syn. -- mahoe, mahagua, balibago, purau, Hibiscus tiliaceus. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. An erect forest tree (Hibiscus elatus) of Cuba and Jamaica having variably hairy leaves and orange-yellow or orange-red flowers; it yields a moderately dense timber for cabinetwork and gunstocks.
Syn. -- Cuban bast, blue mahoe, mahoe, mahagua, Hibiscus elatus. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


‖n. (Zool.) The laughing falcon. See under laughing. [ 1913 Webster ]


prop. adj. 1. of or pertaining to Nicaragua; as, Nicaraguan earthquakes. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

2. Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Nicaragua; as, Nicaraguan orphans. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


prop. n. A native or inhabitant of Nicaragua. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Nicaragua wood

Brazil wood. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Of or pertaining to Paraguay. -- n. A native or inhabitant of Paraguay. [ 1913 Webster ]

Paraguay tea

See Mate, the leaf of the Brazilian holly. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See Pirogue. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. See Pirogue. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ From the native name in the East Indies. ] (Zool.) A large flying squirrel (Pteromys petuarista). Its body becomes two feet long, with a large bushy tail nearly as long. [ 1913 Webster ]

[ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) Same as Jaguarondi. [ Written also yaguarondi, and yagouarondi. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
巴拉圭[Bā lā guī, ㄅㄚ ㄌㄚ ㄍㄨㄟ,   ] Paraguay #30,626 [Add to Longdo]
尼加拉瓜[Ní jiā lā guā, ㄋㄧˊ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄌㄚ ㄍㄨㄚ,    ] Nicaragua #39,894 [Add to Longdo]
美洲虎[Měi zhōu hǔ, ㄇㄟˇ ㄓㄡ ㄏㄨˇ,   ] jaguar #68,533 [Add to Longdo]
马关[Mǎ guān, ㄇㄚˇ ㄍㄨㄢ,   /  ] (N) Maguan (place in Yunnan) #96,284 [Add to Longdo]
八卦掌[bā guà zhǎng, ㄅㄚ ㄍㄨㄚˋ ㄓㄤˇ,   ] baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing) #104,975 [Add to Longdo]
亚松森[Yà sōng sēn, ㄧㄚˋ ㄙㄨㄥ ㄙㄣ,    /   ] Asunción (capital of Paraguay) #121,751 [Add to Longdo]
亚松森[yà sōng sēn, ㄧㄚˋ ㄙㄨㄥ ㄙㄣ,    /   ] Asuncion (capital of Paraguay) #121,751 [Add to Longdo]
张华光[Zhāng Huá guāng, ㄓㄤ ㄏㄨㄚˊ ㄍㄨㄤ,    /   ] Zhang Huaguang (person name) #1,027,444 [Add to Longdo]
八卦拳[bā guà quán, ㄅㄚ ㄍㄨㄚˋ ㄑㄩㄢˊ,   ] baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing) [Add to Longdo]
阿空加瓜[Ā kōng jiā guā, ㄚ ㄎㄨㄥ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄍㄨㄚ,    ] Cerro Aconcagua, mountain in the Americas [Add to Longdo]
阿空加瓜山[Ā kōng jiā guā shān, ㄚ ㄎㄨㄥ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄍㄨㄚ ㄕㄢ,     ] Cerro Aconcagua, mountain in the Americas [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Jaguar { m }jaguar [Add to Longdo]
Caucaguan { m } [ ornith. ]Cauca Guan [Add to Longdo]
Maguaristorch { m } [ ornith. ]Maguari Stork [Add to Longdo]
Verraguataube { f } [ ornith. ]Olive-backed Quail Dove [Add to Longdo]
Veraguasittich { m } [ ornith. ]Finsch's Conure [Add to Longdo]
Veraguamango { m } [ ornith. ]Veraguas Mango [Add to Longdo]
Nicaraguareisknacker { m } [ ornith. ]Nicaraguan Seed Finch [Add to Longdo]
Nicaraguagrackel [ ornith. ]Nicaraguan Grackle [Add to Longdo]
Nikaragua; Nicaragua [ geogr. ]Nicaragua (ni) [Add to Longdo]
Paraguay [ geogr. ]Paraguay (py) [Add to Longdo]
Nikaraguaner { m }; Nicaraguaner { m }; Nikaraguanerin { f }; Nicaraguanerin { f }Nicaraguan [Add to Longdo]
nikaraguanisch; nicaraguanisch { adj }Nicaraguan [Add to Longdo]
Paraguayer { m }; Paraguayerin { f }Paraguayan [Add to Longdo]
paraguayisch { adj }Paraguayan [Add to Longdo]
Asunción (Hauptstadt von Paraguay)Asunción (capital of Paraguay) [Add to Longdo]
Managua (Hauptstadt von Nicaragua)Managua (capital of Nicaragua) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
ジャガー[jaga-] (n) jaguar; (P) #10,166 [Add to Longdo]
ニカラグア(P);ニカラグワ[nikaragua (P); nikaraguwa] (n) Nicaragua; (P) #14,951 [Add to Longdo]
そんな具合に[そんなぐあいに, sonnaguaini] (exp) in that manner [Add to Longdo]
アメリカ豹[アメリカひょう, amerika hyou] (n) jaguar [Add to Longdo]
ジャガーシーティーエス[jaga-shi-tei-esu] (n) { comp } JaguarCTS [Add to Longdo]
ジャガーネコ[jaga-neko] (n) oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus); little spotted cat; tigrillo; cunaguaro; tiger cat [Add to Longdo]
スタティックプラグアンドプレイ[sutateikkupuraguandopurei] (n) { comp } static plug and play [Add to Longdo]
スルファグアニジン[surufaguanijin] (n) sulfaguanidine [Add to Longdo]
ダグアウト;ダッグアウト[daguauto ; dagguauto] (n) dugout [Add to Longdo]
ヒョウ属[ヒョウぞく, hyou zoku] (n) Panthera (genus of the cat family Felidae containing tigers, lions, jaguars, and leopards) [Add to Longdo]
プラグ&プレー[プラグアンドプレー, puraguandopure-] (n) { comp } plug and play [Add to Longdo]
プラグアンドプレイ[puraguandopurei] (n) { comp } plug and play [Add to Longdo]
プラグアンドプレイBIOS[プラグアンドプレイバイオス, puraguandopureibaiosu] (n) { comp } plug and play BIOS [Add to Longdo]
腹具合[はらぐあい, haraguai] (n) condition of one's stomach [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
スタティックプラグアンドプレイ[すたていっくぷらぐあんどぷれい, sutateikkupuraguandopurei] static plug and play [Add to Longdo]
プラグ&プレー[プラグアンドプレー, puraguandopure-] plug and play [Add to Longdo]
プラグアンドプレイ[ぷらぐあんどぷれい, puraguandopurei] plug and play [Add to Longdo]
ジャガーシーティーエス[じゃがーしーていーえす, jaga-shi-tei-esu] JaguarCTS [Add to Longdo]


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